Three Great Divine Revelations

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Overview and Comparison

(Revelations of Swedenborg)

(Revelations of Lorber)

Mexican Revelations

The Divine Love

The Third Testament

The Book of True Life


Volume   1         1 -   28

Volume   2       29 -   55

Volume   3       56 -   82

Volume   7     175 - 207

Volume 10     277 - 309

The Divine Tenderness

Literature and Websites


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The Book of True Life - Volume 2

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Teaching 29 Teaching 41 Teaching 53
Teaching 30 Teaching 42 Teaching 54
Teaching 31 Teaching 43 Teaching 55
Teaching 32 Teaching 44  
Teaching 33 Teaching 45  
Teaching 34 Teaching 46  
Teaching 35 Teaching 47  
Teaching 36 Teaching 48  
Teaching 37 Teaching 49  
Teaching 38 Teaching 50  
Teaching 39 Teaching 51  
Teaching 40 Teaching 52  


Teaching 29

1. Disciples, I am among you once again, but since the form through which I communicate with you is new, you doubt, not understanding that you should not be held back by forms. If you do, you shall not find the truth.

2. Man is the means through which I manifest myself in this time. This is why you doubt my communication. My message is in the essence of the word which the spokesman reveals through his lips.

3. You doubt again today. Would you have me come to you as in past times? Remember that you also doubted then.

4. I do not speak to you through the scholar or the philosopher, for then you would not have attributed the word to me but to him; but rather, I have come to manifest myself through the humble, through the ignorant and dull, so that by comparing the insignificance and smallness of his material body with the greatness and wisdom of the word which springs from his mouth, you might come to understand that only the Lord can speak with you thus.

5. Also there are those who in their doubt ask themselves, Could this really be the Master? Am I on the right path? Is this not the work of temptation? When you ask yourselves these things you will hear my sweet word speaking to you saying, Have you felt peace on this path? Have you been comforted and cured of your illnesses? Have you been regenerated? Then you will confess before your conscience and say, Yes, all this have I beheld and received.

6. The time has not yet come for all of you to believe. The times, the tests, and the events shall awaken men, and tomorrow they will say, Truly, He who was with us and spoke to us was the Divine Master.

7. I come to reveal to you many mysteries of the spirit so that you might know yourselves and thus better know your Father.

8. Men who study God do not agree. Who walks in truth? Men of science contradict each other. Who is right? Religion and science have always been at odds. Men have not understood that the spiritual and the material live in perfect harmony, and that in this harmony they form the true work of the Creator. Each person has a different mission among humanity, but each should imitate the divine work, living in harmony with one another as do all beings of creation.

9. How many times has religion denounced science, and how many times has science denied to religion the existence of the spiritual life: religion basing its premise on the evils which science has transmitted to humanity, and science taking as its weapon the fanaticism and superstitions which religious leaders have instilled upon humanity.

10. Truly I say to you that one needs to know the truth contained in nature, and the other needs to correctly interpret my law.

11. I am the King of Peace; I take my sword and come prepared for battle to destroy all sin and darkness. Let those who follow me not fear if they are disowned by their parents or by their children, for my love will compensate them in their battle.

12. Even during the Second Time people rejected one another. For while some went to hear Jesus, others denied him.

13. My new soldiers shall arise and with their deeds and examples preach these good news among humanity which has forgotten my truth. Today, I only find my word in dusty books. Humanity has strayed from the true path and befriended sin, vice, and immoral behavior. No longer does it loathe sin; crime does not horrify it nor adultery surprise it.

14. Here you have my word, humanity. It is limited so that you might understand it. But if you want proof of my presence, I have given you proof already and will give you more; however, do not weep nor tear your hair when it presents itself.

15. During the Second Time, Jesus was walking one day followed by his disciples. They had climbed a mountain, and while the Master astonished those men with his words, they suddenly beheld the transfigured body of their Lord, which floated in space, having the spirit of Moses to its right and that of Elijah to its left.

16. The disciples, blinded by the divine light, fell to the ground before that supernatural vision, but calming themselves quickly, they proposed that their Master place upon his shoulders the royal purple mantle, the same as upon Moses and Elijah. Then they heard a voice which descended from the infinite and said. This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased. Listen to him.

17. Great fear invaded the disciples when they heard that voice. Lifting their eyes, they saw only their Master who said to them: Do not fear nor tell anyone about this vision until I have resurrected from among the dead. Then they asked the Lord, Why do the scribes say that it is necessary for Elijah to come first? And Jesus answered, Truly, Elijah shall come first and restore all things. But I say to you that Elijah has already come and they knew him not. Rather they did with him as they pleased. Then the disciples understood that he spoke to them of John the Baptist.

18. In this era, how many times have I made the spokesman through whom I communicate disappear before your eyes so that you might behold me in the human form of Jesus, the form in which humanity knew me; yet, you have not knelt before the new transfiguration.

19. My work represents the spiritual mountain which I invite you to climb through paths of love, charity, and humility. It is the new Mount Tabor where the past, present, and the future are united into one, and where law, love, and wisdom are united into one essence.

20. The Lord used Moses, Jesus, and Elijah outline the path that man needs to follow in order to elevate himself to the kingdom of peace, light and perfection.

21. Experience in your life the presence of the Lord's messengers. None of them are dead. They all live to light the way of men who have become lost, helping them to rise when they have fallen, strengthening them so that when tested they might devote themselves with love to the fulfillment of their restitution.

22. Know the work which Moses completed on earth through Jehovah's inspiration. Analyze the teaching of Jesus through whom the Divine Word spoke and seek the spiritual meaning of my new revelation, the era of which is represented by Elijah.

23. When you have reached a complete understanding of those divine revelations, compile a book which is divided into three parts, and you will find that the first part speaks of law, the second of love, and the third of wisdom. Then you will understand that law is that which guides, that love elevates, and that wisdom perfects. Finally, you will understand that these revelations have been delivered to you in perfect order, enlightening human life, and that the lesson of love was given to you when you already had ample knowledge of justice. In the same way wisdom will come to you when you live in harmony with the teachings encompassed by love.

24. It is through man that the Lord has always spoken to humanity, for between the Divine Being and the human being is your spirit which interprets the celestial message, which perceives and senses the eternal.

25. Moses, Jesus, and Elijah represent the three phases in which I have manifested myself to you: the arm of Moses which held the tablet of the law and pointed out the path to the promised land; the lips of Jesus which pronounced the divine word; and Elijah who, with his spiritual manifestations, opened the doors that lead to infinity and to the knowledge of that which you call a mystery.

26. I am conversing with you, speaking to your hearts. While you must hear me through the human spokesman, I hear you when you speak to me in the most intimate part of your beings.

27. I am Christ, the one who has been persecuted, insulted and converted into a common criminal in this world. I come to you, after what you did to me in the Second Time through Jesus, to give you proof once more that I have forgiven you and that I love you.

28. Naked you took me to the cross, and thus I return among you, for I do not hide my Spirit and my truth from your eyes behind the garment of hypocrisy or falsehood. But in order for you to see me, you must first cleanse your hearts.

29. You would wish to behold me in all of my greatness, and the Master would so wish to manifest himself to his disciples; but I always find you taking your first steps and must limit myself until I can be understood by you.

30. What would happen if suddenly you were to see my light in all of its splendor? You would be blinded. What if you were to hear my voice in all of its power? You would lose your reason. And if I were to unleash all of my power on the spokesman through whom I communicate, what would become of him? His material body would disappear.

31. For that reason, accept that the Father would limit himself in order to be understood, felt, and beheld by men. But even within that limitation, he is perfect, wise, and infinite. Many of you would like for me to perform material miracles in order to believe that it is I who manifest myself. You did so during the First Era when Moses called the people to take them through the desert to the promised land. Many of you demanded that he perform powerful works in order to believe that he was God's messenger so that you could follow him.

32. Moses had offered sufficient proof that the true God was with him, but the people wanted more evidence. The messenger, taking the multitudes to the slopes of Mount Sinai called upon the power of Jehovah; and the Lord, hearing him, granted him great proofs and miraculous things.

33. If the people had thirst, I manifested my power through the faith of Moses by having water spring from the rock. In the people's hunger I gave evidence of my presence, sending them manna because of the prayer of him who led Israel.

34. The people wanted to hear and to see the One to whom Moses listened and the One whom he perceived through his faith. I manifested myself to those people in a cloud and had them listen to my voice for hours and hours, but it was so potent that men felt themselves dying of fear; their bodies shook and their spirits trembled before that voice of justice. Then the people begged Moses to plead to Jehovah not to speak any longer to his people, for they could no longer listen to him. They recognized that they were still too small to communicate directly with the Eternal One.

35. During the time in which Christ lived in Jesus among humanity, men would say on beholding him, how can the son of the carpenter and of Mary be the promised Messiah, the one whom the prophets announced and for whom the patriarchs waited? How can this humble man be the Son of God, the liberator? But the Master spoke and his word made those, who came to him in good faith, tremble. Even the unbelievers trembled. At every step the crowds demanded a miracle of Jesus, and he would perform it. The blind man came, and to the astonishment of the Pharisees, the Master gave him vision by simply touching him. And in the same way, he gave movement to the lame one; the leper was cleansed of his disease; the one possessed was liberated; the adulteress was converted with one word; and the dead rose at his command.

36. Whatever men asked in order to believe and recognize me, I gave them, for in me was the power to give them whatever they asked since the Divine Spirit was hidden in Jesus in order to manifest itself and to fulfill the law.

37. When Jesus was on the cross, there was not a spirit which did not feel shaken before the voice of love and of justice of that one who was dying naked, similar to what they felt when he delivered the truth in his word. Whoever has analyzed the life of Jesus has recognized that neither before nor after him has anyone existed who could accomplish a work like his, for it was a divine work which with his example will save humanity.

38. I came meekly to the sacrifice, for I knew that my blood would convert you and save you. I spoke with love and forgave you to the last instant because I came to bring you a sublime teaching and to trace for you the path toward eternity with perfect examples.

39. Humanity wanted to make me give up my mission with the fragility of the flesh, but I did not give up. Men wanted to make me blaspheme, but I did not blaspheme. The more the crowds offended me the more pity and love I had for them. The more they hurt my body, the more blood flowed from it to give life to those whose faith had died.

40. That blood is the symbol of the love with which I traced the path for the human spirit. I left my word of faith and hope to those who were hungry for justice, and the treasure of my revelations to the spiritually enlightened ones.

41. After time passed, humanity became aware of the one who had been in the world; then the work of Jesus was considered to be perfect and divine and recognized as superhuman. There were many who shed tears of repentance! There were many spirits who experienced great remorse!

42. In this time, I appear before you spiritually on the mount of perfection, having, as in the vision of those disciples, Moses and Elijah at my side, the three messengers who have traced for men the way of the spirit through the fulfillment of the law.

43. Moses presented to humanity the law engraved on stone; Jesus culminated his law of love on the cross; Elijah in this time came as a divine ray to enlighten every spirit with wisdom. Each messenger has had his time to have humanity understand the divine message, the revelations, and the prophecies.

44. Moses was saved from the waters so that he might become a man, liberate his people, and deliver to them the law of God.

45. The Word became man in order to say to humanity with his example: "1 am the Way, the Truth, and the Life." Mary, the Virgin Mother, was the blessed ladder by which Christ descended unto men. Mary, the holy and sweet mother of Jesus, nourished with her breast the one who later would nourish every spirit with the divine bread of his word.

46. Everything that Christ said to you and taught you with his deeds was a law which came to confirm the one which you had received through Moses, but not everything was said nor was everything revealed. It was still necessary for Elijah to come to prepare my arrival once again, thus fulfilling the prophecies and my word. For that reason he manifested himself through human spokesmen to enlighten spirits, hearts, and minds. He came to help men understand that which had already been revealed, and to prepare men for the new revelations and explanations which I would entrust to you in this word.

47. Those who listened to the first manifestations in 1866 heard those words which said, I am Elijah, the prophet of the First Era, the one who appeared at the transfiguration on Mount Tabor. Prepare yourselves, for the Seven Seals are being revealed to you and the mysteries will be explained so that you might behold the path of your salvation.

48. Also, in this instant I am being contemplated united with Moses and Elijah by those who have developed the precious gift of spiritual vision. Some of you will find yourselves astounded and others repentant before this transfiguration, but this light and this grace will be shed on all the earth.

49. Moses: Behold your people. They are the same ones that you led through the desert in search of the promised land. Disseminated and errant they wander throughout the world. While some have understood that the promised land is in my bosom, and that one comes to it through the love which my word teaches, others have possessed the world as if it were their last dwelling and their only possession. These did not believe in the Messiah nor have they felt the presence of the Holy Spirit. Return to them in spirit and once again indicate to them the path to the promised land, to the celestial homeland. Should they not believe you, let the sun darken, the moon lose its light, and the earth tremble, for these people will awaken and never again will they become lost!

50. My charity is with humanity. At every dawn I propose peace to men, but they have not wanted my love. They have created war, and they pronounce justice among themselves. For that reason the bad weed will be cut down and every impurity cleansed in the waters of love and regeneration.

51. After death, the resurrection to the true life will come. After war, peace will be made, and after the chaos, light will shine in consciences, for I am the light of the world.

52. The year of 1950 will arrive and until then many spokesmen will transmit my word. They will hear me in other nations, but on the last day of my manifestation the spiritual valley will have its eyes upon you; the spirits of the inhabitants of the earth, those of your fathers, the patriarchs, and the just will be present. Blessed are those who are obedient to my law, for they shall be judged as sheep of the Divine Shepherd, but woe unto the disobedient for they shall be judged as he-goats!

53. Elijah, you are the light. In this time, which is yours, it has been revealed to humanity that there are not three laws which have been delivered to it, but only one, delivered in three times, and which is condensed into two precepts: to love God above everything created, and to love one another! Today, I manifest myself in order to remind my people of past teachings and also to announce my new revelations to them.

54. On this day in which you have recalled the moment that Elijah opened the Third Time to humanity when he communicated through a human spokesman, feel the love of your Master; cast away your bitterness, and take firm steps in the path of salvation.

55. Live in harmony with my revelations of the Three Times and eternally convert your existence into an inexhaustible source of justice, love and wisdom.

My Peace be with you!


Teaching 30

1. In the teachings that I am delivering to you, I have called you the people of Israel, or the seed of Jacob, and to the extent that you continue to understand my lessons you will have realized that spiritually you belong to the lineage of that ancient people, chosen from among the nations of the earth to fulfill the mission of transmitting my revelations to humanity.

2. The seed which I entrusted to Jacob is in the spirit and not in the material flesh as men have falsely believed. For I say unto you that had the inheritance which the first patriarchs bequeathed to Israel been material, it would still be producing prophets, messengers, and enlightened men. Instead, you see that that nation carries with it the chains of material and spiritual misery, knowing that it can no longer await the coming of a Messiah, for it has understood that the One who was promised to them was in the midst of his people and was not recognized.

3. The spirit of Israel as a race is sleeping, a deep sleep which has lasted for centuries. It can not look at the truth because it has lived only for the pleasures of the world, hoping to reach its promised land, its judgement, and its glory here on earth. But do not think that its sleep will be eternal; no, now that misery, suffering, and humiliation have been drunk by that people like a new chalice of bitterness, its spirit will begin to awaken, guiding itself through meditation, and discovering there that all prophecies and signs which announced the coming of the Messiah to it were faithfully fulfilled in Christ.

4. Its awakening in the most complete form is not faraway. Its spiritual dawn is nearing, but before that it will contemplate human materialism being destroyed due to its ambitions, selfishness, and low passions.

5. When this nation becomes convinced that the kingdom of true peace and grace is not on earth, then it will seek Christ, the one who was renounced and rejected, and say to him: Master, you were right; freedom can only be found in those who love spirituality because those of us who have sought material riches have only become slaves.

6. When this confession arises to me from those hearts, I will have my new prophets appear among them, those who will help them become prepared in the path of spirituality, which will be their liberation. Do not find it strange that those who have been stationary in their evolution for centuries are able in a very short time to progress and cover the path which others who have preceded them have taken so long to pursue. These late ones may even surpass the early ones on the path. Do not forget that many of them have spirits which were sent to earth from the first times, and that once their restitution is completed, they will once again occupy their place among the elected of the Lord in order to carry the light to their brothers of all nations.

7. When those who carry the name of Israel because of their race, and those who represent Israel spiritually, find themselves on the same path, they will unite with one another. They will recognize that both form a part of that blessed seed which was born with the prophets, with the patriarchs of the First Era, and was irrigated with the blood of the Redeemer in order to come to blossom in this era of light in which you are hearing me. Now you have me in spirit, though you sometimes doubt it, asking: How can I believe that the Master would communicate with us utilizing such an imperfect and humble means? But this is not the first time you have doubted my presence among you. In the Second Era men also said, How can the awaited Messiah be the son of a carpenter?

8. My children, you can not penetrate my highest purposes. But now that I come to clarify to you the mysteries which you have not understood, open your minds and your hearts so that you might know the reason for many divine manifestations, to the extend that your Lord finds it appropriate to reveal them to you.

9. In the Second Era, when I was among my disciples or among the crowds who followed me, someone would ask me if I would perhaps return among you. I had no reason to keep this from them and declared to them that my return would occur in a time of great trials for humanity, which would be preceded by great events and turmoil in the different aspects of your life.

10. That promise which I made to you, I have fulfilled, for all of the preceding signs and the announced events have been fulfilled. Nevertheless, humanity, which is spiritually asleep, has allowed the signs of my presence among men to pass by unnoticed.

11. No one awaited me. I found your hearts cold, the lamp of love extinguished. You were sleeping the sleep of several centuries. Only a few awakened at the call of the Lord's messenger, who approached you to announce that I was calling at the doors of your hearts.

12. My first communication was verified one night while humanity was sleeping, just as it was when I became man to dwell among you.

If few were the ones who received me on that occasion, fewer still were those who accompanied me in my new manifestation. But do not think that I am accusing you with my words, for that is not so. I am the perfect love who eternally offers you life.

13. I have come to trace the way for you which shall lead you to your salvation amid this broad sea of wickedness, but the months, and even the years, have passed since the moment of my first communication. Since then, one by one, travelers have approached in search of the presence of the Master. Today, there are not just a few who are present in my manifestations. Now they form multitudes.

14. Do not believe that all who come to hear me are convinced of this truth, no. To some this work is the greatest comfort to their hearts while to others it is something they can not understand. Therefore, they judge, analyze, investigate, and when they do not find truth, according to their expectation, they ask me for proofs just as Thomas did in order to believe. So I have told them, Do not test me. I am giving you enough demonstrations of my presence, my truth, and my love. But they insist in their plea, saying, If the Master, already in the spirit during the Second Time, materialized himself before Thomas to affirm his faith, why does he not now please us unbelievers, materializing himself before us, even if just for an instant?

15. Yes, my children, you would be right to ask me for proofs if your immaturity were real and your ignorance certain; but you possess an evolved spirit which does not need material proof in order to believe. What you should do is to dematerialize yourselves, and then you will find out that you are capable of understanding my new lessons, and that it is not necessary that I materialize my presence.

16. Believe in me through the essence of my word. It is clear and will not lead you to confusion. Remember that I have told you since that time, The tree is recognized by its fruits. Now I say to you, My word will be recognized by its essence.

17. Many times men have asked themselves why Jesus, even after having been crucified, allowed himself to be seen by Magdalene, the sinner, and later why he visited his disciples. On the other hand, it is not known if he visited his mother. To which I say to you that it was not necessary that I manifest myself before Mary in the same manner that I did with them, for the communication between Christ and Mary was constant since before the world.

18. Through Jesus I manifested myself to humanity in order to save sinners, and I allowed myself to be seen by them after the crucifixion to revive the faith of those who needed me. But verily I say unto you, Mary, my sweet mother while I was a man, did not have a blemish to cleanse, nor could she lack in faith, for she knew who Christ was even before offering him her maternal womb.

19. It was not necessary that I materialize my spirit to visit Mary who returned me to the kingdom with that same purity and humility with which she received me in her womb. But who can know the form in which I spoke to her in her solitude and the divine caress with which my spirit embraced her?

20. Thus, I answer those who have presented me with this question and who often thought that the first visit of Jesus should have been made to his mother.

21. How different the form in which I manifested myself to Mary from that which I used to make myself felt by Magdalene and my disciples.

22. Mary felt me in her spirit. Mary did not go into mourning for me. She did not weep over the death of Jesus. Her pain was for all humanity, a humanity who was entrusted to her by her son at the foot of the cross as a divine gift from the Eternal One. Mary offered the pureness of her body and her blood so that the Word might become man.

23. On the other hand, when I came across some of my disciples on the road to Emmaus, on seeing me they did not recognize me until they heard my divine word. And when Thomas saw me, he made me show him the wound on my side in order to become convinced that the one whom he believed to be dead, in reality lived. For I have come for that reason, to instill faith in some and resurrect it in others.

24. Today, I have not only wanted to reveal my message to you, but I have come also to teach you the best form in which to have it become known.

25. During the time of my preaching I have helped your spirits in their evolution, taking away your weaknesses and making you gentle. I am awakening my disciples so that they might give their hearts over to charity in fulfillment of my commandment, which I so often repeated to you when I would tell you. Love one another. Although the time for you to arise and spread my word has not yet come since you have not achieved the necessary preparation, I have allowed all who are drinking from this fountain of health, morality, and life to begin to practice my divine teachings in order to prepare themselves. They need to strengthen themselves for the future battle, so that with their good deeds they will convert other individuals, who later will also be workers and new sowers on the lands of the Lord.

26. Today, I observe that while some of you sin from being fearful and cautious, others, on the other hand, appear to be boastful. I do not want you to reach either of these extremes. I do not want the fear of judgement from your fellow men to lead you to hide yourselves, for you would thus be showing that you lack confidence in my teaching. If you do not have faith in the power contained in the seed which you are going to deliver, what will be the harvest of your sowing?

27. Certainly, do fear that your bad conduct will affect you before your brothers; therefore, keep your life pure, rise up with dignity, and preach my word, having my teaching become known by your fellow men.

28. Do not be boastful with your gifts and with the knowledge of the truth which you possess. I say unto you, If you were to do that, you would be exposing yourselves and would be submitted to great tests by your brothers.

29. I have not delivered my word to you to have you preach it in the streets and parks. It is true that Jesus did so, but he knew how to answer any question and put to the test those who tried to test him.

30. You are small and weak. For that reason you should not challenge the wrath of your brothers. Do not try to attract attention. Believe that you have nothing in particular. Neither try to show humanity that everyone is wrong and only you know the truth, for in that way you will gain nothing good from your sowing.

31. If you want to evolve spiritually and morally, do not judge the defects of your brothers. In order to not fall into the same error, correct your imperfections. Pray humbly before your Master so that you might inspire yourselves in his humility, and remember his advice that you never publicize your good works, that your left hand never become aware of what the right might have done.

32. I also say unto you, It is not necessary that you go out in search of multitudes to tell them about my doctrine, for my charity will place in your path those who are in need of your help. But if there are moments while fulfilling my law in which you might feel the need to do a charitable act, and you have no one in need around you, do not on that account despair nor doubt my word. That will be the precise moment in which you should pray for your absent brothers, those who will receive my charity if you truly have faith.

33. Do not strive to know more than your brothers. Know that all of you acquire knowledge according to your evolution. If I were to grant you my light without you have achieved merits, you would glorify yourselves and become lost in your vanity and your knowledge would be false.

34. I want you humble, but in order to be humble before me, you should also manifest humility before your fellow men.

35. Disciples, love and knowledge are never separated. One is part of the other. How can there be those who presume to separate these two virtues? Both are keys which open the doors of the sanctuary which will allow you to fully understand my doctrine.

36. I have asked you, Do you want to have many friends? Then use kindness, tenderness, tolerance, and compassion, for only with the help of these virtues, which are direct expressions of love, will your spirit be able to shine on the path of your fellow men. For the spirit carries love in its most intimate essence since the spirit is a divine spark, and God is love.

37. I come to mold you spiritually with my teaching, with the purpose of having you attend the spiritual banquet, where you will be able to savor the nourishment of knowledge and of perfect love.

38. Know that your destiny is to live as I have taught you: that is to say, in humility, in love, and in spirituality, allowing you to practice an abundance of charity.

39. In my teaching I show you a wide horizon, and if you live your lives similar to how I lived mine, you can be assured that you will come to my kingdom to attain true rest.

40. My work assures you eternal happiness in your spirits. Have you not heard a sweet and harmonious voice in your heart which speaks to you every time that you do a good deed, that you offer comfort, or that you extend forgiveness generously? Who is the one who speaks thus inside of you, rewarding your kindness? It is your Master who does not separate from his disciples.

41. With these lessons you are to understand that only virtues can adorn your spirits. I also say to you that you can compare errors, faults, and bad feelings to the rags with which you sometimes cover your spirits. I want you pure and adorned, for you can not shine in the universal palace of your Father with rags of misery.

42. Good deeds are the crystalline waters with which spirits are cleansed. Use them.

43. I speak to you in this way so that you might understand that you are outside of your kingdom, and that you must return to it for God is awaiting you.

44. I want to make of each man an apostle, and of each apostle a teacher, for I love you with infinite love.

45. In your hearts you are saying to me, Master, do you love us that much? And I say to you that you still can not understand my love, but that it should suffice you to know that each child who returns to God is a treasure who returns to the Father.

46. O beloved disciples, prepare yourselves so that with intense faith you might yearn to come to the true temple built inside of you by my charity. There you will find me to accompany you in your evolutionary path toward me.

47. It is I who guide you, because I am perfect. I always know where I go and where I take you. I am the good Shepherd who looks after you, caresses you, and loves you so much that I did not hesitate for one instant to give you with my sacrifice on the cross the teaching which will lead you to the true life.

48. Men believed that by taking the life of Jesus they would destroy my doctrine, without knowing that in so doing they would contribute to my glorification.

49. I have returned to humanity and will manifest myself in these houses of prayer until 1950 through humble spokesmen destined by me for this mission. In this form of communication I will await the arrival of the wise who will come to interrogate me and to deny me.

50. This word, simple and humble in its form but profound in its meaning, will once again confuse the wise in their pride and their vanity and show them that one can not extinguish the doctrine of Christ, the Savior, for He is the life.

51. No one can destroy me. I am reborn in the same manner that I resurrected in the Second Era after the people had rejected me and condemned me to a humiliating death. If I now appear again in this world, it is because I love all of you.

52. O scholars, philosophers, and doctors, You shall know that I am your Lord when you come to scrutinize me. You will see me answering your bad and ill-intended questions and become silent before my questioning. When I find you repentant and with your heads bowed low, I will give you proofs without your asking me for them. These proofs shall be of love and of forgiveness.

53. I am the only one who can resolve your conflicts; the one who truly cures your illnesses, caresses children, and blesses the old; the one who while speaking to man caresses and enlightens his spirit. Men and centuries shall pass away but not my Marian Trinitarian Spiritualist work. Verily I say to you, this work, which is my law and my doctrine, shall enlighten humanity. Do not doubt my wisdom nor challenge my justice any longer. If I were to accept your challenge, one weak blow of my elements would suffice to have me convert your science and your theories into dust or into nothingness. Do not seek me as a Judge, but rather as a Father, for I am love.

54. O beloved people, who have the mission of spreading my word among humanity, a humanity hardened today by its materialism, learn to love, and always have compassion for those who do not understand my lessons of infinite love.

55. Close your lips to gossip, ridicule, judgement, and criticism. Put down that two-edged sword which wounds when you use it. If you want to fight in my name, take up the sword of love.

56. Close your lips so that they will not again utter words of insult nor cause dishonor; instead, open up your eyes so that you might discover evil and depart from it. Do not judge humanity for you are a part of it and suffer from its same defects. When your lips and your hearts are washed in the waters of repentance and good deeds, they will begin to speak with the truth of my word, which I will inspire in you.

57. If you were to talk about my doctrine without first having regenerated and prepared yourselves, instead of awakening faith in people's hearts, you would only receive the ridicule of those who are aware of your faults. On the other hand, if the ridicule and criticism come to your hearts after you have watched and prayed, you will not be wounded because you have already protected yourselves with the weapons which I gave to you, which are patience, charity, humility, and love.

58. Be humble and those who love you will do so in truth. If you have not reached this spiritual and material preparation, it would be better for you not to rise and preach my word, for you will not be able to sow my seed with the same purity with which I delivered it to you, and it will always go forth mixed with your imperfections. Before sowing, you should first analyze and study my doctrine, so that you might come to understand and obey my teaching.

59. When you know how to receive the blow on your right cheek, and as a sign of forgiveness, love, and humility, you offer your left one to your offender, then truly you are beginning to be my disciples. When forgiveness appears among men, wars between brothers will cease, and union among all nations will come forth.

60. With these teachings I want to keep you from someday distorting the truth because, while speaking of love, charity and spirituality, you would fail to confirm those things with your deeds. I say this to you, for among you there are those who go around proclaiming that they love me, but in their hearts there is no love for their brothers.

61. I want you to be sincere spiritually and materially so that I can call you my worthy children. Otherwise, my unyielding voice shall come to your spirits calling you hypocrites, as during the Second Time I called the sect of the Pharisees, who were the living image of a tomb, whitewashed on the outside, polished and covered with flowers, but holding only corruption and death in its interior.

62. I am listening to those who say to me, Master, we understand that the test of having to show our left cheek to the one who hurt our right one is very hard, but, nevertheless, we would like to be your disciples.

63. O people, who listening to my word always interpret it in its material meaning without stopping to understand it in its spiritual meaning, I say to you that just as you can be touched on your cheeks, you can also be touched in your hearts, that part of you which is moral. You can also be touched in your spirits; but you must not believe that this test which I ask of you is the greatest one which you are able to tolerate. In this Third Time I have come to ask a little more of you when I ask you in my teachings, If the assassin of your earthly father were to find himself persecuted by human justice and called at your door asking you for protection, would you offer him shelter in a gesture of pardon without denouncing him?

64. That is the proof I ask of all of those who want to be the disciples of the Holy Spirit in this Third Era.

65. If you put these teachings into practice, truly I say to you that you will be cultivating a reward for yourselves, but you should not expect your reward while you are still in this world. I advise you once again not to judge the deeds of your brothers, for according to your judgement so shall your sentence be. Leave the cause to me, just or unjust, known or unknown, and I will give to your brothers that which belongs to them and to you that which corresponds to you.

66. Be humble in all the acts of your life. Consider yourselves ignorant before the wisdom of your fellow men.

67. Blessed is the one who prepares himself, for he shall truly hear me. Blessed is the one who purifies himself and obeys the commandments of his Lord, for he shall see me. Blessed are the poor of spirit for in them is the kingdom of heaven.

My Peace be with you!


Teaching 31

1. Close your material eyes before this manifestation and elevate your spirit toward your Creator, for it is your with your spirit that I wish to speak.

2. I promised to return among you. I could not fail to be present for this appointment with your spirit.

3. Be at peace; listen to me attentively, and allow my word to slowly prepare your spirit.

4. You walked a long way in search of a place that would offer you peace and you had not found one. When you first came to these humble places to hear my word, you did not imagine that in these places, so poor and humble, you would find the peace for which you yearned so much.

5. I will conquer you through love. For that reason I am giving you my teaching, which is a fountain of inexhaustible blessings. I will leave this fountain to you so that in it you might receive your brothers, the travelers, the wanderers, with the same concern and charity with which I have received you.

6. Man does not live by bread alone but also by my word. There exists in you hunger and thirst which are not material, and to replenish yourselves, you seek the bread and the water of the spirit. It was necessary that pain affect you so that you would understand the teachings which I gave to you in the Second Era.

7. Some ask me in confusion, Lord, is it possible that human love is wrong and sinful before you and that you only approve of spiritual love? I reply to you, Do not become confused. Although the highest and purest form of love pertains to the spirit, I also placed a heart in the material body so that it would love on earth. To man I gave senses so that through them he might take pleasure in everything surrounding him.

8. I entrusted human life to spirits so that they would come to inhabit the earth and test their love of God. For that purpose, I divided human nature into two parts, giving to some more strength and to others more fragility; these parts were man and woman. Only united could they be strong and happy. For that reason I instituted matrimony. Human love is blessed by me when it is inspired by spiritual love.

9. The love felt exclusively by the material body is characteristic of irrational beings, for they lack the conscience which enlightens the life of rational beings. From those unions between man and woman, where both beings live in spiritual harmony, virtuous children will be born with enlightened spirits.

10. The time has come for you to purify your seed so that you may form a family which is strong spiritually and physically.

11. Understand me, my children, and correctly interpret my will. The year 1950 is approaching. Remember it is the year that I have designated to end this communication. I want to find you prepared on that day, for only those who remain truly prepared will not weaken. Those are the ones who will give true testimony of me.

12. Only those who have become spiritualized will know how to manifest my work in its new form of communication. But how will they obtain the necessary inspiration to receive my thoughts and interpret my spiritual message? By remaining spiritually alert and praying.

13. I want all of you to progress, not only just a few, and that your testimony be for the good of humanity. Be aware that if some of you think in one way and others in different way, you will only take confusion to your brothers.

14. The essence of this word has never varied since the beginning of this manifestation through Damiana Oviedo. But where are those first teachings? What has become of them? Hidden are the writings from those divine teachings, which were the first of this era in which I gave you numerous teachings. It is necessary that these teachings be revealed so that tomorrow you may offer testimony as to how this manifestation came to be. In that way you will possess the complete book of my word in this Third Era. Thus, you will know the date of my first lesson, its contents, and that of the last one, which I will deliver to you in the year 1950 when this period comes to an end.

15. Today, you do not sense the chaos which will exist in humanity after my word has ceased. Can you imagine the disturbance that will occur in nations once this manifestation concludes? Spirits will be out of control, and you should be prepared to counteract those beings. Understand that in each era your responsibility is greater, for in each new time, O people, you have a greater knowledge of my law. Your legacy is very great, and it is essential that you leave it to your brothers, the needy, before you abandon this earth.

16. Let your heart become sensitive so that you will understand my word, for you still have not understood it. If you do not prepare yourselves, how are you going to be able to receive and understand my teaching when tomorrow I will give it to you through inspiration?

17. Unite with one another in truth and in spirit, and in that way you will not become divided even under the greatest of trials. Only one God, only one will, and only one word have been with you. Therefore a different law from that which I have now given you can not arise in the future.

18. Do not weaken, O people; remember that I have called you strong at every instant. If I have not misguided your faith, and have proven that the essence of my word does not vary, why would you deceive your brothers, giving them a bad example? It is now time that you begin to prepare the heritage which you will leave to the coming generations.

19. From within their hearts many say to me, Master, are you perhaps thinking that we are going to be unfaithful? Would that be possible? And I answer you the same as I did my apostles in the Second Era, Be vigilant and pray so that you do not fall into temptation. For if now you are only innocent children who yearn to become my disciples, your perseverance will help you reach a noble atonement of your sins. I will not leave you until I have given you my last lesson at the end of 1950.

20. Feel my love around you, entrust your cares to me, and converse in peace with me. Verily I say to you that afterwards you will feel comforted. Why do you come before me fearfully? Do you perhaps believe that I have come to denounce you before your brothers?

21. I hear you asking from the depths of your hearts, Master, how shall we be received by you if we are so stained by our sins and you are perfection itself?

22. Humanity, I reply to you, Do you think I did not know that you were blemished when I came to seek you? I knew everything. Nothing is hidden from me. That is why I have approached you to deliver to you my lesson of love, which saves you from all temptations and helps to cleanse your sin.

23. Why is it that the poor, the outcasts of the world, feel that they are the least worthy of my love? Is it perhaps because they have heard that I am King? How slow you are to understand the divine lessons. Have you not understood that if I became man in the Second Era, it was to teach you the great lesson of humility? Remember that I came in Jesus to be born among the poor, that I walked in the roads with them, that I visited their homes and sat at their table, that I cured their sick bodies, caressed their children, suffered and cried with them.

24. Behold the same Lord. Today, however, he comes in spirit. This King has no crown, cloak, nor scepter. I simply dwell in perfection and govern with love.

25. Why would I manifest myself in royal palaces amidst splendor and ceremony if that is not for me? Verily I say unto you, those who think of me amid luxury and superfluous splendor have the wrong concept of what my divinity is.

26. There will be those who find it strange that I, as Christ, have now attributed divinity to myself, and they will say, How is it that you, the one who said at that time that you were coming only to execute the will of the Father, now speak to us as though you were the Father himself? And I reply to them, Understand that Christ spoke as Divinity since he is the Word of God, and today the Divine Word speaks to you again in spirit. Therefore, I say to you that the Father, The Divine Word, and the Holy Spirit are one single God.

27. You are made of a material body, in which I have placed a spirit, and I endowed your spirit with a conscience; thus would you say that three people inhabit each man?

28. These three powers form one single being although each of its parts is manifested in a different way.

29. When in the human being there is perfect harmony among the three natures of which he is formed, there will be a likeness to the harmony that exists in God, for in him there will exist one single desire, that of reaching the peak of his spiritual perfection.

30. O people, I have been instructing you for your battle for a long time, but only those who have eliminated their material ambitions and have set their sights on gaining knowledge of spiritual teachings continue to remain with me. There are also many among those who have already departed to the beyond who listen to me from their level of evolution. Many of those who first arrived have not known how to persevere nor be faithful to me! They did not want to wait for the first seeds to produce fruit. They weakened in their faith; they doubted and did not foresee the great things that would be accomplished by those who would arrive last; but when they return, attracted by the clamoring and rejoicing of this people, they will have to come to occupy the last place.

31. May this lesson serve those who, today, although seeing the multiplication of the seed, still doubt the flourishing of this teaching.

32. Eliminate your materialism. Starting today, worship in a truly simple manner, preparing yourselves for the communication of spirit to Spirit with your Lord. Today, it is still necessary that I speak to you through human spokesmen so that your faith will strengthen and you will feel that I am near you in the most intimate part of your hearts.

33. Fulfill your mission, O people, and I will fulfill your needs. Give testimony of me and I will give testimony of you. Eliminate all of your selfishness if you truly want to become one of my laborers, one who will take the knowledge of my word among humanity. Cease being concerned only about yourselves and begin to feel concern for your fellow men. I want you to discover the supreme delight that is attained by alleviating the pain of another being.

34. In my word of comfort, light, and love take to your brothers the healing balsam which I have entrusted to you.

35. Someday, you will come to understand that the wisdom of the spirit is superior to the science of the mind, for human intelligence only discovers what the spirit reveals to it. I give you this forewarning because many of you will say, How am I going to cure the sick if I do not know the science of healing?

36. Be compassionate towards your brothers. Have faith, know how to pray, and with these merits become worthy of my grace, and truly I say to you that then you will see how it is possible to perform wonders.

37. If, in spite of my teaching, there are those who doubt that this word comes from the Father, allow them to question my workers, the people who have been following me. You will get thousands of testimonies which will tell you of true wonders, wonders which would astound men of science if they came to know them.

38. Listen, when I have ceased to give you my word, this people shall be the sower of my spiritual seed. But I ask you, What is going to be your commitment to the mandates which you have received from me? Will you be willing to faithfully interpret my inspirations? Do not promise me anything concerning what you will do in those days, rather, continue to listen to this teaching and meditate on it. Today, you are gathered around the Master. Tomorrow, you do not know how many of you will turn your backs to me when you disobey my mandates.

39. Do not allow the years to go by without spiritually progressing. Seek each day to take one more step ahead in the spiritual path. Walk with a firm step. No one should hurry along that path, only to feel that he is ahead of the others, for his fall would be very painful.

40. I want you to become strong through your thoughts, through your intuition, through the spirituality of your deeds, so that in your life you do not cause the smallest pain; and certainly, prepare yourselves to alleviate as much suffering as appears along your path.

41. I have delivered many lessons to you, O people, some more profound than others. I speak to all of my children, to those who go in front and those who go behind. Beginners are always coming in search of this word and, as I did with you, I will begin by giving them the most simple teachings.

42. I ask those who have arrived recently. Do you believe that you have no spiritual mission? Do you feel that you have no responsibility to humanity? If you believe that, you are mistaken because your gifts and your responsibilities are as great as those possessed by the human spokesmen I am using to give you my teaching. They also thought as you did when they heard me for the first time, but now look at them. How wrong they were!

43. Persevere in the path, for soon you will come to know all that you possess and what mission you must accomplish on earth.

44. Understand that I, your God, had no beginning nor will I have an end. I am eternal, and I come to reveal to you in this time many of the mysteries of the spiritual life. That knowledge will help you to fulfill the law by loving and remaining faithful to your destiny.

45. The time has come for me to reveal new teachings to you. It appears as though the Father has returned to his children after a long absence.

46. I give you the gift of free will because your spirit was placed at the beginning of a long path, at the end of which lies the goal of its purification and perfection. In order to reach that happiness you need to achieve merits of love, faith, and perseverance.

47. How beautiful is the gift of free will and how badly man has utilized it. But after his long experience, the spirit will arise to triumph over the low passions of the world, and it will use its free will solely to glorify its Father.

48. The flowers sprout from the plants and offer me their aroma. That is the destiny from which they can not depart because they lack a spirit and, therefore, the gift of freedom.

49. How great shall your merit be on the day in which you are like flowers or the birds although, because of its free will, your heart with its passions will want to divert you from fulfilling your mission. But the time of the spirit will come when it will occupy the place where it belongs; it will also be the time when the physical body confesses its inferiority; then both the spirit and the material body will allow themselves to be led by the conscience. The harmony that will then exist in man will be the same that exists in everything created. My presence will not only be recognized but also felt by humanity.

50. The time is nearing in which men will offer me the true tribute, a time in which they will cease to burn the incense that they have been offering me from the first days, an incense which does not always speak to me of pure deeds but often comes saturated with human wickedness. The tribute to replace the incense will be your love which will come unto me.

51. You know that you were created in my image and likeness, and when you say it, you think of your human form. I say to you that your likeness to God is not physical but spiritual. In order to liken yourself to me you must perfect yourself by practicing deeds of virtue.

52. I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. I am justice and goodness, which proceeds from divine love. Do you now understand how you should be in order to be in my image and likeness?

53. Love was the reason for having created you. I had a divine yearning to share my power with someone. And love was also the reason for having endowed you with free will. I wanted to feel loved by my children, not by law but through a spontaneous feeling which would sprout freely from your spirits.

54. Dominated by the forces of their low passions, men have descended so deeply in their sinfulness that they have lost all hope of salvation; but there is not one who can not be saved. For the spirit will arise once it is convinced that human turmoil will not cease as long as it does not listen to the voice of its destiny, which is not on earth but in eternity.

