Three Great Divine Revelations

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Overview and Comparison

(Revelations of Swedenborg)

(Revelations of Lorber)

Mexican Revelations

The Divine Love

The Third Testament

Part 1 - Second Coming

Part 2 - First + Second Era

Part 3 - Christian Church

Part 4 - Law + Love of God

Part 5 - Revelation-Forms

Part 6 - Creation

Part 7 - Evolutionary Road

Part 8 - Human Beings

Part 9 - Divine Wisdom

Part 10 - Materialism

Part 11 - Humanity

Part 12 - Judgement+Purifi.

Part 13 - Transformation

Part 14 - Missionary Calling

Part 15 - Exhortations

Part 16 - Prophecies

The Book of True Life

The Divine Tenderness

Literature and Websites


Site Notice

The Third Testament - Part 2

Retrospection of the First and Second Revelations

Chapter 9 –   Stories and Personages of the People of Israel

The Story of Original Sin

Free Will and Original Sin

The Flood

The Unselfishness of Abraham

The Ladder to Heaven in Jacob's Dream

Joseph and his Brothers

The People of Israels Pilgrimage with Moses through the Desert

The Struggle of Elijah for the True God

The Twelve Tribes of Israel

The Prophets and First Kings of Israel

Chapter 10 – When the Time Came


The Waiting of the Jewish People for the Messiah

Mary, the earthly Mother of Jesus

The Adoration of the Baby Jesus

The Bond of Love between Jesus and Mary

The Wisdom of Jesus

The Incomprehension of the People of Nazareth

Chapter 11 – The Work of Jesus on Earth

The Baptism in the Jordan; the Time of Preparation in the Desert

The Unity of Jesus Christ with God

The Rejection of Jesus as the awaited Messiah

Jesus as the Guest of Salvation among the Humble People

Jesus the Tireless Preacher

The Love of Jesus for Children and Nature

The Doctrine of Jesus

The "Miracles" of Jesus

The Adulteress

Mary Magdalene

Nicodemus and the Question of Reincarnation

The Transfiguration of Jesus

Lack of Courage to Commit Oneself

The Harassment of Jesus

Proclamation of His Parting

The Entry of Jesus into Jerusalem

The Last Supper

Chapter 12 – The Passion, Death, and Resurrection

Efforts and Suffering throughout the Life of Jesus

The Betrayal by Judas

The Passion of Jesus

The Saving Action of Jesus in the Worlds Beyond

The Appearance of Jesus after the Resurrection

Chapter 13 – Mission and Significance of Jesus and His Apostles

Correction of the Old Concept of God, and False Traditions

The Example of Jesus

The Importance of the Doctrine of Jesus

The Summoning, Learning, and Trials of the Apostles of Jesus

John the Apostle

The Apostles Peter and Paul

The Example of the Apostles

The Expansion of Christianity


Chapter 9
Stories and Personages of the People of Israel

The Story of Original Sin

1. The story of the first men that inhabited earth was passed from generation to generation until it was written down in the Book of the First Era. It is a living parable about those first beings that populated the earth. Their purity and innocence permitted them to feel the caress of Mother Nature, a warmth of friendship existed between all beings, and complete brotherhood between all creatures.

2. In a Divine parable, I inspired the first men to begin to have knowledge of their destiny, but the meaning of My revelations was poorly interpreted.

3. When you were told of the tree of life, of the knowledge of Good and Evil, of which man ate, I only wished to make you understand that when man comes to have sufficient knowledge to distinguish between the just and unjust, and began to be responsible for his acts, from that time He began to gather the fruits of his works.

4. You know that God said to men: "Grow, multiply, and replenish the earth." That was the initial law that you were given. Oh, people! Later, the Father would not ask men only to multiply, and that the species continue to grow, but rather that their sentiments are ever more elevated, and that their spirits begin a broad development and unfolding. Moreover, if the first law were that of the propagation of the human race, how can you conceive of the Father applying sanctions for obeying and fulfilling His mandate? People, is it possible that such a contradiction could exist in your God?

5. Look at what material interpretation men gave to a parable that spoke only of the awakening of the spirit in man; therefore, analyze My teaching, and do not say any more that you are paying the debt the first inhabitants acquired for disobedience to your Father. Have a more elevated idea of Divine justice. (105, 45-46)

6. This is the time in which you can understand Me when I tell you: Grow and multiply, and replenish the Universe with your good works and elevated thoughts. I welcome all who wish to come to Me, to all who seek perfection. (150, 48-49)

Free Will and Original Sin

7. You say to Me that because of the freedom of will you have fallen into faults and errors. I also say that through that gift you can infinitely elevate yourselves beyond the point from which you departed in the beginning of your elevation.

8. In addition to the freedom of will I endowed each spirit with My light in its conscience so that no one would be lost, but those who did not want to hear My voice or did not want to penetrate into their innermost in search of the spiritual light, were quickly tempted by the countless beauties of the human existence, they lost the support of My Law for their spirit and they had to stumble and fall.

9. Just one fault brought many painful consequences and the fact is that imperfection does not harmonize with the Divine love.

10. Those who yielded and repented returned immediately to the Father and humbly asked Him to cleanse and liberate them from their sins committed, the Father received with infinite love and charity, He comforted their spirit, He sent them to correct their faults and strengthened them in their mission.

11. "Do not think that everyone returned meek and repentant after the first disobedience. No, many arrived filled with arrogance or hate. Others, with shame, realizing their guilt, tried to justify their faults before Me, and far from purifying themselves through repentance and atonement, which is proof of humility, they chose to create for themselves a life of their own choosing; outside of the laws which My love dictates".

12. Then My justice manifested itself, not to punish, but to correct them, not to destroy, but to preserve them eternally, providing them with an ample opportunity to perfect themselves.

13. How many of those first sinners, still have not rid themselves of their blemishes, because fall after fall, they kept descending more and more into the depths of an abyss, from which only the practice of My Law can save them. (20, 40-46)

The Flood

14. In the earliest times of humanity, there was innocence and simplicity in men, but as they multiplied, due to their evolution and their free will, their sins also continued to grow; and rather than their virtues, it was their frailty before My Law that developed faster.

15. It was then that I prepared Noah by communicating with him from Spirit to spirit because I established this type of communication with mankind when man first came to dwell on earth.

16. I said to Noah: "I will send a great flood to earth to purify the spirit of man of all his sins. Build on ark, and tell your children, their wives, and your grandchildren to go inside the ark". Also place a pair of animals from each specie on earth inside the ark.

17. Noah was obedient to My command, and the cataclysm arrived in fulfillment of My word. The bad seed was pulled up by its roots, and the good seed conserved in My granaries, with which I formed a new humanity that bore within it the light of My justice, and knew how to comply with My Law and live practicing good customs.

18. Perhaps do you believe that those individuals who suffered painful deaths perished both physically and spiritually? Truly I tell you, My children, they did not. Those spirits were saved by Me, and they awoke before the judge of their own conscience. They then were prepared to return once again to the path of life in order to progress spiritually. (302, 14-16)

The Unselfishness of Abraham

19. It will not always be necessary for you to drain the cup of bitterness. It will be enough for Me to see your faith, your obedience, your purpose and intentions to obey My commandments, for Me to free you from the most difficult moments of your trials.

20. Remember that Abraham was asked for the life of his son, Isaac, who He loved much; and that the patriarch, overcoming his pain and the love He felt for his child, prepared himself to sacrifice him as a proof of obedience, faith, love, and humility that you cannot yet understand. But He was not permitted to consummate the sacrifice of his son, because already in the depths of his heart He had proven his obedience to the Divine Will, and that was enough. Oh, how great was the rejoicing of Abraham when his hand was held back by a greater force, preventing him from sacrificing Isaac. Oh, how He blessed the name of his Lord and marveled at his wisdom! (308, 11)

21. In Abraham and his son Isaac, I gave you an image of what would be the sacrifice of the Redeemer, when He put the love that Abraham professed for Me to the test, asking of him that He sacrifice his son, his beloved Isaac, by his own hand.

22. In that act, if you know how to meditate upon it, you will find a similarity to what later was the sacrifice of My Only Son for the salvation of the world.

23. Abraham was the representation of God, and Isaac the image of Jesus; at that moment the patriarch thought that if the Lord asked him for the life of his son, it was so that the blood of the innocent might wash away the failings of the people; and despite loving deeply He who was the flesh of his flesh, obedience to God, and charity and love for his people were stronger in him than the life of his beloved son.

24. The obedient Abraham was about to unleash the mortal blow at his son, but at the moment when, wracked with anguish, He raised his arm to sacrifice him, My power stopped him, ordering him to sacrifice a lamb in place of his son, so that this symbol would remain as a testimony to love and obedience. (119, 18-19)

The Ladder to Heaven in Jacob's Dream

25. Do you know what meaning is contained in the ladder that Jacob beheld in his dreams? That ladder represents the life and evolution of the spirits.

26. The body of Jacob slept at the moment of revelation, but his spirit was awake. He had ascended towards the Father, seeking prayer as the means, and upon entering into the regions of light, He came to receive a celestial message that would remain as a testament of revelations and spiritual truths for his people, which is all humanity, for Israel is not a material, but a spiritual name.

27. Jacob saw the ladder with its base on earth and its top touching the sky; this shows that the road of spiritual elevation that begins on earth through the flesh, and ends up uniting its light and essence with that of the Father, apart from all material influence.

28. The patriarch saw that by that ladder angels ascended and descended, representing the incessant incarnation and dis-incarnation, the continuous coming and going of the spirits in search of light, or also on their mission of restoration and purification of themselves, to elevate themselves a little more upon returning to the spiritual world. It is the road of spiritual evolution that leads to perfection.

29. That is why Jacob beheld the representative form of Jehovah at the top of the ladder, indicating that God is the goal of your perfection, of your aspirations, and the supreme prize of infinite joy as the compensation for arduous struggle, prolonged suffering, and perseverance in reaching the bosom of the Father.

30. Amongst the vicissitudes and trials, the spirit has always found the opportunity to earn merit for the ascent. There, in each trial, the Ladder of Jacob has been always represented, inviting you to climb one more step.

31. A great revelation, oh disciples, was that, for in it the spiritual life was spoken of at a time when the awakening of the spirit to the worship of the Divine, the elevated, the pure, the good and true had barely begun.

32. That message could not have been for one single family, or even for one single people; its essence was spiritual and therefore was universal. For that very reason, the voice of the Father said to Jacob: "I am the Lord God of Abraham thy Father, and the God of Isaac: the land whereon thou lie, to thee I will give it, and to thy seed; and thy seed shall be as the dust of the earth, and thou shall spread abroad to the west, and to the east, and to the north, and to the south: and in thee and in thy seed shall all the families of the earth be blessed." (315, 45-50)

Joseph and his Brothers

33. Joseph, son of Jacob, had been sold by his own brothers to some merchants who were traveling to Egypt. Joseph was still young but had already given evidence of a great gift for prophecy; envy took charge of his brothers, who got rid of him believing that they would never see him again; but the Lord, who watched over his servant, protected him and made him important to the Pharaoh of Egypt.

