Three Great Divine Revelations

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Overview and Comparison

(Revelations of Swedenborg)

(Revelations of Lorber)

Mexican Revelations

The Divine Love

The Third Testament

Part 1 - Second Coming

Part 2 - First + Second Era

Part 3 - Christian Church

Part 4 - Law + Love of God

Part 5 - Revelation-Forms

Part 6 - Creation

Part 7 - Evolutionary Road

Part 8 - Human Beings

Part 9 - Divine Wisdom

Part 10 - Materialism

Part 11 - Humanity

Part 12 - Judgement+Purifi.

Part 13 - Transformation

Part 14 - Missionary Calling

Part 15 - Exhortations

Part 16 - Prophecies

The Book of True Life

The Divine Tenderness

Literature and Websites


Site Notice

The Third Testament - Part 13

The Transformation and Consecration of the World and Creation

Chapter 56 – Triumph and Recognition of the Spiritual Work of Christ

The Spreading of Spiritualism by the Envoys of God

The Fight for the Recognition of the New Word

The Power of the Doctrine of The Holy Spirit

The Acceptance of the Return of Christ in All the World

Chapter 57 – Reversion and Renewal in all Human Areas

New and More Profound Knowledge

Instruction through Human Envoys of God

The Metamorphoses of Human Beings

Transformations and Revolutions in all Areas of Life

Chapter 58 – The Kingdom of the Peace of Christ and the Culmination
of Creation

The Determining Power in the Kingdom of the Peace of Christ

The New Man

The Earth as Promised Land and Reflection of the Kingdom
of Heaven

The Consummation of Creation

The Song of Praise for the restored Harmony of Creation


Chapter 56
Triumph and Recognition of the Spiritual Work of Christ

The Spreading of Spiritualism by the Envoys of God

1. My Law will be the ark of salvation in this period; when the flood-waters of sin, of grief and misery are unleashed, truly I say to you that men of other nations, will arrive in caravans to this country, attracted by its spirituality, its hospitality and peace, and when they know about this revelation and have faith in what I said in My new coming as the Holy Spirit, I will also name them Israelites in the spirit.

2. Among those multitudes will be My emissaries, whom I will send to their people to convey the Divine message of My word to their brethren.

3. But not everyone will come to this nation to learn of this teaching which I brought to you, because many will receive it spiritually. (10, 22)

4. Each of you shall receive peace, depending on how you have shaped it, but I promise you better times.

5. After the purge that must take place on earth, beings sent by Me, virtuous spirits with great missions, will come to form the obedient family.

6. Four generations after your own shall pass for My Doctrine to extend over the earth and harvest wonderful fruits. (310, 50)

The Fight for the Recognition of the New Word

7. Today it is a small portion that surrounds Me, but tomorrow the multitudes that will be around Me will be immense; among them will be the pharisees and the hypocrites, searching for errors in My Doctrine to arouse the mind of the multitudes against My Work. They do not know that before they scrutinize My word, they will be scrutinized. (66, 61)

8. In that era, three judges, Annas, Pilate, and Herod judged me, and the people fulfilled their sentence on Me. Now, I tell you, many are My judges, and more of them there are who will make Me feel pain in this era.

9. But just when men show the greatest aversion to My Law and Doctrine, just when I am most rejected and persecuted, the voice of the men of faith shall rise up, for what happened in the Second Era shall not occur again; now I am not alone. (94, 67)

10. There shall be a moment when My word given in this Era will seem to have been wiped from the face of the earth.

11. Then men will surface inventing spiritualist doctrines, teaching new laws and doctrines. They will call themselves masters, apostles, prophets, and envoys. For a time, I will let them speak, and sow, and I will permit them to cultivate their crop, so that when they gather their harvest, they will understand what they have sown.

12. Time and the elements shall pass over their seeds, and their passage shall be like a judgment for each of these beings.

13. It is necessary for the world to know impostors, so that they may recognize truth. It is then that the truth and essence that I have bestowed upon you in this time shall rise up in humanity in all its purity and spirituality. (106, 9-10)

The Power of the Doctrine of The Holy Spirit

14. A new Era has unfolded before mankind; it is the Era of light, whose presence indicates a halt along the spiritual path of all men; this will enable them to awaken, meditate, and rid themselves of their heavy burden of traditions, fanaticism and errors, in order to arise later to a new life.

15. Some sooner and others later, all religions and sects will be arriving before the invisible Temple, before the Temple of the Holy Spirit which is present in My Work, firm as a column which rises toward infinity, awaiting men of all peoples and lineages.

16. When all have penetrated the interior of My sanctuary to pray and meditate, one and all will reach the same understanding of My truth; that is why, once that "stop" along the way is ended, everyone will arise together guided by the same Law and will have to render worship in the same manner to the Father. (12, 94-96)

17. I, in union with the people I am forming and who I rescued from darkness and ignorance, shall give fulfillment to the prophecies made in past times, and before My trials and prodigies the world shall tremble and the theologians and interpreters of prophecies will burn their books and prepare to study this revelation. Men with titles, men of science, men with scepters and crowns, shall stop to hear My Doctrine, and many will cry, "Christ, the Savior, has returned!"