55. Those who believe that their existence is absurd and believe that their struggles and suffering are useless fail to realize that life is the teacher that molds and pain the chisel that perfects. Do not think that I created pain to offer it to you in a chalice. Do not think that I have made you fall. Man chose to be disobedient, and for that reason he must also arise by his own effort. Neither think that only pain will perfect you. No, you will also come to me by practicing love, for I am love.

56. If I placed you on a long and difficult road, be aware that I am accompanying you on it. I continue to teach you and to help you carry your cross. And to give you proof that I accompany you, I even became man in order to be visible and tangible. But you are foolish in your judgements. If you behold me in human form, you doubt, saying that it is not possible for you to perceive God; and if I tell you I am Spirit, then you say, How is it possible to know and believe in something one can not see?

57. You have reached a stage of evolution that will allow you to comprehend my divine essence and feel my presence spiritually. Evolution and the reincarnation of the spirit have been preparing you to receive my new lessons.

58. When the darkness that has covered humanity disappears and light is manifested in the spirits, you will feel the presence of a new era, for Elijah has returned among men. But since they have not known how to see him, it has been necessary that he manifest his spirit through a human spokesman and that he appear before those, who are able to perceive spiritually, in the same vision in which Elisha saw Elijah. In his vision, Elisha saw Elijah riding a carriage of fire over the clouds.

59. Elijah has come as a forerunner in this time to prepare mankind for my arrival. He has come as a prophet to announce the new era to you with its battles, its trials, and also with the wisdom of its revelations. He comes with his carriage of light to invite you to enter it in order to lift you over the clouds and take you to the spiritual mansion where peace reigns. Trust in him as in the good shepherd; follow him spiritually as the people followed Moses in the First Era; pray that he might help you to fulfill your mission, and if you want to imitate him, do so.

60. Before Elijah was carried off by the carriage of fire and taken to the heavens, Elisha asked him for his gift of prophecy and his spirit so that he would imitate him on earth. As proof that he was granting his disciple his wishes, Elijah left him his cloak. And the spirit of Elijah and his gift of prophecy were in Elisha as a revealing sign of the spiritual communication with men and the reincarnation of the spirit.

61. Elijah appears before men in each era and in each divine revelation.

62. The Messiah had not yet come to earth. It would not be long before he would be born as a man. Meanwhile, the spirit of the prophet had already been incarnated in John, later called the Baptist, to announce the nearness of the Kingdom of Heaven, which would be the presence of the Divine Word, the Messiah, among humanity.

63. Later when I was transfigured on Mount Tabor to appear in spirit before some of my disciples, Elijah came with Moses to take his place next to his Lord. Through that transfiguration, the Lord was informing humanity that in the future Elijah would make his presence felt among humanity, awakening man who was spiritually asleep to a life of light and perfection.

64. This is the time entrusted to Elijah to awaken humanity. He is the forerunner who will go from village to village, from nation to nation, from man to man, speaking in the same manner as John did in that time on the shores of the Jordan when he spoke to the multitudes telling them to prepare themselves for the Kingdom of God was near. Now he will tell them with his spiritual voice to meditate and reflect, for the presence of the Lord as Holy Spirit is with man.

65. When Elijah has prepared humanity, as well as the paths of the Lord, he will return to the Father.

66. Once that occurs, do not ask that he leave you his cloak as he left it to Elisha, for he has manifested himself spiritually. Times have changed, and you must forget symbols, but he will leave you the gift of prophecy as a gift of love and as evidence that he was among you.

67. Prepare yourselves, disciples. Learn from me in order that I may send you among men to preach the teachings that you have received from the Holy Spirit, telling them as John did, Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven has come to men.

My Peace be with you!


Teaching 32

1. Prepare yourselves for I want you to analyze the essence of my word which I have come to bring you in this era.

2. You are still small children when you should already be mature disciples by now, for you have lived several times on earth. You should have been children only in the First Era in order to become youths in the Second and reach maturity in the Third Era.

3. I have always beheld you as little children. In your spiritual infancy you walked innocently, lacking development in your faculties and your senses, ignoring your beginning. Then you received my first lessons and revelations. In the Second Era you should have already been young men who, in full spiritual youth, lived in an elevated form; but I found you oppressed and enslaved, tied to rituals and traditions. Observing that you had not taken advantage of my lessons, I came to trace for you, with my examples of charity and love, the path which would take you to the promised land. Also, I was preparing you for the new teachings, which I promised to come to give you. I told you to be strong and not fall into a new enslavement. And what have you done with my doctrine? I find you still ignoring my teaching. Why have you forgotten the promise I made to you to return among you spiritually? I am in spirit just as I told you, and you do not recognize me. Why have you fallen into idolatry and mysticism, confusing material practices with spiritual worship? I find you confused by false doctrines, those with which your brothers have separated you from the path of your evolution. You complain because you lack freedom. I observe how much you have suffered from having drunk from such a bitter chalice; but do not think that I have punished you. No, I have always wanted to guide your steps so that you would love me as a Father and feel my divine protection.

4. Many centuries have gone by since the day in which I gave you my word and my last recommendations through Jesus. Today, I appear before you as the Holy Spirit, fulfilling my promise to you. I have not come to become human. I come in spirit and only those who are prepared will perceive me. While you believe in my word and follow me, others do not accept my manifestation and deny it. I have had to give them evidence, and thanks to it, I have been slowly overcoming their disbelief. The love and patience which I have always manifested to you make you understand that only your Father can love you and teach you in this way. I watch over you and lighten your cross so that you do not stumble. I have you feel my peace so that you walk filled with trust in me.

5. You have always suffered, for you have not paid attention to my examples of humility. You have not observed how far I have descended in order to make myself be heard and understood by you; but I forgive you for you belong to the first people, to the first born. Live by my examples and have humanity love me and come close to me, for men no longer know how to seek me. They do not feel my presence; they do not recognize my benefits but attribute my wondrous works to chance. They do not trust in me and live in tranquility amid their confusion. I have told you that the leaf of the tree does not move outside of my will. You know that I govern the universe with my laws and love and that all beings are obedient to me. Only man attempts to ridicule these laws, not wanting to make good use of his free will.

6. Rest from your ordeals. Today, you are overburdened by the weight of your suffering. In your spirits there is grief, and tears sprout from your eyes in repentance for your faults. You have been rejected for following my cause, but I have told you that if you prepare yourselves, you will be able to overcome and withstand the judgement of your brothers with the strength acquired from practicing charity.

7. I have not chosen you in vain as instruments to spread my word. I place my confidence in you. I charge you with a delicate mission which is to take redemption to your brothers with your examples. The seed is within you. It is the same with which I have had you live since the beginning. I expect good fruit from your sowing as a result of your labor and your vigilance. Lighten the cross which you carry by fulfilling with love the mission which I have entrusted to you. Finish your work. Do not fear the death of the body. Believe that your spirit will never die. It will only strip itself of the material body which was granted to it as an instrument to live on the earth, and which, once its mission is completed, will pay its tribute to the earth. Then your spirit will free itself to go in search of limitless horizons, thus beginning a new life in which you will find the reward for your work in this world.

8. Cast aside erroneous customs and traditions. Take the light of my teaching so that your doubt vanishes and mysteries become clear according to my will.

9. I am showing you the true life of the spirit, so that you do not live under unjust threats, and so that you do not obey my law only because you fear God’s punishment. You have been told about that punishment by those who have not known how to interpret my word. Take my law. It is not complicated nor difficult to understand.

Anyone who knows it and guides himself by it will not be confused. Neither does he give room to false words or omens, to erroneous ideas, or wrong interpretations. My law is simple. It always indicates the way which you should follow. Trust in me. I am the way which will lead you to the white city, the promised land, which has it doors open awaiting your arrival.

10. It has pleased me to give you a legacy which not only belongs to you but to all humanity. You have received so much that you are obligated to give part of this wealth to all who ask. Carry the light to your brothers who pay for their faults in captivity. Comfort the sick. Anoint them with your love as I did in the Second Time, and you will see the balsam of my charity pour over them. Encourage those who are sad and guide them to be patient and strong. In that way you will be practicing your gifts and feel comforted.

11. You have among you the world of virtuous spirits who come to your aid. Ask with faith and respect and you will receive their benefits. Call on them without distinction for all have been equally prepared by me; all have made themselves worthy of coming in this time to help humanity. Imitate their examples and be united with them in the ideal of progress. I have permitted this spiritual world to teach you, and in the battle which approaches they will be invincible soldiers and will protect you.

12. My law is not limited. It is infinite and you can fulfill it in many ways. You should study it in depth so that you will come to practice it, through I do not require that you perform perfect deeds.

13. After having listened to my word for so long, I do not want you to consider these moments lost or misused. If you persevere, you will succeed in spiritualizing yourselves. Then you will be like an open book before your brothers. After 1950 you will reach a higher level of elevation. I will continue to communicate with you through inspiration, and these people shall receive your words as messages which I send them. In that time you will recognize how wise and profound was my teaching.

14. After 1950, the year in which my communication in this form will end, humanity will endure many ordeals. Nature will suffer great disturbances; everything will be greatly shaken; there will be disorganization on all levels. Prepare yourselves and help the weak in that time, for many will succumb in those trials.

15. The year 1950, feared by some and yearned for by others, is approaching. Many sects and religions think about that date and await the events which will occur at that time in order to judge my work. Others will question themselves over the reason for such world turmoil, and you will speak in my name, announcing that after that chaos, humanity will reach the peace for which it yearned.

16. Because I am not insensitive to your sorrows, they reach me and cause me to suffer.

17. Why do you look at each other as strangers, distinguishing among yourselves according to races, classes, and beliefs, when you are living in the same home, which is this world? I promise you that I will erase the boundaries and bring you close together. Crowns and scepters shall fall. Might shall disappear, and so shall wealth, for the time has come for those differences to cease to exist. The day will come when all of you will possess the earth equally. You shall go from one pole to the other without having anyone detain you. Hypocrisy, bad will, and vanity shall disappear in order to make room for love and agreement. And that weeping which rises to me from widows and orphans, from the lack of bread, and from the absence of peace and happiness, will be exchanged for a hymn of love and of recognition which will sprout from all of my children.

18. You feel tranquil in your nation because you enjoy peace and well-being, but I say to you, Do not become overconfident; do not sleep, but rather be vigilant and perform good deeds if you want to preserve that peace.

19. My laborers, I am putting you through trials as I did the patient Job in the past. But do not think that I do it with the desire to make you suffer. No, it is with the purpose of having your spirit become strong as it becomes purified.

20. Do not try to appear pure before me. If your conscience voices your faults and sins to you, it is better that you confess before your Father and allow his word, like a purifying river, to cleanse you of all stain. Then you will feel worthy of presenting yourselves before your brothers to teach them the truth contained in my teaching.

21. My peace is in your nation. Be alert and pray so that you do not lose this grace through your bad deeds. Retain my peace; treasure my wisdom. Have you not become aware of how the struggle is lying in ambush for you, calling at your doors, and setting traps to make you fall? But if you know how to be vigilant, do not fear, for I will help you to triumph in your battle.

22. I am Jehovah, the one who has freed you from death at all times. I am the one God who has spoken to you throughout time. Christ was my Word who spoke through Jesus. He said to you, Whoever knows the Son, knows the rather. And I am also the Holy Spirit who speaks to you today, for only one Holy Spirit exists, only one Word, and that is mine.

23. Listen, my disciples, in the First Era I gave you the law, in the Second I showed you the love with which you should interpret those commandments, and now in this Third Era, I send you the light in order for you to comprehend all that I have revealed to you.

24. Therefore, why do you strive to find three gods where only one Divine Spirit exists, which is mine?

25. I gave the law to the first men. Nevertheless, I announced to Moses that I would send the Messiah. Christ, through whom I gave you my word, told you when his mission was coming to an end, I am returning to the Father from whom I came. He also said to you, The Father and I are one. Following that, he promised to send you the Spirit of Truth, which would come to clarity the mystery of my revelations according to my will and your evolution.

26. But who can shed light on my secrets and explain those mysteries? Who can unravel the book of my wisdom, if not I?

27. Truly I say to you that the Holy Spirit, which you now find distinct from Jehovah and Christ, is no more than the wisdom which I manifest to your spirits in order to have you understand, contemplate, and feel the truth.

28. Today, I prepare you to receive my word; may it descend like a dew upon thirsty plants, like crystalline water to erase the thirst of your spirits. I receive you as little children in my fatherly love.

29. You now begin to take your first steps on firm ground. But should you come to a standstill, and you later do not hear my mandates, do not close the path to your brothers, to those who will come after you yearning to serve me, to those who have prepared themselves and are awaiting me. If you do not learn my lesson, what can you teach? Penetrate into the essence of my work and become enlightened so that you might understand me. I am the alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end of all knowledge.

30. In this time I announce to you the trials which will come to be; three quarters of the earth shall disappear, pain will touch all men, and the world will suffer great hardships, but if you prepare yourselves, through one of you a whole region will be saved. The science attained by men will not suffice to cure the strange illnesses which will appear. Then you will understand that you must elevate yourselves beyond that which is earthly to cure and remedy illnesses. Israel shall liberate humanity from great catastrophes. But how greatly you must prepare yourselves in order to fulfill your destinies. The apostles of this time will go from region to region taking the good news, and their gifts shall be like an inexhaustible fountain offering an abundance of blessings to men.

31. With each miracle that I grant them, new apostles will develop faith and arise, and their mission shall be great. But woe unto them if they become vain, for they will lose their gifts!

32. Respect the gifts granted to your brothers. Cultivate the tree which I have entrusted to you, for you are all laborers in one single field. My charity follows you everywhere. I know your deeds and your thoughts. Watch and pray, because humanity needs your prayers for its spiritual evolution.

33. Many of you believe your suffering to be contradictory to the Father’s law of love. For you think, If I am a child of God, if the universal and almighty Father created me, why did he allow me to fall? Why did he not make me obedient, good, and perfect?

34. Truly I say to you that you have not meditated over what you think. That which you believe contradictory to my laws is precisely the confirmation of the law of love. And so that you might better understand it, listen. On the divine ladder there is an infinite number of beings whose spiritual perfection allows them to occupy different steps according to the grade of evolution which they have reached. Your spirits were created with sufficient attributes to evolve along that ladder of perfection and to reach a certain level of evolution, according to the will of God.

35. You do not know the destiny of those spirits, but I say to you that it is perfect like everything created by me.

36. You still do not understand the gifts that the Father gave to you, but do not fear, because later you will become aware of them and will see them manifested fully.

37. The infinite number of spirits which, like yours, reside in different dwellings find themselves united by a superior force, which is that of love. They were created for struggle, for their elevation, not for immobility. Those who have obeyed my mandates have come to be great in divine love. Nevertheless, I remind you that even though your spirits may have reached greatness, power, and wisdom, they will not come to be omnipotent since their attributes are not infinite as they are in God. However, they will suffice to take you to the peak of your perfection along the straight path which the love of your Creator traced for you from the first instant.

38. When I created you, I gave you the gift of free will so that through your own will you would glorify me through the deeds of love and charity that you practice with your brethren.

39. A spirit without free will would not be a worthy creation of the Supreme Being. It would be a useless being without aspiration toward its perfection.

40. Today, you still live within a material existence due to a lack of brotherhood, for in the spiritual domain everything lives in perfect harmony.

41. A lack of understanding of the divine love causes spiritual retardation, something which can only be avoided by returning to the path, to true repentance, and to obedience.

42. In your present world your brothers who cultivate science have not led you to the peak of your evolution. They have taken you to pain, to the abyss, to arrogance; but I have not abandoned you for one instant. You are the ones who have been slow to respond to my call of love.

43. For having abused the loving and just freedom which your Father gave you, you must with pain and tears purify yourselves of the stains which you have left in your spirits. Nevertheless, the one who makes restitution for his errors with submission will reach his evolution, and his ascent shall be faster than his fall.

44. For centuries and centuries, I have been giving you examples and proofs of tenderness and of divine love, which at times have succeeded in moving your hearts, making you exclaim, I love you, Lord; I admire you. But I ask you, If you love me, why do you not imitate me by putting my teachings into practice? Why have you departed from the spiritual life, thus delaying your evolution? How could you dare to blame God for your own falls, for your pain, and for your foolishness?

45. Today, when I call you, not all of you listen to me. Nevertheless, I promise you that all will listen to me and that not one of my children will become lost in the eternity of the spirit.

46. Some will seek me in response to my love. Others, weighed down by pain, will plead for my mercy to detain their bitter chalice.

47. I am continuing my message which I gave to you through Jesus, yet you do not want to abandon the unreliable paths in life that you have taken which have caused you to go astray.

48. Would you wish to blame me for that which has come from you rather than from me? I have told you to sow love, and instead of that you have sown hatred. Do you expect to reap love?

49. I have taught you to live a simple, pure, and elevated life in peace, and you insist on living a constant war of hatred, materialism, and harmful ambitions.

50. You frequently ask things from God without knowing for what you ask, but you never give to God what he asks of you on your own behalf.

51. If you have become vain and have strayed so far from the divine teachings, how do you expect God to give you that for which you do not know how to ask, or that he rule the universe according to your ideas or wills? Truly I say to you that the universe would not exist for a second if I allowed you to govern it under your human desires.

52. I have given you one more drop of the divine essence, and I will give you more in future lessons. But do not take my teaching without analyzing it, for it will enlighten you so that you might better interpret my revelations.

53. Take the essence of the teaching and interpret it according to what your conscience and heart tell you.

54. Spirituality is not found in religious or scientific texts. It is found in your spirits, which would reflect grace and honor if they would always fulfill the precept which says to you, Love one another.

55. Do not create new philosophies or theories derived from this doctrine. Do not raise material temples nor create symbolic representations. I will give you all the revelations that pertain to these times.

56. Truly I say to you that you are not the only ones who will possess the truth. In their origin, ministers of different religions, scientists, believers and unbelievers are all spiritual creatures of God whom I will fill with grace as they journey along their path.

57. Humbly invite your brothers to study my doctrine of love, charity, and spiritual elevation. Do not forget that not one of your deeds will be perfect if it is not motivated by love towards everything you see and even towards that which you only sense in the moments of your meditation.

58. There are many lives in the invisible. Sense them, bless them, and love them.

59. Do not create idolatry, fanaticism, or material hierarchies. There is nothing greater than the light which adorns the spirit which has reached perfection through its virtue.

60. He who loves the most is greater than the one who claims to be great through his position or his vanity.

61. Remember Jesus.

62. Your understanding is clearer in these times, and my word is also becoming more understandable.

63. My temple is your heart; its light is my love. The greatest offering which you can deposit in your heart is spiritual peace, if you live doing good, and blessing and loving your brothers.

64. What good would your songs, prayers, and rituals be to you if inside, you only hid lower passions? I thirst for your love not for incense. I wish for fewer tears and more light in your existence.

65. You will have to answer for everything. And your bad deeds will determine how harshly you will judge yourselves. For I do not judge you. That is false. When the spirit becomes enlightened, it will become its own greatest accuser and judge. I am the one who defends you against all confusion, the one who forgives you and saves you, because I am the love which purifies and forgives.

66. I will give you new teachings so that you might understand this lesson, which is one more page I will give you to form the Book of True Life.

67. Obey my law and through your examples of humility, charity, and love, these small multitudes will multiply and become as numerous as the stars in the heavens and as the sands of the sea.

My Peace be with you!


Teaching 33

1. Once again the Master opens the book of his teaching to explain to you his doctrine of love syllable by syllable. If you want to listen to me as Father, I say to you, Behold the table, prepared so that you might sit to relish the banquet which I have reserved for you with so much love.

2. I come in spirit to manifest myself among my disciples. You call this the time of light, for every spirit and all material things have felt my spiritual presence.

3. I am the light and the way. Not all of you are aware of the purpose of my manifestation among you. Instead of rejoicing in my divine teaching and in my revelations, you believe that I have only come to remedy your needs and material afflictions and thus limit yourselves to asking for bread, work, money, or health. You remain deaf to my inspirations not understanding that I grant you every material benefit as an added blessing.

4. Some of you come with your hearts filled with gratitude and joy for having received some benefit which you were requesting for your earthly life and I bless you. But, truly I say to you that the spiritual gifts which exist in your beings are greater. Through my teaching, you are learning to develop and to use those gifts, although you still have not given me thanks for that.

5. Open your hearts so that you might feel within them all that I am granting to you. This is why I have told you many times that though I am within you, you still have not felt me.

6. Must I once again, as I did in the Second Era, perform the deeds which you called miracles in order to be believed? Must I give sight to the blind, movement to the paralytic, and life to Lazarus in order to awaken your faith? Truly I say to you that in this time many blind have seen the light, many lame have walked, and many dead have been raised to the life of grace.

7. Two roads appear again before your sight, the same ones that you have known from the beginning of your pilgrimage. One is wide and full of flowers, the other narrow and sown with thorns. You wish to journey along the narrow one, which is the one of virtue, without abandoning the other, and that is not possible.

8. Truly I say to you that you do not know my path. And in spite of its numerous trials, that is where peace lies, unlike the wide road which awards pleasures that leave only pain and disgust in your hearts.

9. I want your spirits to live eternally in my peace. That is why I manifest myself before them in order to teach them in this form. Do not forget that in this time you have once again made a pact with your Father before the ark of the new covenant.

10. It is my will that you remain firm in the times of sorrow which are approaching and that you arise to give my teaching to your fellow men. Do not become discouraged before the doubt of your brothers when you extend my word among humanity. Did all of you believe when you heard me for the first time? Now that you have been given a physical body, take advantage of it to accomplish your mission among humanity. How many of those who dwell in the spiritual valley would like to have a physical body, something which they consider to be a jewel!

11. To your spirit I say, Allow yourself to be guided by your conscience; and to your physical body, Allow yourself to be led by the spirit. Then my peace will be with you. If you do that, your spirits will be watching like the virgins of the parable with their lamps lighted awaiting the arrival of the husband. Blessed are they who live attentively, for they will be ready to receive me. Then when it is time to depart from earth, and they call at the door of the spiritual valley, I will open it to them.

12. If you work diligently, tomorrow you will be with me. Prepare yourselves with these teachings in order to arise, imitating my disciples of the Second Era, and take the light to your brothers, offering comfort to the afflicted. Awaken from your sleep. For if you who have the law do not understand my word, nor give testimony of me, if you have not learned my teaching, what will your answer be when you are questioned and trials come? Then you will be judged and feel repentance and fear, remembering that the Master spoke to you lovingly and untiringly. If you study and meditate on my word, you will be prepared when you need to speak of this revelation. And those who understand you will say, Truly the Divine Master was with us. If in spite of your behavior, you are rejected by your bothers, do not fear, for I will recognize your labor. And after you have gained victory in the great trials, I will give you the supreme joy of peace.

13. In the future you will truly devote yourselves to sharing this teaching among humanity. You will see your labor bear fruit and the divine seed multiply.

14. I am calling all travelers to listen to my voice which invites them to elevate spiritually and to possess eternal life. In this day in which the Divine Word makes itself heard, learn from this word and enlighten yourselves with it, for through this knowledge you will attain enlightenment and salvation.

15. If my law teaches you morality, righteousness, and order in all acts of your life, why do you seek hostile paths which bring you pain? Then when you depart to the hereafter, leaving your body on the earth, you weep because you have loved that physical body so much. When you feel that the material body no longer belongs to you, and that you must follow the road until you reach me, I have asked you, My child, what gift do you bring me? Have you lived on the earth obeying my mandates? And you are embarrassed and dejected because you do not bear a gift of love for the one who loves you so much and has granted you so much. You have created chains which crush your spirit. And having lost grace, your spirit appears without light, weeps, and grieves. It hears the voice of the Father who calls, but since it has not evolved, nor feels worthy of coming to him, it hesitates and waits. Time passes, and the spirit once again hears the voice. Amid its grief it asks who speaks to it, and that voice says, Awaken! Do you not know from where you have come, nor where you go? Then the spirit raises its eyes and sees an immense light. Before this splendor it sees itself as very insignificant and recognizes that it already existed before having been sent to earth and was already loved by the Father, from whom came the voice, and who now, on seeing it in a painful trance, suffers for it. He knows that his child has been sent to different worlds to journey over a difficult path and has to reach its reward through its merits. The child asks, If before being sent to earth I have been your beloved child, why have I not remained virtuous? Why have I had to descend to suffer and to work in order to return to you? The voice replies, All spirits have been submitted to the law of evolution. The Spirit of the Father always protects you on the path and is pleased in the good deeds of his child. Truly, I have sent you to earth in order that you might make of it a dwelling of struggle for spiritual perfection, not a valley of war and pain. I have told you to multiply and not be sterile. And when you return to the spiritual valley and do not bring any harvest, you only weep, arriving without the grace with which I have covered you. That is why I send you one more time and tell you, Cleanse yourself, seek that which you have lost, and cultivate your elevation. The spirit returns to earth and seeks a small and tender human body in order to rest in it and begin the new journey. It finds the small child designated to it and unites with that body in order to make restitution for its failings within my law. Knowing what it must do and aware that it belongs to the Father, the spirit comes to the earth clearly aware of its mission.

16. In its first years it is innocent; it preserves its purity, and remains in contact with the spiritual life. Then it begins to know sin. It looks closely at pride, arrogance, and at the rebelliousness of men before the just laws of the Father. The flesh, which is stubborn by nature, begins to contaminate itself with evil. Having fallen into temptation, it forgets the mission which it brought to earth and arises performing deeds which are contrary to the law. The spirit and material body eat the forbidden fruits, and when the spirit has fallen into the abyss, the last hour surprises it. Once again the spirit finds itself in the spiritual valley, weary and burdened by the weight of its faults. Then it remembers the voice that spoke to it in another time which still calls to it. And after much weeping, feeling lost, and not knowing who it is, it remembers that it has already been in that place. Then the Father, who has created it with so much love, appears on its path, asking it, Who are you? From where do you come and where do you go? The child recognizes in that voice the word of the one who has given it its existence, its intelligence, and its gifts. It is the voice of the Father who always forgives, who purifies, and removes the darkness and leads to the light. The child trembles because it knows it is before the Judge and speaks, saying, Father, my disobedience and my debts to you are very great, and I can not aspire to live in your home, for I have no merits. Today, when I have returned to the spiritual valley, I see that I have only accumulated faults for which I must make restitution. But the loving Father once more points out the way, and once again the spirit incarnates and forms a part of humanity. Now experienced and with greater strength, it then subdues the material body in order to control it and to obey the divine dictates. The battle begins. The spirit combats the sins which cause man to fall and wants to take advantage of the opportunity which has been granted for its salvation. It struggles from beginning to end. And when the white hairs shine on the temple, and the body which before was strong and healthy begins to slowly stoop under the weight of the years and lose energy, then the spirit feels strong, more developed, and experienced. How great and disgusting sin appears to that being. The spirit departs from that sin and reaches the end of its journey on earth. Now it only awaits the moment in which the Father will call it, for it has come to the conclusion that the Divine Law is just, that the will of God is perfect, and that the Father lives in order to give life and salvation to his children. When the last day comes, it feels death in its flesh and has no pain; it departs silently and respectfully. It contemplates itself in the spirit, and as if it had a mirror before it, sees itself as beautiful and radiant with light.

Then the voice speaks to it and asks, Child, where are you going? And knowing who it is, it approaches the Father, allows his light to invade its being and speaks thus, O Creator, O Universal Love, I come to you to rest and to give to you the fulfillment of my mission. The account is settled; the spirit is healthy, cleansed and free of the chains of sin, and sees before it the reward which awaited it. Then it feels that it unites with the light of that Father, that its joy is greater, and it contemplates a mansion of peace, a holy land, and a profound silence; then it remains at rest in the bosom of Abraham.

17. I speak to you of the marvelous things contained in the spiritual life and present my teaching to you. Do you wish to fulfill your mission on earth in order to come to me, O people of Israel, O humanity, child of mine? Through merits you will enter into the celestial kingdom, and with the practice of virtues you will attain peace on earth.

18. You have incarnated time after time, and in each reincarnation you have increased your debt and restitution. Do not blame me for your suffering for I do not punish you. You are the ones who determine your sentences.

19. This is the last time that you have to mend your faults.

20. I have returned among you because of the promise I made to you. I have made a pact with you from the first times and shall guide you to the end. You are the people prepared to be seated at my table. I am the nourishment, the fruit, the bread, and the wine.

21. Untiringly you come to listen to me in order to calm your hunger and your thirst for justice, just as in the Second Era when men also followed me hungry for love. I delivered my word in the valleys, in the mountains, on the seas, and the multitudes followed me in the desert. Their faith did not allow them to become weary. Their determination was unbreakable. Then my mercy extended over all of humanity and embraced it in the essence of my word. Mothers carried their children in their arms, men abandoned their tasks in order to listen to me, and the old, leaning upon their staffs, followed the multitude.

22. It was on one of those occasions that the Master performed the miracle of the loaves and fishes. He did so as a demonstration of what any bread will accomplish when it is distributed with love and without discrimination, since acceptance and brotherhood also serve as nourishment.

23. My own disciples had doubted that such limited portion of food would succeed in feeding such a great multitude. But when they saw the miracle accomplished, ashamed they said to themselves, Truly, this is the Messiah.

24. Here you have me again in the Third Era, I come to deliver to you the bread of eternal life from which humanity will eat.

25. I come to give you this word through human spokesmen. In order to communicate in this form, I had to await the spiritual and mental evolution of man in order to make use of him in this time. My will has been fulfilled, and this mystery will be clarified for all of those who are not able to presently understand it.

26. Do not fear the judgement or ridicule of sects and religions. Having the books of the prophecies in their hands, they are the ones who have not interpreted them, and thus have not known how to wait for me. On the other hand, you who did not know the prophecies which spoke of my return as the Holy Spirit were awaiting me. The Third Era has come and humanity has not known how to interpret the gospel.

27. How many nations wander as sheep without a shepherd. But I am with you. In order to be recognized, I have manifested myself in poverty and humility as in the Second Time. If humanity wants to identify me through those who follow me, it can do it. The sick, the sad, those who have been humiliated, the weary, those who hunger and thirst for justice, the dead in faith are the ones who seek me.

28. Let no one find it strange that I have not appeared amidst some church in this time. I did not emerge from any religion in the Second Time either.

29. I will not be found where vanity, materialism, and idolatry exist. I want to manifest myself in the midst of the greatest simplicity and humility, where no rituals exist that will lead you to forget the essence of my law. For that reason do not think it so strange to find yourselves surrounded by the needy, the unintelligent, and the sinful, for I have placed my charity in them, transforming them into useful beings, endowing them so that they might convert many. I have given you proof of my power. But if in spite of that you doubt, do not fear, for no one is a prophet in his own land. Tomorrow, foreigners will come and they will believe you, or when you go to unknown lands, they will receive you, for not everyone doubts you. There are also those who follow you and who depend upon your love and charity, using you to inspire and motivate themselves along the uncertain parts of the road. What would become of those who follow and find strength in you if you were to weaken? When you feel weak, seek me, and I will strengthen you. If you find pain, do not think that I have punished you. Learn what you need to from that ordeal which will help you to evolve.

30. By simply wanting to be cleansed, you will be cleansed. What would the merit be if I were the one who purified you? If each one makes restitution for his breaking of my law, that indeed has merit, for then you will know how to avoid falling and making mistakes in the future because you would remember the pain from the past.

31. If sincere repentance occurs between the fault committed and its natural consequences, you will not suffer pain, for then you will already be strong enough to endure the trial with resignation. The world is experiencing much bitterness, although I have never punished it. After that suffering, humanity will come to me, for I am summoning mankind. At that point, those who were ungrateful will know how to give thanks to the one who has only poured out goodness during their existence.

32. Until now it has not been human love which has dominated the world; it has been, as it was from the beginning of mankind, human power which reigns and conquers. The one who has loved has become the victim of evil.

33. Evil has extended its kingdom and has been strong on earth, and it is precisely in this time that I bring my weapons to oppose these powers so that my kingdom of love and justice may be established among men. But before my kingdom is established, I will have to battle evil, for it is necessary that I wage war and destroy all evil to give you the peace of my Spirit.

34. The day of justice is already among you. The living and the dead listen to the voice of the conscience in this time.

35. This world is not the eternal mansion for your spirits. If that were so, you would not see the bodies which you love so much die.

36. The painful road which your spirits have traveled has been very long, and I do not wish for you to find greater pain than that which you have already known. Return to me in search of peace. Seek your perfection, and I will convert you in teachers who will teach and redeem those who are lost in the darkness of ignorance.

37. Men, you who have wept before my words of forgiveness, why is it that justice has not yet come to you when you show me your right hand stained with the blood of your brother? Fear not, for your true repentance will be like a mantle to defend you, and my forgiveness like crystalline water to strengthen you in your restitution. But woe unto him who has killed and has not settled his account! Woe unto him who has stolen, caused dishonor, or has not fulfilled his obligation toward his parents! For then life and pain will judge him as would a wise judge and will teach him as would a teacher.

38. You have come to me today overcoming all obstacles and anxious to listen to my word again, for you yearn to become my disciples. For that reason you come to listen and to study my divine lesson.

39. You know that to regenerate yourself and to find the strength to conquer your passions, there is nothing better than my word, which enlightens your spirit and awakens true love in you for your spiritual cleanliness.

40. This is the time when my word is poured out to a greater extent so that you do not ignore what I reveal to you. If I sometimes speak to you figuratively, it is to comprehend my lessons better.

41. I am the redeeming vessel which has come within the reach of the one who has been cast adrift and who is near death. Those who have been given safety on the peaceful shore later feel that it is their duty to do the same with their fellow men when these are in danger of becoming lost.

42. The ships have been worn out, and many are the shipwrecked who ask for help. Observe humanity becoming lost in vices, in perversity, and in crime. Observe men dedicated to a selfish and materialistic life. Women have become accustomed to sin, which reigns everywhere. They lose their virtue and delicate nature. The home, which is man's temple, is disrespected because light, warmth, and peace have disappeared from it.

43. I come to this planet and in it I seek the spirit of man, which is the temple of God. I ignite its faith by telling it of a new world, of a world of peace, which it can reach with regeneration and brotherhood. Some feel their hearts beating strongly and make the divine ideal their own. Others complain about obstacles and difficulties as a pretext to not follow me. These lack faith and have not understood that the one who departs from his destiny will have to return to the same point, time and time again, until he has completed his designated journey on earth.

44. I do not tell you to depart from your material obligations or from the healthy pleasures of your hearts and senses. I only ask you to renounce that which poisons your spirits and makes your bodies ill.

45. Whoever lives within the law is obeying the dictates of his conscience. Whoever flees from permissible pleasures in order to immerse himself in forbidden ones asks himself, even during instances of greatest pleasure, why he is not happy or why he does not find peace. From gratification to gratification, he slowly descends until he is lost in the abyss without finding true satisfaction for his heart and his spirit.

46. There are those who need to fall into the abyss because they chose to continue following the path of sin, where they sought pleasure without finding it, in order that they might hear the voice of the one who is eternally inviting them to the banquet of eternal life.

47. I receive the offering of my disciples. Elijah has prepared you. He has interceded before me so that you might be worthy of listening to my word and might know how to benefit from its essence. My promise is that anyone who seeks me during his ordeals shall be comforted.

48. This is the era of the Holy Spirit in which I am communicating with man. Of those who have heard me, some begin to recognize me, and others already love me. When this time of my communication has passed, humanity will know who has come. It will recognize Elijah as the forerunner, filled with grace and power, and the Master, who has descended to the human race through love.

49. Beloved disciples, imitate me so that you might quickly arrive at the end of your restitution where Elijah, the shepherd who has guided you throughout all times, will present you before me.

50. I do not wish that spirits, upon separating themselves from the earth, feel alone or lost in the immensity of the spiritual valley which awaits everyone. That is why Elijah speaks to you and prepares you for that moment when you will enter into that valley. You should have your brothers come to know that spirit who is the shepherd and intermediary between man and his creator.

51. You are now observing a period that is filled with justice and harshness. All of you now reap the fruit of your labor. This time had to come, for it was so written. I warned you to pray and do penance, and I have found you asleep without recalling my words. But I watch over you, and I have come one more time to bring you my teaching which offers you much knowledge. If you know how to understand it, you will be strong and have great will power. And when this light has penetrated your spirits, go to the others and help them to awaken from their sleep. Be charitable to those who sin through ignorance, and point out the way which will lead them to their salvation.

52. I am converting into disciples those who were beginning students yesterday, and my disciples, I bring closer to me. I have placed all of you on one single ladder, and I have been with you during each of your ordeals. Humanity's pain reaches me. Elijah fights for the unification of spirits in men. The new Tower of Babel has increased in arrogance and division, but alongside that tower I am erecting the Tower of Israel using a foundation of humility and love. The battle will be great, but finally virtue shall defeat sin, and peace will be restored. Then those who have been weak shall be strong, and those who were spiritually blind will be able to see. Thus, the spirit will awaken in order to begin its life of evolution.

53. The gold and the power that man so greatly desires will not offer his spirit peace, nor comfort at his sick bed. They will only harden his heart. How many times have I presented images of pain before the eyes of the rich in order to test their feelings, yet they have been indifferent to orphans, to the misery and pain of their fellow beings, not understanding that I have only made them recipients of material goods in order that they might distribute them with justice and charity.

54. There are many beings who await a merciful hand to cure them, a comforting word, or an example to redeem them. Spirits suffer from a hunger for love, for sincerity, and for justice; you, Israel, can offer these gifts to others for I have given you a wealth of spiritual possessions which you need to share.

55. Not all times will be peaceful for you. Therefore, today, while you still have freedom, you should work with great devotion and pray in order to prepare your brothers of other nations. You already know that there are no distances for the spirit. Thus, on the day that my doctrine is carried by my messengers, may they not stumble but rather find friends, brothers who understand their mission and who will give them support and warmth.

56. There are individuals whom I will entrust with these teachings. If they live in spiritual communication with me, I will inspire perfect deeds in those beings and will manifest myself through them when they speak.

57. Many of you have felt humanity's rejection for following the Master. Others of you have been rejected in the home of your parents, and others have been denounced by their spouses. But keep in mind that I observe everything, and I will greatly reward you for your sacrifice.

58. Do not see enemies but rather brothers in all who surround you. Do not seek punishment for those who have offended you so that you may offer examples of forgiveness. Let there be no remorse in your spirits. Close your lips and allow me to judge your cause.

59. Heal the sick. Help those who are lost and unable to reason because they are perturbed by spiritual beings that cause mental confusion; help one and the other to become spiritually enlightened.

60. Pray for all nations, and I will watch over you. Take my word to all individuals. Later give me thanks for the benefits which you have received, for you will have recognized that the leaf of the tree does not move without my will.

61. Truly I say to you that those who have strayed the most from me realize that the time for justice has come, for they have premonitions and feel restless.

62. Like a trumpet, my voice is calling and awakening spirits. But if humanity had concerned itself with studying and analyzing the prophecies of the First and Second Eras, nothing happening now would surprise it, nor would it confuse it, for everything had already been prophesied.

63. My word of yesterday is fulfilled today, for the sun would have to stop sending its rays of light before my word would not be fulfilled.

64. Endure the bitterness brought to you by the war among nations. Do not demand justice upon them for their chalice is bitter enough. Be merciful in your judgements, thoughts, and prayers.

65. Those who still enjoy some peace have the duty of praying in order to spiritually help those who suffer the harshness and catastrophes of war.

66. If instead of feeling mercy, you despise or feel anger toward those who cause so much suffering to humanity, truly I say to you that you deprive yourselves of all spiritual elevation and understanding.

67. Allow my voice to touch your hearts. Practice my word. That will be the form in which my doctrine will gain strength on earth. It will be the light which will confront the ideas which have arisen from a sick and deteriorating humanity.

68. Humanity will be able to find in my doctrine all the justice, the greatness and the light that it seeks for its spiritual evolution. But before humanity becomes interested in my teachings and begins to analyze them, it first needs to observe how my doctrine has helped my disciples to regenerate their lives to become virtuous.

69. I promise to reveal great mysteries to you when you live in peace, for then my light will be able to shine in your beings.

70. Along the path of your brethren, all of you would like to offer testimony of my truth, and become a guiding light for those who need assistance.

71. Today, you have me among you by means of this communication. Take advantage of my presence, and convert yourselves from toddlers into disciples, so that with dignity you might be able to preach my word when I have ceased to speak to you in this manner.

72. Study, be alert, and pray. Sow love and charity among your brothers so that through your deeds, I might say to humanity, Love one another.

My Peace be with you!


Teaching 34

1. My beloved people, do not await better times to reveal this message to humanity, for another time will not come which is more appropriate than this one.

2. Open your eyes to reality and cease to dream about the vanities of the world. Understand that your mission is to make my doctrine known throughout all the pathways of the earth.

3. Here among the multitudes I reveal the future messengers, the new apostles, the laborers who must never tire in the fulfillment of their mission.

4. Some will go by way of the East, and others I will send by way of the West. The different languages will not be an obstacle to spreading my word.

5. The sword of light, love, and justice which exists in my doctrine will open roads, destroy walls of ignorance, and erase boundaries. Everything will remain prepared for the unification of all nations.

6. At the beginning of the struggle, some will joyfully accept the Marian Trinitarian Spiritualist doctrine. On the other hand, others will reject it and persecute you because they will see my doctrine as a threat to their earthly power and to their erroneous interpretations. But verily I say to you that it will be as if they attempted with the palms of their hands to prevent the sun from giving its light.

7. I must warn you that whoever rejects this word will have rejected me, and whoever accepts it will have accepted me, for in its essence I have manifested myself to men in this time. My Spirit is present in it. That is why I say to you that whoever receives my word will recognize my voice, open the doors of his heart to me, and have me within.

8. My justice has offered you a beautiful opportunity to make restitution for and to pay off your debts. Do not waste even one single day of the life which I have entrusted to you.

9. You are the prodigal son who returned repentant to his Father's house, and I have received you with love to have you regain your spiritual heritage.

10. Among those who come before me weeping, I know the ones who are truly repentant, those who weep over their faults with tears of sincere remorse and who ask me for an opportunity to make restitution. They weep not for themselves but for having offended the Father. On the other hand, there are those who apparently feel sorrow for having offended me, who cry, make premises, and even swear not to sin again. However, at the same time that they make promises, they are asking for new earthly goods. Those are the ones who will readily depart from the Father's house.

11. If they succeed in receiving from me what they seek, they proceed to waste it. If they do not succeed in getting what they want, they will speak disrespectfully about me. They believe that in this humble path there are only thorns, not knowing that the one they have elected is the most uncertain, the roughest, and the most hazardous. They believe that by giving themselves completely to the pleasures of the world, they can increase their wealth and thus diminish their necessities, not understanding that by rejecting the gentle weight of a spiritual cross, they have thrown upon their shoulders a great material burden, under whose weight they will find themselves oppressed.