34. Many years later, when the world was stricken by drought and hunger, Egypt, guided by the counsel and inspirations of Joseph, had stored enough provisions to withstand the trial.

35. It was then that the sons of Jacob arrived in Egypt to search for food. Great was their consternation when they recognized that their brother, Joseph, had become minister and counselor to the Pharaoh. Upon seeing him, they fell from their feet to their knees, repenting of their transgression, and recognized that the prophecies of their brother had been realized. He who had been given up for dead was there before them full of power, virtue, and wisdom. The prophet whom they had sold, was showing them the truth of the prophecy that the Lord had placed on his lips as a child. The brother they had humiliated, selling him, was pardoning them. Do you understand, people? Now you know why I have said to you this day: When will you recognize Me as Joseph was recognized by his brothers? (90, 2)

The People of Israels Pilgrimage with Moses through the Desert

36. In the First Era, Moses was at the head of Israel in guiding them through the desert for forty years to the land of Canaan; but from disobedience, lack of belief, and materialism, some blasphemed, others reneged, and yet others rose in rebellion. Moses, confronted with such a situation, told them with prudence and patience not to offend the Supreme Will, but to be humble and obedient before that Father who, without considering their disobedience, had made manna fall from the sky and water spring forth from the rocks. (343, 53)

37. "Moses had offered sufficient proof that the true God was with him, but the people wanted more evidence. The messenger, taking the multitudes to the slopes of Mount Sinai called upon the power of Jehovah; and the Lord, hearing him, granted him great proofs and miraculous things". (29, 32)

38. "The people wanted to hear and to see the One to whom Moses listened and the One whom He perceived through his faith. I manifested Myself to those people in a cloud and had them listen to My voice for hours and hours, but it was so potent that men felt themselves dying of fear; their bodies shook and their spirits trembled before that voice of justice. Then the people begged Moses to plead to Jehovah not to speak any longer to his people, for they could no longer listen to him. They recognized that they were still too small to communicate directly with the Eternal One". (29, 34)

39. Forge your spirit in the great combats of life, just as did that people of Israel in the desert. Do you know how great is the desert, which with its harsh sun and burning sands appears to have no end? Do you know what loneliness, and silence are, and having to maintain vigilance because enemies watch? Truly, I tell you, it was there in the desert that the people knew the greatness it was to believe in God, and learned to love him. What could that people hope for from the desert? Nonetheless, they had all: bread, water, a home in which to rest, and an oasis and sanctuary wherein to elevate their grateful spirits toward the Father and Creator. (107, 28)

The Struggle of Elijah for the True God

40. In the First Era Elijah came to earth and found that humanity was practicing idolatry and did not believe in God. The world was being governed by kings and priests, and both had departed from the obedience to Divine laws and were guiding their people along paths of confusion and falsehood. They had erected altars to different gods which they worshiped.

41. Elijah appeared in that time and spoke to them with words of justice, telling mankind: Open your eyes and see that you have disrespected the law of the Lord. You have forgotten the example of his messengers and have fallen into a worship which is unworthy of the living and powerful God. It is necessary that you awaken, that you see and recognize him. Eliminate your idolatry and lift your eyes above every figure with which you have represented him.

42. Elijah heard My voice which said to him, depart from the wicked people of that nation. Tell them that rain will not fall for a long time, not until you order it so in My name.

43. And Elijah said, it will not rain until My Lord appoints the hour and My voice orders it. And thus saying He departed.

44. "From that day forth the land was dry; many normally rainy seasons passed without rain. There were no signs of water in the sky; the fields felt the drought; the cattle began to perish; men unsuccessfully dug into the earth looking for water to quench their thirst; rivers dried up; overcome by the rays of the red hot sun, the grass withered; and men cried out to their gods asking for rain to return to them in order to sow and harvest the seed which fed them".

45. Elijah had departed by Divine mandate. He prayed and awaited the will of his Lord. Men and women began to leave their lands in search of new places which did not lack water. Wherever one looked there were caravans, and all the land was dry.

46. Years went by, and one day when Elijah elevated his spirit to the Father, He heard His voice saying, seek out the king, and when I give you the sign, the waters once again will fall over the land.

47. "Filled with obedience, Elijah humbly went before the king of that nation and showed his power before the worshipers of the false gods; after that, He spoke about the Father and of his power; then the signs appeared; lightning, thunder, and fire were seen in the sky, followed by an abundance of rain. Once again the fields became green and the trees were filled with fruit, and there was abundance of many things on earth".

48. Faced with this proof, the people awakened and remembered their Father who called and warned them through Elijah. (53, 34-39)

The Twelve Tribes of Israel

49. Do not believe that prophets, forerunners, and spirits of light have existed only in the bosom of the people of Israel; to other peoples also I have sent some of these, but men took them as gods, not as envoys, and under their teachings created religions and cults.

50. The people of Israel did not understand the mission they had with the other peoples, and slept in a bed of blessings and complacency.

51. The Father had formed them as a perfect family in which one tribe had the mission of defending the people and maintaining peace, another worked the earth, and another were fishermen and navigators. To yet another was entrusted spiritual worship, and so on; each one of the twelve tribes that made up the people carried out a different mission that together served as an example of harmony. And truly, I say to you, the spiritual gifts that you possessed in those first times, you have still. (135, 15-16)

The Prophets and First Kings of Israel

52. The prophets spoke with great truth, they came to earth almost always in times of great confusion and straying, admonishing the peoples, inviting them to repentance, and to make amends, proclaiming great trials of justice if they did not turn back to the good, and other times predicting blessings for observation and obedience to the Divine Law.

53. But, what those prophets spoke of was an exhortation toward the practicing of good, justice, and respect for one another. They did not come revealing the life of the spirit, its destiny and evolution; not even Moses himself, who I chose to be made My representative and through whose channel I gave the Law for all time, spoke of the spiritual life.

54. The Law of the Father encompasses wisdom and justice, teaches men to live in peace, to love and respect one another, and make yourselves worthy before Me, as men; but Moses did not show humanity that which is beyond the threshold of bodily death, nor what the restitution of the disobedient spirits is, or the prize for those that are prudent and jealous of their mission.

55. Later, David reigned, full of gifts and inspiration, and in his moments of elevation, in his ecstasy He heard the hymns and spiritual songs with which He formed the psalms to invite the people of Israel to pray and give the best offerings of their hearts in tribute to the Lord. Yet David, with all his love and inspiration, could not reveal to the people the marvelous existence of the spirits, nor their evolution or their goals.

56. And again Solomon, who succeeded him in his reign, and who also showed the great gifts of wisdom and power that had been given to him, and for which He was loved and admired, and whose counsel, judgments and proverbs are still remembered today, if his people had approached him to ask: How is the spiritual life? What is beyond death? What is the spirit? Solomon, with all his wisdom, could not have answered. (339, 12-15)


Chapter 10
When the Time Came


1. Your Father prepared everything for the Word of God to dwell among humanity and to show it the path of its restitution with sublime examples of his love.

2. First He inspired the prophets who announced the form in which the Messiah would come to the world, what his work would be, and his suffering and death as a man, so that those who knew the prophecies would immediately recognize Christ when He appeared on earth.

3. Centuries before My presence through Jesus, the Prophet Isaiah said: "Therefore, the Lord will give you this sign. For behold the Virgin will conceive and give birth to a child who will be called Immanuel, which means God is with you." With this prophecy, among others, He announced My coming.

4. Many centuries before My arrival, David, with songs filled with pain and prophetic meaning, sang of the sufferings of the Messiah during the crucifixion. In those psalms, He speaks of one of My seven words on the cross. He announces the contempt with which the multitudes would lead Me to the sacrifice, the phrases of mockery the men would use on hearing Me say that the Father was in Me, the solitude which My body would experience before human ingratitude, all the torments to which I would be subjected, and even the way in which they would cast lots for My clothing.

5. Each one of My prophets came to announce My coming, to prepare paths, and to give precise signs so that no one would be confused when the day came. (40, 1-5)

The Waiting of the Jewish People for the Messiah

6. The world in this Era has not known how to wait for Me as did the people of Israel in that Second Era. My great prophets had proclaimed a Messiah, a Savior, the Son of God, who would come to liberate the oppressed and enlighten the world with the light of the Word; and the more that people suffered, the more they wished for the arrival of the promised one; the more they drank from the cup of humiliation and oppression, the more they yearned for the presence of the Messiah, and everywhere they searched for signs and indications that spoke of the imminent arrival of their Savior.

7. From generation to generation, from parents to children they passed on the Divine promise that for much time made the chosen people of the Lord watch and pray.

8. Finally, I arrived among My people, but not all knew how to recognize Me; for although all awaited Me, some did so with spirituality and others through a materialistic interpretation.

9. But for Me sufficed the purity and love of those who felt My presence and looked at the Reign of Heaven in the light of My Word to believe in My manifestation; I sufficed with those who followed Me faithfully, and those who saw in Me their spiritual savior, for it was they who gave testimony of My truth after I left this world.

10. Although My message was for all the peoples of the earth, I called to the hearts of the chosen people so they could become thereafter the spokesmen for My Word. However, it was not that people alone who felt My presence. In other nations as well men knew how to discover the signs of My coming, and foresaw the time of My presence on the earth. (315, 17-19)

11. Elijah appears before men in each Era and in each Divine revelation.

12. The Messiah had not yet come to earth. It would not be long before He would be born as a man. Meanwhile, the spirit of the prophet had already been incarnated in John, later called the Baptist, to announce the nearness of the Kingdom of Heaven, which would be the presence of the Divine Word, the Messiah, among humanity. (31, 61-62)

Mary, the earthly Mother of Jesus

13. From the earliest time, the patriarchs and prophets began to speak of the Coming of the Messiah. However the Messiah did not come only in Spirit, but came to make himself flesh, to make himself man, and take the flesh from a woman.

14. "The Divine maternal essence had to be made flesh as well, to be made woman, like a flower of purity, so that from its petals the scent, the perfume of the Word of God that was Jesus might arise." (360, 26)

15. In Nazareth there lived a pure and tender flower, an unwed virgin named Mary, who was precisely the one announced by the Prophet Isaiah to have the fruit of the true life sprout from her womb.

16. Unto her came the spiritual messenger of the Lord to tell her of the mission which she brought to earth, saying to her: "Hail, you are highly favored; the Lord is with you. Blessed are you among women".

17. The hour for the revelation of the Divine Mystery had come, and all that had been said about the presence of the Messiah, the Savior, the Redeemer, was about to be fulfilled. But how few were the hearts who were sensitive to My presence! How few the spirits that were prepared to recognize the Kingdom of Heaven in the light of My truth! (40, 6-7)

The Adoration of the Baby Jesus

18. Humanity is remembering on this day that some wise men from the East came to the manger in Bethlehem to adore the child-God. Today some hearts ask Me: Lord, is it true that those wise and powerful men bowed down to you, recognizing your divinity?