18. Verily I say to you that My Word will change the face of your present world and all of your life.

19. For the men of this era, the world and its pleasures are the reason for their existence; however, soon they will place the spirit before the flesh and the flesh before its garments, and instead of seeking mundane glories, they will go in search of the immortality of the spirit.

20. In the beginning there will be a fanaticism toward the spiritual; its fulfillment will be carried toward an extreme, but then the hearts will calm down and spirituality will emerge filled with truth and purity. (82, 30-31)

21. My doctrine shall cause great revolutions in the world, there shall be great transformations in the customs and ideas and there shall be changes even in Nature; all of these shall be signs of the arrival of a new Era for humanity, and the spirits that I shall soon send to the earth will speak of all these prophecies to aid in the restoration and elevation of this world; they shall explain My words, and analyze events. (152, 71)

22. A new song will arise from the spirit of all those who before were not able, but who have finally seen Me because, in spite of their imperfections, they sought Me, and you already know that He who seeks Me will always find Me.

23. But those who have denied Me, those who have fled Me, those who have hidden My name, and those who deny My presence, shall have trials put on their roads that will open their eyes and make them also see the truth. (292, 35-36)

24. Like the river that flows headlong for the sea, wiping away all before it, so shall the torrent formed by the spiritualist multitudes that none can impede, for its strength will be invincible, and any who might wish to place themselves as obstacles will be carried away by the current.

25. Who on earth could have the power to detain the evolution of the spirits, or the course of the designs of God? None. The only Being of absolute power and justice is your Father, and He has ordered that each spirit advance toward perfection.

26. If at moments My Divine laws have been disobeyed by men, I shall make My voice be heard like the echo of a clamoring bell even by those dead to the spiritual life. (256, 40-42)

27. When humanity knows My teaching, and penetrates its meaning, they will put their confidence in it and confirm themselves in the belief that it is the right road: a guide for all who yearn to live in justice, love, and respect for their fellow men.

28. When this doctrine has settled in the hearts of men, home life will be enlightened, fortifying the parents in virtue, married couples in faithfulness to each other, children in obedience; it shall fill the wisdom of teachers, make leaders magnanimous, and inspire judges to do real justice; scientists shall be enlightened, and that light shall reveal great secrets for the good of humanity and their spiritual evolution. And thus shall a new Era of peace and progress begin. (349, 35)

The Acceptance of the Return of Christ in All the World

29. When man has fallen to the depths of the abyss, and tired of struggle and suffering, no longer has the strength to save himself, marveling, He shall see how springing forth from the very depths of his weakness, his desperation, and his disillusion, shall come an unknown force that emanates from the spirit, which upon seeing that the hour of its liberation has arrived, shall take wing and rise from the ruins of a world of vanities, selfishness, and lies to say: "There is Jesus, the repudiated one. He lives. In vain have we wished to kill him every day and at every step; [yet] He lives, and comes to save us and give us all his love." (154, 54)

30. Truly I tell you that just as the kings in the past were amazed at the humble manner in which I was born, people of this Era will also be amazed at the humble manner in which I chose to manifest Myself. (307, 52)

31. Humanity is now in a stage of preparation. It is My justice that prepares them without men yet realizing it because, in their arrogance, in their materialistic pride, all the events of their lives which are inevitable they attribute to chance.

32. But My call shall soon come to the hearts [of men] and then, contrite, they shall come to ask me that their pride and their errors be pardoned.

33. This shall be the crucial hour for the spirits of humanity, in which after their great disillusionments, for a moment they will feel an absolute emptiness when they see evidenced the falseness of their greatness, the fragility of their power, and the wrongness of their ideologies.

34. Yet that state of confusion shall not last long, for by then My emissaries will be moving forward, disseminating My new message.

35. Again, just as in past times when My missionaries advanced from east to west spreading the knowledge of My word, in this time My envoys will return to this world, taking the light of this message to peoples and homes.

36. Will it seem strange to men that this time My light moves from west to east? Shall they for this reason reject the message carried to them by My bearers in My name? (334, 42-45)

37. There are entire races that do not accept Me, there are peoples who stubbornly distance themselves from My laws; who persist in not knowing My Doctrine, or in opposing it after judging it inappropriate for these times.

38. They are those who have not understood Me, who have remained stubborn in their earthly liberties, and who many times practice good for their own convenience and not for the elevation of the spirit.

39. But for each people and each race, My justice and My trials are ready, and they shall be coming day by day finally to fortify their hearts and spirits as though they were fields to be planted; and when they are prepared, My seed, the eternal seed of My love, My justice, and My light, will be planted in their bosom.