12. How few are those who aspire to live in the paradise of peace, light, and harmony, lovingly obeying the divine laws.

13. Humanity has traveled over a very long path, and it still prefers to eat the forbidden fruits, which only accumulate sorrow and disappointment in mankind’s life on earth. The forbidden fruits are those which, while being good because they have been created by God, can become harmful to man it he has not properly prepared himself, or if he consumes them excessively.

14. Man and woman take the fruit of life without preparation, unaware of their responsibility before the Creator when they bring new beings to incarnate on earth.

15. The scientist cuts the fruit from the tree of science with disrespect, not listening beforehand to the voice of his conscience through which my law speaks to him to tell him that all the fruits of the tree of wisdom are good, and therefore, whoever takes them should do so only when inspired to benefit his fellow beings.

16. These two examples which I have given to you teach you why humanity does not know the love nor the peace of that inner paradise which man, through his obedience to the law, should eternally carry in his heart.

17. I have come to teach the sinners, the disobedient, the ungrateful, and the arrogant to help you find that spiritual paradise, to have you understand that you are gifted with a spirit, that you have a conscience, that you can reason and perfectly evaluate that which is good and that which is bad, and to show you the path which will lead you to the paradise of peace, wisdom, infinite love, immortality, glory, and eternity.

18. I speak to you who are sinners because the righteous already live in the spiritual paradise. The remaining beings who lack spirits, and therefore do not have a conscience, delight in their paradise which is nature, where they live in perfect obedience and harmony with all creation.

19. I have come today to illuminate the path along which you should evolve and find me at the end. I do not come to force you. However, I do forewarn you that if you are deaf to this call, it will not be long before you come by your own free will, seeking the path of salvation. Then you will flee from the horrors of your inhumanity, your arrogance, and your pride.

20. I do not come to judge you in a harsh manner. It is you who give your faults the deserved punishment.

21. O people, I leave the essence of my word in your hearts so that you may nourish yourselves spiritually. For your hearts are like flowers, and their fragrance the essence of the love which I have placed there. Do not allow the flowers to wither, for they would soon quickly lose their aroma. The flowers of your gardens are delicate, but your hearts are more delicate and their divine essence even more so.

22. After 1950 you will no longer receive my word through these individuals whom you have called spokesmen or interpreters. Some will depart from this earth for the spiritual valley. Others will remain to receive the first inspirations, which will be the beginning of the communication of spirit to Spirit.

23. When that communication begins to develop among you, you will truly begin to analyze and to understand the doctrine which you are now receiving. At the same time, you will know how to separate my essence from all the imperfections which the spokesman may have mixed in with my word.

24. Now I ask you, are you content to be the poor of the earth but rich in spirit? Or do you prefer the pleasures of the world to the knowledge of eternal life? I bless you, for in your hearts you are telling me, Lord, nothing is comparable to the glory of listening to your word.

25. I am giving you a new message in this era: the Third Testament. Many have been the witnesses to this manifestation. But truly I say to you that you will not be the ones who will come to understand the full meaning of what I have revealed to you nor will you appreciate the importance that this message contains.

26. Often, when I have given you a teaching, you have interpreted it erroneously because, while I have spoken of spiritual knowledge, you have given it a material meaning. Other generations will come after you who are more evolved spiritually. On studying the teachings contained in these revelations, they will tremble with spiritual emotion. At other times, they will delight in the peaceful tranquility of my word, and on other occasions, they will marvel in my teachings. Then they will say, How is it possible that the actual witnesses of this word did not become aware of its meaning, of its greatness, and of its light? It will not be the first time for this to happen. In the Second Era, when I also spoke to the hearts of men, they did not understand me, for they only lived for and thought about the world and their material bodies.

27. In the Second Era I pronounced some last words from the cross while my physical body was in a state of agony. Among my last phrases there was one which was not understood during those moments or even later: My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?

28. Because of those words, many became confused or doubtful, thinking that it was a moment of weakness and that I had faltered. But they had not taken into account that that was not the last phrase, that after that one I still pronounced others which revealed strength and enlightenment: Father, into your hands I commend my Spirit, and All is accomplished.

29. Now that I have returned to shed light on your confusion and to clarify what you have called mysteries, I say to you. When I was on the cross, the agony was long and bloody. The body of Jesus, infinitely more sensitive than that of all men, suffered a prolonged agony, and death would not come. Jesus had already fulfilled his mission in the world. He had already said the last word and taught the last lesson. Then that tortured body, that torn flesh, on feeling the absence of the spirit, painfully asked the Lord, Father, Father why have you forsaken me? That was the sweet and sorrowful complaint of the wounded lamb to his Shepherd. It was proof that Christ, the Word, truly became man in Jesus and that his suffering was real.

30. How can you attribute these words to Christ when he is united eternally to the Father? Now you know that it was a painful moaning from the body of Jesus, wounded and tortured by the blindness of men. But when the caress of the Lord rested upon that tortured flesh, Jesus went on to speak, and his words were, Father, into thy hands I commend my Spirit. All is accomplished.

31. When will you speak to me in that manner, humanity? When will you breathe forth that sweet complaint which is not of criticism, nor doubt, nor lack of faith, but rather proof of love for the Father, manifesting to him that you want to feel him close in the supreme hour? Meditate on each one of my phrases, for I am the truth which was promised to you.

32. Now that I am teaching you, I am using ordinary and illiterate individuals, for scientists and wise men have denied me. I have also sought out sinners to convert them and send them to give testimony of my truth. These children of mine, through whom I am manifesting myself, should become worthy of this grace. They need to become enlightened by this doctrine, which they will share with others, in order to become fully aware of their mission and to know that they will only be believed by their fellow men when they give examples and practice good deeds.

33. This time of teaching will be favorable for the preparation of the multitudes.

34. My doctrine is the pure and crystalline water of the river of life; with it you will purify yourselves and achieve the transformation which will make you worthy of calling yourselves disciples of the Holy Spirit. Let my word prepare your hearts, and truly I say to you that from them the good seed will sprout. Educate your spirits and elevate your understanding by listening to me and your deeds, words, and thoughts will radiate my truth.

35. Truly you are not the only ones who will give testimony of me, for all of creation is a living proof of my truth. But in this work you have a mission to fulfill and a debt to repay to yourselves, for truly I say to you that you owe nothing to me but rather to yourselves.

36. If you do not give testimony of your Lord, I will give it, but you will weep bitterly for not having been close to the Master in the hour of battle.

37. Do you want to know how you will succeed in having your brethren accept your testimony as truthful? Be sincere with yourselves. Never say that you posses what you do not have nor attempt to reveal what you have not received. Teach only what you know; testify only to that which you have seen. And if they ask you something which you can not answer, be silent, but never lie. Again I say to you, let your yes always be yes, and your no always be no. Then you will be faithful to the truth. Nor should you swear, for whoever speaks the truth does not need vows to be believed since he carries light in his deeds. Let the one who has been untruthful swear, for he will need to resort to the name of God to support his words once the moment arrives for others to believe what he has said. Do not swear by God, or by Mary, or by your parents, or by your life. Again I say to you that your deeds will be those which will give testimony of your words and therein will give testimony of me.

38. If they believe you when you are speaking the truth, blessed are those who believe you. If they deny you, hurt you, or ridicule you for saying the truth, leave the cause to me, for the cause of truth is mine. Then I will defend you. Neither attempt to disguise truth with a veil of falsehood, for your judgement will be great. Do you not know of that great temple of Jerusalem where century after century men entered in search of strength and wisdom? It was great while men who entered it were able to find peace, but when hypocrisy, falsehood and greed overtook that temple, its veil was torn, and later there was not a single stone left of that building.

39. Once again I tell you to begin to be sincere with yourselves and not to try to deceive yourselves. That is to say, begin to love truth.

40. The world that will disappear is the world of wickedness which you have created. It is a world where the strong oppress the weak, from which even the innocence of children has fled, where parents reject their children and children reject their parents. It is a world in which the most sacred principles and institutions have been violated and disrespected by men, and one in which men, instead of loving one another as brothers, kill each other.

41. In order for this new Babel to disappear, it is necessary that its wickedness be cut at the root as an evil weed. The pain will be great, but the impure will purify themselves through that suffering, and the blind will open their eyes. Death will stop many in their path, not to exterminate them but rather to lead them to the true life.

42. Nothing will be left of humanity’s evil deeds. Upon the ruins of your past I will make a new world rise like a great kingdom where humanity is like an extended family that lives in peace, loves, feels, and thinks about my law of love.

43. New generations will populate the earth. They will reap the fruits of the experience, including the spiritual and material evolution which their ancestors have left, for they will select all the good fruits from the past.

44. A truly spiritual worship will arise, replacing the imperfect manner of worship that has been practiced in the past. Also, there will arise a new science that will pursue brotherhood, well being, and peace among humanity.

45. The division among men will disappear as well as the conflicts which have separated them and created dialects and languages for each nation. When harmony begins to shine in the world, everyone will feel the need to be understood in only one language. Verily I say to you that charity toward one another will facilitate this work, for it will be based on my mandate that says to you, Love one another.

46. How can it be right for humans within their species not to understand each other when even animals of the same species, though from different regions, understand each other?

47. Become united with love inspired by your Father, and He, who is the alpha and the omega of all creation, will inspire you in the universal language.

48. Rejoice, rejoice in my word. It transcends the different languages that exist on earth, and it is beyond your beginning and your end. If you have marveled over the extensive and inexhaustible form with which I have spoken to you through the lips of my spokesmen, be aware that they have been inspired to speak by only a small beam of my divine light.

49. You ask me, Lord, if you have chosen us to be witnesses of this manifestation, why is it that you have not spared us from the sufferings and ordeals of the earth? To which I reply, It is necessary for you to experience the same suffering that your brothers are enduring, although to a lesser degree, in order to understand their afflictions.

50. If I have told you that all of men's pride and evil will be destroyed in this time, do you not believe that in you there is also something to destroy, to cut down, or to redeem?

51. You are blessed, but, at the same time, truly made to suffer by trials. But if pain keeps you alert, you must consider that it is only one drop of the bitterness that other nations drink. On feeling pain, your heart feels moved to pray, and through prayer, you intuitively recognize one of the missions which has brought this multitude to earth.

52. Pray, my children, with thoughts of light, of peace, and of brotherhood, and those prayers will not be lost in space; rather their essence will keep vibrating spiritually and will lead you to the hearts of those for whom you have prayed. But in order for your prayer be felt by your brothers, do not take my word for granted; continue to practice the same humility and enthusiasm that you had when you first heard my teachings. For a day will come when you will feel yourself deeply shaken and this will be the day in which I will speak to you for the last time in this form.

53. Multitudes, why do you believe that I call you in this time? Could it be to simply have you heal your pain or have you recover your lost peace? No, my people, if I came to help you discover the true life, to strengthen your faith, to return a smile to your faces and strength to your bodies, it was because I wanted to prepare you so that you might be able to stand up to the battle. But I see that many, thinking only of themselves, attend my teaching only to find peace for their spirits, not wanting to know anything about the mission that awaits them. Others, having received what they desired, depart without becoming interested in studying and understanding the meaning of my doctrine.

54. You have all been called to take part in this work and for that reason I have given these teachings to this multitude so that it might retain at least one of my phrases in its heart.

55. My teaching tells you that if you were not to spread these teachings among humanity, the rocks would speak to give testimony of my truth and of the time in which you live. But do not wait for the rocks to be the ones who speak, for they will do so by making the earth tremble, causing violent ocean storms or the eruption of volcanoes.

56. It will be better if you become prepared in time, so that when this world finds itself destroyed by plagues, strange illnesses, and all types of suffering, you who are scattered throughout all the pathways of the earth might take my tender and comforting word to the hearts of men, coming as a soft breeze to those who have endured great suffering.

57. Refrain from being inactive and inattentive and take advantage of the precious time which you enjoy today, for you do not know if in coming times you will have moments of quiet and peace to study and meditate on my word.

58. Pray like good disciples and fill your hearts with noble purposes. Do not forget that I have not come to distinguish among you by races, classes, or religions, so that wherever you go, you might feel as though you were in your own country and thus consider anyone you meet as your brother, regardless of his race, for that is what he really is.

59. I brought you this word and had you hear it in your language, but I give you the mission of later translating it into other languages in order that it might be known by all.

60. In this manner you will begin to build the true tower of Israel, the one which will spiritually unite all nations into one, the one which will unite all men in that divine, unchangeable, and eternal law, which in the world you came to know through the lips of Jesus when he told you, Love one another.

61. Analyze my word until you are certain of its purity and its truth. Only in that way will you be able to remain strong and firm when confronting materialistic ideas which threaten the spirit. For materialism is death; it is darkness; it is a prison and poison to the spirit. Never exchange the light and the freedom of your spirit for earthly bread or miserly material possessions.

62. Truly I say to you that whoever trusts in my law and perseveres in faith to the end will never lack material nourishment, and during the moments of communication with my Spirit you will always receive the bread of eternal life through my infinite charity.

My Peace be with you!


Teaching 35

1. Blessed are those who with humility and faith ask me for their spirits to progress, for they will receive that which they request of their Father.

2. Blessed are those who know how to wait, for my charity will come to their hands at the right moment.

3. Learn how to ask and also how to wait, knowing that nothing escapes my charity. Trust that my will shall be manifested in each one of your needs and trials.

4. The child has the right to ask his Father for that which is within his law of justice and love. And the Father in turn has the duty of taking care of his child.

5. I say to you that those who obey my will on earth will enjoy my love when they are in the spirit.

6. When the weight of your cross becomes too heavy, pray to your Helper and I will instantly come to your aid.

7. During your moments of an ordeal, pray with a brief but pure and sincere prayer. Then you will feel comforted. And when you succeed in being in harmony with your Lord, I will be able to tell you that my will is yours, and your will is mine.

8. Do not pray only when you find yourselves going through some painful ordeal. Also pray when you are at peace, for it will be then that your hearts and thoughts can become occupied with others. Do not pray only for those who have helped you, or those who have not caused you any harm, for even though that is virtuous, it is not as worthy as you helping those who have previously harmed you.

9. Consider that I, your Master, have been Saviour and Helper to the same people who shouted the following words to Pilate: Crucify him! Crucify him! With prayers, thoughts, words, and even in material ways, you can also help your brothers to carry their crosses. Thus, when your brother feels overwhelmed by the weight of his pain or struggle, you can lessen that weight.

10. This is the appropriate time for you to be charitable, therefore, pray, ask, and work. The fields are fertile, and they await you.

11. Pray for peace for all nations. Help to attain it through your prayers. Heal through your thoughts and enlighten your brothers. Verily I say to you that your petitions never cease to be heard and answered by your Father.

12. Be prepared, for many will deny that I have communicated through human spokesmen. But you will tell them that it is not the first time for this to happen; that God has spoken to man in the Three Eras; that since the beginning of time all prophecies, inspirations, and revelations given to humanity have been divine voices which have been received through meditation to guide mankind throughout time.

13. Those who deny, contradict, or become outraged by your testimony will do so because they fail to understand spiritual communication even though they call themselves scholars on earth.

14. It is my will that through this multitude of people, who has witnessed my communication in this form, humanity might come to know that from his origin man has been destined to communicate with his Celestial Father and to serve as a spokesman on this planet. And if in past times there were isolated cases of men through whose lips the Lord spoke, now you live in a time in which humanity, from generation to generation, will reach greater perfection and enlightenment while communicating from spirit to Spirit with the Father.

15. You will announce that during this time men will consult with their Lord in all things in order to practice deeds that are following the divine law. The father of the family will speak to his children with words that the Lord places upon his lips; teachers will teach under a superior inspiration; rulers will know how to transmit the will of God to their people. Judges will follow what their conscience tells them to do, for the conscience is the voice of the One who knows all things and, therefore, is the only one capable of judging with perfection. Physicians will first trust in the divine power, and their word and their healing will come from the Lord. Men of science will understand the very delicate mission which they have brought to earth, and because of their spiritual preparation they will receive divine inspiration. Finally, all who have brought to the world the mission of leading spirits along the path of evolution will know how to elevate themselves to receive my revelations and to take them to the hearts of the multitudes, with the light and purity with which they received them.

16. I tell you of an era which will come and which you should announce and prophesy with a certainty that it will come, but if your brothers should ridicule your prophecy, do not fear, for John, the apostle, was also ridiculed and even judged as one who had lost his sanity when he made known the revelations that he had received in his communication with the Father. Nevertheless, the time came for the fulfillment of everything that seemed impossible to some and strange and incomprehensible to others.

17. The prophecies that I made through that prophet and spokesman who had spiritual vision are being fulfilled during this period.

18. That apostle of love and truth was persecuted, tormented, and exiled for his vision. But he was not left without my protection against his persecutors and executioners. For this reason I tell you not to fear, for if they should take you to prison for this cause, I will free you; if they should deny you work or bread, I will sustain you; if they should humiliate you or slander you, I will praise you and pronounce your innocence; and if they should kill you, I will resurrect you to the true life.

19. That is why I always say to you that you should prepare yourselves through prayer in order to extend this prophecy and deliver this testimony with your hearts filled with gentleness, with valor, and with faith and love toward your brothers.

20. All that you do in my name will have to produce good fruit, if you prepare yourself in that manner, and you will see the fulfillment of all that you had desired.

21. Just as I fulfilled all of my promises to men in past times, I will also fulfill them for you.

22. You are living in times of anguish in which men purify themselves by enduring great suffering. But those who have analyzed the prophecies already knew that the moment was soon to come, that moment in which wars would break out everywhere as nations began to reject one another.

23. Still to come are the strange illnesses and epidemics which will appear among humanity and will confuse the scientists. And when pain reaches its peak in men, they will still have the strength to shout: It is punishment from God! But I do not punish. It is you who punish yourselves by disregarding the laws which govern your spirit and physical body.

24. Who has unleashed and provoked the forces of nature if not the foolishness of men? Who has defied my laws? It is the men of science, in their arrogance. But verily I say to you, this pain will serve to pull out the bad weed which has grown in the heart of humanity.

25. Fields will be covered with the dead. The innocent will also perish. Some will die by fire, others by hunger, and others by war. The earth will tremble, the elements will be moved, lava will flow from the mountains, and the seas will become turbulent.

26. I will allow men to take their perversity to a limit, to where their free will allows them, in order that, horrified by their own work, they might feel true repentance in their spirits.

27. My humble disciples, although you have many imperfections, you still feel love for your brothers. With peaceful thoughts, with prayers saturated with spiritual light, with brotherly words, and with deeds which contain truth and charity, you need to counteract the negativity that has been unleashed by war. You should be prepared, for, at the end of the war, multitudes will come from afar in search of healing for the body and for the spirit.

28. This multitude now tell me, "O Master, do not leave us when that time comes". To which I answer that I can not leave you, for I am present throughout creation.

29. I will speak to men through the elements of nature. My voice will come forth from the seas. From one end of this planet to the other, spirits will feel themselves touched by the light of the only Being who can truly and tenderly tell you, Love one another.

30. This mandate will become the judge for many. Others will feel it like an open wound in their hearts. And for others it will be like a guardian who will not allow them to sleep until it is fulfilled.

31. Ultimately, you will see that I can not depart from you; that in this time, just as one of my prophets said long ago, my Spirit would be poured over all flesh and over all spirit.

32. Wherever you go, I will be before you. Wherever you seek me, you will find me. Wherever you rest your gaze, you will perceive me. But, with my word of this day, I do not want to simply forewarn you of the ordeals and sorrows that await you. If I speak of all of that, it is to leave you watching and praying in order that trials do not surprise you at the instant in which they come to you.

33. Just as I have announced to you the war and the disasters which await humanity, I also tell you that the day will come when all the nations of the earth will enjoy peace, a day when men will love one another and when their lives, their work, and their deeds on earth will be a gratifying worship to God. That worship will reach me like a perfumed incense rising from this planet.

34. You ask me, Lord, how long will it be before that time comes? And I answer you, It will come when humanity finds itself cleansed by pain, repentance, regeneration, and the practice of righteousness.

35. When the spirit of humanity fulfills the pact which it had made with its Father, I will then fulfill all the promises I made. I will also open the divine ark and give my children its spiritual wisdom, peace, and revelations.

36. O my people, be alert and pray while you journey through this world. Prepare yourselves spiritually and physically, for I will soon send you along pathways to speak of my truth.

37. As my doctrine teaches you, prepare your spirits with the practice of prayer, charity, and humility. Also prepare your bodies by having them withdraw from vices and bad habits, forcing them to yield until they learn to work in perfect harmony with the spirit. Once you are prepared, you will see how clearly the path appears before you. That is why I tell you that the life of the spirit from the time it departs from its spiritual home to its return, is a ladder of evolution.

38. When the Father created you, he placed you on the first step of that ladder with the purpose of giving you the opportunity, while traveling over that path, of truly knowing and understanding your Creator. But very few ascended in that ladder; the majority departed after the first step! They became united in their disobedience and in their rebellion, thus, they made bad use of their gift of freedom. Ignoring the dictates of their consciences, they allowed themselves to be dominated by the flesh, thus creating the force of evil. They dug an abyss where their brothers have fallen, engaging in a bloody battle between their weakness and perversities and their yearning for elevation and purity.

39. How different your life would have been on earth had you persevered in goodness and justice, for you would have reaped the fruits of love. Nevertheless, you are not lost, nor have I rejected you from my kingdom. The proof of it is that when I came to you, in human form, I descended to the world which you have created with so many errors and imperfections.

40. Here in this world I gave you my blood and my body in order to show you that I love you in spite of your ingratitude and your separation from my path.

41. Man has received spiritual light through his conscience in each of the following: My immutable law which I gave you in the First Era, the guidance of the prophets strongly urging people to follow the righteous path, my doctrine, and each one of my messages. Your spirit would be united with mine if you had remained pure and followed my law from the beginning of your evolution.

42. The lust of men, their ignorance, their lack of spiritual elevation, the sorrow created by their errors, caused the Father to descend in order to come and redeem them. He came to show them the book of wisdom which they had rejected for the pleasures of the world, and to again show them the true path.

43. Many centuries have passed and beings have had to return to the world many times, but they still do not understand the essence of my law or the nature of their own spirit.

44. I am still manifesting myself to men in human form, though I also say to you that the revelations that I have given you during this period will help all beings to evolve spiritually. They will recognize and correct their mistakes, reconstruct that which was, destroyed, and regain all that they had lost.

45. Not one of the divine seeds that I have sowed will be lost, even though the mistakes made by mankind may have delayed a seed from flowering and producing fruit.

46. In this period the soil is being plowed causing great suffering to humanity, but I must find my seed in order to separate it from the bad weeds.

47. What was the cause of your sin and of your disobedience to my law?

48. Listen, disciples, before I created you, I already existed, and your spirits were a part of me; however, I did not want you to inherit my kingdom without making yourselves deserving. I did not want you to possess that which was in existence without knowing who had created you, nor did I want you to proceed without direction, without a destination, and without an ideal.

49. That is why I gave you a conscience to be your guide. I granted you free will so that your deeds would have true value before me. I gave you a spirit so that it would always yearn to elevate itself toward that which is bright and pure. I gave you a body so that through the heart you would be sensitive to the good and beautiful, and so that it would serve as an instrument to continually test the spirit, to purify it, and to inhabit the material world. The earth has been a school for your spirits, and the presence of the Divine Master has never been lacking in it. Human life has been a book of profound wisdom for the incarnated spirit.

50. When for the first time space was illuminated with the presence of spirits, these spirits, uttering their first words and taking their first steps like babes, and not having the elevation nor the strength to sustain themselves in highly evolved spiritual mansions, felt the need for assistance and support in order to feel strong. They were given physical bodies and a material world, and in their new state, they proceeded to acquire experience and knowledge.

51. You have not become aware of the mission which you must fulfill in this time among humanity. But with my word you will comprehend the struggle that you must confront and the form in which you will be able to arrive at your destination.

52. Your brain is small and it is unable to comprehend the true value of the spiritual gifts which you possess nor the divine work which the Father, through this people, will have to fulfill among humanity.

53. I, being wise and powerful, am preparing the paths along which my messengers, my disciples, and my prophets will arise to share the good news of my new manifestation. These individuals will also prepare the paths along which the great caravans of your brothers, whom you call foreigners, will come to your nation.

54. Those caravans apparently will come seeking bread for the body and peace for the heart, but I know that it will be their spirits which will come in search of the fulfillment of my promise, which is kept in the depth of each spirit.

55. You will see your brothers come from faraway lands and nations in search of their spiritual freedom. As when the tribes of Israel crossed the desert, they will also come in multitudes from that ancient Palestine.

56. Their journey has been long and painful, from the time they rejected the Messiah who had come to offer them his kingdom as a new heritage. But they are approaching the oasis where they will rest and meditate on my word, so that after they are strengthened by having recognized my law, they might follow the long forgotten path designated by their evolution. Then you will hear that many will say that your nation is the new promised land, the New Jerusalem. But you will tell them that they will find that promised land beyond this world, and that in order to reach it one must do so in spirit after crossing the great desert of trials of this time. Also, you will tell them that this nation is no more than an oasis in the middle of the desert. But you must understand, my people, that the oasis must give shade to the weary travelers in addition to offering its pure and fresh waters to those who thirst and seek shelter.

57. What is the shade and water that they are seeking? It is my doctrine, O people, my divine teaching of charity. In whom have I deposited this abundance of grace and blessings? In you, O people, so that you will eliminate all selfishness from your hearts and show it through your deeds of love.

58. Would not your spirits and your hearts be filled with joy if, through your love, those people who are spiritually unenlightened and attached to their traditions, were able to be converted to the Marian Trinitarian Spiritualist doctrine? Would there not be joy among you if the people of old Israel were shown the true path by the people of new Israel, that is to say that the first would attain grace through the last? Up until now, nothing has convinced the Jewish people that it should break ancient traditions in order to reach its moral and spiritual evolution. These are the people who believe that they are following the laws of Jehovah and of Moses but who in reality still continues to worship the golden calf. The time is near for those wandering people, scattered throughout the world, to cease to look toward earth, and to elevate their eyes toward heaven in search of the one who from the beginning was promised as their Savior. In the Second Era, they rejected him and killed him because they thought he was poor and that he had nothing to offer.

59. The hour approaches for that cross to which they sentenced me to become a rod of justice over each one of those spirits until at last their lips can exclaim, Jesus was the Messiah!

60. In their spiritual poverty, in their misery, and in their pain, they will seek me, and they will be surprised when they realize that the Being who seemed to them not to possess anything in the world, possesses everything, and that those treasures and that kingdom of which he often spoke are a spiritual reality. Then they will understand that nothing of the world, no treasure, no abundance, can be compared to the peace of the spirit.

61. If those people turned their back on me, I, on the other hand, await them. For men can break their promises and even their agreements, buy I am unchangeable and will always fulfill my promises.

62. If they were told that I would be their Savior, I will save them; and if there were told that I would take them to my Kingdom, to my Kingdom I will take them.

My Peace be with you!


Teaching 36

1. In the presence of my tender word, the spirit which has departed from its path of evolution sincerely repents. The gentleness of my phrases makes man weep, for he believes that his sins do not deserve to be forgiven.

2. I comfort the one who repents sincerely. I forgive his faults and help him to restitute the harm he has caused. Be aware that the one who does not repent does not come to me. Only through repentance will the individual be willing to regenerate, to correct his behavior, and to become purified. Also be aware that only purified spirits can come within my presence. But how could you truly repent if you were not aware of the magnitude of your faults? I have had to come to men in order to make them understand what it means before the Divine Justice to take away the life of a fellow being, to destroy faith, to deceive a spirit, to betray a heart, to disrespect innocence, to cause dishonor, to steal from someone else, to lie, and to humiliate. I have had to make you understand the many imperfections which were occurring unnoticed in you because you had become so used to them. But my word of love arrived, and in its essence you found the presence of a perfect justice, which through your conscience made you recognize each one of your bad deeds and analyze your thoughts; it reminded you of the spiritual mission which you need to fulfill and which you had forgotten.

3. It was then that you understood the magnitude of your faults and the effect of your errors, which in the past seemed so unimportant to you. You truly realized how much suffering and pain you had caused. You then felt ashamed of yourselves knowing that I was aware of all of your sins and blemishes. On hearing my word filled with tenderness, with peace, and with purity, you felt unworthy of my love for a moment. But you soon heard that it was precisely you whom I was seeking. And your hearts, cleansing themselves in their tears as a demonstration that you were repentant, that you wanted to purify yourselves and serve me, began the journey of their spiritual evolution.

4. It is impossible for one of my children to forget me since he carries in his spirit the conscience which is the light of my Spirit and through which, sooner or later, he must recognize me.

5. It is easy for some to comprehend the meaning of my word and to find the light there; but to others my word remains a mystery.

6. I say to you that not everyone will be able to understand the spiritual essence of my message in this time. Those who do not succeed in doing so will have to await new times for their spirits to open their eyes to the light of my revelations.

7. I have never come before men hidden in mystery. If I have spoken to you figuratively in order to reveal the divine to you or to represent the eternal in some material form, it has been so that you would understand me. But if men detain hold themselves to worship forms, objects, or symbols instead of seeking the meaning of those teachings, it will be natural for them to remain spiritually unenlightened for centuries and to perceive all things as mysterious.

8. From the times of Israel's stay in Egypt, when my blood was represented by that of a lamb, there have been men who only live by traditions and rituals, not understanding that such a sacrifice was an image of the blood which Christ would come to shed in order to help mankind attain spirituality. Others, believing that they are nourishing themselves with my body, eat material bread, not wanting to understand that when I gave my disciples the bread in the Cenacle, it was to have them understand that whoever takes the essence of my word will have taken nourishment from me.

9. How few are those who truly know how to understand my divine lessons. Those few are the ones who analyze them with the spirit. You need to realize that I have not brought you my divine revelation only one time, but that I have been clarifying it with each new lesson.

10. Since on occasion you have become confused and have misinterpreted my teachings from the past eras, it is then natural that you are unable to clearly comprehend, nor correctly analyze, my spiritual teachings from this Third Era.

11. It is necessary that you begin to remove your idols, to destroy your past confusions, and to enlighten your thoughts, so that you can become aware that the Father, from the first times, has always come to talk to you about the spirit. And though he has often used material images to teach, he has always referred to the spiritual life.

12. Awaken from your sleep, humanity. Allow your spirit to analyze my word. For truly I say to you that if you study one of my teachings well and understand it, you will have penetrated the essence of my revelations.

13. Remember the lesson in which I told you, Ask, ask and it shall be given to you. Now I come to tell you, Learn how to ask.

14. If I now tell you that you should learn how to ask, it is because previously your petition was incomplete and selfish. You only remembered to ask for yourselves or for your own. My present lesson comes to tell you that you should learn to feel the suffering of others, know how to live and feel the pain and suffering of your fellow men, the misfortunes which torment your brothers. You should learn to understand the individual who is hiding his sorrow, and to feel the suffering of those whom you can not perceive because they are far away. Among these later ones, you should consider those who live in other towns and nations, and those who live in other worlds or in the hereafter. Do not fear if someday you forget yourselves and only remember others, for you will have lost nothing. Be aware that he who prays for others is also praying for himself.

15. How much pleasure you give to my Spirit when I see that you elevate your thoughts in search of your Father. I allow you to feel my presence, and I fill you with peace. Seek me, speak to me, and do not let it bother you that your thoughts are slow to express your petitions. I will know how to understand them. Speak to me with the confidence with which one speaks to a father. Tell me about your concerns as you would tell them to your best friend. Ask me what you do not know or comprehend, and I will speak to you as a teacher; but pray, so that at that blessed instant in which your spirits elevate themselves to me, you might receive the light, the strength, the blessing, and the peace which your Father grants you.

16. I have reserved for the future many revelations to the spirit that it will receive through prayer. Perfect yourselves in this communication, and you will succeed in reaching perfection in your petitions; that is to say, you will learn how to ask.

17. When your spirits present themselves in the spiritual valley to have their deeds on earth evaluated, I will ask you most about those things which you requested and about what you might have done on behalf of your brothers. Then you will recall my words of this day.

18. The end of one era and the beginning of another has brought about this crisis and this chaos which you endure. It is the same as what happens to one who is seriously ill. When relief is near, it seems as though death has come instead.

19. Truly I say to you that the greater the crisis among humanity, the greater will be its well-being afterward. Thus, it shall be as I had announced it to you thousands of years ago. You should prepare yourselves now, strengthen yourselves in faith, and be ready for the battle.

20. To you who are frequently listening to this word, I say, Be alert and pray because a time of great ordeals for all humanity approaches, a time when all of men’s power, wealth, and knowledge will be of no value as they confront God’s divine justice.

In those days you will witness events which will seem unbelievable and illogical to those who are proud and vain. You will witness individuals, who are considered wise and scholarly, seeking assistance from those who are considered ignorant; also, you will observe those who are rich and powerful seeking help from the needy. This will occur because those who appear ignorant and needy will remain calm during those days of ordeals. They will be more charitable, and more understanding, because they possess great spiritual wealth.

21. Some say to me in their hearts, Master, I have not had to await those times of pain which you announce, for all of my life has been a painful trial. To which I say to you, Blessed are you who have prepared yourselves in suffering, for when those days arrive you will no longer weep, but instead you will know how to offer strength and comfort to those who have not experienced as much suffering.

22. Truly I say to you that if today the majority of men are enduring great ordeals it is only to prepare men for the final struggle and great battle that is approaching. In those moments, do not close your eyes, nor your ears to the pain of your brothers, nor try to hide from death. For truly I say to you that where men of little or no faith see the end, there will be the beginning; where they believe they see death, there will be life; because I will be present to embrace you with my love and to help you enter into that world which you are going to restore.

23. I come to forewarn you about all that will occur so that nothing will surprise you. Also forewarn your brethren and encourage them to pray, to prepare themselves, to be alert, and to amend their behavior.

24. Remember that I am the Word of the Father; that the divine essence which you receive in this word is the light from that Creative Spirit which has left a part of my Spirit in each one of you. Furthermore, on observing the poverty which exists among this multitude that listens to me now, and the simplicity of this house where it has gathered, I am asked in silence, Master, why did you not choose for your manifestation in this time one of those large temples or churches where they might have offered you rich altars and noble ceremonies worthy of you?

25. To those hearts who have such thoughts of their Master, I answer. Men are not the ones which have brought me to this poverty. It is I who have elected for my manifestation the humble dwelling in the poor neighborhood of your city, thus having you understand that it is not the material tribute nor the exterior offering that I come seeking among you. On the contrary, if I have returned, it has been to preach humility once more so that through humility you will discover spirituality.

26. I reject all that which is vanity and human grandeur, for only that which is spiritual reaches my Spirit, that which is noble and elevated, pure and eternal. Remember that I said to the woman of Samaria, God is Spirit, and it is necessary that he be worshiped in spirit and in truth. Seek me in the infinite, in the pure, and there you will find me.

27. Of the material offerings which mankind offers me, I only receive the good intention, when it is truly good, for an offering does not always represent a noble and elevated intention. There are many times when men present me their offerings in order to cover up their wickedness or to demand something in return. That is why I tell you that the gift of peace for the spirit cannot be purchased and its stains can not be cleansed with material wealth, even if you could offer me the greatest of material treasures.

28. When men offer me true repentance, sorrow for having offended me, regeneration, correction of their ways, restitution for faults committed, all with the humility that I have taught you, then indeed are men presenting me the true offerings of the heart, of the spirit, and of the mind, which are infinitely more pleasing to your Father than incense, flowers and candles.

29. Why do you offer me those things that I have made for you? Why do you give me flowers if you do not make them? On the other hand, if you present me deeds of love, charity, forgiveness, justice, and are helping your brethren, then you will be offering me a true spiritual gift. That gift will be like embracing the Father, like a kiss which children will send their Lord from the earth.

30. My manifestation through the human spokesmen is humble and simple, as is the form in which I express myself; nevertheless, it makes you tremble, and you understand a past which your spirits already know. It also makes you see clearly those events which belong to the future. It is for that reason that you remain enchanted while listening to me, for no one like the Divine Master knows what the human heart is feeling.

31. You arrive from different regions to take shelter in the shade offered by this large tree which is inviting all wanderers to refresh themselves under its shade, but I say to you that the time approaches in which men of faraway lands will come to this nation.

32. Their intuition and premonition will guide them to you. They will come in search of your testimony and your peace. Many of those individuals will only need to listen to a few words, from the teachings that I have given you, in order to arise as true apostles of spirituality.

33. Woe unto this multitude, who has been given these teachings, if it is not prepared to receive the stranger with a loving heart, for the cities of this nation will perish as did the city of Jerusalem!

34. Have you not realized that you are being purified in order to make you worthy of receiving my lesson, which you need to share with those who come knocking at your door? Have you not realized that in this time of ordeals, wars, and immoral passions, I want you to become the saving vessels which cross serenely among the waves of wickedness rescuing your brothers?

35. Blessed is he who prepares himself, for he will listen to me from spirit to Spirit.

36. Pray for your brothers in this nation in which you live so that they may be patient in their trials and reach their purification. This multitude has been sent to earth to fulfill a great spiritual destiny, and in order to fulfill it, it is essential that it be cleansed, prepared, and alert.

37. Understand that you should not mix that which is unnecessary with the teachings of my doctrine. You should give my teachings to others with the same purity with which you have received them from me. Spread my teaching throughout districts, villages, and regions, by means of examples and testimonies, which will help your brethren become spiritually strong. This multitude should multiply, prepare itself, and live with spirituality, for through its deeds it will defend this truth.

38. Practice deeds of virtue. O people, so that those who welcome you tomorrow in their homes, or whom you welcome in yours, can attain grace.

39. Teach them to analyze and understand that today I have come in spirit to communicate through human spokesmen who are sinful and illiterate. Although, no one should desire to see God in this human body, let them hear this word for in it is the divine essence which originates from my Spirit. This word is the Divine Word, and I am the Divine Word, the One who speaks to you from the infinite.

40. The Divine Word is love and wisdom manifested in words. Hear this voice, multitudes, and do not become indifferent nor apathetic, for you are in the sanctuary of my divinity. You must regenerate yourselves. If you do not attain a greater and purer understanding of my word, you will not be able to analyze my teaching.

41. Blessed are those who continue to struggle to obey my law, for the light of wisdom will soon shine in them.

42. Blessed is he who fights for the perfection of his spirit, for he has become inspired in the highest ideal that a child of God can reach.

43. I am cleansing your hearts, for from them I will make the water of life flow for the thirsty.

44. When the time comes for you to fulfill your mission, do not perform deeds according to your will nor should you add your imperfect ideas to my doctrine, for you would fall into profanity and adultery, erasing your good works from The Book of the True Life.

45. You will practice and speak only the truth as you enter into homes; your brethren will listen to my word and feel my spiritual peace.

46. At times you will be recognized as messengers or laborers of the Marian Trinitarian Spiritualist doctrine; on the other hand, there will be times when you will be thrown out into the street, slandered and accused of being imposters. But do not be afraid, for if they judge you, their moment of judgement will come to them. And if they do not succeed in opening their eyes to the truth when you speak to them, they will remember your words when they are under my judgement and will become spiritually enlightened.

47. When the spirit of some great sinner departs from this material life to enter the spiritual valley, it is truly surprised to discover that hell, as it had once imagined, does not exist; and the fire, of which it was previously told, is nothing more than the conscience harshly judging the spirit's deeds on earth.

48. That eternal judgement and spiritual enlightenment which exists in the midst of the darkness that surrounds the sinner will be more painful to the spirit than the strongest fire you could have imagined. But it is not a torture prepared beforehand as a punishment tor the one who offended me. No, this torture originates when one begins to understand his own mistakes. It is then when the spirit also begins to feel great sorrow for having offended the One who created him and for not making better use of his life on earth in spite of the many wonderful blessings he was given.

49. Do you believe that I should punish the one who has offended me with his sins, when I know that his sins offend him more and cause him great suffering? Do you not see that the sinner is only harming himself and that I am not going to increase the misfortune that he has brought upon himself with additional punishment? I simply allow him to look at himself, to hear the unyielding voice of his conscience, to question himself and answer himself, to recover the spiritual memory which he had lost through his material body and to remember his beginning, his destiny, and his promises. In that judgement, he will experience the effect of the fire which will exterminate his imperfection. Once again he will be purified, as gold is in a furnace, so that anything harmful, useless, or not spiritual will be separated from him.

50. When a spirit stops to listen to the voice and judgement of its conscience, verily I say to you that at that moment it finds itself in my presence.

51. That moment of rest, of serenity, and of clarity does not come to all spirits at the same time; some readily penetrate into that self- examination and in so doing avoid much grief; for while they awaken to reality and recognize their errors, they prepare themselves and are willing to repair each of their bad deeds. While others, blinded, be it by vice, by some resentment, or for having lived an existence of sins, delay in coming out of their blindness. Others, more dissatisfied, believing that they were removed from the earth before their time when fortune was smiling upon them, curse and swear, thus delaying freeing themselves from their confusion. There are many beings like these which only I can recognize in my wisdom.

52. Places do not exist that I have created specifically for the restitution of faults committed by my children. I say to you that a world does not exist where I have not placed my blessings and wonders.

53. Do you not say that this world in which you live is a valley of tears, that is, a valley of atonement? And who made it a valley of tears, God or men? I formed it in the image of the celestial paradise, sowing it with marvels and pleasures, and even created those things that are very small and insignificant in order to make you happy. Yet, in a world thus formed for well-being and advancement, for the delight and spiritual advancement of mankind, men suffer; they weep, despair, and become lost.

54. But I repeat to you that I did not make this world for the suffering of men; worlds are what their inhabitants want them to be. See how much man has distorted the truth with his interpretations. Man has misinterpreted the symbols that I have used to explain spirituality.

55. Neither darkness, nor fire, nor chains exist in the immense spiritual valley.

56. Those spirits that arrive to the spiritual valley unprepared and stained with their sins experience torment and remorse due to their lack of knowledge; they suffer and are unable to enjoy that life because they lack spirituality. They experience these and other things as they make amends for their sins. Behold how I can not consider sin, imperfections, or the perversity of men as an offense to the Father, knowing that men are only harming themselves with their evil deeds.

57. The earth has not become stained with sin. It is as good and as clean as when it emerged from the Father. For that reason I will not ask you to restore its purity since it has never separated from its destiny of being mother, shelter, and home for all men. On the other hand, I will ask humanity to repent, to regenerate, and to purify itself spiritually and physically. I will ask it to regain its original purity, so that its spirit can manifest the spiritual enlightenment it has acquired through its evolution, its struggles on earth, and through the practice of virtue.

58. Disciples, carefully study this lesson. Do not close the lesson of this book without first having engraved it in your minds and having meditated at length on it. Truly I say to you that it will assist you in this life and will help prepare you for the next.