19. Yes, My children, it was science, power, and wealth that arrived to prostrate themselves before My presence.

20. There also were shepherds, and their wives and children, with humble, healthy, and simple presents, with which they received and saluted the Redeemer of the world and Mary as the symbol of celestial tenderness. They represented humility, innocence, and simplicity, but those who held in their parchments the prophecies and promises that spoke of the Messiah slept deeply without so much as a premonition of who had arrived in the world. (146, 9-11)

The Bond of Love between Jesus and Mary

21. Jesus lived his childhood and youth beside Mary enjoying her motherly love. Mary, the Divine Tenderness, offered much sweetness to the Savior in his first years of life in the world, for the hour would come when He was to drink much bitterness.

22. How is it possible for anyone to think that Mary, who conceived Jesus and lived with the Divine Master, could be lacking in spiritual elevation, in purity, and holiness?

23. Whoever loves Me will have to first love all that is mine, all that I love. (39, 52-54)

The Wisdom of Jesus

24. Men say in their books that Jesus was among the Essenes seeking their knowledge, but He who knew all and who was before the worlds, had nothing to learn from men; the Divine had nothing to learn from the human. Wherever I went, I taught. Can there be anyone wiser than God on the earth? Christ came from the Father to bring Divine wisdom to men. Did your Master not give you proof of this, when at twelve years of age He left the theologians, philosophers, and doctors of the law of that time astonished?

25. There are those who have attributed to Jesus the weaknesses of all men, and enjoy throwing upon the Divine unstained man, the mud that they carry in their own hearts. These do not know Me.

26. If all the marvels of this Nature that you behold are no more than the material form of Divine thoughts, do you not think that the body of Christ was the materialization of a sublime thought of love from your Father? Therefore Christ loves you with the Spirit, not the flesh. My truth cannot be counterfeited, for it contains absolute light and force. (146, 35-36)

27. In the Second Era, I gave you an example of how you should await the right hour to fulfill the mission that brought you to earth.

28. I waited for My body, that of Jesus, which was beheld by men, to come to its best age, to fulfill the Divine mission of teaching you love through him.

29. "When that body, that heart, and that mind had come to their full development, My Spirit spoke through his lips, My wisdom crossed his mind, My love rested in his heart, and the harmony between that body and the Divine light that illuminated it was so perfect that many times I said to the multitudes: "Who knows the Son, knows the Father."

30. Christ took the truth of God to teach it to men; He did not come to take it from the world. Not from the Greeks, the Chaldeans, the Essenes, nor the Phoenicians, from none did He come to take light. They did not know the road to heaven, and I came to show that which was not known on earth.

31. Jesus had consecrated his infancy and youth to charity and prayer while the time approached to proclaim the Reign of Heaven, the Law of love and justice, and the Doctrine of light and life.

32. Seek out the essence of My Word poured out in that time, and say to Me if it can have come from some human doctrine or from any science then known.

33. Truly, I tell you, if I really could have found wisdom in those men, I would have sought My disciples from among them, and not from among the rough and uneducated men with whom I formed My apostolate. (169, 62-68)

The Incomprehension of the People of Nazareth

34. I had to seek refuge in the bosom of a people like the Egyptians, since the people to whom I had come did not know how to shelter Me, but that was not the only pain that My heart was to feel.

35. When I returned from Egypt to live in Nazareth, at each step I was ridiculed and wounded by their phrases of unbelief and envy.

36. Although I performed miracles and manifested My power and charity among the people of Nazareth, they rejected Me. No one believed in Me, including those who had closely known My life and My deeds.

37. Thus, when it was time for Me to begin My ministry, I told the people of Nazareth prior to My departure: "Truly I tell you that there is no prophet who will be believed in his own country; therefore, it is necessary for him to go elsewhere in order for his words to be heard." (299, 70-72)


Chapter 11
The Work of Jesus on earth

The Baptism in the Jordan; the Time of Preparation in the Desert

1. Sweet Jesus, the humble Nazarene who had awaited the hour in which his lips would issue the Divine word, sought out John, on the banks of the Jordan, to receive from him the waters of baptism. Did Jesus go in search of purification? No, people. Did He go to follow some rite? No. Jesus knew that the hour had arrived in which He ceased to be ; the hour in which the man disappeared so that the Spirit could speak, and He wished to mark that hour by an act that would engrave itself upon the memory of humanity.

2. The symbolic waters did not need to cleanse any stain, but did serve as an example to humanity, for they took from that body all its ties to the world, allowing melting itself in its will with the spirit. It was then that those who witnessed the act heard a humanized Divine voice say: "This is My beloved son, in whom I am well pleased. Listen to Him".

3. As of that moment, Christ, the Divine Word, manifested Himself verbally through Jesus. Men referred to Jesus as Rabbi, Divine Master, Messenger, Messiah, and the Son of God. (308, 25-27)

4. Later I went into the desert to meditate, to teach you to enter into communion with the Creator and contemplate from the silence of the desert the work that awaited Me, and to teach you with it that to raise yourselves to the fulfillment of the work that I have entrusted you, first you must purify yourself. Then, in the silence of your being, seek direct communion with your Father, and thus prepared, clean, strengthened, and resolved, rise with firmness to the fulfillment of your delicate mission. (113, 9)

The Unity of Jesus Christ with God

5. I manifested Myself verbally three years through Jesus and My words or thoughts were never distorted or misrepresented. He fulfilled My will through each of his deeds. He did that because Jesus and Christ were truly one, similar to how Christ is truly One with the Divine Father. (308, 28)

6. Behold the Father in Me, for truly I tell you that Christ is One with the Father from eternity, even before the worlds came to be.

7. In the Second Era that Christ, who is One with God, incarnated on earth in the blessed body of Jesus and in this way He came to be the Son of God, but only as Man, for again I say to you that only one God exists. (9, 48)

8. If I became man in Jesus, it was not to give you the impression that God has a human form, but to make Myself be seen and heard by those who were blind and deaf to all which is Divine.

9. If the body of Christ had been the body of Jehovah, in truth I say to you, that He would not have bled or died. His was a perfect body but human and sensitive so that humanity could behold Him and through Him hear the voice of their Heavenly Father. (3, 82)

10. "There were two natures in Jesus, one material, human, created by My will in the virginal bosom of Mary, which I named the Son of Man, and the other Divine, the Spirit, who was named the Son of God. In this was the Divine Word of the Father, who spoke in Jesus; the other was only material and visible". (21, 29)

11. Christ, the Word of God, was He who spoke through the mouth of Jesus, the clean and pure man.

12. Jesus the man was born, lived, and died, but, regarding the Christ, He was not born, nor did He grow in the world, nor did He die; for He is the Voice of love, the Spirit of love, the Divine Word, and the expression of the wisdom of the Creator, who has been always with the Father. (91, 28-29)

The Rejection of Jesus as the awaited Messiah

13. In the Second Era I was not recognized by all. When I appeared in the bosom of the Jewish people, who were already expecting Me because they had seen the signs given by the prophets fulfilled, My presence confused many who had not known how to interpret the prophecies. They expected to see their Messiah as a powerful prince who struck down his enemies, who humiliated kings and their oppressors, and who conceded possessions and earthly goods to those who awaited Him.

14. When this people beheld Jesus poor and barefoot, covering his body with a humble tunic, when they saw him born in a stable and then working as a humble craftsman, they could not believe that He was the envoy of the Father. It was necessary for the Master to perform miracles and tangible works for them to believe and comprehend his Divine message. (227, 12-13)

15. Always it has been the humble and the poor who discover My presence, for their understanding is not filled with human theories to keep them from clear judgment.

16. It happened also in the Second Era, that the coming of the Messiah having been proclaimed, when He arrived, those who sensed him were the simple of heart, those of humble spirit and clean understanding.

17. The theologians had the books of the prophets in their hands, and daily repeated the words that proclaimed the signs, the time, and the way in which the Messiah would come; nonetheless, they saw Me, and did not recognize Me, heard Me, and denied that I was the promised Savior; saw My works, and knew only how to be scandalized, when in truth, all of this had been prophesied. (l50, 21-23)

18. Today they do not doubt Jesus, but many argue and still deny My Divinity. Some attribute to Me great spiritual elevation, others claim that I too walk along the path of the evolution of the spirit to reach the Father; but if that were so I would not have come to tell you: "I am the way, the truth, and the life." (170, 7)

Jesus as the Guest of Salvation among the Humble People

19. "Your mission is to imitate your Divine Master during His stay on earth; remember that when I visited the homes, I always left in them a message of peace, I healed the sick, I consoled the sorrowful with the Divine power which love possesses".

20. "Never did I fail to enter a home because I would not be believed there; I knew that on leaving that place, the heart of its dwellers would still be overflowing with joy, for unknowingly, their spirit had glimpsed the Kingdom of Heaven, through My teaching".

21. "At times I went to their hearts, in others, they searched for Me; but in all cases My love was the bread of eternal life, that I delivered to them in the essence of My word". (28, 3-5)

Jesus the Tireless Preacher

22. On some occasions when I retired to the solitude of a valley, only at moments did I remain alone, because the multitudes, eager to hear Me approached their Master in search of the infinite gentleness of His gaze. I received them, pouring upon those men, women and children, the tenderness of My infinite charity, knowing that in each creature there was a spirit that I had come to seek in the world. Then I spoke to them about the Kingdom of Heaven, which is the true home of the spirit, in order for them to soothe their anxieties with My word and be strengthened with the hope of attaining eternal life.

23. "There were occasions when there was someone concealed among the multitude who harbored the intention of shouting denials of My truth, assuring that I was a false prophet; but My word would surprise him before He had a chance to open his lips. At other times, I permitted a blasphemer to offend Me, to prove before the multitude that the Master was not disturbed by offenses, thus giving them an example of humility and love".

24. There were some who, ashamed before My gentleness, left immediately, repentant for having offended with their doubts the One who with His deeds was preaching the truth; and as soon as an opportunity presented itself, they came to Me, they followed Me along the pathways, tearful, moved by My word, not even daring to speak and ask forgiveness for the insults which they had previously inflicted upon Me. I would call them, caress them with My word, and granted them a certain grace. (28, 6-7)

25. Listen: When I was on the earth with you, men came to Me in caravans, men of high rank covered in vanity, and rulers who secretly sought Me out to hear Me. Some admired Me, but from fear did not admit it, others denied Me.

26. To Me came multitudes formed by men, women, and children, and they listened to Me morning, afternoon, and night. Always they found the Master willing to provide them with the word of God. They forgot themselves as they beheld the Master neglecting himself, and they didn't know when He ate so that his body would not waste away or his voice weaken, for they did not know that Jesus took strength from his own spirit and within himself found sustenance. (241, 23)

The Love of Jesus for Children and Nature

27. There were times when, being alone, I was discovered by children who came to watch Me to offer Me little flowers, tell Me some little complaint and give Me their little kisses.