40. And those peoples will speak of Me with love, those races will be born to hope in Me, and there shall be hymns in the spirits of all the peoples of this humanity, choruses of praise and love for the one Lord of all men. (328, 12)


Chapter 57
Reversion and Renewal in all Human Areas

New and More Profound Knowledge

1. The time draws near in which the spiritual revelations will disclose to mankind the shining path to reach and know the Mysteries which are concealed in the bosom of Creation.

2. The light of My Spirit will reveal to you the manner of obtaining the true science which will permit man to be recognized and obeyed by the creatures that surround you. and by the elements of Creation, thus fulfilling in this way My will that man would be lord on the earth, but that will take place when the spirit of man illuminated by its conscience, will exercise its power and its light over the weaknesses of the flesh. (22, 19)

3. The day when men will understand the importance of the spirit is near, for many men, believing, do not believe, and others seeing, do not see. Yet, when they touch the truth, they will recognize that it would be childish, unfair, and senseless to continue sustaining a being that belongs to another life with the fruits of this world.

4. Then they shall seek the light in their religions, and in their anguish and anxiety to find the truth, they shall go about abolishing what is false in their doctrines, and destroying all that is superficial and external in their various cults, until they discover the Divine essence. (103, 42)

5. Mankind will certainly get tired of sowing hatred, violence and egotism. Each seed of hatred that they sow will multiply against them in such a way that their strength will not be enough to gather its harvest.

6. This result, unforeseen and superior to their human power, will detain them in their frenzied and senseless journey. Afterward I will perform a miracle in each heart by allowing charity to emanate where there was only egotism.

7. Men will again attribute to themselves all perfection, knowledge and justice. They will remember that Jesus said: The leaf of a tree does not move without the Fathers will, because today, according to the feeling of the world, the leaf of a tree, all beings and the stars move by chance. (71, 30)

8. When My voice is heard by humanity in spiritual form, men shall feel the vibration of something that has always been inside them but without the power to freely manifest itself; it will be the spirit, animated by the voice of its Lord, that rises up to answer My call.

9. Then a new Era shall begin on earth, for you shall cease to see life from below, and begin to see it, to know and enjoy it, from the heights of your spiritual elevation. (321, 38-39)

10. When it is no longer the mind that leads the spirit in observing or understanding science, but the spirit that elevates and guides the mind, men will discover things that are unfathomable to them now, but which are in fact destined to be revealed when men have spiritualized their intelligence. (295, 37)

11. I have told you that the moment will come when the light shall shine from everywhere, in all lands and all continents. That light will shine according to the spiritual preparation of man, and through it a new and more accurate idea of creation will be formed, a new stage of spiritual evolution. (200, 41)

12. When men come to think universally of love, each person will then try to perfect themselves, to comply, and to serve others better. All fear of punishment will be unnecessary, man will not comply from fear, but from conviction; it is then that humanity will have evolved spiritually, and in his intelligence. (291, 25)

13. When my seed has sprout in the hearts of the people that make up humanity, the life of every human will undergo a complete change. How big the change will be, which they will show in their human life, as well as their spiritual worship towards God, when you compare the state of living, believing, worshiping, fighting and thinking of the humans from earlier times with the ones who live spiritualism.

14. From that time of fanaticism, idolatry, materialization and absurd faith-dogmas, no stone will remain atop the other. All errors that your ancestors and you yourselves will bequeath to the following generations, will be removed. Everything that does not carry any essence of good and truth within itself, will not persist, but everything good that you inherited, they will preserve.

15. That doctrine, expounded in a more spiritual form than in past times, shall have to struggle between men, peoples, religions, and sects to open a passageway and establish itself; yet, when the time of confusion has passed, the peace shall come to men, and they will enjoy finding in My word the contents it has always held.

16. The concept of My divinity, of the spiritual life, and of the purpose of your existence shall begin to follow the true path, for each man shall be a good interpreter of what has been told him in parable and in a figurative sense by your Master, and by his envoys and prophets.

17. That language was understood only in part by men; it was the lesson assigned to them according to their mental and spiritual capacity, but they, wishing to know all, became confused, giving it material interpretations to what can only be analyzed in spiritual form. (329, 22-26)

Instruction through Human Envoys of God

18. I have promised to send the great spirits of light to live among you; they await only the moment to come to earth to be made flesh and fulfill a great mission of restoration.

19. What will you need to teach these beings when they come to inhabit this world? Nothing, truly I tell you, for they shall come to teach, not to learn.

20. You shall marvel to hear them speaking even in childhood of profound teachings, sustaining conversations with the men of science and the theologians, startling the aged with their experience, and counseling the children and the young toward the good path.

21. Blessed shall be the home that receives one of these spirits in its bosom, and how grave shall be the charges against those who try to impede the fulfillment of the missions of My envoys. (238, 30-31)

22. I tell you again, that there shall be no lack in the world of men bearing great light to illuminate your path and sow your lives with love.