59. I have given you my lessons in segments throughout the times and the eras. Today, it seems to you that what I am now teaching you will be the last teaching because, in your mind, you do not believe that this spiritual doctrine could attain greater perfection. Nevertheless, these are not my final words nor is this manifestation through human spokesmen my lesson. I say to you that you shall never receive my last or my final lesson since I am the Eternal Word. Therefore, it is natural that I speak to you and enlighten you eternally, for I have no beginning nor end.

My Peace be with you!


Teaching 37

1. Men of great spiritual enlightenment have existed among humanity in all times, men who have come to illuminate the path of evolution for their fellow beings.

2. From where have these beings come to earth? Did they perhaps come from the neighboring spiritual world where those who are to return to this planet now reside? No, my people, I say to you that through the knowledge and the kindness of the beings, you will be able to know from which world they have come.

3. The steps of spiritual elevation form an infinite ladder in eternity, but that journey toward perfection consists of seven phases which are reflected in human life. Man’s life on earth is divided into seven evolutionary steps.

4. All the parts of man must develop and evolve in order for him to attain the enlightenment which he must have to achieve true spirituality.

5. His material body, his mind, his morals, his spirit, and all of his being must pass through these seven great lessons. Following those seven trials, he will emerge purified, filled with light, serenity, strength, knowledge, and experience. Then he will have the spiritual enlightenment to understand that the kingdom of God exists in his spirit.

6. You will evolve spiritually with the passage of time and learn to obey the will of God. Also, you will be able to receive and interpret divine inspirations and to communicate through your thoughts with the Father and with your spiritual brethren.

7. Humanity has already experienced periods of material pleasure; others in which it sought power, dominance, and worldly riches; others when it developed a few senses by seeking beauty in all that surrounded it; others when it penetrated the path of religion while seeking peace for the spirit; and others in which it has wanted to make of this earth its kingdom, of this life its eternity, and of the material body its god.

8. This is a critical period for the life of man. If you observe carefully, you will discover that in all aspects of life, in all elements and forces, there is a gigantic struggle and a great battle occurring.

9. It is the end of a period, humanity, but you do not know at what moment a new period will begin. Only I will be able to reveal that to you for I am the Shepherd who breaks open the Seals. You still live in the time of the Sixth Revelation in which events are occurring that are fulfilling the prophecies.

10. How many religions, sects, and doctrines will fall under the sword of the light of my truth! How many sciences and theories will become meaningless when the new day appears. At that time men will attain spirituality, practice true prayer, and experience true spiritual peace.

11. Because their differences will not allow it, religions will not be the ones to become united. It will be men who will unite in the law of love, of justice, and of truth, which originates from God.

12. This humanity, which is indifferent to all divine inspiration, does not perceive that it will soon enter the most important era for the spirit. But it will soon awaken from its spiritual ignorance when it observes the signs of my presence which humanity has not yet seen. Everyone needs to be alert when the Seventh Seal opens to enlighten mankind.

13. For the present, I am preparing this multitude with my word so it may arise inspired in the truth, teaching its brothers the lessons of love from my doctrine.

14. Nourish yourself only with the truth and reject everything that does not contain purity, and your children will be spiritually enlightened.

15. Allow children to see spiritual elevation in you so that in this life they might have a sure path to follow.

16. Attend to all the children whom you are able to offer your love and tenderness for, thus, you will have offered them charity. With your deeds teach love to all humanity.

17. I will look after those children whom you can not watch over, and I will not permit the bad seed produced by men of this time to contaminate or to confuse those spirits.

18. I am the one who sends spirits to incarnate according to the law of evolution. And truly I say to you that it will not be the influences of this world which will make me deviate from my Divine plans, for my Divine will shall be fulfilled in spite of man's ambition for power.

19. Every human being brings a mission to the earth. His destiny is outlined by the Father, and his spirit anointed by my charity. In vain men perform ceremonies and anoint little children. Verily I say to you that at no material age will water be the one to purify the spirit of its shortcomings to my law. And if I send a spirit which is free of all sin, from what blemish do religious ministers cleanse it with baptism?

20. It is time for you to understand that the origin of man is not a sin, but that his birth is the result of the fulfillment of a natural law, a law which not only man fulfills but all creatures which comprise nature. Understand that I have said man, and not his spirit. Man has my power to create beings similar to himself, but spirits only emerge from me.

21. To grow and multiply is a universal law. In the same manner that stars sprouted from other larger stars, so did the human seed multiply on earth. And never have I said that in so doing mankind has sinned or offended the Creator. Why would you be judged as sinners after fulfilling that divine mandate? Be aware that man can never stain himself by fulfilling my law.

22. What stains man and separates the spirit from the path of evolution are his low passions, immorality, vice, and lust. For all of them go against the law.

23. Study and carefully analyze until you find the truth, and thus you will cease to call sinful the mandates of the Creator of Life. Then you will be able to bless the existence of your children with the example of your good deeds.

24. When you recall that I have told you that I come from the infinite, your hearts sigh sadly, thinking about the distance which separates you from your Father. Then you make a great effort to elevate your thoughts and spirit toward me in order to reach that divine site where you believe that I dwell. Sometimes you are satisfied with your prayers, but there are occasions when you are not at peace, for you have been left with the impression that you did not succeed in reaching the place where the Divine Spirit dwells.

25. Listen, disciples, you will never be able to measure with your minds that infinite of which I tell you. That infinite refers to God’s tenderness, light, purity, wisdom, love, and perfection; those things have no beginning nor end since they are attributes of God.

26. That being true, I want you to understand my words when I speak to you of my love made man and of my tenderness made woman.

27. I do not have a specific nor a limited place to dwell in the heavens, for I am present everywhere. I am present in all material, spiritual, and divine sites. You cannot point to the direction of my kingdom. When you look up to the sky, pointing towards the heavens, do so only symbolically, for your planet turns without ceasing, and in each movement it presents you new skies and new heights.

28. Thus I say to you that there is no distance between us. The only things that separate you from me are your bad and impure deeds which you place between your spirit and my perfect law.

29. The greater your purity, the more elevated will be your deeds.

The more constant your faith, the closer, more intimate, and more accessible to your prayers you will feel me.

30. In that same manner, when you separate yourselves from that which is good, just, and righteous, and continue to live a life filled with materialism and selfishness, you will inevitably feel me more and more distant from you. The more you separate yourself from fulfilling and obeying my law, the less you will be able to feel my divine presence.

31. Understand why I have come at this time to manifest my word in this form and to prepare you for the communication of spirit to Spirit.

32. Believing that I was very distant from you, you did not know how to come to me. I have sought you in order to have you feel my divine presence and to show you that between the Father and his children, there is no distance to separate them.

33. I have manifested myself through human beings during this era, thus breaking down that spiritual distance which separated you from me. This has been a gift from the Father to his children and one more proof of his mercy which was granted because of man's immaturity and lack of spirituality.

34. For that reason, this time of grace, in which I have communicated through human spokesmen, will be brief, for it is not a gift which you have achieved through your own merits and spirituality. Thus, it is not something that you have earned. I repeat that it is a favor which I have granted to you, and that once 1950 comes to an end, I will cease this form of communication in the hope that with your merits you will once again feel my presence as you communicate with me from spirit to Spirit.

35. The new communication will be truly spiritual, simple, natural, pure and perfect. All other forms of worship that lack perfection and enlightenment, and are filled with fanaticism and idolatry, will begin to disappear. You will then open the sanctuary within your being so that my Spirit may dwell there eternally.

36. There will be no exterior ecstasy, supernatural events, nor any type of splendor. There will only be purity, respect, and truth, reflecting true spirituality.

37. Think of all the wonderful things that the fulfillment of this promise means to you. Prepare yourself to achieve merits so that you may earn the right to communicate with me spiritually. That is a grace which I have reserved for you and which will come to form a part of your own life. Unlike this manifestation which will end in 1950, that new form of divine communication will be eternal. Then you will truly understand what it means to have the kingdom of heaven descend upon humanity.

38. Now I say to you, Work on earth, but do it with faith, with true love toward your brothers, and you will not lack strength and motivation.

39. If the birds, which do not work nor sow, never lack shelter or food, why would my beloved children be without my charity? You will only perish from hunger or cold, if your evilness and ingratitude guide you to reject my charity.

40. I am life, warmth, and light. I am bread and crystalline water, and I have come again to resurrect the dead and to awaken those who live in darkness to a life of spiritual enlightenment.

41. It has been prophesied for a long time that every eye shall see me, and I am present, willing to allow my truth to be seen by humanity.

42. What do men lack that does not allow them to see me, to feel me, and to understand me? They lack spirituality. Spirituality enables man to become sensitive both physically and spiritually. When he has become purified and truly learns to pray, he will feel my presence for the first time; he will perceive my tenderness; he will feel himself bathed in my infinite love and will exclaim, I have seen the Lord and have felt him within my heart.

43. If I could find a virtuous man on earth, I would use him as my instrument and through him give you teachings and examples. But verily I say to you that throughout the earth I have not found a virtuous individual.

44. Where are the virtuous individuals of the First and Second Eras so that you might analyze their virtue, their loyalty, their faith, their strength, and their dedication to fulfilling my law? They live in the spiritual kingdom, and although they work for you, you neither see them nor feel them, for you are unable to perceive spiritual things due to your materialism.

45. You have lost your path. You live in darkness and are guided by low passions. Amidst that turmoil, I have come to offer you my charity which will guide you to the path of salvation.

46. Do you perhaps think that I come to give to your spirits the gift of being able to see beyond this material life? No, my people, I do not come to grant you a new gift or a new attribute. You have had all of your gifts from the beginning. But you must understand that only those gifts which you have developed and utilized have manifested themselves in your being. On the other hand, those gifts which you have forgotten, neglected, or ignored, have remained hidden; for that which I give, though it be dormant, I never take away.

47. Many hidden powers have remained dormant in your being, waiting for my voice to awaken them. But the time of the resurrection has already come, in which you will all listen to the voice which Lazarus heard when I told him, Rise up and walk.

48. Blessed is the one who has known how to wait for my coming, for his awakening will be complete, and his spirituality will allow him to see all that is contained in my new message.

49. Work with love, both in your material and spiritual life, and you will have my peace. Learn to persevere until you succeed in gathering the fruit of your sacrifices and your struggles.

50. Love so that you may evolve spiritually. For I ask you humanity, What have you done with your spirit? Spirit, what have you done with the material body which I have entrusted to you? Neither of you can answer me, for truly you are unaware of the seriousness of your faults and your weaknesses. Only I can judge your deeds, and for that reason I send you this ray of light so that, enlightened by your conscience, you might see yourselves in the mirror of the Divine Truth.

51. Have you forgotten that your spirits are subject to the law of evolution which you should not attempt to neglect? What became of the original seed which I deposited in your hearts, which is the seed of love, of life, and elevation? You no longer understand these words, for it seems to you that I am speaking in a language that you are not familiar with.

52. Love was the purpose for your creation. Love your Father, and through him, all of your brothers. That is the law that you have forgotten and erased from your spirit.

53. As you walk the path of life, it allows you to become aware of your mistakes and to restitute for your sins with great pain and suffering. Rather than learning from those painful experiences, you allow your hearts to become hardened, bitter, and self-destructing.

54. You have not wanted to listen to those voices that have attempted to detain you from following the path of darkness to the edge of the abyss where you could fall, dragging your brothers with you.

55. Who among you can imagine what the bottom of that abyss is like, which you have created with your intense hate and evil? No one, no one can imagine the darkness nor the pain accumulated during centuries, millenniums, and eras in that abyss which is filled with immense bitterness.

56. I ask the men of this era, who consider themselves more advanced than their brethren from past eras, With all of your abilities, have you not found a way of attaining peace or of achieving power and wealth, without killing your brethren, destroying them, or enslaving them? Do you believe that your advancement is true and real even though you live in sin, vice, and spiritual darkness? I am not against science since I myself have inspired it in man. What I do not approve of is the manner in which man has sometimes utilized science.

57. I want you to be highly knowledgeable, to attain wisdom through the teachings that I have given you, and to allow your conscience to guide you along the path of life. Then you will not only see your spirit becoming virtuous, but you will also observe your physical body becoming strong and healthy.

58. Remember that I previously said, Man does not live from bread alone but also needs nourishment from God’s word. I wanted you to realize that in your beings a nature exists which you cannot solely satisfy with what you possess in this world. In order to satisfy it, you must seek those things which exist beyond the material world. That is to say, you must seek God who dwells in the kingdom of perfection and is the origin of all spirits.

59. You have not lacked my light for one single moment, yet you are like cold tombstones covering the graves, which are warmed for a few moments but soon become cold again.

60. My power and my patience are infinite and if you want me to offer you more evidence of my love when you are near the edge of the abyss, I will grant it to you. But I should tell you that in that infinite love which once more I will show you, my wise and inflexible justice will also be present.

61. You must trust me in order for me to help you, but be alert and prepared for the battle. Be warriors, but not those who destroy the life of your fellow men, but rather those who build with love, with morality, with peace, and with good deeds.

62. Do not allow necessities nor difficult burdens to make you return toward materialism. On the contrary, arise with spiritual strength when you are confronting ordeals and temptations. Verily I say to you that if you know how to take advantage of those trials and ordeals, through them you can elevate yourselves to a superior life, becoming strong, noble, and devoted, and loving disciples of your Father.

63. I tell the men and women who present themselves before my teaching as heads of families: Clothe yourselves with strength, with light, and with peace, for great events will soon occur on earth and you need to remain tranquil and serene parents.

64. Always seek that which will honor and strengthen your children, and remove from their paths the errors which could cause them to stumble.

65. I have not forgotten the promises which you made to me to separate from materialism in order to return to the spiritual path, where you will be guided by the law of love and of charity and illuminated by your conscience.

66. Once you are walking firmly along that path, you will need to forget about your own needs so you can focus on the needs of your brethren.

67. Then you will realize that many of those whom you had previously encountered along your path and had treated with indifference were indeed enduring pain, bitterness, and carrying a heavy cross.

68. There are many individuals who carry great sorrow in their hearts but weep silently. How many sorrows are hidden behind a smile which you do not know how to understand! But I, who feel each sorrow and each pain, who knows what each human heart feels, say to you, Prepare yourselves to develop intuition in order to read what is within your brothers, for they will not always reveal their hidden pain.

69. For those hidden sorrows, for that inner weeping, for that sadness which does not show on the face of those who suffer, it is necessary to penetrate within the human heart. That can only be achieved through spirituality which awakens the virtue of charity.

70. Oh, if you only knew that there is much that you can give and do even if you live in poverty! But you are still so materialized that many of you believe that you can only perform good deeds with money. That is why I have had to come to tell you that it is not right for you to continue to weep from pain, hunger, and misery, unaware that you are burdened down by the weight of the treasure which you carry without knowing it.

71. Humanity: You are weary from carrying your heavy burden of sins. Also, the physical body, which has been weakened more and more by the low passions and struggles of life, is unable to resist the strength and power of its own spirit which is battling to liberate the material body from its weaknesses.

72. Remember the night when I was born on earth. Although it was cold and dark, it was not as cold and dark as is the human heart during this era. That night my spirit was filled with joy because I had come to live among humanity. However, humanity was spiritually asleep, insensitive to my presence, and ignored the arrival of the Promised One. That is where my Calvary began.

73. Upon his arrival, the newborn child used straw as his cradle, and the only warmth available to that family was that of the humble beasts.

74. You believe that nature is insensitive to the divine manifestations, but that is incorrect. Humans, as well as all other things created, from the greatest to the smallest, are subject to my law, from which they can not depart. The only one that remains insensitive to my divinity is man, who has been formed differently from all creatures, for he has a spirit, a conscience, and a free will.

75. Why has your heart become so insensitive that you are unable to feel the presence nor hear the voice of your Father? It is because of your free will. Although I did not come as a human being during this era, nevertheless, I have felt the cold and unloving heart with which humanity has received me.

76. Do not think that this location on earth, where I am presently manifesting myself, is the only place where I am presenting myself to my children, for verily I say to you that my manifestation is universal in various forms.

77. Elijah, who manifested himself to you prior to my manifestation through human spokesmen, did not come only to this country where you live. He went from one place to another throughout the earth announcing the arrival of a new era and also informing humanity that the Kingdom of Heaven would soon descend upon mankind.

78. Voices appeared from everywhere announcing my arrival to you. Nature, in turmoil, shook the earth; science was amazed before new revelations; the spiritual valley descended upon men; and in spite of that, humanity remained deaf before those voices that announced a new era.

79. Although an abundance of divine light descended upon men to eliminate their darkness, they remained selfish and materialistic and were not interested in seeking spiritual perfection, nor the moral improvement of their life on earth. They took that light in order to cultivate themselves thrones and glories, conveniences, and material pleasures. They even destroyed the lives of their fellow men to fulfill their needs. Their eyes were blinded under the intensity of my light, and their vanity has led them astray. But I say to you that through the same light, they will find the truth; they will discover the way, and they will be saved.

80. Those who have known how to truly receive this light as a divine message have allowed their consciences to guide their steps and their deeds, for they sensed that the Lord has returned and is among men.

81. The representatives of the various sects and religions have not wanted to receive me. Their hearts, their dignity, and their false grandeur keep them from accepting me in spirit. For that reason, groups have been formed during this time on earth which consist of brotherhoods and congregations who feel the presence of the new time, of those who seek the solitude to pray and to receive the inspirations of the Lord.

82. You, my children, are from those multitudes which have been forming under the light of a divine inspiration, though I must tell you that you have received these teachings through Divine grace. For that reason you should be alert, pray, and meditate greatly so that you do not fall into confusion nor oppose the purpose of this spiritual doctrine.

83. What could lead you astray on the path? Vanity, O people.

84. Truly I say to you that this Divine enlightenment will triumph among the humble, among the charitable, and among those who yearn for truth, justice, and peace.

85. The peace and strength which you reach in prayer will make you perseverant and untiring, sowing goodness, raising those who have fallen, igniting faith, and being a blessing and consolation among all the people of the earth.

My Peace be with you!


Teaching 38

1. I welcome those who are the last to arrive to witness this manifestation and offer them the same enlightenment that I offered those who arrived first so that they may arise to spread my doctrine.

2. The time remaining for this manifestation is short, for I have announced to you that in 1950 I will cease to speak, and after this period my voice will no longer manifest itself through human spokesmen. Whoever heard it and believed it will feel satisfied and strong. But whoever doubted it after having heard it will become confused. On the other hand, many who never heard me will seek my disciples to ask them what they learned from the Divine Master.

3. Seek enlightenment. Those who have attained enlightenment need to assist their brethren who still live in spiritual darkness. For whoever is confused during this life will experience greater confusion when entering the spiritual valley. For that reason, I have been helping all of my children during the three eras, showing them the path along which they must elevate themselves through spiritual evolution.

4. I have revealed to you everything that you are able to understand about the life of the spirit. Today, I come to reveal to you teachings that are more profound.

5. This is the period in which I prophesied to you that every eye would see me and every spirit would hear me. Once humanity truly understands this doctrine, men will no longer practice idolatry nor fanaticism, for they will have learned to elevate their spirits toward me in a simple, pure, and spiritual manner.

6. Upon hearing the echo of the heavenly bell within its conscience, the spirit of humanity slowly awakens. It is the spirit of Elijah. It is the voice of the one who cries out in the desert, the invisible messenger of this time, who like a shepherd lovingly calls his sheep in order that they will humbly enter the sheepfold of peace which awaits them.

7. Whoever considers it strange that I would leave my kingdom to come in search of sinners truly does not know me. Those beings who are virtuous are safe and possess everything. Therefore, I leave them and come to the disinherited, the lost, and those who are stained by sin, for they also are my children, whom I love like the righteous, and whom I want to take to my Kingdom in order for them to rejoice with their Father.

8. If I only loved the righteous and rejected sinners, would your conscience believe that the Father was acting justly?

9. I am teaching you how to cleanse your stains and justify yourselves before me. You can achieve this by practicing good deeds and true charity in its various forms to your brethren. Today, you can start by practicing what you have learned. You can visit the sick and anoint them with your love in my name. Through your faith you will find the power to cure and your charity will be the healing balsam. Let no one doubt that he has the gift to do that.

10. Do not fear being charitable because you consider yourselves poor. In the Second Era when Jesus was with his disciples, he showed them the following example. A publican entered the temple and left a coin as a donation. Then a well-dressed pharisee deposited several coins, allowing them to fall one by one so that his deed could be observed and everyone could see that his gift was great. Later, a poor and sick woman knelt to pray, and then deposited two coins of little value, which were all that she possessed. Jesus told his disciples, Behold, he who believed he had given the most gave the least, and she who gave the least gave the most, for she gave all that she had and with it the bread which she was to have eaten that day.

11. I will make those of you who are listening to me become aware of how much you truly possess so that you may never feel needy when you are in the presence of others who are truly needy.

12. You are among those who were informed in past eras that you would live in the time of the Holy Spirit. This is the era of light in which every spirit will open its eyes to perceive the truth. My sickle has already begun to cut the evil part of the root. Do not think that it is strange that I have come when the world is occupied in wars for it was so prophesied.

13. Men have learned so much through science that they have become blind. But once that confusion comes to an end, they will discover the truth path through my charity. In that path they will find me redeeming and saving those who are lost as does the shepherd with the sheep that have gone astray.

14. I have not become human among you in this era. I have only come as spiritual enlightenment which I send to your spirits from my kingdom. I am inspiring you from the heavens, so that tomorrow your spirit can elevate itself toward me through prayer.

15. Today, you need to prepare yourselves so that your spirits can become pure and you can feel my presence among you. Become spiritualized so that you will know how to receive those things that you request. I will never feel that you are asking for too much. Do not forget the needs of your spirit, which is over burdened by the demands of your physical body. Recognize that what you lack most is my divine teaching, and now that I am offering it to you in abundance, seek it, analyze it, and put it into practice with deeds of love toward your brothers.

16. I want you to truly understand my doctrine and to correct your way of living so that you may cherish this doctrine, which is like a jewel of infinite value that I have given you. Do not become vain with this divine gift that you possess by refusing to share it with your needy brethren or using it for material gain.

17. Truly I say to you that the temple of the Sixth Seal shall never be a market place or a den of thieves. This spiritual sanctuary has its doors open in order for all of my children to enter it. There the sinner will find salvation because all hatred, vengeance, and evil tendencies will disappear.

18. You are being prepared to preach this good news with true faith and courage. I also want you to correctly interpret my word so that you may practice it in a pure manner. I do not want fanatics, puritans, or mystics among my disciples. I want my disciples to innerly elevate their spirits and to practice external deeds that are simple and natural. When this multitude of people multiply like the stars in the sky and the sands of the sea, let them do so as true disciples of my spiritual teaching so that they might be the ones to explain the word which they heard, and the ones who with their deeds testify to the truth of my doctrine.

19. Do not fear the time when you will have to speak; do not distrust me or even yourselves. I have told you that at the hour of trial you are not to think about what you are going to say and that your faith and elevation will be sufficient for my divine light to speak through your lips. If men ask you for an explanation or an analysis of the inspiration which you have had, I will allow you to comprehend my revelations so that you might explain them to your brothers. My prophets will go among nations as messengers with the mission of awakening nations. But they will not do what the Prophet Jonah did when he went to warn a nation of people who were atheists, announcing catastrophes, suffering, plagues, and illnesses if they did not regenerate themselves. When the time for the fulfillment of his prophecy came, he observed with great surprise that his words had not been fulfilled, for instead of catastrophes, as he had announced, that people enjoyed peace, health and well being. Then the prophet, feeling ashamed, retreated into solitude, and there, speaking to his Lord, he said to him, Why has the word which you placed in my mouth not been fulfilled? For, behold, instead of being regarded as a prophet before those men, I am regarded as an imposter. But then he heard the voice of the Father who answered him thus: I sent you to announce the trials which would occur if those multitudes ignored to my word, but they listened and repented; they brought down their false gods and knelt to worship me; recognizing their faults, they wept and fearfully awaited my justice.

20. I observed that they had prepared themselves, so instead of suffering, I sent them happiness and peace. Do you believe that I would harm thousands of people, simply to fulfill the word according to what you comprehend? Whereas you are unable to feel the pain of a single being, I am able to feel the pain of all beings. The word that you shared with your brethren was intended to help them regenerate and avoid ordeals. They repented, and because of that, behold them rejoicing with true joy and faith in God.

21. Keep these lessons in mind, disciples, since they are examples which will be useful to you on your path. You possess the gifts of spiritual vision, prophetic dreams, and intuition which will enable you to see things clearly along your path, thus, you will be able to alert your brothers.

22. Your mission is to warn, awaken, and inform your brethren, but be aware that if your brothers pray, then events may vary. However, you should not lose faith nor feel deceived for that reason. Your destiny is to help your brethren avoid suffering and to attain peace, and if you succeed in getting these results with your gifts, you should be satisfied. Safeguard humanity so that it may live in peace; create a sanctuary among all people where your brothers can find salvation, peace, and inspiration.

23. Come and eat of this bread which is my word, so that while you feed your spirits with my divine charity, I may quench my thirst for love among you. When you have loved your brothers, you will have loved me. When you have forgiven your enemies, you will have become reconciled with me. Thus, with true faith you can come to me with your offering of your merits, which is pleasing to my Divinity.

24. Hear me! I am the one who formed you in my image and likeness. I am the only God; no one has existed before me. My Spirit was not created; I am eternal. I have always been, and I always will be.

25. I have revealed my existence to you and the Trinity which exists in me. It is that Trinity which you recognize in the Father, who is Jehovah, who delivered to you the law in the First Era; in the Divine Word who, through Jesus, taught you love in the Second Era; and in the Holy Spirit who fills you with light and wisdom and explains to you all the revelations in this Third Era, the one who vibrates in each spirit and is manifesting itself through human spokesmen.

26. The Father announced the arrival of Christ through the lips of his prophets, and Jesus announced the manifestation of the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth. I have shown myself to humanity in three phases: law, love and wisdom - three powers and only one God, three powers and only one will and only one love.

27. If the Father is eternal, then the Son is also, for the Divine Word who spoke in Jesus has always existed in the Father. The Holy Spirit is eternal because it is the wisdom of God which has always existed in God. Therefore, if I formed man in my image and likeness, that means that the image of that Trinity exists in him. In him I placed three powers, consisting of flesh, spirit, and conscience. He is one single being composed of three natures; the material, which is the body; the spiritual, which is the spirit; and the divine, which is the conscience.

28. In the most elevated part of your spirits shines a spark of my divine intelligence, which is conscience, for you are truly children of my Spirit.

29. I wanted you to participate in the joy of being parents, to create beings similar to yourselves, beings to whom I would send spirits to incarnate. Since maternal love exists in the divine and eternal, I wanted there to exist in the human life a being who would also represent maternal love, and that being is the woman.

30. In the one beginning the human being was divided into two parts, thus creating the two sexes, one the man and the other the woman. The man would have strength, intelligence and majesty; the woman would have tenderness, grace, and beauty. The man would possess the seed, and the woman would be the fertile land. There you have two beings who can feel complete, perfect, and happy only when they are united, for with their harmony they will form one single body, one single will, and one single ideal.

31. This union, when inspired by the conscience and by love, is called matrimony.

32. The law of matrimony descended like a light which spoke through the conscience of the first beings so that they would recognize that the union of one with the other signified a pact with the Creator. The fruit of that union was the child in whom the blood of the parents was fused as a proof that what you bind before God can not be unbound on earth.

33. That joy which the father and the mother feel when they give birth to a child is similar to that which the Creator experienced when he became a Father, giving life to his much beloved children. If later, I delivered laws to you through Moses in order that you would know how to select a partner and would not covet the wife of your neighbor, it was because humanity, by virtue of its free will, had become lost in the ways of adultery and low passions.

34. Time passed; I came to the world in Christ, and with my gentle teaching, which is always the law of love, I elevated matrimony and with it, human conduct and virtue. I spoke in parables in order to make my word unforgettable, and I made a sacred institution of matrimony.

35. Now that I find myself among you again, I ask you men and women: What have you done to matrimony? There are very few who can answer me satisfactorily! My sacred institution has been dishonored. From that fountain of life sprouts destruction and pain. Men and women have stained the purity of that law through their disrespect of matrimony. The fruit that should have been sweet is bitter, as is the cup from which men drink.

36. You depart from my laws, and when you stumble, you ask me in anguish, Why is there such pain? I reply, Because the instincts of the flesh have never listened to the voice of the conscience. Now I ask you, If I have given you everything that you need to be happy, why do you not have peace?

37. I have placed a blue mantle in the sky so that beneath it you may build a nest of love, separating yourselves from the temptations and complications of the world, living in simplicity, as do the birds. In simplicity and in pure prayer, one can feel the peace of my kingdom and receive the answers to many mysteries.

38. Men, when the companion you have chosen is like the sterile earth which has not given you fruit, you have gone in search of new land, forgetting that you should be satisfied with your destinies and your restitution. Why do you blame destiny for the trials and sufferings that you experience in your marriages if you, yourselves, elected that path?

39. Everyone who is united in matrimony before my Divinity, even when their union is not sanctioned by any minister, makes a pact with me, a pact which remains recorded in the book of God, where all destinies are recorded.

40. Who can erase from that book the names of those two who have been united? Who in the world can unbind that which has been united in my law?

41. If I were to disunite you, I would be destroying my own work. When you have asked me to be united on earth, and I have granted it to you, Why do you then break your promises and contradict your vows? Are you not ridiculing my law and my name?

42. And to you, sterile women, the Master says, Long have you desired and asked that your wombs be converted into fountains of life. You have hoped that when the evening or the morning approaches, a tender heart would be heard beating within you. But the days and nights have passed and you have only shed tears because the child has not arrived.

43. How many of you who are listening to me, and who have been deprived of hope by science, will have to bear fruit to believe in my power. Thus, through that miracle many may recognize me! Watch and wait. Do not forget my words.

44. Parents: Avoid mistakes and bad examples. I do not demand perfection of you, only love and charity toward your children. Prepare yourselves spiritually and physically, for the great legions of spirits from the beyond await the instant to incarnate among you.

45. I want a new humanity which will grow and multiply, not only in number but in virtue, so that it may become aware of the promised land nearby, and so that its children might be able to live in the new Jerusalem.

46. I want the earth to be filled with men of good will who are the fruits of love.

47. Destroy the Sodom and Gomorrah of this time. Do not allow your hearts to become familiar with their sins. Do not imitate their inhabitants.

48. I am preparing you this way in the Third Era because the multitudes that I have announced to you will arrive.

49. Each of you needs to fulfill the specific responsibilities which I have given you: listen to my teaching in a parable.

50. A spirit full of light, purity, and innocence found itself before God and said to its Lord, Father, tell me what my mission is, for I wish to serve you. And the Lord answered it with tenderness, Wait, I am going to unite a man and woman in the world, and a child shall be born of that union in whom you will incarnate, so that as a child you might gather experience in the trials of the world and might feel closely the tenderness of a mother and the caress of a father.

51. The spirit reacted with joy and then waited. In the meantime, the Lord united a man and a woman in a loving bond of marriage and thus sent them together to follow the path of life.

52. A new being was conceived in the womb of the woman. Then God sent that spirit to incarnate in that body, and on the ninth month it opened its eyes to perceive the light of the world. That child was the work of both of them. The mother smiled with happiness, and the father perceived him with pride. He was the fruit of their love. The woman felt strong, and the man felt somewhat like the Creator. Both became dedicated to guiding that tender heart.

53. The spirit, which gave the son life force, smiled when perceiving the sweet gaze of its mother and the severe, and at the same time tender, face of the father.

54. Time went by, and in his struggle, the father separated from his loving family. Following the wrong path, he became lost, leaving the shreds of his clothing among the thorny shrubs, eating poisonous fruits, and destroying the flowers which he found along his path. Finding himself ill and depressed, he remembered the beings whom he had abandoned. He tried to return in search of them, but his strength failed. Then, drawing strength from weakness, dragging himself and stumbling along the long path, he came to the doors of the home. With tears in her eyes, his wife received him in her arms.

The son was sick and in agony.

55. When the father observed his son in agony, he begged the ! Divine Charity for help. In despair, he pulled his hair and cursed, but the spirit of the child left its body and entered the spiritual valley. The parents remained desolate, feeling mutually responsible for the misfortune which afflicted them - he for having left, and she for not having known how to keep him.

56. When that spirit arrived in the presence of the Creator it said to him, Father, why have you taken me from the arms of that sweet mother, who is left sobbing and desperate by my absence? To which the Lord answered, Wait, for you will return again to the same womb when they have recognized their faults and have understood , my law. !

57. The man and the woman continued to remain united, lonely, and deeply repentant for their faults, when once again they were surprised by the announcement of a new child. God had the spirit return again to that womb, saying to it, Unite with that body which is preparing itself for life, and enjoy yourself once again in that maternal warmth.

58. The parents, who had given up their first born as lost, did not know that he had returned to the womb, but the emptiness left by the first was filled by the second. Happiness and peace returned to the heart of that home. The mother began to smile again and the father to rejoice.

59. Now the man was afraid to depart from his family and tried to surround them with love, remaining close to them. But time caused him to forget his past experience and led by bad friends, he fell into vice and temptation. The woman complained and began to reject him. The home was turned into a battlefield. The man soon fell to temptation, became ill and weak, while the woman leaving the child in the cradle, would arise in search of bread for the innocent child as well as nourishment for that companion who did not know how to love or care for her. She suffered humiliation and disrespect, endured dangers, and withstood men who had bad faith and evil intentions. In that manner she would take daily bread to the lips of her loved ones.

60. God felt pity for the innocent spirit, and before it could open its eyes to reason, called it once again back to the spiritually valley. And when the spirit came before its Lord, filled with pain, it said to him, Father, once again you have snatched me from the arms of those whom I love. Look at how difficult my destiny is. Today, I ask you to leave me, be it in their arms or in yours forever, but do not make me journey anymore. I am tired.

61. When the man realized the wrong he had done, he contemplated a new painful scene. The wife wept inconsolably at the bed where the second child lay dead. The man wanted to take his own life, but the wife detained him, saying, Do not make an attempt against your life. Hold back your hand. Realize that we, ourselves, are the cause for God taking our children. The man calmed down, recognizing the truth in those words. As the days passed, calmness slowly returned to that couple who recalled with pain the sons who had departed, and who had been the happiness of that home which later sank into sorrow.

62. The spirit then asked its Lord, Father, are you going to send me to the earth again? Yes, said the Lord, and I will send you as many times as it is necessary until those individuals’ hearts are purified. When the spirit incarnated again, its physical body was ill because both its mother and father were also ill. From its bed of pain, that spirit would pray to the Father asking for relief. This time it had not perceived the light of the world. There were no smiles on the lips of its parents, only tears. The mother cried from morning to night next to the infant's crib while the repentant father felt immense pain in his heart on seeing that the child had inherited his own ills.

63. The spirit dwelt in that ill body for a brief time, before returning once again to the presence of the Lord.

64. Loneliness returned to the husband and wife, but pain had united them as never before, their hearts loved one another, and they promised each other to walk united until the end of the journey.

The man fulfilled his duties; she cared for her husband, and both were healed of their weaknesses.

65. They doubted that God would once again grant them one more child, but behold, when the Lord observed that those two beings had attained physical and spiritual health, he sent them that spirit as a reward because she had shown self-discipline and he had amended his behavior. The woman then conceived a child who filled that home with great happiness and peace.

66. Kneeling, the man and the woman wept with happiness. They gave thanks to their Lord while that spirit, that was obedient and had greatly suffered, smiled through the child, saying to God, Lord, no longer separate me from my parents. There is peace in my home, there is love in their hearts, there is warmth in my cradle, and there is milk and honey in my mother's breast. Also, there is bread on the table, there is affection in my father and working tools in his hands. Bless us. And the Lord, with joy in his Spirit, blessed them and left them united in one single body, in one single heart, and one single will.

67. Today, I say to you, Drink from this wine and from my teaching and rejoice because, when you are reunited with your Father, there is festivity in the house of the Lord.

68. Many of you have spiritually resurrected after having listened to my word in this era. You were dead to faith, and while some had been deprived of all hope by the doctors of the world, others had been denied communion by the priests.

69. You opened your hearts when you felt that my word healed the sick and tenderly forgave the sinner, and that the Master offered the bread of eternal life to all.

70. Along your path you have observed much evil, wickedness, and dry lands which no one has known how to fertilize.

71. You have seen how the fields, which yesterday were productive and offered their abundant fruits of peace and happiness to the world, are converted today into fields of blood, destruction, and death.

72. It is necessary for the Father to approach his children. I am the dew which in the silence of the night descends over the fields and falls upon the flowers. But the flowers which have withered, the hearts which have lost hope, do not know how to feel my love.

73. Disciples, observe that with my teaching you have learned how to practice charity so that you can help humanity to lessen its suffering and not be indifferent to its conflicts, its trials and tragedies.

74. Unite in thought and pray for your brothers. I will understand your requests and will reward you with those things that you need.

You are still too weak to forget your sorrows and worries in order to think of others. I say to you, Accept those trials with courage and trust in your Lord. Those trials will not be removed from your path nor will they be resolved through your rebellious behavior and unwillingness to accept God's will. On the other hand, with spiritual elevation, with faith, and with serenity, you will overcome the most terrible trials. Every obstacle and ordeal, in which you are able to triumph, will leave a ray of spiritual wisdom in your spirit. The one who is able to confront his trials with preparation will be able to feel his moments of pain shortened, while those who are not will feel that their pain is eternal.

75. Life is a bitter path where sometimes you stumble. However, you are aware that you are not traveling by yourself carrying your cross. A gentle and invisible Helper is helping you to arise every time you feel overwhelmed and defeated by the weight of your destiny. Although negative forces have attempted to harm you, I have kept them away. If the heathen and those who scrutinize have come to these gatherings in order to find faults and accuse you of them, I have covered you with my mantle of tenderness and closed their lips. When men have tried to test you with their questions, I have prematurely placed the voice of the Holy Spirit on your lips since you have not yet prepared yourselves to convince them with words of light.

76. I do not come to harshly criticize you. My word is gentle and, although it does judge you, it offers you hope and shows you the right thing to do; seek those three things in my word. What would become of you if I came to flatter you in your imperfection and praise you in your sins? Is that not, perhaps, what mankind does to the princes on earth? I have always encouraged you when I observe that you are truly seeking to progress spiritually by helping those who are ill disregarding the time of day and harsh weather. Also, when you have come before judges, you have remained calm and have given testimony of me with words of truth.

77. Thus, you have learned that the human hearts represent the fields which you must cultivate, and that as the fields become larger, they will require greater care; also, you can no longer abandon a field where you have sowed my seed.

78. Among you are those who will go to other nations in search of new lands to sow my seed. I have given you the universal language which will allow you to understand one another, not the fancy language uttered by human lips but that which the spirit expresses through love.

79. It will not be necessary tor others to undertake these long journeys. All they need to do is to prepare themselves to offer charity to those who are near as well as offer enlightenment to the disincarnated spirits who are perturbed. Woe to those individuals who refuse to offer charity to those spiritual beings in need because, as a result of their confusion, those beings will not know how to forgive!

80. The hardworking disciple blesses me at each step because he delights in serving me in spite of the weight of his cross. The lazy one feels deprived of his freedom and weighed down by a very heavy burden. I do not come to put anyone in chains nor to convert anyone into a slave. On the contrary, I have come to offer you true freedom so that you will never feel enslaved by death or incarceration; instead, whereas others might consider themselves lost under those circumstances, you will continue to evolve on the infinite ladder of evolution.

81. Disciples, are you willing to forgive those who offend you? Who are your enemies? Truly I say to you that you should not call your brothers enemies. I do not send you to battle against humanity, but to battle against its sin and its ignorance.

My peace be with you.


Teaching 39

1. I am the peace which descends upon you for I observe that there is only confusion in the world.

2. Be alert and pray; do good unto others, and with the practice of charity, you will destroy war.

3. The tree of science, as men have cultivated it, is presently offering humanity a bitter fruit. But I will give you the crystalline water of love so that you may use it to water that same tree and observe the different type of fruit that it will produce.

4. Before you discover in my teaching the secret of cultivating the tree of science, that tree will be shaken by strong winds causing every bad fruit to fall, leaving it bare.

5. After that strong wind, you will begin to see a new light shine in your spirit, which will illuminate every step that you take along the path of life.

6. You are living in the time of judgement. Remember how many times I have told you that the sickle of my divine justice will not tire in cutting the evil weeds.

7. My justice touches science the same as it does religions or men of power. Nothing will remain without being carefully scrutinized by me and judged. From the beginning of humanity, sin has been sentenced to death, and my word shall be fulfilled.

8. My people, when you see signs of these events on earth, elevate yourselves to me in prayer; unite with your families to form one single thought, and send your spirits as messengers of my love to your brothers who need peace.

9. Do not doubt the power of prayer. For if you do not have faith while practicing charity, you will be unable to offer anything to your brothers.

10. Have I not taught you that even the unleashed elements of nature can hear your prayer and become calm? If those elements obey my voice, why should they not obey the voice of the children of the Lord when they have become prepared?

11. I have taught you how to pray from the time I was with you on earth so that in the moments of an ordeal you would know how to communicate with your Father, and gaining strength from him, you would fulfill your mission of love and charity among humanity.

12. Prayer is a blessing which God has granted to man so that it will serve him as a ladder to elevate himself, as a weapon to defend himself, as a book to educate himself, and as a healing balsam with which to anoint himself and to heal all illness.

13. True prayer has disappeared from the earth. Men no longer pray, and when they try to do it, instead of speaking to me with the spirit, they do it with their lips, employing useless words, rituals, and material idols. How are men going to observe miracles if they use forms and observe practices which Jesus did not teach?

14. True prayer needs to return among men, and I am the one who comes to teach it to you once again.

15. Blessed is the one who, inspired in his love toward others, helps his brethren to spiritually elevate themselves, for when he opens his eyes to observe himself, he will see himself close to his Father.

16. Do not ask what you should do to fulfill your mission, for my law, simply stated, tells you to love one another. Be aware that each day of your life offers you an opportunity to practice that divine commandment.

17. Each one in his own path can fulfill the mission of loving; the one who guides spirits, the one who instructs, the man of science, the one who governs, the head of the family; all of you can serve your fellow beings, becoming inspired in my law which tells you, Love one another.

18. Everything will be cleansed. All will be renewed so that the new generations might find the earth prepared for the fulfillment of their great spiritual mission.

19. Do not choose those whom you should love. Love all without distinction. Spiritual love can have no preferences.

20. The love that I teach you is beyond the love you feel for your family, for your country, and for yourselves.

21. Because of your material poverty do not fear that you can not be useful in this work of love. Spiritualize yourselves and you will not need the riches of the earth to be able to do good to your fellow man. Behold how I have selected my workers from among this humble and needy people, converting them into counselors, doctors, and faithful friends of those who suffer and who approach them in search of comfort and peace.