28. Their mothers were embarrassed on finding their little ones in My arms hearing My Word; the disciples, believing this to be a lack of respect for the Master, tried to chase them away from Me, it was then that I had to say to them: "Let the children come unto Me, for to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven it is necessary to have the purity, the straightforwardness, and the simplicity of children."

29. I enjoyed that innocence and candor just as one is delighted to see a flower bud about to open. (262, 62-64)

30. How many times did his disciples find Jesus conversing with the various creatures of the Universe! How many times was the Master found in dialog with birds, the fields, or the sea! But they knew that the Master had not lost his mind. They knew that within their Master there vibrated the Creating Spirit of the Father; He who had given language to all beings, He who understood all his children, He who received praise and love from all He had made.

31. How many times did his disciples or the people see Jesus caressing a bird or a flower, and blessing them all. In his eyes was seen a gaze of infinite love for all creatures. The disciples guessed the Divine joy of that Lord upon seeing him surrounded in such splendor, and of the wonders springing from his wisdom; and many times too, they saw tears in the eyes of the Master, as He beheld the indifference of men to such grandeur, the insensibility and blindness of the human creatures in the face of such splendor. Many times they saw the Master cry when He beheld the leper weeping because of his leprosy; and men and women complaining of their fate, even while they were being held in the lap of perfect love! (332, 25-26)

The Doctrine of Jesus

32. Jesus showed you charity, meekness, and love. He came to teach you to pardon your enemies from the heart, to say to you that you must flee from lies, and love truth; He made manifest to you that for the evil as well as the good done to you, you must return always good. He taught you to respect each one of your fellows, and showed you how to find the health of body and spirit and to honor with your life the names of your parents, so that you in your turn may be honored by your children.

33. Here are some of the mandates that must be followed by all who truly wish to be Christians. (151, 35-36)

34. When the Scribes and Pharisees observed the acts of Jesus and found that they differed from their own, they said that the Doctrine that He preached went against the Law of Moses. They were confusing the Law with the traditions, but I proved that I had not come to transgress the Law that the Father had revealed to Moses, but to fulfill it in word and deed.

35. Truly, I did set aside many of the traditions of that people, for the time had come for them to disappear in order to give birth to a new Era of more elevated teachings. (149, 42-43)

36. Remember that in the first precept of the Law that Moses gave to humanity it said, "Thou shall not make any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven to bow down to and adore." From that day the road was clearly traced for humanity, and for the spirit.

37. Moses did not limit himself to transmitting the Ten Commandments to men; He also instituted secondary laws for human life, rites and symbols within the spiritual worship, all according to the steps that the human spirit was then taking.

38. But the promised Messiah came and erased traditions, rites, symbols, and sacrifices, leaving intact only the Law, and it was for this reason that when the Pharisees said to the people that Jesus went against the laws of Moses, I responded that I did not go against the Law, but rather in fulfillment of it. If I came erasing traditions, it was because in following them the people had forgotten to observe the Law. (254, 17-18)

39. The Divine yearning of Jesus was for his disciples to become the sowers of his redeeming Doctrine; and so it was that in the supreme moment of his last lecture to his disciples, which was also the last conversation between the Father and his children, He said in a sweet voice: "A new commandment I give unto you: That ye love one another," kindling, from the light of that maxim, humanity's greatest hope. (254, 59)

40. My Word in this Era shall not erase those I said to you in the Second. Times, centuries, and Eras will fade, but the words of Jesus shall not. Today I come to explain and reveal the content of that which I told you then, and which you did not understand. (114, 47)

The "Miracles" of Jesus

41. So that this teaching would kindle faith in the hearts [of men], I accompanied it with miracles so that the teaching would be loved by them, and so that those miracles would be more tangible, I performed them in the bodies of the sick: I healed the blind, the deaf, the mute, the paralyzed, the possessed, and lepers. I even raised the dead.

42. How many miracles of love Christ performed among men! Their names were gathered by history as an example to future generations. (151, 37-38)

43. Beings of light in the service of the Divine Work, and others rebellious and ignorant, came from everywhere, and there appeared among that humanity possessed persons who science did not know how to liberate and who were repudiated by the people. Neither the doctors of the Law, nor the physicians were able to restore those sick to health.

44. But I was disposed to all to teach and give proof of love, and I granted through Jesus the healing of these creatures, to the astonishment of many.

45. The skeptical, those who had heard talk of the power of Jesus and knew of his miracles, sought the most difficult tests to make him vacillate an instant and demonstrate that He was not infallible; and the freeing of the possessed, returning them to the state of normal beings with only a touch or a look, or by directing an order to them so that those spiritual beings abandoned their minds, and one and all were freed from their heavy burden, confused them.

46. Before this power, the Pharisees, the scientists, the scribes, and publicans had different reactions. Some recognized the authority of Jesus, others attributed his power to strange influences, others could find nothing to say, but the sick who had been healed blessed His name.

47. Some had been possessed by only a single spirit, others by seven, as was Mary Magdalene, and others by numbers so large that they themselves said they were legion.

48. Throughout the life of the Master spiritual manifestations occurred, some were seen by the twelve disciples, others by the people on the roads or in their homes. It was the time of prodigies, of marvels. (339, 20-22)

49. "The miracle, according to the way you understand it, does not exist; there is nothing contradictory between the Divine and the material".

50. You attribute many miracles to Jesus and truly I say to you, that His deeds were the natural effect of love, of that Divine force which although present within each spirit, you still do not know how to use it, because you do not want to know the virtue of love.

51. What existed in all the miracles which Jesus performed, if it was not love?

52. Listen, O disciples: In order for the love of God to manifest itself to mankind, the humility of the instrument was necessary, and Jesus was always humble, and as He came to give an example to men, He said to you on a certain occasion that without the will of His Heavenly Father, He could do nothing. He, who does not penetrate in the humility of those words, will believe that Jesus was an ordinary man, but the truth is that He wanted to give you a lesson of humility.

53. He knew that humility, that unity with the Father, made Him Almighty before mankind.

54. O! Immense and beautiful transfiguration that love, humility and wisdom gives!

55. Now you realize why Jesus, although saying that He could accomplish nothing without the will of His Father, in reality could master it all, because He was obedient, because He was humble, because He became the servant of the Law and of men, and because He knew how to love.

56. Recognize then that, you yourselves knowing some of the virtues of the spiritual love, still do not feel it, and that is why you cannot understand the reason for that which you call a miracle or Mystery, but which are deeds made possible by the Divine love.

57. What teachings did Jesus give you which were not of love? What learning, methods or Mysterious knowledge did He employ in leaving you His examples of power and wisdom? Only the sweetness of love, with which everything can be accomplished.

58. There is nothing contradictory in the laws of the Father, simple in their wisdom and wise because they are saturated with love.

59. Understand the Master, He is your Book. (17, 11-21)

60. The spirit which inspired Jesus was My very own, that of your God, who became man to dwell among you and allowed himself to be seen because it was necessary that it be so. As man, I felt all human suffering. Men of science, who had studied nature came to Me and found that they knew nothing of My teaching. The great and small, the virtuous and sinners, the innocent and guilty received the essence of My word, and I made them all worthy of My presence. And while many were called, few were the chosen, and even fewer were close to Me. (44, 10)

The Adulteress

61. I defended the sinners. Do you not recall the adulteress? When she was brought to Me, persecuted and condemned by the multitudes, the pharisees came and asked Me, what should we do with her? The priests hoped that I would say, bring her to justice, in order that they might later say, how could you teach love and permit the sinner to be punished? And had I said, let her go, they would have answered, in the laws of Moses, which you claim to be confirming, there is a mandate which says: Every woman who is found to be adulterous shall be stoned to death!

62. Observing their intentions, I did not answer their words, and leaning over, I wrote in the dust of the earth the sins of those who were judging her. Again they asked Me what they should do with that woman and I answered them, let anyone who is free of sin throw the first stone. Then recognizing their errors, they left, covering their faces. No one was pure, and sensing that I saw into the depths of their hearts, they no longer accused that woman for all of them had sinned. The woman, along with others who had also committed adultery, repented and did not sin again. I say to you, that it is easier to convert a sinner through love than through harshness. (44, 11)

Mary Magdalene

63. Mary Magdalene, the sinner, as the world has called her, merited My affection and My forgiveness.

64. She achieved her redemption quickly, which does not happen with others that weakly ask for pardon for their sins; while she quickly found that which she sought, others do not achieve it.

65. Magdalene won forgiveness for herself without making a display of her repentance, she had sinned as you sin, but she loved much.

66. One who loves may have errors in his human conduct, but love is the affection that overflows the heart; if you wish to be pardoned, like her, turn your eyes to Me full of love and trust, and you will, like her, be absolved of all stain.

67. That woman did not sin again, the love that overflowed from her heart she consecrated to the Doctrine of the Master.

68. She was forgiven although she had committed errors, but in her heart she bore the purifying fire, and for the forgiveness the sinner received, she did not again leave Jesus for an instant, sooner did My disciples leave Me alone than that little one; Mary did not leave Me, did not deny Me, and did not feel shame or fear.

69. To her was granted to cry at the foot of the cross and over My sepulcher, her spirit was soon redeemed for loving much.

70. In her heart, she too bore the spirit of an apostle; her conversion shines like the light of truth; she knew to humble herself before My feet to say to Me: "Lord, if you wish it, I will be saved from sin."

71. While you, how many times have you tried to convince Me of your innocence covering your faults with long prayers?

72. No, disciples, learn from her; love your Lord truly in each one of your brothers. Love much, and your sins will be forgiven. Great will you be when you make that truth flower in your heart. (212, 68-75)

Nicodemus and the Question of Reincarnation

73. In that time I said to Nicodemus, who had sought Me out in good faith to speak with Me: That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. Marvel not that I said to you that you must be born again. Who understood those words?

74. With them I wished to say to you that one human life is not enough to understand even one of My lessons, and for you to come to understand the book that this life encompasses, many existences are necessary to you. Therefore the flesh must serve only as a crutch for the spirit in its journey on earth. (151, 59)

The Transfiguration of Jesus

75. During the Second Time, Jesus was walking one day followed by his disciples. They had climbed a mountain, and while the Master astonished those men with his words, they suddenly beheld the transfigured body of their Lord, which floated in space, having the spirit of Moses to its right and that of Elijah to its left.

76. The disciples, blinded by the Divine light, fell to the ground before that supernatural vision, but calming themselves quickly, they proposed that their Master place upon his shoulders the royal purple mantle, the same as upon Moses and Elijah. Then they heard a voice which descended from the infinite and said, This is My beloved Son in whom I am well pleased. Listen to him.

77. Great fear invaded the disciples when they heard that voice. Lifting their eyes, they saw only their Master who said to them: Do not fear nor tell anyone about this vision until I have resurrected from among the dead. Then they asked the Lord, why do the scribes say that it is necessary for Elijah to come first? And Jesus answered, truly, Elijah shall come first and restore all things. But I say to you that Elijah has already come and they knew him not. Rather they did with him as they pleased. Then the disciples understood that He spoke to them of John the Baptist.