23. Humanity has always had the presence of these men on earth, and the time nears when great legions of these spirits of great light come to the earth to destroy the false world you have created, and to erect a new one, where men breathe peace, and truth reigns.

24. They shall suffer greatly caused by the evil of men, but that will be nothing new, for none of the envoys of God has escaped persecution, mockery, and offenses. They shall have to come to the world and dwell in it, for their presence is necessary on earth.

25. They shall come calling with love to the heart of humanity; their word, impregnated with the justice of the Father, shall touch the pride and arrogance of all who have exchanged the vestments of humility of the spirit, for the robes of vanity, pride, false power, and false greatness.

26. Those shall be the first to stand pointing with a finger trembling from rage at My envoys; but this shall mean merely that in each trial to which My envoys are submitted, these can give great testimony of the truth they have brought to the world.

27. You do not now know in what walks of human life they will appear, but I tell you that some shall appear in the bosom of the great religions; they will struggle for the unification and spiritual harmony of all men.

28. Others shall arise from among the men of science to show with the fruit of their inspirations that the true purpose of science is the spiritual perfection of man, and not his misery and destruction.

29. And so, in every walk of life My servants shall appear bearing My Law in their hearts and testifying in word and deed to what I have come to speak to you of in this era. (255, 43-47)

The Metamorphoses of Human Beings

30. I am prophesying a new world for you, and a humanity made spiritual — and again, when this Word is known, it will not be believed.

31. Generations and generations shall pass; the arrogance of men shall unleash tempests and floods, pests and plagues, and the cry of humanity shall move the heavens.

32. Yet, after all this, the new inhabitants shall begin a life of reflection and spirituality, making use of the immense body of experience that past generations have left to them, and the Divine seed shall begin to germinate.

33. In each spirit exists a germ of the Divine, for it sprang from Me, and just as your children inherit the looks or the characteristics of their parents, the spirits too, shall in the end reveal that which they have inherited from their Celestial Father, which is love. (320, 9-11)

34. After the new flood, the rainbow shall shine as a symbol of peace and a new pact man will make spiritually with its Lord.

35. You should expect the struggle to be great, for all of you shall need to fight against the dragon of evil whose weapons are ambition, hatred, earthly power, lust, vanity, selfishness, lies, idolatry, and fanaticism; all being the forces of evil born of the human heart, and against which you must fight with great courage and faith until you have defeated them.

36. When the dragon of your passions has been killed by your arms of light, a new world shall appear to men: a new world, being the same one, but which shall seem more beautiful, for men will then know how to take it for their good and their progress, endowing each of their works with the ideal of spirituality.

37. Hearts shall be ennobled, the minds shall have light, and the spirit will know how to manifest its presence. All that is good shall prosper, and all that is elevated shall serve as the seed for human works. (352, 61-64)

38. Man has descended deep into an abyss and even to there the conscience has accompanied him, waiting for the propitious moment to be heard. Soon that voice shall be heard in the world with such great a force that you cannot imagine now.

39. But it will make mankind come out of their abyss of pride, materialism and sin, to be cleansed in the waters of repentance and begin to elevate themselves toward the path of spirituality.

40. I will help all My children because I am the resurrection and the life who comes to lift the dead from their tombs.

41. In this existence that I now come to offer mankind, men will abide by My will renouncing their freedom of will through love, persuaded by the fact that He who abides by the will of the Father is not a servant nor a slave, but a true son of God. Then you will know a true happiness and a perfect peace, which are the fruit of love and wisdom. (79, 32)

42. I tell you that in this, the Third Era, though it seems impossible to you, the regeneration and salvation of humanity shall not be difficult, for the task of redemption is a Divine Work.

43. My love shall be that which returns men to the road of light and truth. My love subtly entering each heart, caressing each spirit, manifesting itself through each conscience, shall transform the hardest rocks into sensitive hearts; it shall make spiritualized beings of materialistic men, and of hardened sinners men of righteousness, peace, and good will.

44. I speak to you in this way because none know better than I the evolution of your spirits; and humanity, in spite of its great materialism, its love for the world, and its passions developed to the greatest depths of sin, only in appearance lives clinging to the flesh and material life. I know that when it feels in its spirit the affectionate touch of My love, it shall come to me ready to quit itself of its burden and follow Me on the road of truth that without realizing, it intensely wishes to travel. (305, 34-36)

45. Be alert, and you shall be the witnesses of the conversion of those who have ignored Me, just as you shall see the return of those who have parted from the path of truth.

46. Men of science who have dedicated their lives to seeking tools and strength for destruction, upon feeling their judgment approach, shall turn to the path of truth to consecrate their last days to the moral and material reconstruction of the world.