22. They have been able to offer unlimited healing balsam with their love, and although their speech was previously clumsy, their words now reflect enlightenment. Those who hear these words are touched and convinced, for these words have offered them guidance and helped them to regenerate. Did these workers believe they had any special gifts before I made them aware of their heritage? No, they did not. They felt like outcasts, incapable of practicing charity and of acting on their own.

23. Behold how these humble workers are sought by their brethren; the rich present themselves to ask for charity, the doctors to consult them about their unsolvable problems, and those who have been educated in schools of theology and philosophy come to learn their first lesson. O people, you already know it, and humanity, you will know it; unless you learn to love, the power and the wealth of the earth will not be enough to bring you peace or to make you useful to each other through material charity.

24. When there is love in your spirits, and you make it felt among your fellow men, then you will see miracles happen. Charity, love, and goodness are the essence of a spiritual life; if you have not practiced those virtues, begin to practice them. When someone comes to your door overwhelmed by thirst, fatigue and hunger, seat him at your table without checking to see if there is sufficient bread in the basket; ask your heart if, on inviting the traveler to your table, you did it with sincere love and with true charity. If you did, you will see the bread multiplied; all of you will be satisfied, and a flame of faith will light up in the heart of the traveler to give me thanks and bless me. That individual will practice that same charity with others, for you will have taught him a lesson of love which can be understood even by those who are most insensitive.

25. Be humble. Remember that I, your God, was born in humility and later covered my body with a humble mantle. Why do you always dream of fine clothing and even come to desire clothes worn by royalty?

26. Your kingdom is not of this world. This life is like a battlefield where you come to perform good deeds so that later you can return to earth victoriously, having conquered this land, to receive your reward.

27. Never leave your cross along the road. Do not abandon your mission, for it would be the same as if, cowardly you were running away from the struggle, throwing away your weapons in battle and renouncing the victory which awaits your spirit.

28. I am the perfect way. During my stay on earth, I passed on to humanity the Book of True Life with my examples; those lessons will teach you how to fight in order to win in all battles. My sword of love battled constantly against humanity's evil and ignorance. My weapons were not deadly. I did not bring you death but eternal life. My gentleness disturbed and confused those who offended me; my loving forgiveness triumphed over their hardened hearts; my death as a man resurrected them to the life of grace. Do you not recall that the promised Messiah had been announced as an invincible warrior?

29. It is time for love, forgiveness, and humility to appear in the heart of humanity as true weapons to oppose hatred and pride. If men continue to clash with one another, filled with pride and hatred, villages and nations will be destroyed, and there will be no peace in the hearts of men.

30. Humanity refuses to recognize that only by living in peace will it find true happiness and be able to progress. Thus, it continues to pursue material power and false greatness, shedding the blood of its brothers, destroying lives, and destroying the faith of mankind.

31. Man with his arrogant use of science is defying my law, and I say unto you, I will again fight against sin; but man will not find in me a proud and arrogant judge because those are human defects. Also, he will not be touched by divine vengeance, for negative emotions are only felt by those beings who have not attained spiritual perfection. Man will find an unyielding Judge and the Divine Teacher of love.

32. Not all of you want wars nor feel hatred or arrogance toward the innocent or toward those of good will and faith. I will give signs when wars are forthcoming so that you may be alert and pray, for with your prayer and with your vigilance you will not be harmed by deadly weapons.

33. From the west to the east, and from the north toward the south, nations will arise rejecting one another; they will all confront and will produce an immense fire in which hatred will burn, pride will be extinguished, and the bad weed will be destroyed.

34. The new generations must find a pure earth in order for peace and love to flourish, but before that, the last trace of Cain's crime will disappear. Humanity is still practicing that crime.

35. I ask those of you who are being touched by the divine light emitted by teachings: Is the pain, which now approaches humanity, the result of divine punishment or vengeance? No, you tell me, it is the fruit which we have cultivated and which we will reap.

36. I always feel charitable toward my children, for you are too young to understand all the wrong things which you do. That is why I approach you, and materializing my word, I send my messengers to you to warn you about the evil path that you are following. But when have you answered my calls? Never. That is the reason why humanity is suffering.

37. Beloved people, do not simply be spectators observing the chaos which is occurring on earth, for you will have to let me know what you have done to maintain the peace and strength which you have received from me.

38. You have received peace and strength so that you may continue to pray, so that your mind will not be confused, and so that you may be hardworking and never tire in practicing good deeds, comforting your brethren, and helping them to develop faith.

39. Beloved disciples, spread my doctrine among your brothers and speak with clarity in the manner that I have taught you. Carefully study all of this doctrine, for truly I say to you, Tomorrow you will be questioned by your brothers. I know that they will come to ask you your beliefs concerning the Trinity of God, the Divinity of Christ, and the purity of Mary, and you need to be strong in order to succeed in those trials.

40. Concerning the Trinity, you shall say that three distinct beings do not exist in God, and that one single Divine Spirit has manifested itself in three distinct phases to humanity. In an attempt to understand those things that are divine, humanity, lacking spiritual elevation, believed it saw three gods where only one Spirit existed. Therefore, when you hear the name of Jehovah, think of God as Father and as Judge. When you think of Christ, think of him as God the Divine Teacher and as love. And when you are trying to understand the Holy Spirit, be aware that the Holy Spirit is God, manifesting his wisdom to his disciples who have advanced the most.

41. If humanity had been as spiritually evolved during the first two eras, as humanity is today, I would have manifested myself before it as Father, as Teacher, and as Holy Spirit, and then men would not have seen three gods where only one exists. But they were not capable of interpreting my lessons and would have become confused; they would have separated from my path to continue creating accessible and small gods according to their imagination.

42. Now you know the reason why the Father manifested himself in three different periods, and you also know the erroneous belief that men have related to the Trinity.

43. In my Divine Spirit there is an infinite number of phases and attributes, but because I have manifested myself in three eras, I have named you Trinitarians. You now recognize me through those three revelations and know how to unite them into only one. You know that there is only one God who can manifest himself as Judge today, as the Divine Teacher tomorrow, and then later as the Father who has infinite wisdom and kindness.

44. Do not attempt to think of me in a material form because my Spirit lacks form, just as intelligence, love, and wisdom also lack form.

45. I tell you this because many individuals have represented me in the form of an old man when they think of the Father. I am not an old man because time does not affect me. My Spirit does not age.

46. When you think of Christ, immediately you remember the physical image of Jesus. And I say to you, that Christ was God's Divine Word and Love who incarnated on earth. When Christ left his material body on earth, he became united with my Spirit from where he had emerged.

47. When you speak of the Holy Spirit, you utilize the symbol of the dove to try to imagine it with some form. I say to you, however, that the time of symbols has passed. Therefore, when you feel yourselves being touched by the Holy Spirit, receive that inspiration as enlightenment for your spirit which comes to remove all uncertainties, mysteries, and darkness.

48. If I tell you that Christ is the love of the Father, understand that Christ is divine. What is strange about God having incarnated his love on earth in order to manifest it in a world lacking spirituality? Does this not offer evidence of the perfect charity offered by the Father to those who seek him but are yet unable to reach him?

49. Now I want to teach you that Christ is not less than I nor does he come after me. For he is love, and love is not greater nor less than any other divine power. It is united with all the divine power, thus forming the Absolute, the Divine, and the Perfect.

50. And what do you want me to tell you about Mary, who was sent by the Lord to the earth to serve as mother of Jesus, through whom God would speak?

51. Truly I say to you that God incarnated his Divine gentleness in Mary. For that reason, Mary did not doubt nor rebel when a messenger announced to her in her home that she would give birth to the Messiah for she knew it was God’s will. Her example was one of humility and faith; her work was silent and sublime. For that reason, she was the only one capable of fulfilling that celestial message and of accepting that divine destiny without becoming vain.

52. Jesus lived his childhood and youth beside Mary enjoying her motherly love. Mary, the Divine Tenderness, offered much sweetness to the Saviour in his first years of life in the world, for the hour would come when he was to drink much bitterness.

53. How is it possible for anyone to think that Mary, who conceived Jesus and lived with the Divine Master, could be lacking in spiritual elevation, in purity, and holiness?

54. Whoever loves me will have to first love all that is mine, all that I love.

55. You need to share these teachings of love and charity with your brothers. You need to know that it is not essential for all of humanity to hear me in the same form in which I have manifested myself to you. All I need is for this multitude to listen to these teachings so that later it can be my witness and messenger among its brothers.

56. If this form of communication were the most evolved that could be achieved between God and man, then it would have become known throughout the world and would have been permanent. But since this communication through the human spokesman is only preparing man for the more perfect communication of spirit to Spirit, I have only allowed this form of communication to continue until 1950.

57. These multitudes, who heard the teachings of the Divine Master throughout the years, will be responsible for spreading this message among humanity once this manifestation comes to an end.

58. They must not arise to teach others until they have heard my final teachings because those last teachings will be the most profound, and, therefore, the ones which will leave them strong and prepared for the battle.

59. From the oldest congregations to those which have begun to unite in houses of prayer more recently, all have heard me say that this communication will cease at the end of 1950; that is my divine will and this multitude should not oppose what the Father has commanded.

60. It would be foolish if you sought to have this manifestation continue after 1950. If you were to do that you would be denying the Father's justice and perfection. Also, you wold be denying that it has been I, the Unchangeable, who has spoken to you.

61. I tell you this because, although no one feels capable of denying me at this instant, I know that in those final moments, in the bitter and sad hour of my departure, a traitor will be present at my table. That weak individual will reject the bread which has fed him for a long time and with a false kiss of love deliver me to humanity who will mock and ridicule me.

62. Who do you believe will communicate through these spokesmen when the time of my communication has ceased? Do you perhaps want me to participate in your disobedience?

63. Be aware that one act of disobedience on your part would later create confusion among humanity, and that a disobedience of such magnitude would create confusion among the multitudes. No one would believe in my manifestation as the Holy Spirit; everyone would lose faith.

64. As of today I say to you, that those spokesmen who want to make others believe that I am still manifesting myself through them after 1950, even though I said that my manifestation would no longer continue after that year, shall be rejected and called imposters. Also, any spiritual being who manifests itself through those spokesmen shall be called a false Christ. Furthermore, those individuals who are able to perceive things spiritually, and who participate in that deception, shall be called false prophets.

65. O my people, strengthen yourselves in all that I say to you today so that when the time of trial comes, you may know how to remain strong, united to my law, and respecting my will. For with your conduct you will give the greatest testimony of what you have believed: that this word is the supreme truth. Anyone who does otherwise will have denied me.

66. Blessed are those who remain faithful to my word. For when the time comes, I will use them as messengers and witnesses of this divine message, a message which I have given through human spokesmen and will leave for humanity. These teachings will prepare man to truly communicate with the Father from spirit to Spirit.

67. Today I seek your spirit because the spiritual mansion is awaiting your presence.

68. You have not been able to elevate yourselves spiritually because each of your imperfections is a link in a chain which ties you to earthly possessions. Those imperfections prevent your spirit from elevating itself to those regions where it belongs.

69. What merits will you achieve for the life that awaits you after you depart from earth? Do you perhaps think that your spirit can truly enter into a spiritual dwelling place that is filled with enlightenment and spirituality?

70. Listen to this word, analyze it, and you will understand that it comes to help you rid yourselves of all that is needless because those things do not allow your spirits to be free.

71. Here in my presence, eliminate all impurity from your spirit so that it may attain freedom. Do not fear, for you are not going to reveal any secret to me. I know you better than you know yourselves. Confess intimately unto me. I will know how to understand you better than anyone and will be able to pardon your sins, for I am the only one who can judge you. When you have reconciled with your Father and you hear your spirit singing a hymn of triumph, then seat in peace at my table, and eat and drink from the nourishment offered to you by my Spirit which is found in the essence of my word.

72. When you arise from the table to return to your daily tasks, do not forget that you need to follow my law in everything that you do and that I am observing you. With that, I wish to tell you that you should not only prepare yourselves spiritually and mentally when you enter these houses of prayer to hear my word, but that the fear of offending me, which you show in these places, should accompany you everywhere at all times.

73. You have my word in your conscience to guide you and to let you know if you are following the path of obedience.

74. I give the same word to all who listen to me. I do not give more to the poor because they are needy nor do I give less to the rich. Verily I say to you that in the spirit all of you are in need.

75. I love everyone equally. I do not observe differences in classes, in races, in languages or in religious beliefs, nor even differences in sexes. I speak to the spirit; it is your spirit that I seek and have come to teach, in order to guide it with the light of my teaching to the promised land.

My Peace be with you!


Teaching 40

1. Your Father prepared everything for the Word of God to dwell among humanity and to show it the path of its restitution with sublime examples of his love.

2. First he inspired the prophets who announced the form in which the Messiah would come to the world, what his work would be, and his suffering and death as a man, so that those who knew the prophecies would immediately recognize Christ when he appeared on earth.

3. Centuries before my presence through Jesus, the Prophet Isaiah said, Therefore, the Lord will give you this sign. For behold the Virgin will conceive and give birth to a child who will be called Emmanuel, which means God is with you. With this prophecy, among others, he announced my coming.

4. Many centuries before my arrival, David, with songs filled with pain and prophetic meaning, sang of the sufferings of the Messiah during the crucifixion. In those psalms, he speaks of one of my seven words on the cross. He announces the contempt with which the multitudes would lead me to the sacrifice, the phrases of mockery the men would use on hearing me say that the Father was in me, the solitude which my body would experience before human ingratitude, all the torments to which I would be subjected, and even the way in which they would cast lots for my clothing.

5. Each one of my prophets came to announce my coming, to prepare paths, and to give precise signs so that no one would be confused when the day came.

6. In Nazareth there lived a pure and tender flower, an unwed virgin named Mary, who was precisely the one announced by the Prophet Isaiah to have the fruit of the true life sprout from her womb. Unto her came the spiritual messenger of the Lord to tell her of the mission which she brought to earth, saying to her, Hail, you are highly favored; the Lord is with you. Blessed are you among women.

7. The hour for the revelation of the divine mystery had come, and all that had been said about the presence of the Messiah, the Savior, the Redeemer, was about to be fulfilled. But how few were the hearts who were sensitive to my presence! How few the spirits that were prepared to recognize the kingdom of heaven in the light of my truth!

8. The majority of men, materialized by their ambitions, tried to interpret all things according to human knowledge and experience.

They attempted to confirm the spiritual through their material science, but were confused by those things which are incomprehensible, thus ended up denying me.

9. Few were the ones who loved me and followed me, and many were the ones who rejected me.

10. Those who loved me were those who recognized my presence through spiritual sensitivity and faith, which are gifts superior to human reason, to science, and to intelligence.

11. Mankind scrutinized me at each step. All of my words and deeds were judged with evil intent. Most of the time men were confused by my deeds or by the evidence I offered because their human mind was not capable of comprehending that which only the spirit can comprehend.

12. If I prayed, they would say, Why does he pray if he claims to be full of power and wisdom? What can he need or request? And if I did not pray, they would say that I did not fulfill the obligation of their religion.

13. If they saw that I did not nourish myself while my disciples ate, they judged that I was not following the laws instituted by God. And if they saw me eating, they asked themselves, Why does he need to eat to live, if he says that he is life? They did not understand that I had come to the world to reveal to men how humanity should live after experiencing a prolonged purification on earth! From that long purification a more spiritualized generation should emerge that is above human misery, the demanding needs of the flesh, and the selfish passions of the physical senses.

14. Many centuries have passed since I enlightened human beings with my presence. And when they try to understand the truth about Mary’s conception, about my human nature and my spiritual essence, their disturbed minds have not been able to understand, nor have their poisoned hearts understood that truth.

15. Those minds and hearts, liberated from their darkness for an instant, shall allow their spirits to escape to the regions of light where they will feel illuminated by a superior brightness, which will not be that of their reason nor their science.

16. Then, through their already evolved spirits, they will know the truth which their small and limited human mind was unable to reveal to them.

17. For if men knew how to feel and understand all the love that my Spirit pours over them through nature, they would all be good. But some are ignorant and others ungrateful.

18. It is only when the elements of nature manifest my justice that they tremble, but not because they understand that it is my voice of justice which speaks, rather it is because they fear for their lives or for their earthly goods.

19. From the beginning of humanity to the present, my justice has made itself felt among men through nature’s elements. I have done that because man needs material proof, starting .from the time when he first lived on earth and was very primitive, to the present era when he is very materialistic.

20. How long will it take for humanity to evolve to where it will understand my love and feel my presence through its conscience? When humanity obeys my law and hears my voice advising it, that will be an indication that humanity has left behind the eras of materialism.

21. In the meantime mankind will still have to be touched by the elements of nature in different ways until they are convinced that superior forces exist and that man’s materialism is highly inferior to those forces.

22. The earth will tremble. Water will cleanse and fire will purify humanity.

23. All the elements and forces of nature will make themselves felt throughout the world where human beings have not known how to live in harmony with the life which surrounds them.

24. However, nature does not seek the destruction of those who disrespect it. It only seeks harmony between man and all creatures.

25. If nature is manifesting its justice in a harsher manner, it is because the faults of men and their lack of harmony with its laws are also greater.

26. I told you that the leaf of the tree did not move without my will, and now I say to you that all of the elements of nature will only obey God's will.

27. I also say to you that nature can be to men what they wish it to be: a mother endowed with blessings, with caresses and nourishment, or an arid desert where hunger and thirst reign. It can be either a teacher of wise and infinite revelations about life, goodness, love, and eternity, or an unyielding judge in the face of disobedience, and the disrespect and the errors of men.

28. Blessing them, I said to the first men, Be fruitful; multiply and fill the earth. Conquer it, and rule over the fish of the sea, the birds of the sky, and over all creatures that move on the face of the earth.

29. Yes, humanity, I created man so that he would be master and would have power over space, over waters, over all the earth, and the elements of creation. But behold, I have emphasized the term master because men, believing they rule the earth with their science, are truly slaves; believing they dominate the forces of nature, they are victims because of their fear, ignorance, and lack of preparation.

30. Human power and science have invaded the earth, the seas, and space, but their power and force are not in harmony with the power and force of nature, which express God’s divine love. Nature is filled with life, wisdom, harmony, and perfection; whereas, human power, science, and their deeds are only filled with pride, selfishness, vanity, wickedness.

31. Soon the forces of nature will awaken humanity. Through that bitter pain, men will leave behind their materialism to observe the path of light and truth, which will show them the way along which they should have attained true power and wisdom.

32. It will never be too late for repentance, for the correction of an error, or the regeneration of a sinner. The doors of my kingdom will always be open awaiting the child, who after journeying a long time under his free will, will at last open his eyes to the light and understand that there exists no more perfect or marvelous freedom than that of the spirit which knows how to obey the will of its Father.

33. It is a freedom that is infinite within the realm of love that is found in goodness, justice, and perfection.

34. In order to obey my law, you must pray, always elevating your spirits toward your Father.

35. I have seen that in order to pray, you prefer solitude and silence, and that is the right thing to do when trying to find inspiration through prayer, or when you want to give thanks to me. But I also say to you that you should practice prayer in whatever condition you find yourselves, so that you might know how to summon my help in the more difficult periods of your lives, without losing serenity, self-control, faith in my presence, and self-confidence.

36. Prayer can be long or brief according to the need. You may, if you so desire, spend long hours within that spiritual ecstasy if your physical body does not become tired, or if some other duty does not require your attention. And prayer may be as brief as a single second if you find yourselves subjected to some trial which has suddenly surprised you.

37. What reaches me are not the words with which you attempt to form your prayers, but the love, the faith, or the need with which you present yourselves before me. That is why I tell you that there will be times when your prayer will be no more than a second, for there will be no time to formulate thoughts, phrases, and ideas as you are accustomed to doing.

38. Wherever you are, you can summon me, for the place is of no importance to me since what I seek is the spirit.

39. If you enjoy praying in the open fields, or feel that you are able to better meditate in these houses of prayer, or if you prefer your bedroom, pray wherever you feel closest to your Father. But do not forget that I, who am everywhere, am indifferent as to where I communicate with your spirits.

40. You do not always pray with the same preparation, and, therefore, you do not always experience the same peace or the same inspiration.

41. There are times in which you succeed in becoming inspired and elevating your thoughts, and there are others in which you are completely indifferent. How could you always expect to receive my messages in the same form? You should educate your minds and even your bodies to cooperate with your spirit in moments of prayer.

42. The spirit is always willing to communicate with me, but it requires the good will of the material body in order to elevate itself in those moments and to free itself of everything which surrounds it in its earthly life.

43. Make an effort to achieve true prayer because whoever knows how to pray, carries in himself the key to peace, to health, to hope, to spiritual strength, and to eternal life.

44. The invisible shield of my law protects him against all temptation and dangers. He will bear an invisible sword on his lips to defeat as many enemies as might block his path. A ray of light will light his way amidst the storms, a constant miracle will be at his reach whenever he needs it, whether for himself or for the good of his brothers.

45. Pray. Practice that sublime gift of the spirit, for that strength shall be the one to move the life of men of the future, those who will be able to communicate with me from spirit to Spirit.

46. Parents will become inspired through prayer in order to guide their children.

47. The ill will gain health through prayer. Heads of states will resolve their great problems seeking light with prayer, and the man of science also will receive revelations through the gift of prayer.

48. Seek that world of spiritual light; practice spiritual prayer; perfect that form to the extent that you can, and transmit that knowledge to your children, trusting that they will take one step beyond what you have reached. In order to help you in your prayers, I come to explain my doctrine to you with simplicity, clarifying the revelations which I gave to you in past times. Do you know why you can now better understand my word? It is because you spirits have evolved.

49. Soon you will speak to humanity about my doctrine, offering proof that you have understood the lessons which you preach, and supporting your words with your good deeds. Truly I say to you that faced with your example even the most stubborn individuals will be convinced of the truth of this doctrine.

50. Any one of my disciples who has developed his spiritual gifts, and who has strengthened his heart through the practice of charity, will resist all the trials to which humanity might want to submit him. For if he has succeeded in expressing my word with essence and truth and has converted his heart into an inexhaustible fountain of love and charity toward his brothers, then he has prayed, and by his virtue he finds himself on the path of spirituality. That disciple is prepared to give testimony of me.

51. Now that I am still a few years away from ending my manifestation under this form, keep my word in your hearts, and learn from me as you travel along the path of your struggles. Thus, you will know when you should speak to your brothers and when you must teach with your silence.

52. You will have complete confidence in my divine help and an unyielding faith in all things that you do, which will bring good results because you will be obeying my law.

53. The effectiveness of your words and deeds will depend on that confidence and faith.

54. You will not always be able to speak, but you will at all times be given the opportunity to use the spiritual gifts you have developed.

55. Prepare yourselves, and during the moment of an ordeal your presence will be enough for your brethren to become enlightened and for the storm to become calm. And your spiritual prayer will produce a miracle upon those for whom you pray for they will feel a mantle of charity and tenderness descending upon them.

56. Your good influence will be over the spiritual and over the material things. You will not only concentrate on fighting against visible elements but also against the invisible.

57. It the light of my Spirit has enlightened the man of science, helping him to discover the causes of physical illnesses, those which you call diseases, it also enlightens you spiritually so that you may discover the origin of all the ills which afflict human life, including those which disturb the spirit, as well as those which confuse the mind or torment the heart.

58. There are forces, invisible to human sight and unknown to the science of man, which constantly influence your lives.

59. There are those which are good and those which are bad, some which give you health and others which cause illnesses. There are those which are filled with light and others with darkness.

60. From where do these forces arise? From the spirit, disciples, from the mind and from feelings.

61. Every incarnated and disincarnated spirit emanates vibrations when it thinks; every emotion exerts an influence. You can be sure that the world is filled with these vibrations.

62. Now you can easily understand that healthy forces and influences must exist where people think and dwell in goodness, and that where they live outside of the laws and regulations which are determined by goodness, justice and love, there must exist evil forces.

63. Both forces exist in the spiritual realm and struggle among themselves. They influence the way men think and feel, and if men know how to discriminate them, they are able to receive take the good inspiration and reject the bad influences. But if they are weak and not prepared through the practice of good, they will not be able to confront those vibrations and will be in danger of becoming slaves to evil and succumbing to its control.

64. Those vibrations arise from incarnated spirits as well as from disincarnated beings, for good and disturbed spirits exist on earth the same as in the hereafter.

65. In this period the influence of evil is greater than that of good. Therefore, the force which dominates humanity is that of evil, from which are derived selfishness, deceit, lust, pride, pleasure in causing injury, destruction, and all low passions. The illnesses which torment man originate from that moral imbalance.

66. Man does not have the weapon to fight against those forces. He has been conquered and taken prisoner to the abyss, a life without spiritual light, without true happiness, without aspiration toward good.

67. Now that man believes that he has reached the highest level of knowledge, he ignores that he is in the abyss.

68. I, who know your beginning and your future in eternity, have given mankind weapons to battle against the forces of evil since the First Era. But man has rejected them and prefers a battle of evil against evil in which no one triumphs, for all will in the end be defeated.

69. It is written that evil shall not prevail, which means that at the end of the times it shall be good which triumphs.

70. If you ask me which were the weapons with which I endowed humanity to fight against the forces or influences of evil, I will tell you that they were prayer, perseverance in the law, faith in my word, and love for one another.

71. Today I have had to manifest myself spiritually to this humanity, to explain to it word by word the origin of good and evil, and how to fight in order to triumph in the battle of the Third Era.

72. I come to alert you, making your spirits sensitive in order for you to learn to receive all good which comes to you and to reject and combat evil.

73. No one should ridicule what I say, for with his ridicule he will make known his great ignorance.

74. You know that all the messengers whom you have had, forerunners of a spiritual and scientific revelation, were ridiculed. Nevertheless, humanity had to eventually accept their revelations, convinced of the truth they preached.

75. Did men from the past know how a person acquired an illness or what caused an epidemic? No, they did not, and from that ignorance arose superstitions and mysterious forms of worship. But a day came, in which the intelligence of man, enlightened by the light of the Creator, discovered the cause of his physical illnesses. He then struggled to find the way to regain health. Humanity thus acquired knowledge that men from the past lacked and began to understand things previously hidden and invisible to the man of science.

76. In that same manner, humanity will come to know the origin of the forces of good and evil and their influence upon humanity. When that knowledge becomes known by mankind, there will be no one listening to this teaching who will doubt the truth of my doctrine.

77. I come to enlighten you with these teachings so that you will discover the gifts that your spirit possesses; humanity has rejected those gifts since the beginning of time. I have come to awaken your dormant spirit, so that, illuminated by the light of the conscience, it will reject evil forces and attain full development in its spiritual evolution. Just as the germ from an illness comes to you in the contaminated air, the evil influences come invisibly and silently, disturbing your minds and causing your spirits to weaken.

78. Only prayer will be able to give you intuition and sensibility, strength and inspiration to sustain you in the daily and constant struggle against evil.

79. I have spoken to you about the forces and influences of evil, but have I ever mentioned any spirit to you? Have I ever named one? No, you tell me. But I must make it clear to you in this time that no spirit exists which represents or is the origin of evil.

80. The ancient beliefs, which have come all the way to the present generations, must disappear along with the figures, forms, and symbolic names with which men of the past represented evil, giving it human form and granting it spiritual existence. For without realizing it, you have created with them superstitious myths and cults unworthy of the spiritual evolution which man has reached in this time.

81. Know that evil arose from man, from his weaknesses, and that to the extent that humanity continued to grow in number as well as in imperfections and sins, the force or influence of evil increased. That force, formed by thoughts, ideas, feelings, and passions, began to make its influence felt in men, and they came to believe that it consisted of a spirit which surely was the representation of evil, without realizing that that force was formed by their own imperfections.

82. Be alert and pray so that you will not fall into temptation.

My Peace be with you!


Teaching 41

1. In all times I have spoken to you of the eternal life which exists beyond the material life. I have promised you that all of you will enjoy it, but I have also revealed to you that you must make restitution for the wrongs you have done in order for your spirits to evolve.

2. In order to help you I have told you, Perform good deeds on the earth so that the seed which you sow produces good fruits and so that I might receive the harvest, I who am the Way and the Life.

3. I have seen that humanity is stubborn, that it has become materialized, and I have had to give it my teaching in order to make it understand which road it must follow to reach the true life and give it hope of coming to me.

4. The road to reach perfection is long, and without my divine help you would not be able to arrive. The spiritual life in the beyond is a mystery to man, but study my teaching, practice what its essence teaches you, and when you are ready to enter into the true life, you will not be surprised or disturbed.

5. Humanity had attained very little spiritual evolution during the beginning eras. Man had no knowledge about a spirit’s destiny after its departure from earth nor about its existence in the spiritual valley. Consequently, when those spiritual beings entered the spiritual valley, after having departed from earth, they were in a state of deep spiritual sleep and confusion until they gradually began to awaken. But when Christ became man in Jesus to give his teaching to all spirits, once he had fulfilled his mission among humanity, he sent his light to multitudes of spiritual beings, who from the beginning of the world awaited his coming to be liberated from their confusion and to be able to rise toward the Creator.

6. Only Christ could illuminate that darkness. Only his voice could awaken those spirits and help them to evolve. When Christ died as a man, his Divine Spirit created light in the spiritual dwellings and also in the tombs, thus enlightening those spirits who had dwelt in darkness, clinging to their material bodies. Those beings wandered that night throughout the world, becoming visible to human eyes as proof that the Redeemer was life to all beings and the spirit was immortal.

7. Only Jesus could show them the way to reach the top of the mountain of true life. Whoever believes in him possesses faith in his divine work, practices his doctrine, and will not remain stagnant.

8. Disciples, do not begin to feel yourselves superior to your brothers simply because you hear these revelations which come to illuminate your path. The path that you must travel is so vast that you must understand that you are simply taking your first steps on it. If I reveal to you a few mysteries from the beyond, it is so that you know the path from now on and prepare yourselves not to stumble nor become lost along that path. Be aware that just as there are many roads in this world which can lead man astray, paths also exist in the vast spiritual valley which can lead the spirit to confusion if it has not prayed nor been alert.

9. Allow the sap of my love to give you life. Remember that I have told you, I am the vine and you are the branches. You must produce fruit which glorify the tree from which you came.

10. It is necessary that you patiently analyze my word so that tomorrow you know how to explain it to your brothers. Also, this will prepare you to practice it according to the truth which it contains. When will man reach the perfection which my law teaches? When he has fulfilled the first commandment, for until now humanity has loved all the things of the world more than its Creator. Nevertheless, when men elevate their prayer to me, all say they love me, and when they are suffering as a result of their sins, they ask me, Lord, why do you punish us when we love you so much? But soon after, when I have removed the thorn from their path which made them weep, they forget the one who loves them so much.

11. Listen! There were once two men praying in a synagogue. One of them wore luxurious robes and the other was nearly naked. The first was giving thanks to the Creator for all that he possessed because he believed that he obtained that by his own merits. And he judged that the one who was beside him, poor, naked, and hungry, was in that state because he was reaping the harvest which he had sown with his sin.

12. The poor man felt unworthy of being in the presence of his Lord and asked for forgiveness and strength in order to complete his restitution.

13. The powerful man gave thanks because he judged that if his body was adorned with wealth, his spirit must be even more so.

14. Time passed and death came suddenly to both. The rich man was mourned by his own people. His burial was filled with religious ceremonies, and he had a rich tomb. His spirit left its physical body and on entering the spiritual valley became disturbed because its materialism prevented its elevation. Wherever it stepped, it stumbled, and everything seemed to be in darkness around it. Meanwhile, the poor man, who was a traveler, feeling tired, sat under a tree and giving a sigh left this earth. No one mourned for him; no one was with him in that hour. He did not have a tomb because his body was nourishment for the birds of prey. His spirit also went to the beyond with the faith with which he had lived in the world, faith placed in the future. He entered the valley of spirits without anyone preventing his entrance. He walked toward a light; on coming to it, he felt himself dressed and adorned, and those garments had luminous reflections. That spirit wished to rest from its long journey, but then it saw the Divine Father, who lovingly gave it the reward which it had gained with its deeds of faith and resignation.

15. The one who had been powerful, asked itself questions amidst its confusion. For a few moments it would forget who it was; it would weep during some instants asking where it was, where its body was, and where it had left its treasures. Then it would remember its Lord and say to him, I am the one who presented myself in the temple to show my wealth and my power and to tell you that I was satisfied with what you had given me. Why do you now ignore me and do not call me? Then it heard a voice which said to it, On earth you only worked for glory for your human vanity. You were arrogant. You humiliated the poor and were horrified by the leper. Nothing of what you accumulated in the world could be used to help you in this life. That is the reason why you are now the most needy among the needy.

16. That spirit refused to accept and recognize God's divine justice and was not interested in following the path of restitution with humility. It cursed the Lord, calling him unjust and moving away from him. More and more disturbed by its anger, it met a legion of beings along its path who were bound toward earth to bring harm to humanity; it joined that legion, sowing in its path vanity, materialism, selfishness, and arrogance. But it began to feel disgusted, and tired from causing so much harm, it stopped to meditate for an instant. Centuries had passed and, during that time, it had produced many victims because all those whom it had inspired had fallen into the abyss. If felt alone, but in its solitude it heard a voice which spoke to it from the depth of its being. Its conscience at last succeeded in being heard. It judged itself and saw that it was very small compared to all of creation. No longer arrogant, the spirit humbly sought its Lord, and in its prayer spoke to him, asking forgiveness for its faults. And the voice of the Father said to it, I forgive you, but go in search of that hungry man whom you judged in the synagogue. When it was willing to follow that command, it looked up and saw the being who had lived in poverty on earth but who was now clothed in very white garments, dedicated to serving its Lord, and creating light along the path of lost spirits. Then the one who had been arrogant, but who had now repented, said to that brother, Help me fulfill my spiritual restitution. The other, filled with love and compassion, helped it in its purification without feeling repulsed by the impurities which it had in its spirit.

17. Through this parable I explain to you in a simplified manner what you may encounter once you depart from earth. I want you to be aware of the ordeals that one may confront when he enters the spiritual valley unprepared because he has failed to practice deeds of love on earth.

18. I want you to realize that every being who lives a righteous, spiritual, and healthy life, without fanaticism, is setting an example for others to follow. Those examples will emit rays of light that will illuminate the path for his brethren on earth, as well as for those in the spiritual valley.

19. Before Christ, no one had been able to enlighten those spirits that lived in darkness and sin.

20. I was the first to penetrate those worlds where perturbed beings dwelt in order to offer them enlightenment and, thus, teach my disciples to do the same with their brothers. For the Shepherd was the only one to open the seals which guarded the "Great Book of life and true wisdom."

21. The voice which you hear is that of the Sixth Seal, and if it was not heard by all nations, it was because men were not prepared. For they reacted with arrogance when I summoned them; only the poor, the hungry, and the naked were interested in listening to my words.

22. Today, I say to you, Know how to forgive and know how to extend your hand when you are asked for assistance.

23. Follow Elijah's path of humility and patience. I have asked him to purify spirits and present them to me. He has worked untiringly and has brought together this multitude of people who are purified, sensitive, and prepared to listen to my word. He has brought you to the new Mount Zion in order for you to listen to my voice, and upon hearing my voice you have trembled. Do not doubt because I am now bringing my teaching through human spokesmen. I have always come to surprise you and test your faith. You have entered a new period and must take one step forward along your path of spiritual evolution.

24. Blessed are those who sacrifice their physical body to perfect their spirits. Blessed are those who carry their cross with humility and patience. When I find you prepared, I will place you before a multitude so that you might guide it, and if you persevere in virtue, arrogance will not enter your hearts; you will not feel as lords but rather as servants, and those multitudes will multiply. But woe unto those who misinterpret my mandates and lead their brothers to the abyss instead of having them ascend the mountain of their spiritual evolution. They will greatly struggle to defend themselves from their enemies, and often their hearts will experience great sorrow in that struggle! But you, in your obedience, be aware that you are conquering the summit where all suffering is rewarded with my blessing.

25. The promised generations will soon come to earth and they will quickly advance along the path of spiritual evolution. They will interpret my word better than you and will spread it among all people. Those new beings whom I prepare today will communicate with me from spirit to Spirit and will give proof of their power among their fellow men.

26. Beloved people, if you prepare yourselves, I will inspire laws and deeds through you which will surprise humanity. Your enlightened minds will discover all that is great and perfect in nature and in your spirits. Then you will have full knowledge of your gifts, and your works will be great in love and charity toward your brothers.

27. Be good laborers in your Master's garden. Cut down the bad weeds, care for the plants, and when you see them flourish, be joyful and offer me your work. Be aware that if I give you the mission of offering life to the plants, you should not cause pain nor damage to those plants. I am speaking to you of your brothers, of their sensitive hearts, so that you will always watch over them with love as I have taught you.

28. Be aware that it is not impossible to obey my laws. You need only to pray, and to fill yourselves with a firm will, with love for your Father, with charity and love toward your brothers, and I will have my power overflow into you. I do not want you to come to the point of sacrifice; love, be virtuous, and my joy will be in you.

29. Do not blame me if you separate from my path. I have given you a conscience so that you might guide yourselves with its light. It is the unyielding judge which has always shown you the way of goodness and has warned you so that you might not fall into temptation. I have also surrounded you with beings to help you understand your mission and acquire the virtues of humility and gentleness.

30. Those of you who prepare yourselves with love to hear my teaching do not want to miss hearing even one of my lessons, and in your hearts you ask me to allow you to hear every one of my words in this era. You will remain as heirs of this grace; but you should understand that when I tell you, Ask and it will be given to you, you should elevate yourselves in prayer so that you may ask for those things which are important to your spirit. For some only ask for things they need for their earthly lives, but I grant according to my will and not yours. What would become of you if I were to always give to you according to your desires? There have been many times you have asked me persistently for something, believing it is for your good, and have waited for it from evening until the dawn. Although your request was not granted, as time passed by, you became aware that you were wrong and that the Father was right. Nevertheless, those who are stubborn, rebellious, and demanding have been granted what they request so that, as a result of their painful and difficult experiences, they may learn to yield before the truth. But I have granted ordeals to some individuals for their own good. While some learn through love, others learn through pain.

31. I rejoice seeing you come before my teaching, and as you elevate your spirit, I feel your embrace. The Father, yearning to be loved by those who are far from his kingdom, has approached you in order to receive your kiss. And as long as humanity has not attained salvation, some individuals will see me waiting for them day after day and century after century, and others will envision me hanging from the cross because of their lack of love.

32. You are among those, but on hearing my word you have seen that rather than condemn you, I have forgiven you. I have observed that there is bitterness on your lips and have sweetened them with my word. I have seen that you are weary from the ordeals of life and have given you my strength.

33. The one who feels his body covered with pain asks himself if he might not have made bad use of it and questions me with repentance in order to know how to regain his strength, which would allow him to continue struggling. Then I tell him, Penetrate into the essence of my word, which is the law, and in its precepts and laws each individual will find the teaching that he needs.

34. Do not depart until you have eaten from all the fruits of this table, and if after that, you are not satisfied, you may go in search of other feasts. But if you want to understand my truth, prepare yourselves, and do not doubt my presence simply because you have not received what you have asked of me. Truly I say to you that your treasure is in my secret sanctuary awaiting the moment of your preparation so that your spirit may receive it.

35. Some remain strong on this path; others weaken at each moment because they listen to the words of their brothers who tempt them to abandon this teaching.

36. The Master tells you, Continue to receive my teaching for a few more days, and pay attention to what you hear from me so that you may enlighten your spirit, for you are still blind. I know that you must return to me and that you will be apostles of this doctrine.

37. Whoever has heard me at least once carries a wound of love in his heart which will never close.

38. How many of those who found peace here without becoming aware of it will have to lose it in order to return to me, for they will be convinced that peace can not be bought with material wealth since it is a treasure which descends from God.

39. Peace has fled from men, and in order for them to find it, they will have to elevate toward me. Today the powerful have lost their strength, kings tremble before their rebellious servants, lords have become slaves, those who believed themselves free are bound by my justice, and men of science are confused.

40. Be aware that all the treasures and powers of men can not buy a small amount of peace, and also that the gift of healing has departed from the doctors, who will not be able to buy one single drop of my healing balsam with all of their science as long as their hearts do not eliminate their selfishness.

41. Beloved disciples, do not doubt the grace which I have entrusted to you, neither fear because of the poverty of your clothing or because of the humble place which you occupy among your brothers. Do not fear because you observe that you are among those who are less important in your place of work. Do not feel humiliated; be satisfied and consider yourselves worthy. Understand that if materially you are under the mandate of your brothers, your spirits are above them. You could even come to be slaves in the world, but your spirits have been liberated with my light so that they might dwell in the infinite and in the eternal. The spirit, which truly is my servant, knows peace and true freedom.

42. You will have to fulfill your mission among humanity. I will guide you so that you will enlighten your brothers. And you should not feel incapable of fulfilling your destiny, for no one has been assigned a duty which is impossible to fulfill. It will be sufficient if you pray with purity and are always prepared.

43. Wisdom is attained with prayer. It is the key which opens the divine sanctuary, and it is the language with which your spirit speaks to the Lord.

44. You will be able to perform many miracles and practice much charity along your path when you become prepared as I have taught you! You will not need books of science nor philosophies to acquire knowledge or to teach. You need not do more than study and analyze the teachings which I have given to you in all three eras.

45. Though you are poor, you will never be outcasts. Struggle, as do all, for the bread of the earth, but do not work more than is proper; do not sacrifice your body in trying to obtain and treasure material goods. Distribute your time so that you are able to grant a few moments helping your spirit to evolve.

46. If I condemn absolute materialization in man, it does not mean that I advise you to only seek the spiritual. While you are in this world and possess a material body, you will have to harmonize the needs of the body with those of the spirit as much as you are able to do in your life. Give to God what is God's and to the world what is of the world.

47. Cloth your body to protect it against the harsh weather, but also cloth your spirit with light. Seek bread for your material body, and just as you seek bread that is of good taste and healthy to nourish you, also seek true nourishment for your spirit.

48. If the flesh dominates, the spirit suffers; if the spirit dominates, the material body suffers. Truly I say to you that this occurs because there is no harmony between them. This harmony exists when both form one single body and one single will. Do not feel satisfied believing that by praying you have fulfilled your mission. I only ask you for five minutes of prayer so that you can dedicate the rest of the time to fulfilling your material responsibilities in life as well as your spiritual responsibilities. Sow the seed of love and charity among your brethren with your good deeds. My word prepares you; if you were weak, I could not send you to help those who have fallen, nor would I send you to comfort the sad if you were sick.

49. Disciples, what do you request for those who place stumbling blocks along your path in order to make you fall? You ask that they be forgiven. I bless those individuals who make you suffer for my cause.