78. "In this era, how many times have I made the speaker through whom I communicate disappear before your eyes so that you might behold Me in the human form of Jesus, the form in which humanity knew Me; yet, you have not knelt before the new transfiguration". (29, 15-18)

Lack of Courage to Commit Oneself

79. In those days when as man I lived among you, it happened many times that at night, when all slept, there were men who came to find Me secretly, fearing to be discovered, for they felt regret for having yelled and raised a scandal against Me as I spoke to the crowd; and their regret was more intense when it proved that in their hearts My word had left a gift of peace and light, and that My healing balm had flowed over their bodies.

80. Heads hanging, they presented themselves to Me, saying: Master, pardon us; we have recognized the truth of your word. And I answered them: "If you have found that I speak only truth, why do you hide? Do you not go out to receive the rays of the sun when it appears, and when have you ever been ashamed of the sun? He who loves Me truly never hides it, or denies it, or feels shame for it.

81. I speak to you in this way, because I see many that come to see Me stealthily, lying as to where they have gone, hiding what they have heard, and sometimes denying that they have been with Me. Of what are you ashamed? (133, 23-26)

The Harassment of Jesus

82. In the Second Era I spoke to the multitudes. My word, perfect in essence and form, was heard by all. My gaze, penetrating hearts, saw all that was kept there by each one. In some there was doubt, in others faith, and in others an anguished voice spoke to Me: They were the sick, who pain had made hope for a miracle from Me. There were some who tried to hide their mockery when they heard Me say that I came from the Father to bring to men the Kingdom of Heaven, and there were hearts wherein I found hatred for Me, and intentions of silencing Me or making Me disappear.

83. Those were the prideful: the Pharisees who felt affected by My truth. For in spite of My word being so clear, so full of love, and so comforting, in spite of being always confirmed by powerful works, many men persisted in looking for [another supposed] truth behind My presence, judging Me in the form of Jesus, scrutinizing My life, concentrating on the humility of My vestments and My absolute poverty of material goods.

84. And not content with judging Me, they judged My disciples, observing them closely when they spoke, when they followed Me on the roads, and when they sat at the table. How scandalized were the Pharisees when one time My disciples sat at a table without washing their hands. Poor minds that confuse the washing of the body with the purity of the spirit! They did not realize that when in the temple they took up the sacred bread, they did it with clean hands but hearts full of rot. (356, 37-38)

85. Mankind scrutinized Me at each step. All of My words and deeds were judged with evil intent. Most of the time men were confused by My deeds or by the evidence I offered because their human mind was not capable of comprehending that which only the spirit can comprehend.

86. If I prayed, they would say, why does He pray if He claims to be full of power and wisdom? What can He need or request? And if I did not pray, they would say that I did not fulfill the obligation of their religion.

87. If they saw that I did not nourish Myself while My disciples ate, they judged that I was not following the laws instituted by God. And if they saw Me eating, they asked themselves, why does He need to eat to live, if He says that He is life? They did not understand that I had come to the world to reveal to men how humanity should live after experiencing a prolonged purification on earth! From that long purification a more spiritualized generation should emerge that is above human misery, the demanding needs of the flesh, and the selfish passions of the physical senses. (40, 11-13)

Proclamation of His Parting

88. For three years Jesus lived with his disciples. He was followed by great multitudes that loved him deeply. For those disciples, nothing existed but to hear the Master preaching his Divine teaching; following in his steps they felt neither hunger nor thirst, there was no setback or obstacle, all was peace and joy in the environment that surrounded that group, but, nonetheless, just when they were most absorbed in the contemplation of their beloved Jesus, He said to them: "The times will change, I will go from you, and you shall be as sheep amidst wolves." The hour comes when it is needful for Me to return from whence I came, and for you, who for a time shall remain alone, to bear testimony of that which you have seen and heard to those who hunger and thirst for love and justice. Work in My name, and I shall carry you with Me to the eternal dwelling place."

89. These words saddened the disciples, and as the hour came closer Jesus repeated this announcement with greater insistence; He spoke of his parting, but at the same time comforted the hearts of those who heard him, saying that his Spirit would not leave and would continue watching over the world, and that if they prepared themselves to carry his word as a message of consolation and hope to the humanity of that time, He would speak through their mouths and perform prodigies. (354, 26-27)

The Entry of Jesus into Jerusalem

90. Triumphally the multitudes received Me upon My entry into the city of Jerusalem. From the towns and villages the people came in crowds, men, women, and children to see the Master's entry to the city. They were those who had experienced the prodigy and proof of the power of the Son of God. The blind who now saw, the mute who could now sing the Hosanna, and the bedridden who had left their beds to come hurrying to see the Master in the Passover feast.

91. I knew that the triumph was momentary; I had already warned My disciples of what must later happen. It was only the beginning of My struggle, and now, at much distance from those events, I tell you that the light of My truth continues in the struggle against the darkness of ignorance, sin, and falsehood, for which reason I must add that My absolute triumph has not yet arrived.

92. How could you believe that the entrance to Jerusalem meant the triumph of My cause when few were those who had been converted, and many those who did not know who I was?

93. And even if that humanity had been converted to My Word, were there not yet many generations to come?

94. That moment of jubilation, that fleeting, triumphal entry was only a reflection of that triumph of light, good, truth, love, and justice that will come one day, and to which you are all invited.

95. Know that if even one of My children is still found outside New Jerusalem, there will be no celebration, for God will not be able to speak of triumph, He cannot celebrate if his power has not been able to save even the last of his children. (268, 17-21)

96. You are they who in the Second Time sang the Hosanna when Jesus entered Jerusalem. Now that I manifest to you in spirit, you do not throw your cloaks before Me; it is your hearts that you offer for the dwelling place of the Lord. Today your "Hosanna" is not shouted from your throats, this "Hosanna" springs from your spirit as a hymn of humility, love, and recognition of the Father, as a hymn of faith in this manifestation that in the Third Era your Lord has come to offer you.

97. Then, like now, you follow Me in My entrance to Jerusalem. The great multitudes surrounded Me, captivated by My words of love; men and women, the elderly, and children, the city trembled with their voices of jubilee. The very Priests and Pharisees, fearing that the people might rebel, said to Me: "Master, if you teach peace, why do you permit your disciples to raise a scandal in this manner?" And I answered them: "I tell you that, if these should hold their peace, the stones would cry out." For these were moments of jubilee, the culmination and the glorification of the Messiah among those hungry and thirsty for justice: of those spirits that for a long time had awaited the coming of the Lord in fulfillment of the prophecies.

98. In that Jubilee and gladness My people also celebrated their liberation from Egypt. That commemoration of the Passover, I wished to make unforgettable by My people, yet truly I tell you that I did not comply with the simple tradition of the sacrifice of a lamb, no, I offered Myself in Jesus, the Sacrificial Lamb, as the road through whom all My children must be redeemed. (318, 57-59)

The Last Supper

99. When Jesus celebrated the Passover with his disciples according to the tradition of that people, He told them: Something new I will reveal unto you; drink this wine, and eat this bread, which represent My blood and My body, and do this in memory of Me.

100. After the parting of the Master, the disciples commemorated the sacrifice of the Lord drinking wine and eating the bread that symbolized He who gave all for love of humanity.

101. As the centuries passed the people divided into religions, and gave different interpretations to My words.

102. Today I come to tell you that which was My feeling at that hour, at that supper, where every word and act of Jesus was a lesson from a book of profound wisdom and infinite love. If I took the bread and wine, it was to make you understand that they were like the love that is the sustenance and life of the spirit, and if I told you: "Do this in memory of Me," the Master wished to tell you to love your brothers with a love like that of Jesus, giving yourselves as the true sustenance of humanity.

103. Any rite that you make of these teachings will be sterile, if in your lives you do not carry out the practice of My teachings and examples; in that is the difficulty for you, but in that is where merit lies. (151, 29-32 and 34)

104. Just as you are around Me now, so too was I in the Second Era on that last night. The sun was setting when Jesus conversed with his apostles for the last time during that stay. They were the words of a Father agonizing over his very beloved children. There was sadness in Jesus, as well as in the disciples who did not yet know what, only a few hours later, awaited He who had come to instruct them, and who had so loved them. Their Lord would leave them, but they did not yet know how. Peter cried, clutching the cup to his heart. John wet the breast of his Master with his tears. Matthew and Bartholomew were in ecstasy at My teaching. Phillip and Thomas hid their bitterness as they dined with Me. James the lesser, as well as the greater, Thaddeus, Andrew, and Simon were mute from pain, though with their hearts they said much to Me. Judas Iscariot also bore in his heart pain, anguish, and regret, but He could not turn back, for darkness had possessed him.

105. When Jesus finished saying his last words and recommendations, those disciples were bathed in tears, but one of them was no longer there, his spirit being unable to receive such love, nor to behold such light, and therefore He had left because of those words that burned his heart. (94, 56-58)

106. The Divine yearning of Jesus was for his disciples to become the sowers of his redeeming Doctrine;

107. And so it was that in the supreme moment of his last lecture to his disciples, which was also the last conversation between the Father and his children, He said in a sweet voice: A new commandment I give unto you: "That ye love one another,"

108. Kindling, from the light of that maxim, humanity's greatest hope. (254, 59)


Chapter 12
The Passion, Death, and Resurrection

Efforts and Suffering throughout the Life of Jesus

1. I came to live among men, making of My life an example, a book. I knew all the pains, the trials and the struggles; the poverty, work, and persecution; I knew being disowned by relatives, and ingratitude and betrayal; I knew of the long days of work, hunger and thirst, mockery, loneliness, and death. I let all the weight of human sin fall upon Me. I allowed man to scrutinize My Spirit in My Word and in My pierced body, where even the last of My bones could be seen. Being God, I was turned into a king of fools, into mortal remains, having even to carry the cross of ignominy and climb the hill to where the thieves died. There My human life ended, as proof that I am not only a God in word, but also in deed. (217, 11)

2. When the hour approached and the dinner had been concluded, Jesus had made his last recommendations to his disciples. He walked to the Garden of Olives, where He was accustomed to pray, and speaking to the Father, He said: "O My Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from Me: but above all, thy will be done." It was then that the one of My disciples who was to betray Me came accompanied by the mob that was to apprehend Me. When they asked: "Which is Jesus of Nazareth?" Judas approached his Master and kissed him. In the hearts of those men there was fear and tumult as they beheld the serenity of Jesus, and they asked again: "Which is Jesus?" Then I approached them, saying: "Here I am, it is I." There My passion began.

3. They brought Me before high priests, judges, and governors; they questioned Me, judged Me, and accused Me of breaking the law of Moses and of wanting to form a kingdom that would destroy that of Cesar. (152, 6-7)

The Betrayal by Judas

4. Do you not remember how many times I showed My love, not only to those who believed in Me, but also to He who betrayed Me, and to those who persecuted and judged Me? Now you may ask Me for what reason I came to permit all those humiliations, and I answer you: It was necessary to leave them complete freedom of thought and deed so that the appropriate circumstances would exist in which to show Myself, and so that all would feel the mercy and love with which I came to teach the world.