47. Others, who in their pride had tried to occupy My place among the spirits, shall descend from their thrones to imitate Me among humanity; and those men who at one time agitated among the people promoting wars, shall come to see their errors and anxiously seek peace between men. (108, 39)

48. When My light has penetrated all hearts, and the men who lead the peoples, those who teach, and all those who fulfill the most important missions, let themselves be guided and inspired by the higher light that is the conscience, then indeed can you have hope for one another. Then can you have faith in your brothers, for My light will be in all, and in My light is My presence and the justice of My love. (358, 29)

49. My teaching shall be heard again by humanity, however it will not be because My Law has returned to humanity, it has always been written in their consciences; it shall be because men have returned to the path of the Law.

50. This world shall be like the prodigal son of My parable, and like him, it shall find its Father in his place, waiting to embrace him with love and seat him to sup at his table.

51. The hour for the return of humanity to Me has not yet come, they conserve yet a part of their inheritance which they will have to squander in feasting and pleasures until they find themselves naked, hungry, and sick before they then raise their gaze to the Father.

52. It is necessary to concede to those men ambitious for earthly things some moments more for their disillusion to be complete, so they may finally convince themselves that the gold, the power, the titles, and the pleasures of the flesh will never give them peace, or the well being of the spirit.

53. The hour of the examination of humanity in the light of the conscience approaches; there shall stand the wise, the theologians, the scientists, the powerful, the rich, and the judges, asking themselves with what spiritual, moral, or material fruit they have gathered, they can feed mankind.

54. From that instant, many shall return to Me, recognizing that in spite of the glory they had on earth, they lacked something to fill the emptiness into which their spirits, which can only be sustained with the fruits of the spiritual life, had fallen. (173, 19-20 and 57-58)

55. From the men of today, lacking in spirituality and love, I shall make spring the generations often prophesied by My word; but first I shall prepare these peoples who today ignore and who make war and destroy each other.

56. And when the action of My justice has passed over all, and the weeds have been uprooted, a new humanity shall arise, no longer bearing the seeds of discord, hatred, and envy in their blood, for the blood of their Fathers will have been purified in the crucible of pain and repentance.

57. I shall receive them, and tell them as I did in the Second Era: "Ask, ask and ye shall be given." Yet, now I will add: Know how to ask. (333, 54)

Transformations and Revolutions in all Areas of Life

58. The material world, the planet, is not near to its disintegration; but the end of the world of sin and error, of darkness and bad science, shall come to an end with the light of My doctrine, and upon its ruins I shall raise up a new world of progress and peace. (135, 5)

59. Great will be the change that mankind will suffer in a short while: institutions, principles, beliefs, doctrines, customs, laws, and all orders of the human existence will be shaken from their very foundations. (73, 3)

60. All men, races, and nations will respond to the Divine call. They will listen once the spirit of man becomes weary of being a prisoner on earth. The spirit will arise and break the chains of materialism in order to proclaim its spiritual freedom. (297, 66)

61. The time will come when men will arise who truly love My Law, those who will know how to join the spiritual law with that of the world, the eternal power with the temporal.

62. Yet, it shall not be in order to enslave spirits, as in times past, but to show them the road to the light, which is the true liberty of the spirit.

63. Then shall morality return to the bosom of the home; there shall be truth in the institutions and spirituality in your customs. It shall be the time in which the conscience makes its voice heard and in which My children communicate from spirit to Spirit with My Divinity, where the races are joined.

64. And all of this shall decide the disappearance of many differences and conflicts, because up until now, in spite of the small size of your world, you have not known how to live as a single family, and have not been able to offer me unified worship.

65. Ancient Babel condemned you to this division of the peoples and races, but the construction of My spiritual temple in the hearts of humanity shall free you from that restitution and bring you to love one another truly. (87, 10)

66. A time will come when the desire of humanity for spiritual elevation shall be so fervent that they will dedicate every means at their disposal toward transforming this vale of tears into a world where harmony reigns, that will do even the impossible, making superhuman efforts and sacrifices, to reject war.

67. It will be those men that elevate this world, those who take from humanity their cup of bitterness, who rebuild all that previous generations have destroyed in their blind ambition, their materialism, and their senselessness.

68. They shall be the ones who beware true worship for Me, that worship which bears neither fanaticism nor outward and superfluous acts. They shall try to make humanity understand that the harmony between human and spiritual laws, and their fulfillment, is the best worship men can offer God. (297, 68-69)

69. The time of rites, of bells and altars of bronze, shall now pass from humanity. Idolatry and religious fanaticism shall give their final signs of life, and the time of struggle and chaos that I have been announcing shall come.

70. And when, after the storm, peace has returned to the spirits, men will no longer build palaces in My honor, nor shall the crowds be called with voices of bronze, nor shall the men who think themselves great hold their power over the multitudes. The time of humility, fraternity, and spirituality will come, bringing with it an equality of gifts for mankind, (302, 37)

71. The reaper is here in this era, bearing the mission of felling all the trees that do not bear good fruit. In that great struggle, only justice and truth will prevail.