50. Live peacefully in your home. Make it a sanctuary so that when the invisible beings, who wander confused in the spiritual valley, enter into your home they will discover the enlightenment and peace that they seek. This will help them to elevate spiritually in the spiritual valley.

51. What would become of those beings if they observed only turmoil within your homes? What would become of those needy spiritual beings?

52. Take a torch, light it, and do not allow its light to go out. That light represents the love for your brothers and the faith in the charity of your Father. Then you will feel my peace in your home. To feel my peace, you will need to prepare your heart and cleanse your spirit by repenting and regenerating yourself. This will allow you to comprehend the essence of my word and to feel comfort. I dwell among you and offer you my teaching through this word so that you may feel my presence and give testimony of me. I am giving you one more opportunity to hear my lesson because I want you to obey my mandates and to follow the right path until you reach the promised land. Once you reach that land, you will rest from your pilgrimage and receive the reward offered by your Father.

53. It is necessary that you comprehend my word so that you will not cast it away similar to an arrogant child rejecting the bread that is offered to him. This word comes to save you and to separate you from your erroneous traditions, from fanaticism, and the confusion into which religions have caused you to fall. If you do not understand my word, or are not willing to hear it and study it, you will be rejecting me and will not come to know the purpose of my manifestation in this Third Era. The assigned date for this manifestation to end will arrive, and then you will feel an emptiness in your heart. You will realize that you have failed to appreciate the blessing that you were given. Although you will summon me, I will no longer manifest myself through human spokesmen. You will feel great remorse once you realize your mistake, and you will have no peace. Do you want to drink from that bitter chalice? I will observe you with pain and will await the day of your return. Allow your spirit to be free and come to me. Practice spirituality so that you can progress and evolve along the path of true life.

54. Be virtuous in your deeds, and when you correct your brothers, do not judge them nor condemn them. Do not take the whip to physically punish a fellow human being.

55. In the Second Era, having entered Jerusalem, Jesus found that the temple, the place dedicated to prayer and worship, had been converted into a market. And the Master, filled with passion, cast out those who had disrespected the temple, saying to them, "My Father’s house is not a market place." Those who were cast out were less guilty for what they did than those who were responsible for guiding men in the law of God. The priests had converted the temple into a place where ambitions and grandeur reigned, and that kingdom was destroyed.

56. Today, I have not taken a whip to punish those who disrespect my law. I have allowed them to feel the consequences of their own faults so that they may realize that my law is inflexible and unchangeable. I have pointed out to man the righteous path that he needs to follow. If he departs from it, he exposes himself to the consequences of having broken my righteous law where my love is manifested.

57. Devotedly guide your children. Teach them to obey the spiritual and the material laws: and if they break them, correct them, for you as parents represent me on earth. Therefore, remember Jesus, who filled with holy anger, gave the merchants of Jerusalem a lesson for all times, defending the divine cause, the unchangeable laws.

58. Humanity asks me for tranquility, even though it possesses the gift of peace which it can attain by fulfilling its duties. But I ask you, do you need to experience war before you can have peace? Behold at how the good seed has been trampled by the bad. Some nations destroy others, and those which are strong today will be destroyed tomorrow. And in these moments the people of Israel intercede on behalf of humanity and tell me, Master, I have prayed, but you have not granted my request. Do you know, my people, how much suffering you have alleviated and how much hope your prayer has inspired in those individuals? I am not the one who should declare that peace should exist on earth, but rather man should declare that once his heart is filled with love and humility.

59. How great is the ignorance presented to me by humanity! Neither the wise nor the ignorant have obeyed my laws, and although both have me as a teacher, they have not listened to my lessons. If your faults cause your spiritual death, nourish yourself with my word which is the bread of eternal life. Be alert, practice my doctrine, and love your brothers.

60. This teaching is like a new day which illumines the path of humanity. You have seen an era disappear into the sunset and a new dawn appear, a time in which men will spiritually awaken and become enlightened. You have seen negative passions unleashed, sin offering bitter and painful fruits, evil invading homes and nations, and injustice dominating man. But I come to detain all of those things; I have not come to judge the world, but to guide it. Do not say that your suffering is caused by me, for it is you that have caused your own pain. I have created you so that you might live, experience, and elevate yourselves through your good deeds. Nevertheless, I love you, and because I love you, I feel your pain. I have come as Comforter and Teacher to return to you those gifts which you have lost and to announce to you that the kingdom of peace is descending upon mankind. You need to prepare yourself to enter that kingdom. Humanity will be transformed, and goodness will dwell in the hearts of men.

61. From the beginning of time I have spoken to you in many forms in order for you to understand me, especially those of you who have been my trusted friends, my spokesmen and messengers, who have taken my messages to the other nations. Today, I tell you to patiently continue your mission. Do not hesitate even if your brothers are unable to comprehend and believe your message. While you have believed in my manifestation as the Divine Spirit during this era, others are still not prepared to receive this news. But do not become disillusioned nor reject your brothers for that reason. What you yourselves can not do, I will do, and I will present my doctrine to the world and fulfill my promise.

62. I have chosen this nation, and it pleases me that my workers will arise from this land to spread my seed. I am preparing you to be teachers, not judges, among your brothers. Do not forget that I have left you among your brothers as servants and not as lords.

63. When this word becomes known and sought by your fellow men I will tell them, Come to me, wanderers, for I have that water that will quench your spiritual thirst. I observe you poor spiritually and materially, but I have come to give you much more than you had requested. I offer you a kingdom of peace, just as I did to the first human beings which I sent to earth. This water that I offer you is not from the springs, nor is the peace which I offer you temporary. I offer you eternal peace and grace, as well as divine truth and enlightenment.

64. I bring forgiveness and comfort to all, including those who love me as well as those who feel indifferent towards me. I do not criticize the one who has injured me but rather bless him, for I know that someday he will love me.

65. You must not yearn for earthly pleasures, for those things which exist today will not exist tomorrow. Seek and prepare yourself for the eternal life, that life from which no one returns, for it is the supreme truth. Come to it through the path of my teaching. Come by fulfilling my mandate, which I have given to you during all periods, which tells you to love one another.

66. Your Father greatly rejoices communicating with his children.

After this time, in which I gave you my word through man, you will learn to seek me in the infinite, and your communion will be pure and more constant. It will be the communication of spirit to Spirit.

67. What great happiness I observe in my children because they have heard me once again! And how they recognize and follow me! Again I repeat, my children, Love one another as I have always taught you.

68. I have called you to make you great in spirit, not lords of the world.

69. If you are humiliated for the sake of my cause, I will praise you; if you suffer pain, I will comfort you.

My Peace be with you!


Teaching 42

1. I come to remove the obstacles from your path which might disturb your work in my fields, for you are the ones elected to fulfill that mission. You should make known the truth of my teaching to humanity. Be strong, for I have noticed that you lack faith, that you allow yourselves to be overcome by discouragement, and that you do not arise with strength from your falls. You once again doubt as you did in the Second Era, and in order to believe you ask me for material proofs, which I shall not give to you. Do not imitate the scribes and priests who, having the scriptures in their hands, thought that my arrival among humanity in the Second Era would occur in a certain form. And on seeing that I was fulfilling my mission in a manner that was different from what they expected, they doubted. The miracles they requested were not granted to them since I had already outlined the path that I would follow and all was fulfilled according to what was written for eternity.

2. You doubt because your hearts are not prepared. You were not aware of my prophecies, and very few have analyzed and understood my revelations in all their truth. But though your hearts were not aware of it, your spirits sensed that I was to come among you once more. And today, my word like a fine chisel is molding you and proving the truth of my manifestation. Truly I say to you that you should not attempt to test your Father. Pray and enter into deep meditation since it is now time for you to return to me and to become reunited with your Creator.

3. Be aware that if you have wept on earth, I am not the one who has caused that suffering. I have not rejoiced in your suffering nor have I been indifferent to your pain. I have only wanted to prepare and to elevate your spirits. I have always loved and forgiven you.

4. Penetrate into the essence of my word and discover all that I want to reveal to you through these illiterate spokesmen, although you should not yearn to hear me only through them. I have taught you the perfect prayer in order for you to communicate spirit to Spirit with your Father. This will allow you to speak to me in the language which belongs to the spirit and receive to my wise and loving answers.

5. Why do you carelessly overlook my spiritual doctrine and ignore the voice of the conscience which is speaking to you? Why do you only believe human words and judgements, thus allowing your spirit to wilt like the flowers under a hot son without water?

6. Children will communicate with me. They will receive my messages and will surprise you with their advancement. They will teach you my doctrine of love, and they will have strong beliefs, but do not feel humiliated by that. If in the midst of your homes you observe that they offer signs of spirituality, guide their steps. Allow them to rejoice and feel ecstatic as they spiritually perceive the elevated regions where the virtuous beings live. And while they are in that ecstasy, they will feel that they are close to me and will forget their sufferings.

7. Do you not see the patience as well as the anguish in your Father as he observes the slow awakening of his children? My charity guides you to achieve peace. The ordeals that humanity is enduring are making you become aware of the narrow path that man will have to follow in order to reach me. Everyone will have to follow that path to reunite with the Creator.

8. You will find among you laborers who love humanity and who struggle to enlighten mankind. Today, they come filled with faith to offer me the fruit of their labor. There you will find the innocent child who has heard my teaching, who has done his share of the work, and who today presents me the first fruits of his spiritual harvest. His prayer is a request for his brothers to attain peace. For him to be happy, it is not enough that his nation finds itself at peace. He hears the cries of human beings which he does not know but is aware of their suffering. His spirit is deeply touched, and he prays for his brethren. Then I tell him: Peace will come when the trial has left its seed in the hearts of those who suffer today and when the pain has purified their spirits.

9. Be aware that while you are listening to my word during these joyful moments in which you elevate yourselves spiritually to be closer to me, many of your brothers are dying in battlefields; that many mothers have seen their sons depart, and their hearts are filled with pain; that many young children are weeping because they have been abandoned by their parents, and that everyone is struggling in their pain. I say to you that you are unaware of the period in which you live, for this is a time of restitution and hard ordeals. You, as my disciples, feel the need to pray so that peace and comfort may descend upon your brothers, and I ask you if you have known how to take advantage of the peace that I have granted you.

10. Why do parents weep, feeling that their family is a heavy cross which they bear on their shoulders? And having me so close, why are others spiritually ill? It is because they lack faith and trust in me and have not regenerated themselves.

11. You people of Israel, do not sin, but rather help sinners to attain salvation and enlighten those who have become confused. If you want to keep your peace, work on their behalf, honor your parents, and perceive everyone as your brother. Love one another.

12. Every time you come close to me you feel that my love strengthens your spirit and physical body. You also know that when you move away, you no longer feel peace and your spirit begins to suffer. Your conscience always truly tells you if you are on the path of the law or if you have departed from it. I am the law, and I always inspire you to fulfill it.

13. When you stubbornly pursue the enjoyment of forbidden pleasures, I permit you to learn through personal experience that those pleasures always offers you pain. You become disillusioned after having stumbled and you return to me, asking that the pain be a part of your restitution.

14. Learn in order to prepare those individuals who are anxious to know my word, and you will be able to speak without fear. If there is any trace of selfishness in your heart, you will not be able to offer anything to your brethren. Be aware of the love and charity with which I speak to all of my children, and offer that same love to your brothers.

15. The time approaches in which I will send you throughout territories and nations to enlighten your brethren. You should prepare yourselves by studying and analyzing my doctrine in order to offer testimony of its truth through your deeds of love and charity. I do not want you to later regret the time which you lost by not having taken advantage of my teaching for there will be great ordeals. Many will regret not having heard me or believing in my teachings, and some will be dwelling in the spiritual valley by 1950.

16. Some of my children weep on hearing my word. May those tears serve to cleanse those who have become stained.

17. You who are listening to me need to fulfill my will as you did in the First and Second Eras, for you are the same spirits which have been evolving throughout the eras. When you have reached the end of your restitution, you will come to me and not return to incarnate on earth. I have told you many times that if I had incarnated in this era to give you my word as I did in the Second Era, I would have been crucified once more. That lesson has passed, and today I come to give you the lesson which corresponds to this time. Be aware that the form in which I manifest myself through human spokesmen to communicate with you, offers you more proof of my love for you. These individuals who serve me carry a heavy cross, and they will suffer for having followed me. They will be rejected and ridiculed. But I will welcome their spirits, and later, when they have finished their mission, I will give them rest and peace.

18. Today, you ask me to fulfill your superficial needs, and tell you, Ask more on behalf of your spirits, for all other things will be given to your additionally.

19. Be aware that you are only passengers on earth, and that on your long journey you have harvested pain and have met with sin; and after you have fallen, and not finding a charitable hand to help you arise, you have recalled that there is a kind Father in the beyond who is willing to give you all that you need. In him you can find a cure for your illnesses, not only those which cause your bodies to be ill, but those which affect your spirit which are like a painful weight that overwhelms you.

20. O beloved children, although you have not wanted to elevate your spirits and have not allowed them the necessary time to meditate and fulfill their duties, be aware of the many gifts that you possess! You possess all that you need to reach the top of the mountain where your Father awaits you to give you your reward. All of you are enlightened and prepared to know the revelations of this time. If you spiritualize yourselves, not only can you work on earth, but I will permit you to transport yourselves to other regions where your brothers live, and there, as good laborers, you will also sow the seed of love and charity which your Father has entrusted to you.

21. Do not be satisfied with the first lesson that you have received. Continue forward, seek my word, and know its essence so that you can speak with certainty to your brothers. Do not fear the judgement or the ridicule of mankind. Could they persecute you if there is purity in your heart and righteousness in your deeds?

22. I rejoice welcoming those who are innocent and righteous and who come to solicit my help; they seek me as the Doctor of doctors. But I also am pleased to observe that you forget your sorrows in order to present me to your needy brothers, to those whom you have converted with my teaching. I bless those who have alleviated the suffering of their brethren and have given them strength so that they will fulfill my commandment which tells you to love one another.

23. I have observed how some of my children distrust me, not allowing their spirits to develop their gifts. And when it has been necessary for them to speak to humanity about my doctrine, they have become silent, not remembering that I have said that I will speak through all those who are prepared, and that if no one is prepared, I will speak through the elements of nature.

24. I ask my children who wander on the earth without knowing their elevated destiny, When do you intend to fulfill your mission? If you sleep today, you will awaken tomorrow in the beyond and will weep over the time that you have wasted. You will ask me to let you return to the earth, but then your restitution will be very painful.

25. When you hear the Divine Master warning you and you judge your deeds according to your conscience, you discover that the seed which I have given to you has not multiplied. I ask you, How are you going to prepare the new disciples who will come seeking this heritage if you fail to offer testimony of this Doctrine with your deeds?

26. On the first day of the year of 1939,1 announced to you that war was soon to come. You felt the destruction and the chaos that was occurring in many nations. You have seen war after war go by, and you still are not aware of the time in which you are living. In future years you will see great disagreement and conflict among nations.

27. Strong nations will confront one another, and in that battle many will lose their power and will surrender. In the meantime, many human beings will die and their spirits will enter the spiritual valley in a state of confusion and pain due to a lack of spiritual preparation. But on their way they will find Elijah pointing out to them the path of their restitution.

28. Today, I announce to you that the time is approaching in which great spirits will come to the earth to work for the peace and elevation of humanity. Prepare the path for those generations.

29. Blessed are those who hearing my word have believed in this doctrine. But I also tell you, Blessed are those who believe without having heard me, who carry a temple in their hearts, and who love and pray for their brothers. Their faith is like an burning flame which illuminates the path of their restitution, for they will be able to perceive my presence with their faith.

30. Today, you come to this fountain of grace in order to quench your thirst, and you recall my words in which I said, He who drinks of this water will not thirst again. Your thirst in this time is for light, truth, and peace. You know only pain and falsehood, and you seek the healing balsam which will heal your wounds and revive your hope. I am here welcoming you and offering you comfort. You impatiently await the days when I give you my word, and each of you says to me: Father, my spirit only finds rest during these moments listening to your word. While I listen to you, I forget those things that pertain to the world and I feel the peace of your Spirit embracing my entire being.

31. Blessed are those who have recognized that this is the time of grace in which my teachings guide you and help you in your restitution. If you know how to listen to me and follow my laws, there will be no human power capable of hurting you, and you will feel caressed and guided by the Father.

32. If you have not sought me before, today you know that the hour of your spiritual awakening has been set, and that I awaited your arrival to offer you your heritage. Now that you have received my benefits, you are highly grateful and you are requesting to become one of my workers. I approve your request because I had sent you to earth to become familiar with my Doctrine and to extend it among humanity. But in order to attain the spiritual knowledge and develop the spiritual gifts with which you are blessed, you will first have to struggle against your materialism, your weaknesses, and your sins. Then when you feel that you have become prepared and have been purified with your restitution, offer your love to your brethren like a jewel of infinite value.

33. You have not come to earth to offer tribute to the world, for you have a much more elevated mission. As disciples of your Father, your mission awaits you. After you have battled to establish my doctrine on earth and you are physically exhausted having traveled that long path, I want you to come to me. Do not be afraid to arrive naked, without clothing and without provisions, for if you gave all of your belongings to your brothers, I will return to you that which you gave them. I will endow you with my divine grace because of the love and charity you offered your brethren.

34. A great battle awaits you, but your spirit will not become weary fulfilling its mission, for you will be helped by the good Shepherd and by your spiritual brethren. If you love me, if you have faith, the task will be easy. I will triumph over the disbelief of those spirits that are stubborn, and they will listen to you. However, there will be some beings who will not become familiar with this doctrine during their present incarnation on earth. I had already told you that not all human beings who presently live on earth will become familiar with these teachings from the Third Era. Many will have to go to the spiritual valley, and from there they will perceive this work of love and will believe. Those who witnessed my manifestation in this era but were unable to comprehend my word nor my divine will, will work after they depart from earth and fulfill their mission.

35. Even when my lesson is clear, not all of you have analyzed nor understood it. You have not nourished yourselves with this fruit which I have offered you in this era. I have told you that every tree is recognized by its fruit. The flavor of my word is sweet and its essence gives life to the spirit, but you have not wanted to recognize its truth.

36. You have been similar to small fragile vessels in the midst of a raging sea and have allowed your faith to be extinguished many times. Although you know that I am with you, you do not feel me, even though many times I have told you that your lashes are further from your eyes than my Spirit is from your spirit.

37. Be alert because the wolf, disguised as a lamb, is always trying to tempt you. When you are finally ready to share this divine love and charity with your brothers, temptation approaches and causes you to change what you wanted to do.

38. If you find that your brothers who follow a different doctrine point our your errors and teach you, be humble and hear their words, for my inspiration descends to everyone who prepares himself, and you do not know if it is my will to use them to correct you. I have chosen my disciples from all classes; there are those who lived in poverty and begged in order to nourish themselves; also, there were others who have lived a life of wealth and comfort. I have summoned these wealthy individuals, but not understanding the treasure that I have come to offer them, they feel ashamed to join this multitude.

39. I forgive your sins, even when you are unaware that you have sinned, and I always show you the path through which you can reach me. Can the child present himself to the Father with a stained spirit, not having practiced virtuous deeds? His conscience will tell him that only after he has fulfilled his mission will he be able to return to me.

40. Understand that each moment that passes reduces the time in which I will give you my word. Become aware of its importance so that tomorrow you will not weep for failing to take advantage of my teaching.

41. Meditate on the fact that you must fulfill the mission of giving the good news to your brothers, just as there was someone on your path who shared the good news with you. Who can forget the one who spoke to you of my word and led you to my presence? Do you not want someone to remember you with tenderness and gratitude?

42. Persevere in goodness. Allow your heart to be purified by practicing virtuous deeds, and you will see the development of your spiritual gifts. Do not turn back, for you will feel as if you have lost those gifts.

43. The time has come for you not only to ask but to know how to ask so that you will not say: Father, I have greatly pleaded but you have not granted my request.

44. Do not forget that I have much more to give you than what you request, and that while you are asking the Father to give to you, I am asking you to know how to receive.

45. Be one of my good disciples who will embrace their mission with true love and faith. If yesterday you walked along uncertain and forbidden paths, today you must walk along the path of my law. If yesterday in your confusion you lifted your hand to hurt your fellow man, now you should use that hand to tenderly caress your brethren. If yesterday you sowed the seed of hatred and of ill will along your path, today you should be sowing the seed of peace and brotherhood along that path.

46. Truly I say to you, Whoever remembers your deeds of yesterday and sees you now transformed into my disciple will have to recognize that there is truth in the essence of your faith. Then you will not have to speak much to convince those whom you try to teach, for your deeds will be the best testimony you give to your brothers.

47. To mothers I say, Teach you children how to take their first steps physically as well as spiritually so that they will be able to find me, love me, and elevate themselves. Be aware that each new generation which emerges among you will attain greater and greater spiritual progress. Use intuition to guide them, and do not give them bad examples or bad fruit to eat.

48. I do not want those new generations to stumble or separate from my path because of you. I do not want to observe them weeping due to a lack of love among their brothers.

49. Today, as I observe that your spirits are humble I come to give you my new mandates. In past times, all of you dreamed of power, wealth, worldly glory and pleasures, and it was then that you shouted against Jesus, Crucify him! You did that because Christ came to preach humility and to teach man to renounce all things that are insignificant. Today, you are satisfied with a little peace, a loaf of bread, and a secure roof over your heads. Life with its lessons has made you humble, and with that your spirit has attained freedom.

50. As long as man possesses the temporary peace offered by the world, and believes he possesses everything, he will not approach me. But when humanity attains true spirituality, it will possess everything, and its joy and delight will be profound and real, similarly to how the Father rejoices and takes pleasure in all things that he has created.

51. O people of Israel, my charity observes you and judges your deeds. All beings are being judged by my divine judgement and no one will escape it.

52. I have only wanted peace and well-being for my children, but they have sought pain and purification. My law does not permit imperfection, therefore, everyone who has become stained must be cleansed and everyone who has separated from the path must return to it. From this nation you are observing that other cities are being destroyed by misery and hardship, yet you remain insensitive to the suffering of others. Also, you do not appreciate the peace you enjoy nor do you recognize the privileges which I have granted to you. You refuse to accept my divine will, thus, you consider your trials to be unjust and you turn against me. I am waiting for you to depart from earth so that you yourselves can judge your lives. Then you will become an unyielding judge of your spirit and you will realize that the Divine Father always offers you his forgiveness, blessings, and love.

53. You have become weary due to your constant disobedience, and that is why you are weeping. You have been asleep for a long time, and your awakening will be bitter. I have promised humanity to send an army of 144,000 beings who will be scattered throughout the world. Humanity is awaiting them because it knows that each one of them is a spokesman and an interpreter of my mandates.

54. The entire earth will be greatly tested and shaken, and every nation, institution, and household will be fully judged. Once that occurs and humanity has cleansed every stain, you will go prepared in my name to take my doctrine to your brethren.

55. I, the Father, have wept observing humanity ascend to its highest level of wickedness. Mankind has ignored my words and disregarded my laws. But the hour is approaching when man will carefully examine himself, and on that day I will pour upon him all that I have reserved for him because he is my very beloved child.

56. Those who believe in me will perceive my presence more readily than those who doubt. Many times I have summoned you and you have not heard nor felt my presence. I only come to tell you to regenerate yourself so that your spirit will enter this time of light and grace cleansed and without stains. When you possess my seed, sow it, and convert the dry lands into fertile fields with your prayers.

57. Love one another and live in peace in your homes, for I have observed that in a family of five, two are against three and three against two.

58. When you find yourselves separated from beings who were flesh of your flesh and who now dwell in the spiritual valley, do not forget them. Communicate with them through your prayer and help them to work and to elevate their spirits. Think about how short your lives are on earth, and thus make use of your spiritual gifts and powers, practicing great deeds which will redeem and save you.

59. I give you spiritual bread for your spirit, but you need to seek the material bread. But just as you eagerly seek physical tranquility and well being, also seek spiritual progress. Your cross is not heavy. If I taught you to climb the hill of Calvary when I was carrying the cross of labor, suffering, and sins of all humanity, why would you not be able to climb that hill when I have given you a lighter cross? If you weaken under its weight, you have me as a helper, and I will not allow you to fall.

60. The pain which you choose to greatly avoid will only enable you to purify and renew your spirit. You, yourselves, have experienced that many times after a trial, you feel relieved, cleansed, and at peace with your conscience.

61. This word will offer hope to the inhabitants of those nations who today find themselves weary from suffering. But I say to you that soon, very soon, they will perceive my arms open as I was on the cross, lovingly awaiting to embrace them and to take them to my mansion of peace.

My Peace be with you!


Teaching 43

1. Why do you experience fear in your heart when I present myself before you as Jehovah? If I am your Father, I am love. I am the one who gives you your daily bread. I am the one who guides your spirit and helps you to rise when you stumble.

2. I come to give you strength in these moments of trials in which the elements of creation tremble from the thunderous noise of war. Do not fear, but try to rekindle your devotion and elevation, so that you are able to feel the pain that your brethren are enduring in wars where brothers are killing one another. Thus, you will be able to feel their suffering and sorrows. Pray so that humanity may attain peace, unity, and good will.

3. Your children will be called upon to take up arms. Allow them to depart, for they will not perish. From this day on I will endow them with my grace, and they will shed the light of my doctrine among their brothers.

4. In spite of all the evils caused by war, I do not want you to view the inhabitants of those nations as enemies so that tomorrow you may see them as brothers.

5. Today humanity has united to create wars. Nations have been at war with one another, erasing boundaries and blending languages. Nations have failed to unite with one another through love, instead, the hatred that men feel for one another has produced wars. But I, who am power, will show you that I can unite you by using your errors. For when this battle is ended, hearts will find themselves cleansed by pain. Men will become enlightened, and they will be on the way to attaining peace.

6. Blessed are those who have fought and worked for peace. Blessed are those who, believing in my voice, have arisen along the paths sowing my light and truth.

7. My Spirit is deeply touched observing the pain of humanity, whose weeping is heard in the heavens. Truly I say to you, May the pain which I suffer as the Divine Father be converted into a dew of grace that descends upon my children.

8. Endure your suffering with patience and humility, for your weeping shall be converted into rejoicing.

9. If the Father were to ask you in this instant whether you have fulfilled your mission on earth, if in your hand you bring the golden fruit of your labor, if you have loved one another, and if you have known how to forgive, you would have to tell me that you have fulfilled none of these. Do you then believe that through your own merits you became worthy of hearing my word? No, your spirit tell me.

10. My people, eras have passed and you are still spiritually asleep. Awaken and behold that you have not truly appreciated the life which you have enjoyed on this earth.

11. My voice has come to awaken you with love and tenderness. But do not view this word as a gentle lullaby so that you may continue to sleep, because the Divine Judge is present in the essence of this word to judge each of your deeds.

12. Do not be among those who wait for my justice to touch them in order to believe and awaken.

13. Do not yet say that you truly love me. Wait before you say that, for if you truly love me, it will not be your lips but your deeds which will proclaim it. Do not boast about your purity and at the same time try to hide your stains, for in so doing you will imitate the hypocritical pharisees.

14. Behold, I still come as Teacher and as Father, for if I were to come only as Judge, there would be no place where you could hide, for wherever you went, my justice would be present.

15. When you come before my presence, you will have to answer for this divine word that you heard, the one which will become written in your conscience.

16. Do you not sense how the untiring spirit of Elijah illuminates your path, clearing stumbling blocks from it and assisting you when you feel weary? Seek him, call him in your prayer, and you will feel his presence very close, for he is the shepherd of the spirits in this Third Era, the one who will guide you to the very doors of the promised land, which is the heavenly sheepfold.

17. May your spirits be filled with joy, knowing that you have heard the voice of my Divinity in three eras, for you shall be my witnesses once more. That is why I prepare and bless your lips, so that tomorrow words of life may sprout from them to the multitudes which are about to come.

18. You have developed strong faith due to the miracles which I have granted you which you thought were impossible. For I am the way, the good path, which I have always shown you to follow. When one follows it, that individual will confront dangers, temptations, and obstacles. In order to help you, I have given you your conscience as a shining light to guide and orient you. Also, I have granted you a spiritual being as a guardian and protector throughout your lives. If you took full advantage of these blessings, do you believe you could lose your way along the path? Do any of my children not feel spiritual joy when listening to this word? Truly I say, that I do rejoice when I hear your spiritual voice as you elevate yourself in prayer.

19. Awaken your spiritual sensibility so that you my rejoice with my divine manifestation, which you have not noticed due to your lack of spiritual elevation. Rejoice as you perceive the spiritual valley, in the same manner that you are amazed as you observe nature and admire its harmony, beauty, and perfection. You discover that in nature one being can not live without another and that all of them live united through the law of harmony. This is also true in the spiritual valley. I have told you that as long as spirits are not following the path of evolution, there shall not be peace nor perfect harmony, just as if a few stars in the universe were to leave their orbits. What would happen to the other stars if that were to occur? Would not the universe lose it harmony?

20. If man were to obey my law and allow his spiritual and material nature to live in harmony, he would have a more peaceful existence on earth. Also, he would no longer stumble along his path and his work would be less difficult; sickness would disappear and man would no longer age prematurely.

21. Spirits already existed before the creation of anything material. They sprouted from me innocently, but in order for them to know from whom they originated, what their destiny was, and who they themselves were, I had them hear my voice telling them. Here is your God. I am your Father. I am the Spirit of Love, but since you sprouted from me, you must develop and understand this divine essence. Live, walk, know, and persevere in goodness, so that this voice which you have heard may be an eternal light over your spirits. It is your conscience which will guide you to return to me, no longer as newborn babies but as beings who have developed their virtues, acquired experience, and developed all of the spiritual gifts which I have given you. Then you will love me. You will truly know me and will be in harmony with all that exists.

22. There are beings who have never dwelt on earth. However, if individuals who have sinned and suffered much in this world feel it is unjust that some beings come to inhabit this valley of tears while others who are close to the Father have never known the pain, I say to you that while some have never come to the earth, there are those in the spiritual valley who have lovingly assisted their brethren on earth with their restitution.

23. Today, those beings who dwell in the different spiritual valleys live spiritually distant from people on earth, but I have not placed distances between the love of brothers. If you only knew how close you are one to another! Man has been the one who, with his materialism, has broken the ties which united him to all his brothers. The more humanity has descended, the greater has been its division and lack of harmony. It has not only separated itself from its brethren in the spiritual valley, but even within its own world it has divided itself into kingdoms, races, and nations, becoming more and more selfish and self-centered.

24. Thus your faith has disappeared, and your intuition concerning eternal life is confused.

25. Today, when a loved one departs to a distant land, you send him off with tears, for you know that if he goes as a child, he may return as an adolescent, and if he is a young person, he will return an old man. But you always have the hope of seeing him return in order to embrace him again, for you know that even though you are faraway from each other, you are both dwelling on earth. But when that being departs to the spiritual valley, and you see that cold and lifeless body buried underneath the soil, then your heart feels torn, for you have lost all hope of seeing him again. You forget that the spirit outlives the material body and that you will once again embrace when you both meet again along your path of evolution.

26. It was necessary for God to become human in Jesus and to dwell among humanity in order for you to remember forgotten teachings. He taught you new lessons and announced to you that he would give you new revelations when the time came.

27. It was necessary for Christ, the Divine Master, to come to teach you the truth, for humanity had begun seeking its glory, its eternity, and its happiness in this material life. Humanity had forgotten about the existence which awaits man in the spiritual valley.

28. Those who did not enjoy satisfaction and riches in this life, who only shed tears, have cursed it and called it unjust. They are confused in their thoughts and believe that their destiny has been harsh and a mistake. But Christ came again to enlighten mankind. He raised from the dead individuals whose spirit had already departed to the spiritual valley. He healed those who were possessed, and with all of these manifestations offered proof to the world that spiritual life exists, and that it is the true life. Even after his crucifixion, the Lord manifested himself in spirit before believers and unbelievers as evidence of the truth preached by his word.

29. Those beings who have departed from earth are alive; they still have feelings and continue to struggle. Why do you forget about them or consider them dead? That is why I say to you that they are the ones who are alive, while you are the dead. Soon you will weep over your lack of faith, just as you did in the Second Era, when after the death of Jesus you said, It was Christ whom we killed. He was the one sent by Jehovah, the one who came to redeem us from our sins. He was the true life who resurrected the dead and who was ascended to the heavens on the third day.

30. Now that I have returned spiritually, you observe me surrounded by mystery even though I have manifested myself in a simple manner. In order to be believed, I have had to materialize my manifestation and grant you whatever you ask. Only then have these people believed, for some have observed me with their spiritual vision, others through faith, and yet others through their conscience.

31. My light illuminates you in this era in order for you to listen to the voice which calls you from eternity.

32. I have come to bind again the ties which you had broken and which united you to your Father and to the spiritual world in order for you to be aware that all of you live in harmony and that distances do not exist. But when will men unite through love? When they have returned to the path of my law where justice exists; when they obey my law which says, Love one another.

33. Behold, disciples, that those who have departed from earth are not dead. Blessed are those who bid farewell to the body which they left on earth and no longer return to visit that body in order to tell it their troubles, for it is no longer alive nor does it listen.

34. When the body dies, it is like a flower which soon wilts after it is cut, but its perfume is like the spirit which departs and fills the atmosphere with its essence.

35. In the Second Era I told you, Let the dead bury their dead. Today I tell you, Resurrect one another.

36. Tell them that while the body decomposes on earth, the spirit purifies itself in the spiritual world. Death is a rest for the flesh and freedom for the spirit, but no one should attempt to depart from earth through his own will, if it is not the hour that I have designated for him to depart. Do not believe that you are safe only because you have confessed your sins to another human being during your last moments on earth. Nor should you believe that you will come to me through your repentance during those last moments, thinking that you have reached the end of your evolution. Learn to love, to forgive, to bless your brethren throughout your life. Purify your spirit with your deeds of love and charity toward your brothers.

37. Obey my law on earth as men of good will, and peace will come to your hearts. When your spirit departs from this world and enters the spiritual one, it will open its eyes to perceive with great joy that life which awaits it. That life awaits all spirits in order to redeem them and embrace them in its love and its light.

38. But in order to attain salvation, you must arise to start fulfilling your mission. I bring you spiritual riches of infinite value, for you are the inheritors of my grace. If you take your cross with love and walk patiently, you will be with me on the final day and will attain true life. That life will offer you the peace and comfort that you have greatly sought.

39. I have chosen humble individuals as servants in this period to offer you proof that this word which you hear does not come from a philosopher or a scientist, for you are unbelieving by nature. For that reason, and in your presence, I have chosen your brothers, parents, or children as my spokesmen whom I have inspired to give you my teachings. But I say to you that it is necessary for you to study my word in its essence, for the day will come when men and women will arise who, using my name, will speak words lacking true enlightenment. Therefore, you must not allow yourselves to be deceived by them.

40. Be alert and pray. I am the one who is able to perceive and understand the suffering in each human heart.

41. You feel oppressed and fearful because religions signal you out and criticize your deeds. Do not fear. Dry your tears and be comforted.

42. Blessed are those who in their affliction seek to communicate with me in silence, for I comfort them. They are not abandoned by me, but rather I have sought them to offer them my divine grace. Elijah is guiding you in the Third Era, and as you follow my path, you will feel closer to me.

43. Listen to my parable for this day.


44. Along a path walked an old man who was humble and respected and who carried neither supplies nor a walking stick. He met three young wanderers who were joyful and singing sweet songs. The old man came up to the first one and said, Wanderer, I am hungry, thirsty, and naked. Share with me from what you carry in your supplies bag and give me a piece of your clothing. The young man looked in his bag and found neither bread nor water, and he did not want to deprive himself of his clothing. Go to my brother, he said. He can give you what you need. I have nothing to offer you.

45. The old man approached the second one and made the same request. This one also looked in his supplies bag and found there was no food nor water to quench his thirst. Go to third, he said. He will give you what I have not been able to give you. The third, facing the same request, searched, and his answer was the same, I have nothing to give you. The old man then felt distressed. Thirst and hunger had weakened him, but seeing that the supply bags of the young men were empty, he said to them, How are you going to follow this path which I have journeyed, not knowing what awaits you? The path is long and filled with thorns, and the land is dry. There are no trees to offer you shade. There are no fruits. The sun is scorching and there are no rivers or streams to refresh those who journey along this path.

46. The wanderers heard the old man and said. That does not matter. We will proceed. We are young and strong, full of energy, and able to accept the ordeals of life. With an ironic smile they were about to abandon the old man, but he said to them: Wait, I advise you to first find something to eat. Gather what you need for the trip in your supply bags so that you can follow that path without perishing. After listening to the old man, they answered, If you find yourself tired, naked, and hungry, it is because you are old. Work has exhausted you. You have seen many dawns, and snow has whitened your head. That is why you are discouraged. We are young and do not fear life.

47. The old man then answered: I was also once young and strong and sang along the paths. I had energy in my body, and with the passage of time I gained experience and learned different things. I am going to show you what you must go through. Then taking them to the top of a hill, he showed them the world. From there they saw how storms were occurring everywhere, inflicting pain and destruction throughout nations. The ocean waters invaded the land, and men perished under the force of the unleashed elements. The young men said to the old one, What have we to do with these events? To which the old man replied, What you now see and which surprises you, you will have to experience when you travel those roads. But they doubted. He told them once again. Look! And he directed their vision toward the Orient. There they observed nations fighting in the midst of a cruel war. They saw mothers and children weeping, losing their lives in the battlefield, crying out to their loved ones in the last hour. They saw women in mourning, weeping the loss of a husband or child. They observed hungry and naked children.

Then before their eyes a white spirit extended its mantle like snow over the devastated earth. And from the earth a heartbreaking cry emerged and where that spirit appeared, the lives of men were reaped like crops in the fields at the time of harvest. Then the young men asked, What does all of this mean? I show you future times, answered the old man, times in which you will live.

48. Finally, the old man detained them to have them observe the events that would occur, and they saw the unleashed elements; fire consuming forests and cities, epidemics covering men like a cloud, volcanoes spouting fire and burying entire countries under their ashes. He showed them the seas where great catastrophes were occurring; while some seas were drying up, others were changing their location. Finally, they saw four angels with trumpets appear in the heavens announcing the end of time.

49. The young men were overcome with terror. Then the old man said to them, I have just shown you the events which are to happen and which you must experience.

50. Those young men, whose faces had turned pale, cried out to nature, but it did not hear them. At the moment when they were weeping with great anguish, the old man's voice, filled with fatherly tenderness, said to them, Do not despair. Get on your knees and pray to the Almighty. He extended his hand in silence, and everything became calm, peaceful, and silent. The vision disappeared. They saw the light of a new day, and understanding that the old man had prophesied those events, they knelt saying, Let us pray so that the Father, who is the Almighty, might prepare our path, and we may proceed with his light to the end of our lives.

51. My people, analyze what I have told you and open your eyes to my divine light. You are the three travelers whom I have summoned and taught throughout the eras so that you might acquire my wisdom and develop your faith. Also, I have prepared you to follow the path of life, so that, when you reach the end of your path, you will enter into the spiritual valley where you will find my peace.

52. In past eras you were not convinced by my word. When the Master departed, your spirits did not find peace. I have said to you, Blessed are those who believe. Blessed are the men of faith, for they will have eternal life.

53. I say to those of you who are prepared in this era: I am hungry and thirsty for your love. My children, you have not been able to communicate with your God due to your lack of spirituality. You have rejected the virtues which I have given you, and you have lost your treasure.

54. Now I say to you, Take the teaching which I come to give to you in the sixth stage. Do not seek light for your spirits in the books of the world, for you will not find it. Do not seek to find in them answers to your questions or solution to your problems. Pray, communicate with me, and I will answer your prayers.

55. Even before you present your sorrows and suffering to me, the Divine Mother is already praying on your behalf and offering your her blessings. In turn, she asks for you to pray for others who suffer. She pleads with humanity to cease its ambitions, its wars, and to no longer shed innocent blood. Her loving spirit protects you and humbly awaits for my will to be done.

56. You also bless and worship her, knowing that she is your inseparable companion in your days of peace and in those of ordeals.

57. My blood was shed so that peace and justice might reign among men, but humanity has not truly understood my deeds on earth. Had you taken full advantage of that lesson you would have attained a higher level of spiritual evolution, and the light which I have shed throughout the times would clearly illuminate your spirits.

58. You have not imitated me. I have taught you humility, yet you are arrogant. I gave you the secret of peace and health, and you live in war and disease. I taught you to comfort those who suffer, and you do not feel the pain of your brothers. Your heart has become hardened and insensitive.

59. Humanity, you have greatly denied my existence and your gifts. Truly I say to you that you are not walking on firm ground but rather on quicksand, and that path will not help you reach the goal for which you were created.

60. Read and learn from the great Book of True Life which I have granted to you. And if you obey its teaching, you can rely on coming to me along that path. But understand that if you do not, you will separate yourselves from me, and your restitution will be very great.

61. Men and women, who have lost your path and lack peace, why do you not strengthen yourselves in me? Do not call me an unjust Father if you weep and suffer in your exile. I announced to you before coming to the earth that this dwelling was a valley of tears, that it was not a valley of peace and reward. The earth is not your eternal home. Blessed are those who weep, for they shall be comforted.

My Peace be with you!


Teaching 44

1. ! lovingly receive the prodigal son who was absent for a long time and who comes today in search of peace and comfort for his heart. Some of my children approach me searching for their inheritance. Others are still very distant; but the spirit in each of my children is attentively awaiting for my voice to say, Here I am.

2. They have not forgotten my words from the Second Era, and though their physical body is fragile, their spirits are strong; they believe and trust in my promise to return as the Comforting Spirit.

3. You who hear me today remember the darkness which you have gone through and the ordeals which you encountered along your path in order to reach me. You find yourselves at the riverbank under the shade of a tree hearing this voice which you awaited so long. But with all the light you possess you still have not reached the top of the mountain. Neither are you at the peak of perfection. You have simply come before your Master, who comes in spirit, and on hearing me you were converted into students and later into disciples of my new teaching. You will become strong learning from me, and though you may be poor on earth, you will possess all the riches of the spirit.

4. The glory of my word will soon spread beyond your nation. Men of science and those who study the holy scriptures will arise denying my manifestation. But I will offer signs and perform miracles through my chosen ones and this will deeply move humanity. Men of elevated spirits, who are prophets of my Marian Trinitarian Spiritualist doctrine, are found scattered in all nations. I have given them a sword of light to combat every false theory and doctrine so that only those which are based on love and truth will endure.

5. I have sent virtuous spirits to earth in all times who will teach you and with their deeds offer you an example of how you must live in order to come to me. Counselors, ministers of my law, legislators, and guides have pointed out your duties. They have told you that your mission is not reduced to only loving your families, but that you should love and help all of your brethren. They have also taught you that after these ordeals in life the spiritual life awaits you, where you will reap the fruits of what you sowed on earth.