5. I did not move the heart of Judas to My betrayal; He served as the instrument of a wrong thought when his heart filled with darkness; and when faced with the faithlessness of that disciple, I showed My forgiveness.

6. It was not necessary that one of My own betray Me to give you that display of My humility, the Master would have shown it in any circumstance that men might have presented to him. To that disciple it corresponded to be the instrument by which the Master showed his Divine humility to the world; and although you may have thought that the weakness of that man was what caused the death of Jesus, I say to you that you are mistaken, for I came to give Myself to you completely; and if it had not been in that form, you may be sure it would have been in another. Therefore you have no right to curse or judge He who is your brother but who in a moment of confusion lacked love and the faithfulness that He owed to the Master. If you blame him for My death, why do you not bless him, since you know that My blood was spilled for the salvation of all mankind? It would be better for you to pray that none of you fall into temptation, for the hypocrisy of the scribes and Pharisees still exists in the world. (90, 37-39)

The Passion of Jesus

7. When I was questioned by the Pontiff Caiphas saying to Me: I adjure you by the living God, tell us if you are the Christ, the Messiah, the Son of God. I answered him: You have said so". (21, 30)

8. How many hearts, that days before had admired and blessed My works, forgetting them, turned ungrateful and joined those who blasphemed against Me; Yet, it was necessary that My sacrifice be very great, so that it would never be erased from the hearts of humanity.

9. The world, and you in it, saw Me blasphemed, scourged, and humiliated to the point where no man could have been, but I drained the cup that you gave Me to drink. Step by step I fulfilled My destiny of love among men, giving all of Myself to My children.

10. Blessed are those who in spite of seeing their God bleeding and gasping for breath, believed in Him.

11. However something yet greater still awaited Me: to die nailed to a cross between two thieves; but so it was written, and so it had to be fulfilled for Me to be recognized as the true Messiah. (152, 8-11)

12. Concerning this teaching that I now give you, I gave already an example in the Second Era. Jesus being on the cross, the Redeemer agonized before those multitudes that He had loved so much; each heart was a door at which He had called. Among the mob were the man who governed multitudes, the prince of the church, the publican, the Pharisee, the rich, the poor, the depraved, and those of simple heart. And while some, from having seen his works and received benefits from him, knew who it was that died that hour, others, thirsty for innocent blood and eager for vengeance hurried the death of He who they mockingly called the King of the Jews, without knowing that He was King of not only one people, but of all the peoples of the earth and of all the worlds of the Universe. Jesus, directing one of his last looks toward that multitude, full of tenderness and pity, raised his plea to the Father, saying: "Forgive them, My Father, for they know not what they do."

13. That look took in those who enjoyed his torment, just as it did those who wept for him; for the love of the Master, which was the love of the Father, was the same for all. (103, 26-27)

14. When the day arrived that the mob, urged on by those disturbed by the presence of Jesus, hurt and beat him, and they saw him bleed like a simple mortal under the affect of the blows; and later suffer and die like any human, the Pharisees, princes, and priests exclaimed with satisfaction: There is He who named himself the Son of God, who believed himself a king, and who passed himself off as the Messiah.

15. It was for their sake, more than for that of any others, that Jesus asked his Father to forgive those who while knowing the scriptures, denied him and pointed him out as an imposter to the multitudes. It was they, in reality, who being doctors of the law, when they judged Jesus did not know what they were doing, even while among the mob were hearts broken by the pain of the injustice they were witnessing and whose faces flooded with tears before the sacrifice of the righteous Man. It was the men and women of simple hearts but of humble and elevated spirit who knew who He was that had been in the world, and whom they were losing with the departure of the Master. (150, 24-25)

16. He speaks to you: He who on the cross, agonizing, abused and tortured by the mob, raised his eyes to the infinite, saying: "Forgive them, Father, for they know not what they do."

17. In that Divine pardon I included and embraced all mankind of all times, for I could see the past, the present, and the future of humanity. I can say to you in truth and spirit, that at that time I was looking upon you who in this time are hearing My New Word. (268, 38-39)

18. When from the height of the cross I directed My last looks to the multitude, I beheld Mary, and referring to John, I said: "Woman, behold your son," and to John: "Son, behold your mother."

19. The mob was blind, so John was then the only one able to understand the meaning of the phrase when I said: "I thirst," for it was the thirst for love that My Spirit felt.

20. And the two criminals agonized beside Me also; and while one of them blasphemed and sank into the abyss, the other shone with the light of faith, and in spite of seeing his God nailed to the ignominious cross, and near death, believed in his divinity, and said to him: "Remember Me when you come into your kingdom." To which I responded, moved by such faith: Truly, I say unto you, today you shall be with Me in Paradise.

21. None knew the tempests that passed through the heart of Jesus in that hour; the unchained elements were only a weak reflection of that which occurred inside that man, and so great, and so real was the pain of the Divine Spirit, that the flesh, feeling for an instant weak, exclaimed: My God, My God, why have you forsaken Me?

22. If I came to teach men how to live, I also came to teach them to die, forgiving and blessing even the very ones that injured and martyred Me when I said to the Father: "Forgive them, for they know not what they do."

23. And when the spirit abandoned this dwelling place, I said: "Father, into thy hands I commend My spirit." The perfect lesson had come to an end; as God and man, I had spoken. (152, 12-17)

24. A moment was enough for Dimas to save himself, and that was the last of his life; He spoke to Me from the cross, and in spite of seeing that Jesus, of whom it was said that He was the Son of God, was in agony, He sensed that He was the Messiah, the Savior, and He committed himself with all the repentance of his heart, and all the humility of his spirit, and it was for this that I promised him Paradise on that very day.

25. I say unto you, that He who sins unconsciously, but who at the end of his life speaks to Me with a heart full of humility and faith, I shall make to feel the tenderness of My charity, which shall raise him above the miseries of the earth, to make him know the pleasures of a noble and elevated life.

26. Yes, beloved Dimas, you went with Me to the Paradise of light and spiritual peace, where I carried your spirit in reward for your faith. Who would have said to those who doubted that in the dying and bleeding Jesus there dwelt a God and that in the thief who suffered on his right a spirit of light was hidden?

27. Time passed, and when calm came again, many of those that denied and scourged Me penetrated the light of My truth, and therefore their repentance was great and their love for following Me unshakeable. (320, 67)

28. In the Second Era I pronounced some last words from the cross while My physical body was in a state of agony. Among My last phrases there was one which was not understood during those moments or even later: My God, My God, why have you forsaken Me?

29. Because of those words, many became confused or doubtful, thinking that it was a moment of weakness and that I had faltered. But they had not taken into account that that was not the last phrase, that after it I still pronounced others which revealed strength and enlightenment: Father, into your hands I commend My Spirit, and "All is accomplished".

30. Now that I have returned to shed light on your confusion and to clarify what you have called Mysteries, I say to you, when I was on the cross, the agony was long and bloody. The body of Jesus, infinitely more sensitive than that of all men, suffered a prolonged agony, and death would not come. Jesus had already fulfilled his mission in the world. He had already said the last word and taught the last lesson. Then that tortured body, that torn flesh, on feeling the absence of the spirit, painfully asked the Lord, Father, Father why have you forsaken Me? That was the sweet and sorrowful complaint of the wounded lamb to his Shepherd. It was proof that Christ, the Word, truly became man in Jesus and that his suffering was real.

31. How can you attribute these words to Christ when He is united eternally to the Father? Now you know that it was a painful mooning from the body of Jesus, wounded and tortured by the blindness of men. But when the caress of the Lord rested upon that tortured flesh, Jesus went on to speak, and his words were, "Father, into your hands I commend My Spirit. All is accomplished". (34, 27-30)

32. When Jesus was on the cross, there was not a spirit which did not feel shaken before the voice of love and of justice of that one who was dying naked, similar to what they felt when He delivered the truth in his word. Whoever has analyzed the life of Jesus has recognized that neither before nor after him has anyone existed who could accomplish a work like his, for it was a Divine work which with his example will save humanity.

33. I came meekly to the sacrifice, for I knew that My blood would convert you and save you. I spoke with love and forgave you to the last instant because I came to bring you a sublime teaching and to trace for you the path toward eternity with perfect examples.

34. Humanity wanted to make Me give up My mission with the fragility of the flesh, but I did not give up. Men wanted to make Me blaspheme, but I did not blaspheme. The more the crowds offended Me the more pity and love I had for them. The more they hurt My body, the more blood flowed from it to give life to those whose faith had died.

35. That blood is the symbol of the love with which I traced the path for the human spirit. I left My word of faith and hope to those who were hungry for justice, and the treasure of My revelations to the spiritually enlightened ones.

36. "After time passed, humanity became aware of the one who had been in the world; then the work of Jesus was considered to be perfect and Divine and recognized as superhuman. There were many who shed tears of repentance! There were many spirits who experienced great remorse!" (29, 37-41)

37. If Jesus, who was the Way, the Truth, and the Life, ended his mission with that prayer of seven words, saying in the end to his Father: "Into your hands I commend My Spirit," do you think that you, who are the students and disciples of that Master, can leave this life without offering yourselves to the Father as a tribute of obedience and humility, and that you will be able to close your eyes in this world without asking of the Lord his protection, since you must open them in another ?

38. All the life of Jesus was an offering of love to the Father. The hours that his agony on the cross endured were a prayer of love, intercession, and forgiveness.

39. That, humanity, is the road that I came to show you. Live imitating your Master and I promise to carry you to My bosom, which is the origin of all happiness. (94, 78-80)

40. I, Christ, through Jesus, the man, manifested the glory of the Father and his wisdom and power. The power was used to perform prodigies in favor of those needful of faith in the spirit, of the light of understanding, and of peace in their hearts. That power, which is the very strength of love, was poured forth upon those who were needy, to be given entirely to others, so much so that I did not employ it for My own body, which also needed it in the supreme hour.

41. I did not wish to make use of My power to avoid the intense suffering of My body, for upon making Myself man, it was so that I would suffer for you, giving you a concrete, Divine, and humane proof of My infinite love and pity for the small, the needy, for the sinners.

42. All the power I manifested for others; whether in cleansing a leper, giving light to the blind, mobility to the paralyzed, or converting sinners and raising the dead; all the authority I showed before the crowds to give proof of My truth, by demonstrating My power over the elements and My authority over life and death, I did not wish to use for Myself, allowing My body to live that passion and feel that pain.

43. It is true that My power could have protected My body from all pain, but what merit would it have then held for you? What example, understandable by men, would I have given if I had made use of My power to avoid the pain? It was necessary to put aside My power at those moments, to renounce the Divine force in order to feel and live the pain of the flesh, the sadness before ingratitude, and loneliness, agony, and death.

44. That is why the lips of Jesus asked for help at the supreme hour: because his pain was real, but it was not only the physical pain that wracked the feverish and exhausted body of Jesus, it was also the spiritual sensation of a God that through that body was being mocked and ridiculed by the blind, ungrateful, and arrogant children for whom He was giving his blood.