72. Many of the churches will vanish, though some will stand. In some truth will shine forth in splendor, while others will offer only imposture, yet the scythe of justice shall continue cutting until all of the seed that remains on earth is selected. (200, 11)

73. This is the continuation of My lessons, but not the end of time as understood by men. The world will continue spinning in space; spirits will continue to arrive on earth to be made flesh and fulfill their destinies; and men will continue populating this planet, only humanity's way of life will change.

74. The transformations that human life undergoes shall be great, so much so, that it will seem that a world has ended and another been born. (117, 14)

75. That is what all of you walk toward: toward that life of serenity and peace, not toward the abyss, or death, as you currently forebode in your hearts.

76. It is true that you must yet drink much bitterness before the time of your spirituality arrives, but it shall not be death, nor war, nor pestilence, nor hunger that halt the course of your lives or the spiritual evolution of this humanity. I am stronger than death, and so I will return your lives to you if you die, and make you return to earth whenever necessary.

77. There is much yet to reveal to you, beloved humanity. There are yet many surprises in My arcane. (326, 54)


Chapter 58
Christ's Kingdom of Peace and the Culmination
of Creation

The Determining Power in the Kingdom of the Peace of Christ

1. Just as I announced these bitter times to you, I also say to you that once this confusion has passed, harmony will come among humanity.

2. Those beings who are proud, vain, and who lack charity and justice will remain for awhile in the spiritual valley in order for goodness, peace and justice to progress on earth, thus allowing spirituality and science to flourish. (50, 39-40)

3. In the lives of men, evil has always been ahead of good, but again I tell you, that evil shall not prevail, My law of love and justice shall reign over humanity. (113, 32)

4. The spirits incarnated in those days shall, in their majority, be faithful to the good, so much so that when men who are inclined to evil arise, no matter how strong they might be, will be forced to bend before the light of truth that the majority present to them. Very different from that which occurs today, when being more numerous, the twisted ones have made of evil a force which suffocates, pollutes, and immobilizes the good ones. (292, 55)

5. Then, oh, My disciples, the New Jerusalem shall be in the hearts of men. You shall reach high levels of spirituality, and I shall send to incarnate among you not only the greatly evolved spirits to bring you My messages, but also the spirits needful of your virtue, who upon finding themselves among you shall cleanse themselves of their sins.

6. In those times, the opposite shall occur of that which does today, when I send you clean spirits and you return them soiled. (318, 46)

The New Man

7. Men will surge from the scum, the mire, and the sin to Law and virtue, and will walk along the roads of love and grace. My Spirit will be felt everywhere, every eye shall see Me, every ear will hear Me and every mind will understand My revelations and inspirations.

8. Men regarded as slow to comprehend and rude will suddenly become illuminated and converted into My prophets; from their lips will pour forth words which will be like crystalline water upon they withered hearts.

9. The prophets will take that water from the fountain of wisdom and truth which is I, and there they will find health, purity and eternal life. (68, 38-39)

10. My Kingdom is reserved to the sons of good will, who embrace their cross from love of their Father and their fellow men. That Kingdom of which I speak is not in any one place, but can be found in the world which you inhabit, just as in any of the spiritual mansions, for My Kingdom is formed of peace, light, grace, power, and harmony. All of these things you may achieve, though only partly, in this life full spirituality you will achieve only beyond this world you now inhabit. (108, 32)

11. In truth, I tell you, if men today are more material than spiritual, tomorrow they will be more spiritual than material.

12. Men have tried to materialize their spirit completely, but that complete materialization they will not accomplish, because the spirit is like a diamond, and a diamond never ceases to be one, even when it falls into the mire. (230, 54)

13. Men, without giving up their duties and missions in the world, will put their science, their strength, their talent, and their hearts into the service of My Divine cause. They will seek the healthy pleasures, those that are good for both the spirit and the material. They will fight for their regeneration and for their freedom, and they will not pollute themselves or take what is not necessary to them. And that is when evil and frivolousness shall disappear from the earth; the spirit will have achieved its complete dominion over its shell, and while still inhabiting the material form, will create a spiritual life of love, brotherhood, and peace.

14. That shall be the time when wars disappear, when there is respect and charity towards one another, when you realize that you cannot dispose of the life of another, nor even of your own; you will then know that you are not the owners of your own life, nor of those of your spouses and children, nor of this earth; rather, it is I who am the owner of all Creation; however, because you are My beloved children, all that is Mine, you too possess.

15. And I, being owner and holder of all things created, am unable to kill My creatures: to hurt or wound any one of them. Why then, do those who are not the owners of life take what is not theirs to dispose of?

16. When this teaching has been understood by men, they will have taken a step upward in their spiritual evolution, and this world will be the dwelling of advanced spirits.

17. You do not know if after this time you will return to inhabit this planet. I shall mark those who shall have to see those times of grace, those who will have to come to behold this valley which was in another age a vale of tears, destruction, and death.

18. Those seas, those forests, and those fields that were the witnesses of such pain, shall thereafter be converted into a dwelling of peace, into an image of the Beyond.