6. I have prepared spirits and had them incarnate after granting them wisdom and power. And when their bodies have developed, and they have found themselves with total use of their abilities, those spirits have manifested themselves great and strong; these are the men of science, the pastors, and those who govern. But few are those who have fulfilled their mission, who have developed their gifts and worked with deep faith. Some have become vain or misused their gifts and have not nourished the spirits of men. They have not known how to guide or calm the pain of their brothers.

7. For that reason, on perceiving that my flock is lost without a guide on the earth, I have come like the good Shepherd to give you my pure and unstained doctrine. I have also given you the laws of my teaching so that you might live in peace and obey my law, ascending along the path of your spiritual evolution by following the example which I gave you with my deeds of love.

8. Where are the successors of my humble apostles who were sacrificed by the wickedness of men? What benefits has science offered humanity? Many claim to be wise but neither love nor teach love. Wisdom means light, and light is love and understanding of divine and human laws.

9. I became man in the Second Era because of my love for humanity. That physical body was the work of my Spirit, and how much have men of science commented about this mystery which belongs to my innermost judgement. Truly I say to you that divine deeds can not be judged through human science.

10. The spirit which inspired Jesus was my very own, that of your God, who became man to dwell among you and allowed himself to be seen because it was necessary that it be so. As man, I felt all human suffering. Men of science who had studied nature came to me and found that they knew nothing of my teaching. The great and small, the virtuous and sinners, the innocent and guilty received the essence of my word, and I made them all worthy of my presence. And while many were called, few were the chosen, and even fewer were close to me.

11. I defended the sinners. Do you not recall the adulteress? When she was brought to me, persecuted and condemned by the multitudes, the pharisees came and asked me, What should we do with her? The priests hoped that I would say, Bring her to justice, in order that they might later say, How could you teach love and permit the sinner to be punished? And had I said, Let her go, they would have answered, In the laws of Moses, which you claim to be confirming, there is a mandate which says: Every woman who is found to be an adulterous shall be stoned to death! Observing their intentions, I did not answer their words, and leaning over, I wrote in the dust of the earth the sins of those who were judging her. Again they asked me what they should do with that woman and I answered them, Let anyone who is free of sin throw the first stone.

Then recognizing their errors, they left, covering their faces. No one was pure, and sensing that I saw into the depths of their hearts, they no longer accused that woman for all of them had sinned. The woman, along with others who had also committed adultery, repented and did not sin again. I say to you that it is easier to convert a sinner through love than through harshness.

12. My teaching is engraved in your conscience and can not be erased because its essence is immortal like the spirit which you possess.

13. You who now hear me, learn my teachings and teach those who live in other nations. Remind them of my words from the Second Time, while they are waiting to receive my message from this Third Era.

14. I want you to bring my word to other lands before their inhabitants arise speaking of my new manifestation. When you meet them, do not reject one another, but offer testimony of me and allow them to confirm my words and deeds, fulfilling my mandate which says, Love one another.

15. I have brought you these lessons in order to teach you and to free you from sin. If your faults are great, greater yet is my forgiveness. Live, experience, and know my law on this path of trials and ordeals, and when you allow yourselves to be guided by your conscience you will not violate my law nor the laws of the world. And when you sin, you will know how to repent, thus purifying your error. And when you reach the end of the journey, there will be no pain nor remorse. You will be at peace.

16. In this Third Era the Master's book opens once again before his disciples to teach them the lessons of the true life. While the material body becomes silent and withdraws, the spirit elevates itself to rejoice with my word. It comes to my table to be nourished with the only bread which gives it life.

17. Everyone who knows how to elevate his spirit in these moments is directly nourished from the divine fountain; that individual no longer perceives the spokesman who is transmitting my word. You recognize that from the moment in which you heard me, your mind became enlightened. It is the light of my wisdom which begins to illuminate your path. Though I say to you that those who hear me and do not analyze my teaching still walk in darkness. Their spirits still lack enlightenment.

18. It is my will to mark 12,000 children from each tribe. But truly I say to you that not only those who are marked will possess my light; anyone who follows my teaching shall be called a child of the light.

19. Do not preach that you are my disciples. Show it with your deeds of charity. I test the one who proclaims to be my disciple by hiding myself in the heart of his enemy. However, instead of forgiving his enemy, he has struck back. Yet that blow has reached my face more than the cheek of his brother. In that instant I have spoken to him through his conscience, and that individual who became vain from being my disciple has said to me in weak repentance, Forgive me, Master. Believing himself pure and worthy of my forgiveness, he resumes his journey. Then I see a young woman approach him whose heart and youth were like a fragrant rose. She says to him, I come to you full of confidence in your virtue to ask you for advice which will help to protect me against the dangers of life. But forgetting his mission and my teachings, he allows himself to be dominated by lower passions and develops impure intentions toward the young woman. At that moment I present myself before the unvirtuous disciple, asking him, Could this be what I have taught you? Surprised, he answers: Lord, there is nothing that you do not know. Ashamed he proceeds with his journey while my unyielding voice asks him each time he brags of following my example. Are you my apostle? Then I allow hunger to surprise him and soon hide myself in the heart of a sickly rich man, who in spite of having his treasure chests filled with gold does not have the health to enjoy it. This ill man, upon knowing that one of my disciples is in the region, seeks him and then says to him, I know you can restore my health, and that is why I have sought you. I am rich but all of my wealth has not been of any use to me in finding a remedy for my illness. The apostle’s heart becomes confused on hearing that confession, and he tells that ill individual: I am going to rest my hand on your head and, pronouncing the name of my Lord, I will restore your health, but you must reward me generously. The sickly rich man responds: Take my riches, my treasure chests, my house. Take all of it but heal me. The sick man is healed because his faith and his pain were so great that the Divine Master pitied him. Filled with joy, the sick man delivers all that he possesses to the hands of the one whom he believed had healed him, while the sinful apostle is saying to himself, Now I have ceased to be poor, for if I have struggled and worked, I deserve to be rewarded. But at that very moment my unyielding voice speaks in his conscience saying again to him: Is that, perhaps, my teaching? Do you ever remember Jesus receiving payment for his love while he was in the world, the one who could have crowned himself and possessed all treasures, the one who healed by simply touching, and resurrected the dead by simply asking them to arise?

20. A battle occurs in the heart of that disciple, who asks his Master, Why are you so rigid with your disciples? Why do you not allow us to possess something in this world? And the Master, with a tender voice, answers, Because at the moment you were chosen, you promised to reject human vanities in exchange for a true treasure.

21. Still the disciple replies, The path is difficult and the journey is very long. We work so much and we gather so little harvest on the earth. Do you want us to love humanity so much when it does not love us? The Master, hearing him disrespectfully speak in that manner, says: All right, my young child, follow the path according to your own will. Do whatever you desire. And that man, claiming to be my servant, professing to be my apostle, and ignoring the voice of his conscience, proceeds along different paths. Finding multitudes of the sick along the paths, he calls to them and tells them that he possesses healing balsam which cures all illnesses. But he also tells them: I am needy. What can you give me in exchange for what I grant you? Those who are poor tell him that they have nothing, but that they are willing to work to earn money to pay him so that he may heal their illnesses. That agreement satisfies the man who begins to anoint those who are ill and, at the same time begins to ask for more and more money. He anoints the sick, but they do not heal. On the contrary, they become worse. He attempts to encourage them, but they become more and more discouraged. Then the apostle, observing that the multitudes have lost confidence in him, quietly disappears from among them, taking with him his wealth and leaving them in agony.

22. Once far from them, he goes toward a rich man's mansion, saying to him, Sir, I am able to serve you. I know how to work. I want you to employ me in your royal mansion. I can comfort you when you are sad. I can manage your interests when you are tired. Who are you? asks the rich man. To which the apostle replies, I am the possessor of a law, of a doctrine so powerful and persuasive, that if your servants ever come to rebel before you, I only need to speak to them to make them to obey.

23. The rich man becomes impressed with those words. He believes in that man and tells him, Your words reveal greatness, and if you fulfill them as you say, I will consider them always as truth. Then the rich man offers that man shelter and the keys to his palace. The man conquers the heart of the rich man with flattery, but since he rejects the Divine Master and no longer listens to the voice of his conscience, he soon causes a change in the life of that mansion. He humiliates the small and praises those who flatter him. He causes the best servants to leave the house behind the owner's back. He squanders his wealth with extravagant living. But the day comes when the lord of that mansion opens his eyes to reality. Convinced of the falsehood of the one in whom he has placed all of his confidence when he heard him pronounce words of great power and wisdom, he calls him to ask him angrily, Is this the teaching you sow? Is this the way you demonstrate the power you claim to have? Instantly, he has him led to a dungeon in order to later sentence him to the scaffold for execution. There, in prison, he can not believe that a disciple of the Divine Master would be captivity, and even less that he would be sentenced to die. He can not believe that those trials are the awakening voice calling him to repentance in order to return him to the path. Then he pleads with the rich lord whom he has betrayed, promising him not to speak to nor to betray anyone again. Convinced, the rich man allows him to leave.

24. Once free, that man feels the desire to know new roads, and finding them, he takes them. Again he ignores the voice of his conscience and devotes himself as never before to pleasures where his lips are poisoned, his body becomes ill, and his heart experiences great misery. Step by step he has slowly descended, to finally fall exhausted to the bottom of the abyss. He does not know how long he has remained there, but when he awakens, he asks, Where am I? Where is my inheritance? I speak to the Father, and he does not answer me. I am sick and discouraged, and he does not come to help me. I ask him for a word of comfort and encouragement and he does not come to my heart. Where is that teaching and that healing balsam which he gave me and with which I could alleviate so much grief? I want to close my wounds and they bleed even more. I want to give my heart peace, yet it becomes more and more restless. Who am I? Were those gifts that the Father gave me only a lie? That individual then began to greatly weep.

25. People in various conditions reacted with indifference as they saw him weep. No one noticed him, listened to him, nor felt his pain. It appeared as if he were surrounded by great darkness, and when he could no longer tolerate such pain, and felt that his spirit was about to leave his filthy body, he heard a sweet voice which he recognized, and which said to him: Here I am; I have descended to the abyss, where you have fallen, to give you my help. The man, on hearing the sweet voice of this Father filled with forgiveness and tenderness, felt great remorse and says to his Lord, Do not approach me nor enter this abyss, for it is filled with darkness and perversion. Do not let your garments be shredded by the thorns that are here. Leave me here, since I condemned myself to this place.

26. The child weeps and, as he was weeping, he realized that his Father was truly just. The Father did not observe the impurities in his son nor the sins and darkness surrounding him. He only perceives his beloved child whom he asks, Why have you descended this far? And the son answers, Because I believed that you would not be this close to me, nor did I want to believe that the voice of my conscience was yours. Do not heal me. Today, I understand that I do not deserve to be healed. Do not forgive me. I do not deserve your forgiveness. Let me suffer in this abyss. Let me cleanse my faults. The Father, observing that the son has understood at last the magnitude of his errors, does nor allow him to suffer any longer and permits light to shine in that being, and those tears to wash away his stains. The Father then kisses the forehead of that weary child. He lifts the child's weak body and embraces him with infinite love.

27. Feeling the tenderness of his Father, that child decides to follow and love him forever. He observes that once again the light which the Lord had placed on his head is shining, for the gifts which God grants, he never takes away from his children. However, they will lose their divine grace if one disobeys my love. Thus, that is how the child arises once again to follow my path, but with greater enlightenment which he has attained from his painful experience. Also, that child is now able to listen clearly to his conscience! 28.

Who among those who have been receiving my lessons daily will wish to travel through paths of suffering? Be aware that you have already traveled through those paths. Your spirits have already undergone great ordeals, for which you can give thanks and firmly follow me today.

29. I have sent you to multiply your seed, and for that reason I have marked your forehead with my light so that when you are spiritually prepared, you will spread yourselves throughout the paths where the multitudes await you. Homes will open their doors to welcome you, and many individuals will receive you joyfully.

30. Those who are ill will be waiting to become healed.

31. I, the Divine Savior, will come to all human beings through my faithful disciples, but not as in the Second Era. Today, I will come among humanity hidden in the hearts of my messengers, speaking through their mouths, and inspiring those individuals. That is how I will come to all human beings. I will come to all individuals through the deeds of love and charity that my disciples practice for those that are sick, needy, and who thirst for peace for their spirit and material body.

32. Blessed are the nations which do not close their paths but open their doors to my messengers, for verily I say to you that those nations will be saved.

33. During this struggle, some will be summoned and chosen before others, but eventually all beings will be summoned and they will fulfill their mission among humanity. Some will begin and finish their mission sooner, whereas others will take longer to fulfill it. But in the end when you attain spiritual perfection, all beings will be equal. The Father will love all beings in the same manner and they will all form part of his perfect family.

34. Everyone was given the same gifts in their beginning. But while some have known how to elevate themselves and to become great by developing their virtues, some have remained stagnant and others have lost their way.

35 I have distributed equally great gifts among all my children. For that reason you must not judge that some have been given more than others nor that some have been assigned a greater task than others. In my perfect justice and wisdom, knowing the debts of my children, I have given to them according to their needs.

36. I give you these explanations in order that you be satisfied, for you know nothing about your destiny, your past, or your restitution.

37. If you consider my children, through whom I am communicating, to be very blessed and have even come to desire their gift, truly I say to you that their blessing is great but so is the spiritual debt which they have with the Father, as well as their responsibility.

38. Let each one take his cross with love, but do not seek pleasures, honors, or reward for you will only reap pain.

39. Remember that I healed you with my love, that I cleansed your stains and closed your wounds. Remember that I took the bitterness from your lips. I removed the stained and torn clothing that you wore in order to exchange it for another which was white as a snowflake. You were outcasts, but you have ceased to be so. You came without an inheritance, and today you know that you possess a gift. Do not seek pain nor go back to being outcasts. Do not return to sin, but neither consider yourselves to be untouchable by the fact that you carry my divine mark. Instead, you need to be well prepared so that you will forgive those who offend you.

40. How often have you promised to forgive your brothers regardless of the offense which they have inflicted upon you. You have asked me for strength to be able to forgive, and I have given it to you. But how seldom have you fulfilled your promises.

41. I have divided those who have tried to practice forgiveness into three groups. The first one is formed by those who, having been offended and not knowing how to restrain themselves, and forgetting my teaching, have become confused and taken revenge, returning blow for blow. This group, a slave to its passions, is the one which is overcome by temptation.

42. The second group is the one formed by those who, once having been offended, remember my example and close their lips containing their impulses in order to soon tell me, Lord, they have offended me, but rather than taking revenge, I have forgiven. But I, who penetrate the hearts, have discovered in them the desire for me to take revenge by pouring my justice over their brothers. This group is in total turmoil.

43. The third group, the smallest, is the one with,those who, imitating Jesus when they have been offended, elevate themselves toward the Father filled with pity for their brothers to say to me, Lord, forgive them, for they know not what they do. They have hurt me, but it is not me that they have hurt but rather themselves. I ask for your charity for this reason and that you allow me to return only kindness. This is the group which has triumphed.

44. Your conscience, which requests and expects perfect deeds from you, will not allow you to feel true peace until you know how to practice true forgiveness with your brothers.

45. Why would you hate those who offend you when they are simply steps for you to come to me. If you practice forgiveness, you will achieve merits, and when you enter the Kingdom of Heaven, you will see those on earth who helped you to evolve. Then you will ask the Father to also help those beings to be saved and come to the Lord. Your intercession will help them to attain that blessing.

46. Do not attempt to uncover the hidden feelings of your fellow beings, for in each being there are hidden secrets which only I should know. But if you discover a secret which pertains to your brother which you should keep confidential, do not publicize that information. Do not share that information with others, but rather keep it only to yourself.

47. Often I have observed man penetrating into the heart of his brother in order to discover his hidden secrets. He has rejoiced discovering those secrets and then has told others about them. No one who has ridiculed a fellow human beings in this manner should be surprised if later the same thing happens to him. He should not then say that it is the rod of justice which measures him, for it will be the rod of injustice with which he measured his brothers.

48. Respect others. Cover those whose secrets have been revealed with your mantle of charity and defend those who are weak from the rumors of mankind.

49. Disciples, I do not prohibit you from studying those books which teach goodness. But if you are unable to find those books, you have my teaching, which is simple and humble and contains more wisdom than all the books on earth. Therefore, store this teaching in the deepest part of your heart; analyze it, and allow it to guide you in each of your deeds.

50. Those who have come under the shadow of this tree weeping over their ordeals in life have found comfort and strength in my love.

51. Blessed is the one who listens with love to my word in this Third Era, for he will not be confused. At the moment of his death, his spirit will rise to eternal life and firmly penetrate the path which awaits him beyond this life.

52. Blessed is the one who patiently endures his sorrow, for he will find in his own meekness the strength to continue to carry his cross along his path of evolution.

53. Blessed is the one who humbly endures humiliation and knows how to forgive those who have offended him, for I will bring justice to him. But woe unto those who judge the deeds of their brothers, for they in turn will be judged!

54. Blessed is the one who, obeying the first mandate of my law, loves me above everything created.

55. Blessed is the one who allows me to judge his cause, whether it is just or unjust.

56. My doctrine comes to regenerate you, to strengthen your spirits, so that once you open your lips to repeat my teachings, they might be closed to cursing or speaking disrespectfully.

57. I have come in this era to once again water the seed which I deposited in your hearts in the Second Era.

58. From the first times I have sought the form in which to have myself be heard and understood by men. For that reason, I have sent prophets and virtuous individuals to this world so that with their deeds and words they might be messengers of my will and my mandates.

59. In the First Era, through Abraham’s obedience to my mandate, I made a pact of love with him, rewarding his faithfulness, his devotion and loyalty, and blessing and multiplying his descendants. To test his obedience and his faith, I asked him for the life of his son, Isaac, whom he greatly loved, and with a submission typical of great spirits, he was willing to sacrifice him. But I detained him because in his heart he had already shown his obedience, and that was sufficient for me.

60. Isaac was the father of Jacob, who was allowed to perceive the path of perfection that spirits need to travel. That path was symbolized by a ladder which originated on earth and ascended toward the heavens. Spirits descended and ascended along that ladder in the form of angels.

61. These three patriarchs formed the trunk of the people of Israel from which sprouted twelve branches and an infinite number of leaves. But its fruit has not yet ripened.

62. The people of Israel received the law when in their pilgrimage they found themselves at the foot of Mount Sinai. Their guide, Moses, received the tablets and the inspiration. Their journey through the desert was designed to purify their hearts, to spiritualize them, and to develop their faith toward the invisible God. When the people arrived at the promised land and settled there, they had deep spiritual faith in their Lord. They practiced a simple but elevated worship which had strengthened their hearts. But behold that the children of their children did not know how to maintain that faith and spirituality. When the gentile people introduced their idolatry and superstitions among the people of Israel, they divided them spiritually and materially. It was then that the prophets appeared, warning the multitudes and announcing my justice over them for their unfaithfulness and sin. But the prophets were ridiculed and some were killed.

63. I tell you this because truly you are the spiritual descendants from those first patriarchs, and you are the sheep of Moses. But I also say to you that you are among those who will attain spirituality in this period and who will spiritually enlighten man and give him the wisdom for a better life.

64. In the Second Era Christ irrigated the tree of life with his blood, and today he comes to offer you new water with his divine word so that all of his children will learn to be loving and charitable.

65. In this era I have come to fight all fanaticism and idolatry that exist in your hearts, for spirituality does not permit materialism. Whoever practices my spiritual doctrine with fanaticism is neither doing my will nor correctly interpreting my teaching.

66. Why do men in this era worship me in a material manner? In the First Era and in the first commandment of my law, I prohibited man to create material images and forms in order to worship me.

67. My word in this era will fight like a two-edged sword to help man eliminate all of his errors and ignorance, thus allowing him to communicate from spirit to Spirit.

My Peace be with you!


Teaching 45

1. The light of my spirit descends among you. I come to give you the treasure of peace and to clothe you with humility. If humanity wishes to tear your clothes into shreds, allow it to do so; and may those shreds serve to cover its nakedness.

2. Among these multitudes are those who without having seen me, believe, love, and follow me. Blessed are they, for they will enter into the promised land.

3. On this day you will celebrate the resurrection of your Master, and truly I say to you that many of you will resurrect with the light of my word to the life of grace.

4. It was only as a man that I was born and died, for as God I had no beginning, nor will I have an end. Jesus was born out of the purity of love that the Father has toward humanity, taking form in the womb of a virtuous maiden who was previously selected by the Creator.

5. The deeds and words of Jesus were the path which he came to trace for you, the path which will take you to the kingdom of heaven. But Christ, through the body of Jesus, felt all the pain and sorrow of the world; he knew about agony and wanted to penetrate in spirit into the regions of darkness where spiritual beings also awaited him. But I say to you that the suffering of Jesus in the supreme hour of his agony on the cross was understood by no one. There was an instant in which he felt alone between heaven and earth, whipped by the unleashed elements and abandoned by his disciples. It was then that he exclaimed, "My God, my God, why have you abandoned me?

6. By virtue of my power, Jesus could have been insensitive to physical pain. But as man, I did not come to deceive you. My pain was unique, my death was real, and so, too, was my blood.

7. While the body of the Master was in the tomb, the Divine Spirit illuminated the dwelling places where the virtuous and the sinners awaited so that its charity would take them to a new era. The blood of the Lamb not only traced the path of spiritual evolution for beings of this world but also for those in the spiritual valley. Once that mission of love was fulfilled, the body of Jesus united with the Divine Spirit in the same way that it took human form.

8. If the body of Jesus did not originate from the earth, why should he have rendered it tribute like all men? He had told them, My kingdom is not of this world.

9. Your spirit resurrects when hearing my teaching because it has eaten the bread of eternal life which is my word. Strengthen yourselves in my doctrine, for the moment approaches when men, like hungry wolves, will thrust themselves upon you to judge you, and it is not my will that you leave your faith and your peace in the hands of your persecutors.

10. Take advantage of the time in which you have my manifestation under this form. If you do not prepare yourself and strengthen your faith today, tomorrow you will yearn for this period in which I gave you these teachings and blessings. You will weep, wanting to hear my word. Many of you will say: Master! What would I not give to once again listen to one of your teachings through those individuals whom I so severely judged as imperfect.

11. Truly take advantage of my teaching now while I am delivering it to you through these spokesmen, who are my children, whom I have chosen and prepared. Their lips have given you words of wisdom and love. They have humbly separated themselves from the world and now are enduring difficulties on your behalf, knowing that they are instruments of the Father so that He may communicate with you.

12. Though you come to these humble places in this time to hear my word, you can elevate your prayer from wherever you are. You can pray in your bedroom, your place of work, on the road, in the valley, or along the shore of a river. I will listen to your prayer wherever you are.

13. Learn to cleanse your hearts and elevate your spirits toward me in order to receive spiritual communion. Do not forget that you carry me in the most intimate part of your beings. Elevate yourselves toward me so that when the last instant comes in 1950 your spirits will not be filled with fear, saying, Master, you have departed from us. Truly I say to you that whoever prepares himself will communicate with me from spirit to Spirit at that moment.

14. If you would have followed only one of the many teachings that I have given you, and would have guided your deeds on earth according to the laws of that teaching, truly I tell you that my arrival in this period would not have been necessary because all of my doctrine is contained in what you have heard to this day.

15. Once again I am going to give you my word so that your spirits might feel that they are at the banquet of eternal life. Rejoice like my apostle John, perceiving the revelations from the hereafter.

16. All disbelief will disappear among you in this time because I will leave you like a lighted lamp of faith among humanity.

17. Each time that I appear before you, your pain disappears while I give you my word. That is because your spirits feel my presence and rejoice with my love.

18. Those who gather in these houses of prayer are not the only ones who hear me; the great multitudes of spiritual beings also witness this manifestation and receive my light. Among those multitudes are those who on earth were your parents, your companions, and your children. All are ascending along the ladder of evolution.

19. Your hearts are filled with joy on hearing me speak in such a way, and in these moments you feel that the glory and grace of the Father is the same which is descending upon every creature on earth.

20. The light of my love, which has come to illuminate the path of evolution of all my children, has created confusion among the men of science when they have discovered that the beginning of creation is not what they had imagined. But I will speak to them from the top of the mountain, and the strength of my voice through nature’s elements will shake the earth and show them the truth.

21. O my people, if you wish to enter into communication with my Divinity, do not perceive these spokesmen through whom I communicate as being superior. Study and analyze my word, and you will feel as though you were in my sanctuary rejoicing with the essence of my doctrine. Thus you will be prepared when you offer testimony to your brethren that this is the Third Era, informing them that I have manifested myself as the Holy Spirit.

22. I am selecting my new disciples among humanity, saying to men, Regenerate yourselves, and to women, Do not sin again. My forgiveness has purified all of you so that you might begin a new life.

23. You who have tasted much bitterness: Drink now the milk and honey in this cup of love which I come to offer you.

24. Rejoice with this spiritual gift. Do not become too concerned with maintaining your physical body. Remember that I have told you that man does not live by bread alone but that he is nourished by God’s word.

25. I have found all of you lost and showed you the path, saying to you, I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Follow me to the end.

26. I have not forced anyone to follow me nor have I threatened anyone for not doing so. Truly the law of restitution, which each one prepares for himself, exists so that each spirit will evolve and attain purity and enlightenment. However, a hell of eternal fire does not exist, just as divine punishment does not exist. Do not misinterpret those things which were told to you symbolically in the past.

27. Today, you are listening to me and each individual has recognized his mission. Elijah is an untiring servant of the Lord who is gathering the 144,000 new disciples. The new disciples include 12,000 children from each tribe among this multitude. Those disciples will receive a sign on their foreheads which marks them as Marian Trinitarian Spiritualist.

28. If you feel tired along the path of life, come to me and rest by hearing this word, for I am still with you.

29. This word is the bread which I come to bring to your lips; its essence is the virtuous pure water which helps to cleanse all stains from your spirit.

30. You are afraid that the hurricane winds will make you separate from this path and that you will once again be weak before the passions of the flesh. You fear the gossip of people, as well as their judgement. You fear the world which separates you from me with its numerous temptations.

31. Since you have not understood my word, you believe that I demand that you abandon and renounce everything that is material, whereas what I am teaching you is that you should give to the spirit that which belongs to the spirit and to the material body that which belongs to the material body. While you are in this valley of tears, you will not reach perfection; but you must prepare yourselves by practicing deeds of love and charity with your brothers so that when you enter the spiritual valley you will gather the fruit of your harvest.

32. I am revealing to you my own divine wisdom, which is beyond Jacob's ladder. I am not on the ladder because I am perfect. Only those beings who seek perfection are on that ladder. Who feels that my doctrine is like a heavy burden to his spirit? If you compare its weight with that of the cross, you will understand that now I am your helper.

33. Who would be able to separate himself from me when I am everywhere? There are those who would attempt to leave my presence to secretly sow the seeds which I have entrusted to them and reap the harvest for themselves; but I offer you fertile lands. Whoever attempts to depart will have to enter into the desert. Who has ever seen a seed grow in hot desert sands? Those in the desert will be unable to attend the banquet which you now enjoy with me. Also, in their loneliness they will be unable to listen to the birds which have brought you so much joy with their singing.

34. Whoever has felt the desire in his heart to abandon the cross does that because he has not become aware of his mission nor his destiny.

35. Many of you confess to me that you are guilty and sinful, yet you are among those who love me! There are many who say they love, yet they do not even have faith in me. They believe in me when they receive blessings, but when a trial comes, they deny me!

36. Your spirit has received an invitation in this Third Era. It has been summoned to be among those who will be blessed by nourishing themselves with the divine fruit from all three eras.

37. Now that humanity is at the height of its perversity, my Spirit is manifesting itself to mankind utilizing words that man is able to understand. I am doing this in order to save man, to show him the path of restitution, to help him fulfill his restitution, and to make him aware of the reward that awaits him.

38. I say to those listening to me: Do not carry filthy dust on your sandals. Seek me, I am your salvation. I am the vessel which has come to save you because you were lost in a sea filled with sin. I have come to guide you to the promised land.

39. Why have you found pain along your path? Why have your feet been hurt by the stones along the way? Why are you experiencing such great thirst and weariness? It is because yesterday you journeyed through this same path and did not clear the path for those who marched after you, unaware that you would have to travel through this same path once again. And if you have never quenched the thirst of someone who is thirsty, why would you expect someone to quench yours?

40. I am the only one who comes to quench your spirit’s thirst for love and peace. My word is crystalline water which is being poured among you. Enjoy it while you drink it, and invite your brothers. And truly I say to you that you will perceive all spirits attaining unity and peace.

41. In the Second Era you perceived me because I came as a man, but today I have come in spirit. Although you are not able to physically perceive me today, your spirit has been able to spiritually perceive my presence because I am now manifesting myself. Who among those who hear me has not felt my presence in his heart? Who among you has not trembled before my word which is filled with enlightenment and which penetrates into your spirit?

42. I come to speak to you as teacher, not as judge. Do not seek me as judge, for instead of judging you, I want to offer you comfort and to give you my teachings.

43. I have opened your eyes so that you will become aware that my law is being stained on earth, but do not judge those who are staining it. Be familiar with my law so that you will not separate from my path when men attempt to hide it from you. Then you will be able to guide the one who walks in darkness.

44. You have not come to confuse anyone. Truly I say to you that before that occurs, you would be far better off if you did not speak of my word or if your life was cut short.

45. My people, you do not know what I have reserved for you. Do not believe that what you have heard up to this day is all that I have come to tell you. I am going to reveal great lessons to you. You will develop great spiritual gifts.

46. My teaching comes to help you to achieve communication from spirit to Spirit with your Father, for that is how you will attain salvation. Open your heart and preserve my divine word until the time comes to reveal it to your brothers, for this divine word will convert sinners and heal the ill.

47. The path which I outline for you in this period is not of blood but of life. Come to me, disciples, and rest from your sorrows. Allow my word to relieve your hunger and thirst for love and peace so that when you have received many of my spiritual blessings, you will imitate the virgins in my parable. You will light your lamp and await alertly for the return of your virtuous husband so that you may welcome him when he summons you at your door.

48. Whoever keeps my word in his heart and has faith in it will have peace and good fortune along his path on earth. Also, he will spiritually evolve along the path which will guide him to my kingdom.

49. I lovingly give you my word so that you may attain the true life and help your brethren to do the same because many of them have no faith. Everything that you do in my name for your brethren will be fulfilled. But if instead of offering blessings along your way, you insult or judge your neighbors, truly I say that you will be sentencing yourselves, for you will be measured by the same rod with which you measure others.

50. If you have offended me, ask my forgiveness. If your brother has offended you, forgive him. He may not know what he has done. However, those of you who have been spiritually enlightened through these teachings that you are receiving, can no longer say that you are innocent if you continue to offend your brother. If you were to offend others, you would be more insensitive than a rock, for I am teaching you to be virtuous with your brothers.

51. Study my word so that you will not be unprepared when death summons you nor in a state of spiritual darkness which prevents your spirit from perceiving the path of evolution that it needs to follow. My teaching is the only book which contains truth from its first to its last word. I have opened that book before you once again in this era in order to help you resurrect to eternal life and to gather you in the sheepfold of my love, for I observe that you are lost like sheep without a shepherd.

52. My voice is summoning all spirits to free them from the burden of the world. Some of my children have recognized the voice. Others have not, for their spirits, which were blinded by the materialism of this time, have not remembered it. But I, the Shepherd, having the ninety-nine sheep in the shelter of my love, which is my kingdom, descended to the earth in search of the lost one.

53. You have been nourishing yourself with bitter fruits for such a long time that you have forgotten the sweet fruit of eternal life. And it was only after you heard my word that you recognized the true nourishment of the spirit.

54. Yesterday, overwhelmed by the suffering from your sins, you arose in vain seeking the path of your spiritual evolution. Today, I have united you, made you aware of your spiritual gifts, and increased the size of this multitude. But truly I say to you that you should not become vain because of the blessings that I have given you. Do not judge those who have sinned nor humiliate those who have made mistakes. You need to remember and meditate over the teaching which I gave you in the Second Era when the adulteress was brought to me. Remember the parable of the publican, the pharisee, and the good Samaritan. The essence of those teachings is eternal. You will be able to apply them in your lives today, tomorrow, and always. I gave you parables in the Second Era, sometimes at the shores of the river, at other times in the desert or on the mountain. It was the divine message which I brought to you in Christ before man sentenced and crucified me in Jerusalem.

55. I want you to retain my word in your heart so that you may practice charity and love, and so that you might arise along your path healing those who are ill without expecting anything in return. You will practice those kind deeds only because you love your brethren.

56. Do not call yourself a spiritualist if you are horrified by those who are sick, or if you feel repulsed when their bodies are dressed in rags. If you separate yourself from sinners because you are afraid that you will be contaminated, you can not be my disciple.

57. Here is my new word, which you will unite with the one that I gave to you in the past. I am giving you my teaching in this era through different spokesmen so that you will have the confirmation that whatever I said through one spokesman was also spoken by all the others.

58. Prepare yourselves, men and women, for among you are those through whom I will give my word.

59. Here is the groom who called at the door of the virgins, and since they were waiting for him they opened it, had him come in, and in their house there was a celebration.

60. Some of you have sat before the table of love to eat the bread of my word and drink the wine which is its divine essence. Many of you were also with me in the Second Era and heard my words. Others of you observed my apostles in different regions, who proceeded to sow the seed of faith in Christ in their brethren, offering them proof of the truth, healing the sick, cleansing the lepers, and offering comfort to those who were suffering. But those individuals who were not nourished in that period will be nourished today, and those who were not on earth at that time will be on earth today.

61. I am going to select my disciples once again. Remember that in the Second Era I washed and lovingly kissed the feet of the twelve apostles, chosen by my charity, to teach you that if the Lord did that, you should be willing to do all things for your brethren.

62. Filled with humility I come to comfort and save you so that when you arise to fulfill your mission, teaching humanity the true path to follow, you will leave a path of meekness along the way. Can an individual, who has not washed his feet before beginning his journey, leave a true path of purity?

63. Behold the Lamb who voluntarily sacrificed himself in order that his blood might fall over his children, tracing with his footprints the path of spiritual evolution for humanity.

64. I observe those among you who shall follow me, and I also see those who shall weep and make great promises to follow me, but who will eventually turn their backs to me. But I am still among you; take advantage of each moment, for I will soon leave you and I will be observing from the heavens those who have received this heritage, obeying my mandates. Everyone who cleanses his heart in order to deliver my word to his brethren will be strong due to his purity, charity, love, and humility. But whoever glorifies himself and sells my word shall be weak in the presence of temptations.

65. Your nation has opened its doors, having allowed great multitudes of people from different nations to arrive. For I have told you that in this era I have not selected twelve individuals to take my word to humanity but have chosen 144,000 for this mission, which includes 12,000 beings from each of the twelve tribes. Some are in spirit, others are dwelling on earth. Those who dwell in the hereafter and did not know my teaching, will reincarnate on earth so that all will unite. Those individuals will have to endure sacrifices and bitterness on earth out of love for their brothers.

66. Today you are nourishing yourselves with the bread and wine that is contained within the essence of my teaching while humanity continues to represent this lesson with the bread and wine of the earth.

67. Remain close to me in order to protect one another and feel strong, for the wolves are attempting to attack you and the pharisees who hide in the crowds are the same ones from the past. They still are unable to recognize me because they are confused. They are the hypocrites who hide their sins behind a false purity.

68. Be alert and pray, for they will be the first to come and tell you that I am the false Christ. Some will show you the prophecies from the First Era and others those from the Second Era in order to try to prove to you that what you have witnessed was announced as being false. They will tell you not to allow yourselves to be deceived by these manifestations. Truly I say to you, Be careful with those individuals and others who only speak of my Doctrine but fail to confirm their words with their deeds.

69. Examine yourselves before your conscience and ask yourselves if you have felt peace after having listened to my teaching. Have those who were ill been healed? Have you felt inspired to practice kind deeds and to love one another? Have you felt regenerated? Yes, your conscience responds.

70. Remember the past and try to relive it. Here is the table which contains food that can nourish you for eternal life. Again I tell you that my body and my blood are represented today by my own word. A crumb from this bread is enough to give eternal life to your spirit. The sick who nourish themselves with this bread will become healthy, and whoever drinks this wine with respect for my doctrine and spiritual elevation will attain eternal peace.

71. Whoever remembers my word at the moment of his death on earth will find that the gifts and blessings which are contained in my word also exist in his spirit; thus, he will be able to perceive the light of my Holy Spirit on his journey.

72. The Father is revealing his divine wisdom to those who are poor and humble. Whoever drinks of this wine will feel that his spirit is strengthened. Whoever closes his lips in order not to drink this wine, because he fears death, will die spiritually. Only my love will be able to resurrect him. When it is my will to do so, I will come to him to ask; Why did you not drink from my wine? Arise. I am the one who spoke through the mouths of men and the same one who today resurrects you to the life of grace. Who else has power to resurrect the dead?

73. While I deliver my teaching to you, I observe the hearts of each one present. Some of you have been nourished by my word and have satisfied your hunger for love and comfort. Others think about ways of destroying this work because they do not believe in it and are worried over the great multitudes of dedicated individuals who gather in these houses of prayer to hear my word.

74. Eat this bread of eternal life. Drink the wine, which is found in the divine essence of this word.

75. Do not forget the deeds which I have done among you so that you might do them also among your brothers. As I have loved you, love your fellow human beings. Seat those who are needy at your table and give them the best place to seat.

76. In each one of my words exists many revelations so that you may study them very carefully, because the moment of my departure approaches when you will feel alone. You will remain as sheep among wolves, but I will comfort you. Then your mission will begin, and some will enter homes, others districts, and others foreign countries. You will be good workers in my fields and never tire of sowing my seed of peace and love. But it will not be necessary for you to carry many supplies for the journey, for I will watch over you. You will not fear severe changes in the weather or in nature's elements. I am present throughout creation.

77. I will guide you to the houses where those who share your faith live. They will receive you with happiness, and from there you will summon others, so that you might meet to pray and deliver my message to them. These who arrived last shall be converted into the first, and as new apostles they will arise to sow as you taught them.

78. My fields are extensive and my sowers are still few. But it is my will that the 144,000 be marked during the time while I still deliver my teaching in this form, for they are the ones through whom I will manifest myself to humanity in this era. And whoever testifies on my behalf, I will do the same for him. Similarly, anyone who betrays me will have to present himself before my justice.

79. Behold, all of you have been nourished by the Lamb. Nevertheless, among you I observe the one who will betray me, not in this moment, not in this night, but when seduced by the temptations of the world, he will accept the shiny coins to deliver me to his brothers. Since no one knows who that could be, you ask in your hearts, Master, who could it be? I simply tell you, Be alert and pray so that you do not fall into temptation.

80. There will also be those who will deny me in this time, and it will be soon. On this same night, there will be someone who will deny where he has been and to whom he has listened. Let no one deny me out of fear of the world because his pain will be very great.

81. In the Second Era Jesus went to pray in the Garden of Olives because his sacrifice was near. Today, I come to tell you, Pray and remember that example in order to find strength in the Lord, for truly I say to you that the chalice from which I drank that night was very bitter. Likewise, the chalice that humanity offers to me today is filled with great bitterness! In it are all the tears, the blood, and the pain of men.

82. Thus I teach you, O beloved disciples, to pray as you await the great ordeals; but the sins of all men will never weigh upon one single human being. Only Christ carried upon his shoulders the sins of all men, starting from Adam and ending with the last human being.

83. Those who inwardly ridicule these manifestations are the ones who are spitting in my face. And those who are judging me are the ones who whipped me in the Second Era. The sin and the spiritual darkness in which humanity now lives forms the prison where I am tortured.

84. Prepare yourselves, for the crowds of unbelievers and the multitudes of disturbed spirits will persecute you. Then I will tell them, Depart from my disciples, for they are not guilty.

85. Be alert and pray, live in peace, and you will have my strength in your spirits, for you will nourish yourselves with the bread of eternal life.

86. The moment has arrived for you to remember Christ, the Divine Master, in his last moments on the cross, those hours of darkness in the world when my presence enlightened those spirits which awaited me.

87. Humanity in this Third Era has lifted me to a new Calvary. And from my cross I observe you, O multitudes. The light of my Spirit descends upon mankind similar to how my blood was shed drop by drop upon humanity in the past. My divine sufferings are like wounds which open due to the sins and ingratitude of man. But today, divine water will flow from my wounds so that those who are blind might see and those who are evil might be redeemed. If you wound a tree, sap will emanate from it; I am the tree of true life which gives you life when you attempt to destroy it.

88. Who will help me with my cross in this era? You, disciples. Whoever weeps over his sins, repents, and regenerates will be remembered by humanity like that sinful woman who wet my feet with her tears and dried them with her hair.

89. Blessed are those who feel in their hearts the pain of their Lord and his thirst of love, for in the hereafter I will have them perceive me in all my splendor.

90. If the death which men gave to Jesus on the earth separated him from the arms of his sweet Mother, today in eternity, the Mother and Son are united by divine love. For you should know that if Christ is the Word of God, Mary is the divine maternal tenderness, and from the infinite, next to the cross which you have again prepared for me, she lovingly extends her mantle to cover you and turns her maternal gaze to you filled with forgiveness.

91. Do not forget these manifestations. And when the year 1950 has passed, you should gather to remember these teachings. Then your eyes will be filled with tears, with sadness, and with joy at the same time. You will feel sadness because you will remember the time when you heard my word, and you will feel joy because you will have finally entered into the time when you will communicate with me from spirit to Spirit.

My Peace be with you!


Teaching 46

1. Blessed are those who have heard the call of love which invited you to the spiritual banquet to nourish yourselves with the food of eternal life. I have brought you this nourishment, thus fulfilling the promise that I made to you through Jesus.

2. When I notice that you weaken along the path of your evolution, I approach you to fill you with strength, saying to you. Go step by step to the end of your journey with the hope of reaching the promised land. Once your spirit reaches that land, your spirit will attain the true peace that it greatly yearns, as a reward for your faith and perseverance.

3. O people in whom I have delighted, calling you Israel, child of light, and disciple of the Holy Spirit, do not look at whether or not your body is covered by rags or your feet are bare. Your spiritual dignity is not determined by your material possessions. Analyze your deeds in life through your conscience in order to know if your spirit is free from sin.

4. If you suffer when you are faced by the doubt and ridicule of your brothers, accept it. Do you know whether you cried out asking Pilate to crucify me in that time? Do you know whether you were one of those who persecuted my apostles and had them drink the chalice of bitterness?