45. Jesus was strong in the Spirit that animated him, which was the Divine Spirit, and He could have been physically insensible to the pain, and invincible before the trials of his persecutors; but it was necessary that He cry, and that He feel, that before the eyes of the multitude He fall once and again, the strength drained from his fiber, and that He die when the last drop of blood had escaped from his body.

46. Thus My mission on earth was fulfilled. Thus ended the existence in the world of He whom only days earlier the people had proclaimed King, as He entered Jerusalem. (320, 56-61)

45. Jesus was strong in the Spirit that animated him, which was the Divine Spirit, and He could have been physically insensible to the pain, and invincible before the trials of his persecutors; but it was necessary that He cry, and that He feel, that before the eyes of the multitude He fall once and again, the strength drained from his fiber, and that He die when the last drop of blood had escaped from his body.

46. Thus My mission on earth was fulfilled. Thus ended the existence in the world of He whom only days earlier the people had proclaimed King, as He entered Jerusalem. (320, 56-61)

The Saving Action of Jesus in the Worlds Beyond

47. Humanity had attained very little spiritual evolution during the beginning Eras. Man had no knowledge about a spirit's destiny after its departure from earth nor about its existence in the spiritual valley. Consequently, when those spiritual beings entered the spiritual valley, after having departed from earth, they were in a stale of deep spiritual sleep and confusion until they gradually began to awaken. But when Christ became man in Jesus to give his teaching to all spirits, once He had fulfilled his mission among humanity, He sent his light to multitudes of spiritual beings, who from the beginning of the world awaited his coming to be liberated from their confusion and to be able to rise toward the Creator.

48. Only Christ could illuminate that darkness. Only his voice could awaken those spirits and help them to evolve. When Christ died as a man, his Divine Spirit created light in the spiritual dwellings and also in the tombs, thus enlightening those spirits who had dwelt in darkness, clinging to their material bodies. Those beings wandered that night throughout the world, becoming visible to human eyes as proof that the Redeemer was life to all beings and the spirit was immortal. (41, 5-6)

49. Men and women perceived the signs and voices from Beyond; the elderly and children as well, were witnesses to those manifestations. And in the days before the death of the Redeemer, the spiritual light entered the hearts of humanity, the beings from the spiritual valley called to the hearts of men, and on the day when the Master gave his last breath as a man, his light penetrated every nook and cranny of both the spiritual and material dwelling places in search of those beings that had long been awaiting for Him. Materialized spirits, disturbed and ill, having lost the road, tied by chains of remorse, and bearing burdens of iniquity, and other spirits that believed themselves dead but were attached to their bodies, all arose from their lethargy and rose to life.

50. But before abandoning this earth, they went to those to whom they had belonged; to give testimony of His resurrection, of His existence, and with all this, the world witnessed these manifestations on that night of bereavement and mourning.

51. The hearts of men trembled and children cried before those who had died some time before, and who on that day returned again for only a moment to bear witness of that Master who having descended to the earth to sow his seed of love, at the same time cultivated the spiritual fields inhabited by an infinity of spirits, who are also his children, and healed them and freed them from their ignorance. (339, 22)

52. When I left My body, My Spirit made its entrance to the world of the spirits to speak to them with the word of truth as I had to you, I spoke to them of Divine love, for that is the true knowledge of life.

53. Truly I tell you, the spirit of Jesus was not for a single instant in the tomb; it had many other works of charity to perform in other worlds; My infinite wisdom had for them, as it had for you, many revelations to manifest.

54. There are also worlds where the spiritual beings do not know how to love, where they dwell in darkness and yearn for light. Today men know that where there is selfishness and a lack of love there is darkness; that war and passions are the key that locks the door to the road that leads to the Kingdom of God.

55. Love, in turn, is the key that opens the Kingdom of the light that is truth.

56. Here I have communicated through matter, there I have communicated directly with the elevated spirits, so that they instruct those that are unable to receive My inspiration directly. Those elevated and enlightened beings are, for you, like the spokesmen. (213, 6-11)

The Appearance of Jesus after the Resurrection

57. Days after My crucifixion, when My disciples were gathered around Mary, I made My presence felt, represented in a spiritual vision of a dove. In that blessed moment, no one dared move or say a single word. There was true ecstasy, while they beheld that vision and their hearts throbbed filled with strength and faith, realizing that the presence of the Master, who had apparently departed, would be with them always in Spirit. (8, 15)

58. Why must you believe that My coming in spirit is without purpose? Remember that I after My death as a man, continued to speak to My disciples, presenting Myself in Spirit.

59. What would have become of them without those manifestations I awarded them, strengthening their faith and encouraging them for its fulfillment?

60. Sad was the picture they presented when, after My parting, the tears did not cease to fall down their cheeks and sobs to escape at every instant from their chests. They prayed much, and the fear and remorse wore at them. They knew that one had sold Me, another had denied Me, and almost all of them had abandoned Me in the supreme moment.

61. How could they be the witnesses of the Master of all perfection? How could they have the courage and strength to confront men of diverse creeds and ways of thinking and living?

62. It was then that My Spirit manifested its presence among them to calm their pain, rekindle their faith, and set their hearts alight with the ideal of My Doctrine.

63. I humanized My Spirit to the point of making it visible and tangible to the disciples, but My presence was spiritual, and look at the long lasting and important influence those manifestations had on My apostles. (279, 47-52)

64. My sacrifice was consumed, but knowing that those hearts needed Me more than ever because in them a storm of doubts, suffering, confusion, and fear had been unleashed, I quickly came to them to give them one more proof of My infinite charity. In My love and pity for those students of My word, I humanized Myself, taking the form or image of the body that I bore in the world, and let them see and hear Me, and with My words ignited again the faith of those crestfallen spirits. It was a new lesson, a new form of communicating with those who had accompanied Me on the earth, and they felt strengthened, inspired, and transfigured by the faith and knowledge of My Truth.

65. In spite of those proofs, of which all were witnesses, there was one who obstinately denied My manifestations and the proofs that I came to give spiritually to My disciples, and it was necessary even to permit him to touch My spiritual presence with his material senses, so that He might believe.

66. However, not only among My closest disciples did such doubts arise; no, among the multitudes, in the towns, cities, and villages, among those who had received proofs of My power and for the sake of those works followed Me, confusion, anguished questioning, surprise, and incomprehension surged because all had ended in that manner.

67. I had pity on them all, and so, as I had with My closest disciples, I gave them proofs that though I would no longer accompany them as a man on the earth, I had not left them. To each heart, in each home, or family, and in each town, I manifested Myself to those hearts that believed in Me, making them feel My spiritual presence in a multitude of forms. Then began the struggle of those Christians who had needed to lose their Master on earth in order to raise themselves up to preach the truth that He had revealed to them. You all know their great works. (333, 38-41)

68. During the Second Era, when I made Myself visible to My disciples for the last time, among the clouds, when I disappeared from their sight, there was sorrow in them for at that moment they felt to have been left alone; but then they listened to the voice of the angel, the emissary of the Lord who said to them: "O men of Galilee, what is it that you see? This same Jesus that you see ascending into Heaven you will behold descending in the same manner."(8, 13)

69. Then they understood that when the Master should return to men, He would do it spiritually. (8, 13-14)


Chapter 13
Mission and Significance of Jesus and His Apostles

Correction of the Old Concept of God, and False Traditions

1. Jesus, the Christ, has been the clearest teaching that I have given you in the world to show you how great is the love and wisdom of the Father. Jesus was the living message that the Creator sent to the earth, so that you would know the virtues of He who created you. Humanity saw in Jehovah an angry and implacable God, a terrible and vengeful judge, and by means of Jesus He came to save you from your error.

2. See in the Master the Divine love made flesh; He came to judge your acts with his life of humility, sacrifice, and charity, and rather than punishing you with death, He offered His blood to help you to know the true life, that of love. That Divine message illuminated the life of humanity, and the Word that the Divine Master gave to men, gave origin to the religions and sects through which you have sought Me, and continue to seek Me; yet truly I say, you have not yet understood the content of that message.

3. Humanity has come to think that the love of God for his children is infinite, since He, in Jesus, died for the love of men. They have come to be moved by the suffering of Jesus before his judges and executioners, they have come to see the Father in the Son, but the content, the reach of that which the Lord wished to say to humanity through the revelation that began with a Virgin and concluded in the cloud at Bethany, has not been interpreted to this day.

4. I have had to return in the same cloud in which the Word ascended to the Father to give you the explanation and show you the true content of all that was revealed to you in the birth, life, works, and death of Jesus.

5. The Spirit of Truth promised by Christ in that Era is this Divine manifestation that has come to illuminate the darkness and clarify the Mysteries that the mind or heart of man have not been able to penetrate. (81, 46-49)

6. I came in the Second Era as a man, preaching My truth by example; I stopped the useless sacrifice of innocent and unconscious beings, sacrificing Myself on the altar for the sake of a perfect lesson of love. The Lamb of God, you called Me, because of that people having sacrificed Me on their traditional day of celebration.

7. Truly, My blood was spilled to teach men the road of redemption. My Divine love was poured forth from the cross upon the humanity of that and every time, so that in that example, in that word, and in that perfect life, humanity be inspired and find its salvation, purification from its sins, and the elevation of the spirit. (276, 15)

The Example of Jesus

8. It was necessary for Jesus to show you the principles that you must follow and from which you had departed.

9. I showed you all My meekness, My love, My wisdom and My charity, and drained the cup of pain in front of you, so that your hearts would be moved and your understanding would be awoken. It was necessary that your hearts awaken to good, and that the pain of seeing Me crucified for the love of them would act as a thorn that remind them, that you must all suffer for love in order to come to the Father. My promise for all who wish to take up their cross and follow Me was eternal peace: the supreme well being that in the spirit has no end. (240, 23-24)

10. Christ is, and must be, your model, it was for that reason that I came to make Myself man in that time. What was the manifestation that Jesus gave to humanity? His infinite love, his Divine wisdom, his limitless mercy, and his power.

11. I said to you: Imitate Me, and you will come to perform the same works I do. If I came as Master, you must understand that it was not to teach you lessons that are impossible, or out of reach of the understanding of men.

12. Understand then, that when you perform works like those Jesus taught you, you will have reached the fullness of life about which I spoke to you before. (156, 25-27)

The Importance of the Doctrine of Jesus

13. No other people of the earth of any generation or race have found the Doctrine of Jesus given as an example, like an open book for humanity to study, nor anything like it. For those who have arisen giving precepts of justice or doctrines of charity, have been sent by Me to the earth as forerunners, or as emissaries, but not as Divinity. Only Christ came among you as Divinity. He came to give you the clearest and greatest lesson that the heart of man has ever received. (219, 33)

The Summoning, Learning, and Trials of the Apostles of Jesus

14. In this era, you have commemorated the years of My preaching, those three years in which I prepared My disciples, and in which I lived with them. They beheld all My works, and during the preparation succeeded in entering My heart and contemplating the purity, majesty, and wisdom present in the Master.