19. I have proclaimed to you that when the battles cease, My Kingdom will be near to you; that your spirits will then flower in virtues, My Doctrine shall be present in all spirits, and I will manifest Myself through the channel of men and women. (231, 28-30)

20. I have prepared an Era in which humanity shall rise up in obedience, and when the children of your children will behold the greatness that I shall pour forth over this earth.

21. In this world, which I gave to you as an earthly paradise, My will must be done, and a time will come when the spirits that have greatly battled and greatly evolved will come to this planet, and My Divine light will bathe the earth; and in it will be the fulfillment of My Law. (363, 44)

The Earth as Promised Land and Reflection of the Kingdom
of Heaven

22. This world, profaned by sin, stained by crimes, and marred by greed and hatred, must recover its purity. Human life, which has been a ceaseless struggle between good and evil, shall be the home of the children of God, a home of peace, brotherhood, understanding, and noble yearnings; however, to reach that ideal, it is necessary for men to pass through trials that awaken them from their spiritual lethargy. (169, 14)

23. I shall not raise a new world upon sin, hatred and vice; I will raise it upon a firm foundation of regeneration, experience and repentance; I will transform it all through you. Light will emanate from the very darkness, and from death I will make life pour out.

24. If men have blemished and polluted the earth, tomorrow with their deeds they shall dignify this mansion, the one that will be regarded as a Promised Land, so as to enter it and carry out noble missions. Who will then doubt the conversion of the world? (82, 44-45)

25. I am building a temple of the Holy Spirit, and when it has been constructed, the gathering places, temples, and sanctuaries will have ceased to exist, or will have lost their reason for existing, as will their symbols, rites, and traditions. That will be when you feel My presence and My greatness, you shall recognize that your temple is the universe, and as your form of worship, the love of your fellow men.

26. From the bosom of mother nature new lights shall spring forth, which will transform your science into a road of bonanzas, for it shall be channeled by the conscience, which is the voice of God.

27. The brain shall no longer be the master of the world, but will collaborate with the spirit, which will guide and enlighten it. (126, 35-36)

28. When the world reaches its new liberation, and guided by the light of Elijah comes into that good and just life, you will have here on the earth a reflection of the spiritual life that awaits you beyond this life in which you will enjoy eternally the peace and the light of your Father.

29. Yet, if you ask how all the nations of the world can come to unite in one single people like those of the tribes that made up the people of Israel, I will tell you: Do not fear, for once carried into the desert, the trials themselves will unite them, and when that comes to pass, a new manna shall fall from the heavens to each of the needy hearts. (160, 39)

30. Just as the people of Israel shared out the Promised Land, so too shall humanity share the earth. That will happen when the time is right, after the purification. As it is My will that sharing out, in it there shall be justice and fairness, so that all men may work together in one single work. (154, 49)

31. Think of the advancement of a humanity whose morality proceeds from spirituality; imagine a humanity without borders or limits, sharing like brothers all the means of life that the earth offers its children.

32. Try to imagine what human science will be, when it has as its ideal the love of one another, and when man obtains the knowledge He seeks through prayer.

33. Think of how pleasing to Me it will be to receive from men a worship made of the love, the faith, the obedience, and the humility shown by their lives, without the need to resort to rites or outward forms of worship.

34. That will truly be a life for men, within which they will breathe peace, enjoy liberty, and sustain themselves only with that which contains truth. (315, 57-58)

35. The sins of men will have been erased, and all will seem as new. A light of purity and virginity shall illuminate all creatures, a new harmony will greet that humanity, and it is then that a hymn of love that I have so long awaited will ascend to their Lord from the spirits of men.

36. Mother earth, which has been profaned since the first times by her children, shall cover herself in her most beautiful adornments, and men shall no longer name it a vale of tears, nor to convert it into a field of blood and death.

37. This world shall be like a small sanctuary in the middle of the Universe from which men will elevate their spirits to the infinite in a communication full of humility and love for their Celestial Father.

38. My children will carry My law imprinted upon their spirit and My word upon their heart, and if humanity in times past found pleasure in evil, and enjoyed sin, yet in these times they will have no other ideal but goodness, nor find any greater pleasure than to go forward upon My path.

39. Yet, do not think that because of this man will give up his science or his civilization, hiding in the valleys and mountains to make for himself a primitive life; no, He will have yet to taste the fruits of the tree of science that He has cultivated with such interest, and when his spirituality is greater, so too will be his science.

40. Yet, at the end of time, when man has traveled all the road, and has plucked the last fruit from the tree, He shall recognize the pettiness of his works which before seemed to him so grand, and He shall understand and feel the spiritual life, and through it, admire as never before the work of the Creator. For inspiration He shall receive the great revelations, and his life shall be a return to simplicity, to naturalness, and to spirituality. There is time before that day arrives, and yet all My children shall see it. (111, 12-14)

The Consummation of Creation

41. I am preparing the valley where all My children must unite for the Great Universal Judgment. I shall judge with perfection, My love and charity shall envelope humanity, and on that day you shall find salvation and the balm for your ills.