15. In those days I performed no ostentatious acts, My passage through the earth was humble, but He who was prepared witnessed the grandeur of My presence and of the time that He lived.

16. Thus, I chose My disciples; some I found on the banks of the river, and called to, saying: "Follow Me." When they fixed their gazes upon Me they realized who it was that spoke to them, and so one by one, I went on choosing. (342, 21)

17. I never said, as I was preaching in the world, that My disciples were already teachers, or that they would be heard. They were the pupils who, captivated by the light of My word, meekly followed Me, but who, even so, made errors, for they needed time to transform themselves and thereafter arise as examples for humanity. They were stones who were being polished by the brush of Divine love, so that later they too could convert rocks to diamonds. (356, 39)

18. I have tested My disciples during all Eras. How many times I submitted Peter to a test and only once did He weaken, but do not misjudge him for that act, for when He kindled his faith, He was like a torch among mankind preaching and giving testimony of the truth.

19. "Do not judge Thomas; consider how many times you have witnessed My deeds and even then you have doubted. Do not regard Judas Iscariot with contempt, that beloved disciple who sold his Master for thirty pieces of silver, for there has never been a greater repentance than his."

20. I availed Myself of each one of them to give you lessons which would serve as an example and which would exist forever in the memory of mankind. After their weakness they had their repentance, a conversion and absolute devotion to the fulfillment of their mission. They were true apostles and they left an example for all generations. (9, 22-23)

John the Apostle

21. Remember, when My body was pried from the cross and then interred, My disciples, dismayed and unable to comprehend what had happened, believed that with the death of the Master all had ended. It was necessary that their eyes see Me again, and their ears again hear Me for their faith to be kindled, and to reaffirm their knowledge of My Word.

22. Now I must tell you that among the disciples there was one who never doubted Me, who never hesitated before the trials and never abandoned Me for an instant. It was John, the faithful, valiant, fervent, and most loving disciple.

23. It was because of that love that I entrusted Mary to him at the foot of the cross, so that He could continue drinking from the love of that blameless heart, and at her side be strengthened yet more for the struggle that awaited him.

24. While his brothers, the other disciples, fell one by one to the blows of the executioners, sealing the truth of what they preached and the name of their Master with their blood and their lives, John overcame this death, and escaped martyrdom.

25. Condemned to exile, his persecutors did not know that there on that island where they had cast him, the great revelation of the times that you are living in, the prophecy that speaks to men of what will be and what must be fulfilled, would descend to him from heaven.

26. After loving his brothers much, and dedicating his life to serving them in the name of his Master, John had to live isolated from them, alone, but praying constantly for humanity, thinking always of those for whom Jesus had poured forth his blood.

27. The prayer, the silence, the withdrawal, the purity of his existence and the kindness of his thoughts performed the miracle that this one man and that spirit evolved in a brief time to a degree, other spirits have needed thousands of years to be able to reach. (309, 41-44)

28. When I look upon the dwellers of this world, I see that the people know My name, that millions pronounce My words, but nonetheless, and in spite of this, truly I say to you that I do not see the love of one another.

29. All that I taught you in that time, and all that happens in the world, is the explanation and fulfillment of the revelation that through My apostle, John, I gave to humanity while My disciple inhabited the Island of Patmos. I bore his spirit to the heights, to the Divine plane, to the unfathomable; to show him in symbols the beginning and the end, the Alpha and the Omega; and He saw that which is, and which was, and which is to come.

30. He understood nothing at the moment, but My voice spoke to him, saying: "What you see, write," and He wrote.

31. John had disciples who sought him in his retreat, crossing the sea in boats. Avidly, those men asked He who had been the disciple of Jesus, how the Master had been, how were his words and miracles; and John, imitating his Lord in love and wisdom, amazed them with his words. Even when He had arrived at old age, and with his body weakened by time, He still had the strength to bear witness of his Master, and say to his disciples: "Love one another."

32. Those who sought him out, seeing that the day of the departure of John approached, and wanting to have all the wisdom that this apostle possessed, begged him to reveal what He had learned from his Master, and for an answer they heard only that phrase: "Love one another."

33. Those who asked with such hope and interest felt disappointed, and thought that age had erased from his memory the words of Christ.

34. I tell you that John had not forgotten a single one of My words, but that from all My lessons flowed that single essence that condenses all of the Law: The love of one another.

35. How could the lesson of the Master He so loved be erased from this so much beloved disciple? (167, 32-37)

36. After My departure in the Second Era your Celestial Mother remained on earth to strengthen and to accompany the disciples. After their ordeals and suffering, they found warmth in her gentleness and nourishment in her words. They continued to follow the Divine path inspired by Mary, who represented the Divine Master and continued teaching them. Once she departed from earth, their struggle began, and each disciple took the path that was designated for him. The love of Mary will be very close to you during this Third Era. It will strengthen you and encourage you during your ordeals. (183, 15)

The Apostles Peter and Paul

37. Do not forget what happened to Peter, My disciple, whom Saul intended to murder. I proved to My faithful apostle that He was not alone in his ordeal and that if He trusted in My power, I would defend him from those who wanted to persecute him.

38. Saul was surprised by My Divine light, when He went searching to capture Peter. My light touched the deepest part of Saul's heart, and He knelt in My presence conquered by My love and incapable of carrying out the mission that He intended against My apostle Peter. Instead, He felt a transformation of his entire being, because of the great faith and love He felt for Christ. He then quickly went looking for Peter, not to murder him, but to ask Peter about the teachings of Christ and to let him become actively involved in the Lord's work.

39. Since then, Saul became known as Paul. That change of name signified the complete spiritual transformation that had occurred in that man. (308, 46-47)

40. Paul was not counted among My twelve apostles. He did not eat at My table, nor follow Me along the roads to hear My teachings; rather, He did not believe in Me, nor see kindly those who followed Me. In his heart existed the idea of exterminating the seed that I had confided to My disciples, which had already began to spread; but Paul did not know that He himself was one of mine. He knew that the Messiah must come, and He believed in Him, but could not imagine that the humble Jesus was the promised Savior. His heart was full of the arrogance of the world, and that is why He had not felt the presence of the Lord.

41. Saul had risen up against his Redeemer. He persecuted My disciples as well as those who approached them to hear My message from the lips of those apostles. Thus I surprised him, who was dedicated to the persecution of those who were mine. I touched him in the most sensitive part of his heart, and He recognized Me at once, for his spirit had awaited Me, it was for this reason that He heard My voice.

42. It was My will that this public man be converted in this manner, so that the world continue witnessing at each step these surprising works that serve as stimulus to its faith and understanding.

43. Why cite, deed by deed, the life of the man who from that moment consecrated his life to loving his fellow men, inspired by love for his Master and for his Divine lessons?

44. Paul was one of the greatest of the apostles of My word; his testimony was always of love, purity, truth, and light. His prior materialism was transformed to a very elevated spirituality, his hardness became infinite tenderness, and thus was the persecutor of My apostles made into the most diligent sower of My word; the untiring traveler who carried to various nations, districts, and towns the Divine message of his Lord, for whom He lived and for whom He offered his life.

45. Here, beloved people, you have a beautiful example of conversion, and a demonstration that even without having heard Me, men can come to be My great apostles. (157, 42-47)

The Example of the Apostles

46. Who, other than I, inspired the disciples in the Second Era as they continued their journey on earth without the Divine Master? Do you not admire what each disciple was able to accomplish? I say to you that those disciples had weaknesses as do all human beings, but later they developed great faith and love. They did not fear being left on earth as sheep among wolves, continually being persecuted and ridiculed by others.

47. They had the power to perform miracles and knew how to use that gift to convert to the truth.

48. Blessed were those who heard what Jesus had said through the lips of My apostles, because they presented My Doctrine without any alterations in a true and pure form. That is why those men, who heard My apostles speak, felt in their spirits the presence of the Lord. They experienced a sensation of power, wisdom, and majesty.

49. In them you have a worthy example: Those poor and humble fisherman from Galilee, transformed by love into spiritual fishermen moved people and empires with the word they had learned from Jesus, and with their perseverance and sacrifice they prepared the conversion of the peoples and the establishment of spiritual peace. From kings to beggars they knew My peace in those days of true Christianity.

50. That Era of spirituality was not lasting among men, but I, who know all, had already promised and proclaimed My return, for I knew that you would once again have need of Me. (279, 56-60)

The Expansion of Christianity

51. My doctrine, on the lips and in the works of My disciples, was a sword of love and light that fought against ignorance, idolatry, and materialism. A clamor of indignation was raised by those who saw their Myths and traditions would soon be toppled, while at the same time in other hearts a hymn of joy was raised before the illuminated path that opened to hope and faith for those thirsty for truth and oppressed by sin.

52. Those that denied the spiritual life were exasperated on hearing the revelations of the Kingdom of Heaven, while those who had sensed its existence, and who hoped for justice and salvation, gave thanks to the Father for having sent his Only Son to the world.

53. The men who kept in their heart the blessed passion to love and serve their God with purity, saw their path opened, and their understanding illuminated upon penetrating My word, and felt relief in their spirits and hearts. The teachings of Christ, as the true spiritual bread, came to fill the immense vacuum that they bore, fulfilling all the hopes of their spirits with its perfection and its essence.

54. A new Era began, and a clearer road leading to eternity opened.

55. What beautiful sentiments of spiritual elevation, of love and tenderness awoke then in those who were illuminated by faith to receive My Word. What courage and firmness accompanied those hearts that knew how to suffer and face up to all without weakening for an instant.

56. Could it have been because the blood of the Master was still fresh? No, people, the spiritual essence of that blood, which was the spiritual representation of Divine Love, will never dry or vanish; it is present, and is as alive and warm now as it was then.

57. It is that in those hearts there was also love for the truth to which they consecrated their lives and offered even their blood, as confirmation that they had learned the lesson of their Master.

58. That nobly spilled blood overcame the obstacles and difficulties.

59. Oh how the spirituality of the disciples of My Word contrasted with the idolatry, the materialism, the selfishness, and the ignorance of the fanatics of the old traditions, or of the pagans who lived only to worship material pleasures. (316, 34-42)

60. Sow good examples along the road, do not adulterate My teachings; in this, imitate My disciples of the Second Era, who never fell into material forms of worship to teach and explain My Doctrine. The idolatry into which mankind later fell cannot be attributed to them. Their hands never erected altars, nor constructed palaces for spiritual worship; but bore the teaching of Christ to humanity, brought health to the sick, hope and consolation to the poor and miserable, and like their Master, showed the road of salvation to the lost.

61. The Christian religion that you know in these times is not even a reflection of the Doctrine that My apostles practiced and taught.

62. Once again I tell you that in those disciples you can find the perfect models of humility, love, charity, and elevation. They sealed with their blood the truth that they pronounced with their lips.

63. Humanity will no longer ask you for blood to believe in your testimony, but they will ask you for truth. (256, 30-33)