42. If today you atone for your faults, allow your spirit to purify! Thus will you be prepared to receive from Me the inheritance that I have destined for each of you. (237, 6)

43. My love will unite all men and all the worlds. Before me will disappear the differences in races, languages and lineages and even the differences which exist in the spiritual evolution. (60, 95)

44. My Spirit has poured out over every spirit, and My angels are sown all over the universe, fulfilling My mandate of putting all in order and bringing all again to its [proper] channels. And when all have fulfilled their missions, ignorance will have disappeared, evil will no longer exist, and only good will reign over this planet. (120, 47)

45. All of the worlds in which My children are perfecting themselves are like an infinite garden; today you are tender bushes, but I promise you that the crystalline waters of My teachings will not be lacking, and with its watering you shall continue growing in wisdom and love, until one day in eternity, when the trees are crowned with fully mature fruit, the Divine Gardner shall revel in his work, tasting the fruits of his own love. (314, 34)

46. I wish that at the end of the struggle, when all My children have reunited to spend eternity in the spiritual home, they shall participate in My infinite happiness as the Creator, taking into account that each of you have taken part in the Divine Work, building, or rebuilding.

47. Only in the spiritual will you discover that of all that I have created since the beginning, nothing has been lost, that in Me all lives again, all grows, and is renewed.

48. And so, if so many beings were for so long lost, if many, instead of works of life created works of destruction, they shall find that the time of their disturbance was fleeting, and their works, as bad as they were, shall find repair in the eternal life, to be made into collaborators of My unceasingly creative Work.

49. What are a few centuries of sin and darkness, such as humanity has had on earth, if you compare them to eternity, with the endless time of evolution and peace? You have parted from Me, by means of your free will, and you shall return induced by the conscience. (317, 17-20)

50. This world is not eternal, nor is it necessary that it be so. When this dwelling ceases to have the reason it now has to exist, it will disappear.

51. When your spirit no longer needs the lessons that this life gives, because other more elevated lessons await it in another world, then, with the light acquired in this struggle, it will say, "How clearly I understand now that all the vicissitudes of this life were only experiences and lessons that I needed in order to understand better. How long this journey appeared to me in the moments when suffering drained My strength, but now, in contrast, when all is in the past, how brief and fleeting it appears before eternity. (230. 47)

52. I have received tribute from all Creation, from the greatest of heavenly bodies to the beings least perceptible to your gaze.

53. All is subject to evolution, all moves, all progresses. All is transformed, elevated, and perfected.

54. When it has reached the peak of perfection, My spiritual smile, like an infinite aurora, shall be in all the universe, from which all stains, all misery, all pain, and all imperfection will have passed. (254, 28)

The Song of Praise for the restored Harmony of Creation

55. In My Spirit there is a hymn whose notes none have heard, it is unknown to any in heaven or earth.

56. That song shall be heard in all the universe when pain, misery, darkness, and sin have been extinguished.

57. Those Divine notes shall find echo in all spirits, joining the Father and the children in that song of harmony and happiness. (219, 13)

58. I wish to raise Myself triumphant in you, I wish you to behold the King of Armies as your Father, victorious over your evil; and yourselves as soldiers filled with spiritual dignity, filled with satisfaction and peace.

59. Then shall you hear the hymn of universal harmony in the greatest of victories, the triumph that must come, but of which neither your Father, nor you, shall be offended to be a conqueror through your love.

60. Our defeated [enemies] shall not be the spirits, but evil, all darkness, and all sin and imperfections.

61. The victory of the Father shall be in the salvation of all the backward spirits mired in darkness and evil.

62. You are mistaken if you believe any will be lost; I would cease to be God if even one spirit did not find salvation.

63. All those whom you call demons, are also spirits who sprang from the Father, and if today they are in confusion, they too shall find salvation.

64. When shall the true light be in them? When you, united to the legions of the spirits of the light, combat their ignorance and sin with your prayer and with your works of love and charity.

65. The perfect happiness for both you and the Father will be the great day of the Lord. The universal feast shall be when all of you sup at his table on the bread of eternal life. (327, 47-48)

66. Have I not told you that you are the heirs to My Glory? You need only to earn merit for it to be yours to enjoy.

67. All that I have created has not been for Me, but for My children. I only long for your enjoyment and your eternal happiness. (18, 60-61)

68. All of the energy that has animated the beings and given life to the organisms, and all the light that has illuminated the worlds shall return to Me; and all the beauty spilled out over the realms of creation shall be in the Spirit of the Father. And once within Me again, that life shall be transformed to a spiritual essence that will be poured out once more over the spiritual beings, the children of the Lord, for you shall never be disinherited of the gifts I have given you.

69. Wisdom, eternal life, harmony, infinite beauty, kindness, all this and more, will be in all children of the Lord when they dwell with Him in the perfect mansion. (18, 54-56)