5. You become silent when I ask you these questions, and I say to you, Forgive those who offend you. Do not create double-edged weapons with my words to hurt your brothers. In this period your evolved spirit should attain serenity, and that serenity should guide your deeds, words, and thoughts. Your spiritual age is no longer that of a child, and under my teaching you have ceased to be toddlers in order to convert yourselves into disciples. Perform your deeds within my doctrine without altering it or disrespecting it. Do not reject anyone from your company. Though you may see stains and errors in one of your brothers, do not consider him an evil person. If someone mixes imperfect ideas with my doctrine or makes bad use of his gifts, correct him in a loving manner, and guide him charitably. Leave him only if he stubbornly continues to be evil and rejects you. Pray for him and leave the cause to me.

6. I am preparing you so that with my light you might resurrect those who are spiritually dead. Save those beings with your prayers and set examples of love for them to follow. Think, my children, about what you will present to your Father when you find yourselves before his presence.

7. It is the Spirit of Truth who speaks to you. You have recognized the tree by its fruit and this fountain by its pure water. That is why you come seeking this path. But it is necessary that you cleanse your being of all selfishness and sinfulness toward your brothers so that the great love that you feel for me will be pure and worthy of the Father.

8. Be humble even when you feel that the Creator has placed great gifts in your being. Behold that I have not brought a crown for anyone in order to make him king.

9. I say to the multitudes who have gathered to hear my voice: The day approaches when this manifestation will cease and you will feel alone, even though my spiritual presence is with you. Then a new phase will begin when I will purify you physically and spiritually, when I will purify the worship and practices of this people in order for it to advance to other regions and other nations, taking the good news of my word and offering testimony of my doctrine through deeds of love.

10. I have foretold you that after 1950 the multitudes which formed this nation will seek to communicate with me from spirit to Spirit because, by then, I will no longer give you my word through human spokesmen. What will you do then with my mandates and principles? What will be the example of spirituality, obedience, and faith that you will offer those who are about to come among you? What will be the example and the seed which you will leave future generations?

11. Be aware that the time is already near and that it will be the beginning of spiritual communication, the end of the kingdom of idolatry and religious fanaticism.

12. Caravans from distant lands will come toward this nation seeking this testimony. You will receive them with love in your hearts, and you will show them the Book of True Life which you have formed with the teachings I have given to you, not forgetting that your deeds and feelings should be a part of a book which you present.

13. Take advantage of the years that remain in which you will be able to listen to my word, thus spiritually rejoicing as you learn my doctrine. Do not let this become a period of judgement and complaints. If you ignore the teachings that you have received in this era, starting with those that Elijah gave you when this manifestation started as well as those that I will give you through 1950, you will need to amend your mistake through great suffering. Do not attempt to do that.

14. In order to avoid my law being disrespected, I am going to cleanse this multitude and touch all of those who have received missions. I will extend this purification to all aspects of your lives, not only the spiritual. The same ones who have disrespected my law will be in charge of washing the stains which they have left upon it.

15. O people, I want my peace to manifest itself throughout your spirits, your eyes and your smiles. I do not want your face to reflect bitterness or restlessness due to your suffering. You are a nation of people who have long suffered, but whose mission is to triumph over that suffering. You will carry your cross with acceptance and love, being humble, and triumphing over the weaknesses of the flesh. Patiently endure your difficult moments, and be aware that my divine word heals your wounds at every moment.

16. When will this word reach all of humanity? The music of these nightingales have not reached the faraway places; they have not brought the sweetness of my teachings to the mansions of the great or to the homes of the powerful; they have not reached the battlefields which have been soaked with the blood of men nor have they reached those individuals who live in the new Sodom or who are busily constructing the new Tower of Babel. But the teachings that I am giving you during these last few years of my manifestation will be the message that will reach your brethren tomorrow. That is why I am preparing and purifying you during these moments.

17. Although you have not seen nor been directly touched by the tragedies that are occurring on earth, you have heard about the wars and catastrophes that are occurring which have caused orphans and widows to weep.

18. You have found out through me that you are the people of Israel, and through history you know that this nation in past times was called the people of God, the chosen one, the one who has received many blessings from the Celestial Father. Today, I want you to know that this nation which I have again sent to earth in this era has never been loved more than the rest of the nations. And if it received many blessings from me, it was for the purpose of sharing these blessings with others in order to help mankind become enlightened and discover the true path to salvation.

19. Has that nation fulfilled its mission in past eras? Is it obeying that law of love and brotherhood in the present era? If you know the ancient history of this people, you are aware that it also experienced great ordeals, adversity, slavery, hunger, illness and humiliation because of its disobedience and disloyalty. Those people did not leave an example of love, spirituality, and obedience to my law for the future generations. Instead, they shed the blood of their brothers, of prophets, and of virtuous individuals. They were jealous, disobedient, quarrelsome, and shed the blood of the Son of God.

20. That nation needs to wash and purify all those stains, to cleanse its faults, and to practice good deeds that are worthy of its Lord.

21. You, disciples, should not set an example of disobedience and disrespect in this era, for later you will not have enough tears to cleanse your sorrows and stains. Set a new example for your brethren, an example of regeneration, reconciliation, brotherhood, obedience, and spirituality. Your pact in this era is written by your conscience.

22. Allow the remaining years, in which you will continue to receive my teaching, to prepare you for my departure. Fulfill all that I am asking you during those years. Understand that after this period, I do not want mankind to continue to observe your present imperfections nor deceitfulness. When that time arrives, men will get to know my word through the writings which I have entrusted to my golden pens. Tomorrow, you will utilize this book when you need to study my work, when you are confused by your ordeals, or when you need comforting.

23. My Spirit enlightens your being so that you will know how to guide those beings who are following in your steps.

24. Today, I have come to give you my teaching as I did in the Second Era when I lived among you and showed you, with my example, how to save mankind.

25. Humanity, not satisfied with that lesson, still asks that my innocent blood be shed once more in this time. But the Divine Master has come in spirit, and that proof of love will not be repeated in the same form. Today, I am speaking through human spokesmen, offering you my enlightenment and wisdom so that you might be saved. By loving your brethren, your spirit will evolve along its path.

26. I have observed that many nations have forgotten my teaching of love and humility. They have arisen against each other. The strong humiliate the weak, and my spiritual messengers, to whom I have given the mission of inspiring peace and agreement among the leaders, have returned to me with sorrow in their spirits for not having been heard or obeyed. Therefore, I have allowed humanity to endure bitter moments so that, through that suffering, it will become enlightened and return to its path of evolution.

27. In this time of trial, you have Elijah inspiring you to pray and practice good deeds in order for you to counteract the forces of evil. Also, you have your Divine Intercessor watching more closely than ever over this humanity which has ignored her advice and warnings.

And you have me, your Father, unchangeable in my love, giving you one more opportunity to regenerate yourselves and elevate your spirits in order for you to attain the reward which I have promised you.

28. If beyond your nation, your brothers wound and kill each other without pity, abolish peace, destroy weak nations, and sow terror, misery and grief along their paths, you, whom I have prepared and to whom I announced these events long ago, be vigilant and pray. Send out thoughts of peace so that your hearts pour out love and charity among your brothers.

29. I have chosen you from among the great multitudes which form humanity in order to manifest my doctrine and my will, and I have invited every spirit to perfect itself along its path by fulfilling my Divine will. But you have more responsibility because you have seen the fulfillment of all my words.

30. The elements and forces of nature will be unleashed to purify and restore all that has been stained and disrespected by man on earth.

31. The children of this time are deeply touched observing the chaos that exists on earth, and their innocent hearts elevate themselves in prayer, asking me to enlighten the leaders and to help them make good decisions. They also pray for those nations which have suffered under the oppression of stronger nations and ask me to return their freedom. Those children have a sense of love and justice, and they want peace and good will among men. I receive their prayers and convert them into healing balsam to pour upon those nations in war.

32. I say to young children: Do not depart from the path of humility, obedience, and loving emotions. Do not allow yourselves to be contaminated. Flee from the influence of evil. Trust me and allow my light to guide you, illuminating the path of your evolution.

33. Those of you who are older, I also observe as children and value your deeds. Enlighten yourself with my teaching and tell me about your concerns. Be strong when faced with pain and accept your destiny. In your prayers, you tell me about your brothers who suffer and I accept your prayers on their behalf. I love all of you the same as the rest of my children. I receive your prayers, and I bless you. I bless all of my children, including those who love me and believe in this word as well as those who doubt and reject me. I have touched your hearts which yesterday were as insensitive as a rock. Now you are beginning to practice deeds of love and forgiveness with humanity, which is what I have always asked of you. The law of love and of charity is the eternal law without beginning nor end, which to this day has not been practiced by humanity.

34. Today, you come near me seeking my divine word to eliminate your suffering and to caress your heart, which has endured great turmoil. I come to offer you my warmth, as does a loving bird to its chicks, for I observed that many of you are shivering from coldness and that others have died from that cold. My presence offers you strength during your ordeals. I do not want your faith to be extinguished.

35. Only faith will sustain you in this time of pain. If you want to set an example for your brothers and to offer testimony of my word with your deeds, be strong, be vigilant, and prepare yourselves. Practice what my doctrine teaches so that others will believe you. I want you to become strong and enlightened by my teaching, and to recuperate for lost time.

36. If you love me, your hearts will be transformed. You will feel full of life and eagerness to struggle for your elevation. You will be my true disciples, and when you face ordeals, you will not depart from me nor will you blame me for the trials of your restitution. You will be satisfied fulfilling your restitution, knowing that in those trials the spirit becomes purified and perfected.

37. Take advantage of the time in which you are receiving my lessons, for after this time you will no longer have my teaching under this form. But also wait for me to tell you, This is the portion of hearts which you will have under your care; these are the limits of your work, although you will have no limits in practicing love and forgiveness. For even when you present me a small harvest, if it has been cultivated with love, that will suffice, and I will receive you and bless your work. You will be alert so that you do not leave the path of righteousness, so that the light I have delivered to you will be like a shining light which illuminates the path of every spirit. It will remove all doubts and will have you feel sure of your deeds, but if you were to leave the path, it would always be inviting you to return and fulfill your work.

38. To my other children I say: Do not be impatient nor ask me for an assignment without first understanding its responsibility. Do not walk quickly, for you will soon tire and weariness will cause you to sleep, only to awaken in another era. The journey is long and the way is rough. You should advance step by step without pausing. If you triumph over the impulses of the flesh and are able to elevate your spirits, you will live on a superior level, from where you will be able to clearly observe the spiritual life which awaits you.

39. Understand my love, and be aware that I am not like the stingy rich man who wants everything for himself. All that is mine is also yours because you are my beloved children.

40. You are the generation chosen in this time to receive my manifestations. I have poured my blessings upon you because I do not wish for you to return to earth to redeem past faults. I want to guide you to my kingdom to enjoy true peace after the fulfillment of your mission.

41. You tell me that the earth is a place of suffering and punishment. I say to you that you are the ones who have made earth a world of unhappiness and obstacles due to your disobedience. I have taught you humility and obedience and have always advised you to seek goodness. I have told you to sow peace in order to harvest peace. Prepare the path for new generations by sharing my seed with them. You will then see my seed flourish and bear fruit in those new generations.

42. I have granted you gifts which bring you close to me. I have allowed you to see beyond your world and offer testimony of my teachings in the Third Era. No one will be able to restrain the manifestation of those gifts, any more than anyone can prevent my charity toward you. Only your conscience will enable you to comprehend the greatness of the blessings which I have granted you. Purify yourselves and work so that you soon may be with me and have the satisfaction of having understood and obeyed my mandates.

43. Today, during this time of restitution, return peace to those whose faith you have extinguished, heal those whom you have hurt with your words, repay your debts, be charitable and loving with your brothers, and you will be obeying my law.

44. Because man is no longer obeying my law, he has created ideas, theories, religions and various doctrines which divide and confuse humanity, enslaving his spirit to materialism and keeping it from elevating freely. But the light of my Holy Spirit illuminates all men, signaling the path of the true life. The conscience is the only one who will guide you along that path.

45. When the great epidemics are unleashed, men of science will not be able to cure those who suffer due to their lack of love and charity. My workers will then appear; they are my disciples who have been given the mission of curing and comforting their brothers. The spiritual world will unite with them and offer its blessings to those who are greatly suffering. Be vigilant and pray, for today I am giving my teachings through human spokesmen, but tomorrow only those who are prepared will receive my inspiration and will communicate with me from spirit to Spirit.

46. The golden pens will write my teachings for future generations, for my word will not be lost. It will be like a treasure which you preserve throughout the times. I say to you that whoever finds the divine essence in the depth of this word will be the one who will follow my example with firmness and perseverance. Whoever has faith in this word is like the one who carries the lighted torch to illuminate his path without becoming confused with false theories or elegant words, for he will have discovered the secret to finding truth.

He will have understood the immense love which I have for you and will feel that I am with all of my children, encouraging them once more to continue the journey.

47. You have endured difficult ordeals which have torn your clothes into shreds, but you have elevated yourselves in prayer, asking that my charity keep your lamps from going out, and have found the Divine Master always ready to come to your aid.

48. The path is painful, and in this world one does not reap the fruit of the harvest. But truly I say to you that in this time of trials and judgement, a little peace in the spirit and a crumb of bread on your table is worth more than elegant clothes or rich feasts, or even the thrones of those who are kings on earth. I, who penetrate into their hearts, say to you that they are like tombs and that there is much bitterness in their lives.

49. On this humble path there exists pleasures, satisfactions, and treasures of great value to the spirit. Blessed is the one who knows how to value them.

50. Among you are those who became disgusted by the pleasures of the world and will no longer return to them. But there are others who are still attracted by the false happiness which those pleasures offer. If one of these individuals was invited by a bad friend to follow the wrong path and, at the same time, that individual was approached by someone ill requesting a drop of healing balsam, then that individual would experience an inner struggle between his spirit and the flesh. However, if his sentiments of love and charity toward his brothers triumphed, separating himself from the bad friend who had tempted him, he would help the sick person. Then that sick person, in reality, saved him from that temptation. What great joy and peace he would feel when that person became healed! Then he would elevate himself in prayer and say: Thank you, Master, for having given me the strength to triumph in this ordeal.

51. Behold how those whom you have healed offer you their blessings. Behold the joy in one who has left his sick bed with your help. Listen to the grateful words of those who are lost and who have returned to the righteous path with your guidance. There is great joy in your heart knowing that you have fulfilled your mission! But woe unto those who are unaware of that joy!

52. This word which I give you through man is not human theory. The essence of this manifestation contains a divine revelation.

53. To help man overcome his spiritual ignorance, it is necessary that I reveal to him those things that pertain to eternal life. You have not been able to attain that spiritual knowledge that belongs to you from the spiritual inspiration and elevation you have received while dwelling on earth, but my secret sanctuary awaits to reveal it to you.

54. This is the third revelation, the Third Testament, and that is why you are Trinitarians. Everyone who has received the spiritual sign on his forehead in this time was already with me in two previous eras.

55. I have sent you to endure a great struggle among humanity. It is for that reason that you often bring me your garments torn into shreds by the battles of life. But you know very well that your loving Master cures your sorrows and your wounds in the same manner that you heal the pain of your sick brothers in my name.

56. I bless the concern you have shown for the one who suffers, the comfort and the caress that you have offered him, and the tears which you have shed for the one who weeps in the world. I receive all that you have gathered. Remember that all that you do for your brethren, you do for your Father and for yourselves. Not one single seed is lost in my field.

57. If the word which you are hearing and all that I teach you is perfect, it is because your spirit is perfect since it originated from me. Observe how your spirit, enlightened by its conscience, approves good deeds and does not accept imperfections.

58. Who among you would be able to prove that you have not existed before this life? Who among you that is absolutely certain that you have come to reincarnate on earth again could prove that you have settled your debt with the Father and that you have accumulated extra merits?

59. No one knows where he is on the ladder of perfection. Therefore, you need to struggle, love, and persevere to the end.

60. For some their journey on earth will still take a long time, whereas for others, they will soon continue with their journey in the spiritual valley. Verily I say to you that it is very beautiful to work in the spiritual valley when one has fulfilled all of his work on earth. But do not believe that by fulfilling your mission in the world you have reached the goal of perfection. The ladder of spiritual perfection is very long, and in order to reach the top, you must go through seven steps.

61. Pray to be strong in your ordeals. Pain will be felt very deeply this year in the hearts of men because once again the bitter fruit of science and human ambitions will poison and kill large populations of people.

62. All that is stained will be cleansed, and every weed will be pulled out by the root. I will use those individuals who today have gone astray in order to exercise my divine justice, and this valley, which up until now has been one of tears, will be one of blood, for it will run in streams on the earth.

63. I gave free will to man, but if in his confusion he complains about it, I will tell him that I also gave him the ability to choose and comprehend. At the same time, I revealed my law to him, so that he might not stumble or become lost, and endowed him with a conscience, which is an inner light that illuminates the way of the spirit and leads it to eternal life.

64. Why does sin exist and evil dominate, and why do wars break out? Those things occur because man does not listen to his conscience and does not use his free will wisely.

65. Men will come to the end of their own path and return along the same way, reaping the fruit of all they have sown. That is the only manner in which they will truly repent, for without recognizing their faults, they can do nothing to correct their errors.

66. A new world is in preparation. The new generations are about to arrive, but before that occurs, it is necessary to separate the hungry wolves so that they do not prey on the sheep.

67. I have sent you as soldiers of peace. Do not be frightened when faced by the battle. Do not allow yourselves to feel intimidated by men of different sects and religions. With all your humility, you are no less than they.

68. On this path of perfection, which is an infinite ladder, there have always been beings who go before and others who go behind, but all of them will arrive at the same mansion, for there are no hierarchies in my divine kingdom, only children whom I greatly love. I am in everyone. I hide in the heart of the powerful as well as in the beggar. That is why I say to you that when you see a needy individual come to your doors, do not deny him charity, for it will be your Father who has come to summon your heart.

69. I am thirsty for your love, O beloved children!

70. My communication in this time is one more proof that I have come to give you my love. But prepare yourselves, because this communication will soon pass, and I say to you once again that I will speak to you for the last time on the last day of 1950. After that day you will seek me spiritually in the infinite and when you are prepared, you will hear my voice in the form of inspiration, no longer with the imperfections of the human spokesman.

71. Pray, my people, for in those moments in which you pray, wars cease, people feel rested, mothers find comfort and children find refuge.

72. Woe unto those who have not known how to prepare themselves, for they will feel like orphans on the earth!

73. Great spiritual events will be seen in the world; prophets will appear in nations and the contents of the Seven Seals will be known by all individuals; the light of the Seventh Seal will be recognized as the one which shines in this period, for this revelation will unite men of all races and beliefs.

My Peace be with you!


Teaching 47

1. Humanity, I am preparing you with my word in this period so that you may understand my doctrine. I am summoning spirits to make them aware of their spiritual gifts and to have them study my manifestations. Thus, they should not be surprised by these manifestations because these events are only confirming the prophecies that were made for this period.

2. I want each one of you to occupy the disciple's place in which I have placed you. All of you have been sent to earth to fulfill a mission, and I have patiently awaited your fulfillment of that mission. I have given you many opportunities and you still have not perfected yourselves. Do you wish this new era to pass without taking advantage of it because your cross of fulfillment seems heavy? The time that you have is limited. I do not wish that tomorrow, when you are ready to work, you then find yourselves near the end of your life on earth without your physical abilities. Work from the moment of your enlightenment whether you are in your infancy, in full maturity, or in old age. Sow in order to reap, and keep your seed in my granary where time does not destroy it nor the thief steal it.

3. Man today struggles in great battles. While some are waging cruel wars, others struggle to overcome their low passions and liberate the spirit. Humanity has become divided and life is like a ship which is ready to collapse in the midst of the storm. Even those of you who dwell in this nation, which has remained in peace, do not enjoy tranquility. All of you are enduring pain and suffering.

4. Why is it that some ignore the sound of the celestial bell which summons them? This bell is my voice which summons all of my children wherever they may dwell. When you hear my word, you feel it is not the echo of the human voice which I use to speak to you but my voice which reaches your heart, giving you encouragement and life.

5. I will only receive a pure worship from you. Only your deeds of love and charity will give you my peace.

6. Listen to my advice as Father and do not run away from me. I have told you that a whole region can be saved by just one virtuous individual. If you are unable to become truly virtuous, then at least regenerate yourself and work hard. Thus, you can regain my divine grace and become one of my messengers on earth. Do not be indifferent to pain. Pray for your brethren because your prayers will help your brothers to dry their tears and to attain peace and blessings. Before humanity weakens under the weight of its cross, I will be its helper and will take its heavy load in order for it to continue progressing.

7. Blessed are those who know how to cleanse their hearts in order to receive my word, for it will nourish them eternally. Blessed are those who weep and suffer observing the confusion in which their brothers live, for their prayer will reach me. They will see the flourishing and restoration of virtue in the heart of man.

8. Ask and it will be given to you. Seek and you will find. I have shown you my Spirit so that you will come to know me. I remind you of the words I said in the Second Era, Thomas, sink your fingers into my side and do not be an unbeliever. Come to me through faith and leave behind your disbelief. Behold that I am showing you in the heavens the promised land which awaits the arrival of my beloved disciples with open doors.

9. I have given you an abundance of bread to spiritually nourish yourselves so that tomorrow you will not hunger for this word which today you ignore. Elevate yourselves to attain your spiritual evolution. Pray for everyone and be aware that you are like a ray of light on the path of your brothers. Be good shepherds for humanity which is your flock. All of you who are spiritually enlightened, who have sound judgement, and who are inspired can guide and redeem those who are lost.

10. It is prophesied that the pain will be very great, but you will remain tranquil if you know how to pray and practice my doctrine, for you will feel my strength in every moment. But woe unto those who, having heard these lessons, have not believed in my manifestation, for their doubt will cause them to weaken in the trial. You who have received and kept the words of the prophets in your memory, do not curse nor despair when the time comes in which suffering overwhelms humanity. Be silent and prepare yourselves and I will protect you with my love.

11. Do not ask me to withdraw my laws and judgements. Ask with humility, and I will give to you what is justly yours so that you may attain salvation.

12. Analyze and understand the lessons which untiringly I have given to you in this Third Era. My word appeared before you like a shining and guiding light to guide those who were lost along the true path.

13. My teaching has given you spiritual strength not only to resist the difficulties that occur on earth but also to carry out the spiritual mission which you have brought. Do not expect everyone to receive you with open arms when you go to spread my doctrine. There are those who want you to fail in that mission, and will create obstacles.

14. I come to purify and prepare you physically and spiritually so that you understand the inspirations of the Father and later take them to the hearts of your brothers with the same purity with which I have given them to you. You will also need to offer testimony to the truth of my teaching with your deeds.

15. I have heard this prayer from those who are blessed with my charity, Lord, you are untiring in granting us gifts and goodness. And I say to you, I am your Father and know your needs. How could my Spirit not be moved before your prayer and petition? I have comforted you when you are by yourself in your bedroom and enlightened you in your meditations. Promptly you come to hear my word, but prepare your hearts beforehand as an altar, and show me your good deeds as an offering.

16. You come before me like the child who offers his hand to his Father to have him lead him along the path, and truly I perceive you as my children. Also behold that I resemble the shepherd who cares for his sheep and calls them with a sweet voice from the sheepfold. You have heard my voice through human spokesmen in this Third Era, but you decided to seek me only after you became spiritually thirsty from having crossed the desert of your passions. It was then that you heard the call of your Celestial Father.

17. Whenever you called me for help, you felt my presence giving you comfort and peace; but the moment came when you were hungry for my words and arose seeking my teaching.

18. The clock of eternity signaled the hour and designated that the moment had arrived for your spirit to find the water which would quench its thirst.

19. Some of you doubted because of the unexpected form in which I manifested myself, but soon, after having penetrated into the essence of the word which you heard, you realized that this word could only originate from God. Then, filled with joy, you said to me, Father, Father, we believe in your new manifestation among humanity! You found yourselves adorned with spiritual gifts, you experienced peace in your hearts, and you witnessed great harmony in your homes. And while the children rejoiced being with the Father, he also felt his thirst for love disappear observing the happiness of his little ones, on seeing their regeneration, and receiving their caresses through their prayers.

20. Then I said to you: Follow me. I have already given you proof of my presence, and you have developed faith. That is why you have not weakened nor have you rebelled against my law when you have encountered ordeals along your path.

21. You have seen your dear ones depart to the hereafter, you have seen the doors to your work closed and bread become scarce at your table; you have lost your worldly goods; but faith, like a shining and guiding light, has brought you to a safe harbor. There have also been those who have weakened amidst the ordeal and have asked themselves questions about my word and felt their faith become extinguished.

22. But I have spoken to those individuals through their conscience to ask them the following: Why have you weakened? Why have you lacked in faith and forgotten my words? Remember that I told you that the chosen will always be tested in order to strengthen their faith, their perseverance, and their love.

23. Those who have known how to be strong have seen the storms pass and light shine again on their path. They have seen peace, health and lost goods returned to them.

24. That is the manner in which I prepare those with a hardened heart. They will become my servants tomorrow; those servants will offer true testimony to humanity and will sow my seed of truth.

25. The spirit is noble when touched by my word, but the material body is weak. Therefore I say to you that if I come to strengthen and lift your spirits, they should be responsible for encouraging and sustaining the material body along the way.

26. You have been greatly tested, beloved disciples, for each trial contains a mystery for you. You do not know whether it is designed to strengthen you in battle, to reveal new knowledge to you, or to restitute a sin. You should never attempt to avoid an ordeal because they are never greater than your moral or spiritual strength.

27. Be among those who know how to remain strong in great battles. Thus, generations with light and grace will emerge from you.

28. In order to prepare yourselves, come to receive my lessons of love so that you may eliminate all of your confusion. This word will show you the true path if you have gone astray from that path. My celestial voice comes to announce to you and speak to you of the Third Era.

29. Your faults and imperfections have not been an obstacle for my manifestation in this era. On the contrary, they are the reason for my manifestation. I came to seek you because you were lost, ill, and overwhelmed by suffering. Your Master descended to say to you: Come to me. Then you arose eagerly to follow the path of the law written by the one who is Master and Lord of creation.

30. The light of the Third Era illuminates the paths so that you may discover the thorns along your path and clear them, for this path is sown with trials.

31. My love has continually summoned at the door of your home so that you be vigilant. How can there be anyone who still doubts my word after I have given you so much evidence of my love? The one who doubts has eyes, yet he cannot see, he has a mind, yet he cannot comprehend, and he has a heart, yet he cannot feel.

32. You still do not know me. When you come to love one another as I have taught you, then you will attain true knowledge and comprehend your spiritual gifts. I have told you that the virtuous feelings that are stored in your heart will be manifested in the words that you speak, but how can one speak of love if he does not carry it in his heart? Does it not disturb you to think that the individuals to whom I give these teachings in this era are the same ones to whom I have given lessons of love in the past two eras? Behold that in my love for you as your Father and Master I come to entrust this doctrine to you. It is a book which you should preserve with the same purity and wisdom that it originally had when it was given to you by the divine charity of the Lord. Great multitudes will arrive to scrutinize this doctrine. Among them will be the new pharisees and the new scribes who will attempt to test me. Thus, when they arrive you will present to them a perfect doctrine, a spiritual doctrine overflowing with love and justice, a doctrine that teaches man to worship me with his spirit and with simplicity. You will confirm this doctrine with your deeds of love and charity for your brethren.

33. Be alert and pray; be prepared for my doctrine will be persecuted. Do not let these revelations disturb you. When those individuals arrive, let them observe you fulfilling your mission of healing the sick and comforting the one who suffers. I will give you strength by allowing you to nourish yourself with the spiritual wisdom from the tree of life which exists in everyone. Sit at the table under this shade, but be careful not to stain the white cloth. This whiteness is similar to that of the road which you will have to journey. My mantle of love covers all of my children, and my charity prepares the path of all who shall hear me in this time.

34. The unleashed elements awaken humanity at every moment. Be alert so that they will not touch your regions.

35. Allow the multitudes to come to you, for each heart and each spirit brings a sorrow. Put them in touch with my spiritual world while this manifestation is still occurring, so that they might receive the spiritual healing balsam which descends from my kingdom. I want to see you prepared, working eagerly to fulfill my work of love. May the hour of my justice find you healing the sick, comforting the sad, teaching the one who is thirsty for truth, and advising the one who has strayed from the path. Be aware that it will be you who will greatly suffer, if you have failed to fulfill your mission, when that hour arrives.

36. I do not want to see you dejected when you are present with me. I want to always observe you confident and satisfied. I want you to have acquired peace and strength when the time comes for my departure, for truly I say to you that you will have to struggle. I see those who will follow me and those who will reject me during those trials, since I have been touching and testing each one of you to give you strength.

37. I want the leaves and the fruit of the tree which you form to be healthy and life-giving. Then my divine charity will allow you to encounter the multitudes who only await to be summoned, for they are enduring great bitterness and suffering.

38. Those who arrive to relieve their sorrows and regain their faith will be the ones who are ill spiritually, mentally, and physically. Also arriving will be widows, orphans, and abandoned men and women who hunger for love and peace. Pray for those who are not able to come, and through your prayers, I will grant your requests.

39. Be persistent in your regeneration. Do not allow your material body to regress in its evolution. Be aware that as you progress spiritually you will attain more spirituality in your life.

40. My people, feel the joy that my Divine Spirit experiences as I speak to you and you hear my words. Observe how my word clarifies many of the mysteries which previously you were unable to comprehend.

41. Men of this time, who believed yourselves to be in the sunset years of your lives, my teaching has come to surprise you like a new sunrise which has revived your spirits.

42. Blessed are those who recognize their mission and embrace their cross in this period, for they will be able to sow the seed of my doctrine in fertile fields.

43. Take a seat, young students and disciples. Eliminate the turbulence that is occurring in your minds and in your hearts and replace it with peace. Allow the rainbow of peace to appear in the spiritual heavens.

44. In my divine lesson you will become surprised to discover numerous hidden gifts and powers that you possess. In the future you will be able to use those gifts and powers to triumph over your trials and ordeals.

45. My Spirit will be your guide in this period, and I will open a path across the new Red Sea, just as in the time of Moses. I will save and nourish you in the desert, and I ask only that you practice my examples of love and that you be faithful to the end. At the end of your path, your spirit will reach the promised land and knock at its doors. There you will find rest from human struggles and will free yourself from all the low passions and miseries of this world. Also, you will get to know true spiritual enlightenment, and through that enlightenment you will be able to perceive the truth just as you are able to perceive sunlight on earth.

46. You were born from the Father, and thus, to him you must return. Not only do you need to return to him with your original purity, but also, upon your return, you will have greatly evolved by having developed your spiritual gifts and fulfilling the divine laws. But no one will come to me alone; each one will bring all of those whom he has brought to safety, those whom he has healed, and those whom he comforted and led along the path of salvation. In order to help your spirits on their path of evolution, I have come in this period to give you my lessons of love.

47. Now is the time to learn. Behold how my Spirit is touching all spirits and physical bodies. Some beings speak of my word when they are in a state of ecstasy and others also do that when they are not in ecstasy. The elderly, the young, and the children speak of my spiritual kingdom. Are these not the events that were prophecized by the prophets and myself in the past, when we spoke of my new manifestation?

48. Cleanse your hearts and your minds to allow your spirits to become elevated and purified. Then I will manifest my light through your beings and will surprise humanity with your deeds of love. I will speak to the old through the young; through the ignorant and uneducated I will speak to the wise; through the humble I will speak to the arrogant. Today, you still do not understand what awaits you, but you will know it tomorrow, and you will arise with humility to travel to those places where people are spiritually asleep today. But tomorrow, once those individuals receive my divine message, they will rise up ready to follow me.

49. Today, you anxiously await for your Master to descend to teach you and to remind you of teachings of past times. You live alert ready to hear my teachings and feeling love in your heart for me. You are attentive, ready to analyze my word. Later in silence you recall my advice and commandments and try to understand them in order to put them into practice. Then you understand the true pureness of my teaching and the delicacy of your mission. Then you ask me if it will be necessary for your spirit to separate from its material body in order to become more hardworking since you feel that your body is an obstacle for your elevation and the fulfillment of your mission. I say to you that you should accept that material body with love and use it correctly. I created your physical body and offered it to you for a purpose. If you know how to guide it, it will be your co-worker. Thus, you will know how to appreciate and benefit from your existence on the earth with the harvest which you achieve from your having sown love among your brothers.

50. Imitate me and perform miracles, for you are my chosen ones. Be doctors and counselors to your brothers, and work and intervene on their behalf. Work spiritually hard so that you may guide humanity to discover the true path of salvation and, thus, mankind will feel that they walk on firm ground on the path of their restitution.

51. Enter those fields which I have prepared and sow my seed in them, like good laborers who soften the land with love, for human hearts have hardened and you need to work patiently with them. When you have encountered stubborn human beings, you have wanted to run away from them, saying, This is not one of those whom God is seeking. He wants humble hearts. Do you not know that it is those individuals whom I have come to seek out and convert? I ask you, When you came to me, was your heart already like a home or a temple for me? Look back, and you will realize that you have left behind your wrongdoings and have been reborn to the true life.

52. Why do you sometimes doubt my communication through the human spokesmen and ask me for proof when you see that your request has not been granted? Do you lack faith? You want to hear me speak in a superior language in order to believe, and you are interfering in my high judgements. I ask you, Have you already reached the summit of spirituality in order to be able to interpret my inspirations? Are you so elevated that you can read my will in my Spirit? You are still too spiritually small to understand me, but I am guiding you along my path so that you will learn to communicate with me spiritually and acquire some of my divine knowledge.

53. You have dishonored the mission assigned to your spirit even though I have destined you to attain peace and perfection in your eternal life.

54. When you are humble, you will be great. Greatness does not lie in pride and vanity as many believe. I have told you throughout the times to be meek and humble of heart. Acknowledge me as your Father and love me. Do not seek a throne for your material body or a name to distinguish you from the rest. Do not seek to be different from others and always practice good will.

55. Prepare yourselves to see me in all my splendor and give testimony of me, and as you become elevated, I will shed my wisdom on you.

56. O humanity, you have not known how to separate yourselves from the vanities of the world in order to fulfill the laws of the spirit. You love this world, which makes you weep, and have come to earth many times not knowing the purpose for which you have been sent! I say to you, fulfill your mission and prepare yourselves for the trip to your true homeland which I have promised you. Thus, you will be able to hear the Father welcoming you when you arrive, offering you spiritual peace which you have earned with your deeds of love and charity toward your brothers.

57. Do not fear the ordeals of this time. Clothe yourselves with strength and help your fellow beings. Among those beings you will find many who have been weakened by pain. You will see your brothers in anguish and will offer them a healing balsam for their pain; you will offer them words of encouragement and strength, and a ray of light from your Father. Feel the sorrow of your brethren, and you will have shared their affliction and given them love and charity.

58. I say to those of you who weep in silence, Blessed are you who come seeking comfort. You have not sought symbols nor images in order to pray, for you know that I am with you, and you have found me within you. I have given you strength for your spirit and physical body.

59. Blessed are those who have known how to guide the multitudes and have sought my assistance when they have felt overwhelmed by the weight of their cross. I illuminate the path of all beings who dwell in the spiritual and material regions. Do not look upon each other as strangers. Offer warmth to your brethren, and truly love one another, for if you know how to love your brothers you will have loved me.

My Peace be with you!


Teaching 48

1. I say to the multitudes who seek the shade of this large tree where you may rest: Here you will be able to listen to my word which comes to give you comfort and strength so that you can observe with resignation the path which you will need to travel.

2. When you feel your spirit weakening, ask Elijah for his walking stick so that leaning on it, you may come to the crystal clear fountain of the Father, where the waters of his love and wisdom overflow offering encouragement and joy to those who are traveling.

3. I am teaching you to build the true temple, for there are many who have created sanctuaries without placing in them the foundations of faith. My temple shall be like a tree whose branches are extended with love throughout the universe, and where birds from different regions come to sing. And when their voices unite, they will come to form a harmonious, sweet, and perfect concert in order to elevate it to the Creator. There your spirit will elevate itself to seek the Lord, as Father, as Master, or as Doctor, but never as Judge.

4. The true God will be loved in true form. False gods will be destroyed, and that worship which is imperfect and impure will be replaced by spiritual worship, which will be a song of love for the Father.

5. Truly I say to you that I have spoken a great deal to you in this time and that you sometimes do not understand me while at other times you leave me speaking alone in the desert. Nevertheless, the echo of this celestial word will not die and will be heard by men throughout the universe.

6. If spiritual things were converted into material objects, you would see yourselves presently seated around an enormous table filled with exquisite dishes which would represent my word.

7. Those who have not yet succeeded in overcoming their materialism would prefer to receive an abundance of material wealth from their Father rather than spiritual gifts and possessions.

8. Many individuals have departed from my table without having tasted the food that I have lovingly prepared for them. When will they once again experience a time of great blessings, similar to the present period, in which they have come to earth to hear my word? Those individuals are like hardened rocks who will need to experience ordeals over a period of time in order to become sensitive. Their spiritual inheritance will be kept from them as long as they are unable to take care of it. However, I will return it to them, for I have said to you that whatever the Father gives to his children he never takes away, he simply preserves it.

9. This is the corpulent tree that offers shade and temporary rest to those who are weary from their long journey; also, it offers them fruit to nourish themselves and to regain their spiritual strength.

10. I am waiting for everyone under this tree. Some will return satisfied because they have fulfilled their mission, whereas, others will return dejected because they have failed to fulfill their mission.

11. When peace has fled from your heart and tears are running down your cheeks, you have begun to meditate in order to know the cause of your suffering. Then your conscience has revealed to you that your suffering and lack of peace is due to your lack of spirituality, unwillingness to fulfill your mission, and not practicing deeds of love nor charity with your brethren.

12. Your present life is for you to amend your past mistakes, for you are unaware of the sins that you have committed in past lives. Today, your spirit is being purified because of its past sins. That is why there is no peace in your heart.

13. Whoever loses his peace completely will eagerly struggle to regain it, and he will discover that true peace is only attained by following the path of justice and goodness. I am continually signaling that path through your conscience. That is why those who have heard my word strive to follow my footsteps. They know that they can attain true peace by following my path, and that when there is an obstacle or an ordeal along their path my charity will help them to triumph.

14. My law does not require you to make superhuman sacrifices; it will not enslave you nor restrain you with chains. Although it is a cross, it is one of love, a cross whose weight will strengthen you instead of oppressing you.

15. Remember that on several occasions in your lives you have experienced true peace, and you will recognize that this has occurred when you have done something good, when you have forgiven, when you have reconciled with someone, when you have left your comfortable bed to go to that of someone who is ill, taking him comfort. Then the peace of my kingdom has been in your spirits for an instant. Truly I say to you whom I am teaching to preserve peace throughout all of your lives, that your mission from the beginning of the times has been to take peace to your brothers. For that reason, each time I communicate with you, I ask you to pray for humanity, for your spirits united in one single thought and one single intention will reach your brethren like a breath of happiness and peace. You have also received instruction and power to give tranquility, peace and serenity to invisible beings who dwell in the spiritual valley.

16. The paths of the world are filled with dangers and temptations. That is why, in spite of the fact that spirits emerged from me filled with light and intuition, with weapons and means to defend themselves and triumph, they often fall dejected under the dominion of the world and the flesh.

17. I found you dejected and defeated, but you heard my voice which came to you tenderly, and you arose filled with faith and hope. Truly I say to you that every being who is lost or defeated will hear this voice when the time comes.

18. In this period those who previously separated and strayed most from my path will be the ones who will follow me and love me with the greatest devotion.

19. My chisel of love will sculpture the most hardened rocks.

20. That is why I have come seeking your spirit, for it is able to comprehend my doctrine. But before that, I have come to speak to your heart, limiting myself through the human spokesman and humanizing my word. This will prepare you and help you to elevate so that you can communicate with me from spirit to Spirit. You will then be able to hear my spiritual voice inspiring you and signaling your path of restitution. Your physical body is, at times, similar to a heavy chain or a thick veil which does not allow you to see beyond anything material. In order to help you triumph in this battle, you have here my divine inspiration which has been transformed into human words because I love you. These words reach your mind and heart like a caress.

21. These are days of remembrance and for that reason you have entered into reflection and preparation. Oh, if you could only know how to maintain spirituality throughout your life without falling into fanaticism, you would be able to attain great spiritual evolution!

22. There is joy in the hearts of these multitudes. They know that a spiritual banquet has been prepared for their spirits where the Divine Master awaits to give them the spiritual food and drink, the bread and the wine of the true life.

23. The table where Jesus met with his disciples in that time was a symbol of the kingdom of heaven. The Father was surrounded by his children. There was also the feast, representing life and love. The divine voice spoke; its essence was the universal concert, and the peace which reigned there was the peace present in the kingdom of God.

24. In the beginning of this period you have tried to purify yourselves thinking that the Divine Master would bring you a new testament in his words, and such is the case. Today, I allow you to remember the bread and the wine with which I represented my body and my blood, but I have also come to tell you that in this new time you will only find that nourishment in the divine essence of my word. If you seek my body and my blood, you must seek it in the divine things that I have created, because I am all spirit. Eat of this bread and drink of this wine, but also fill my chalice, for I want to drink with you; I thirst for your love.

25. Take this message to your brothers and be aware that blood, which allows you to live, is the symbol for eternal life which is true love. It is through you that I am beginning to enlighten humanity with my new revelations.

26. Young men and women, children, the young and the elderly will become the apostles of Christ in this Third Era. But truly I say to you that I come to seek spirits more than human beings. Even though all of humanity is not hearing my word, I want it to feel my presence in this holy hour. Parents who are in your homes, those of you who are bedridden, who hunger for justice, who are punished by men, who lack peace in your hearts, who have been offended, who are poor, all of you, become silent in my sanctuary in order to hear the voice of your Lord who will say to you, Peace be with you.

27. My people: The apostles who surrounded me in the past are also with me at this moment, although they are now present spiritually. Those apostles include Peter, John, both the older and the younger Timothy, Thaddeus, Thomas, Matthew, Bartholomew, Simon, Philip, Andrew and even Judas himself, filled with pain. They all accompany me in this new gathering. Where else on earth could you be shown what I am now showing you? You would be shown lifeless images, whereas, I can have those beings manifest themselves full of life and light.

28. My spirit experiences both joy and pain as in the past because all of my children have not yet attained salvation.

29. While you hear me telling you that you are sitting at my table, you keep thinking about that disciple who in a confused moment betrayed his Divine Master and his brothers. You then ask yourselves if there will also be a traitor in this time, and each spirit asks me, Could it be I? Tears come to your eyes, and you ask me for strength in order not to yield to temptation. Truly I say to you that in this time there will also be those who will deliver me to the enemy, but it will not be my body which they will deliver, as in the Second Era. Rather, they will attempt to hide the truth of my doctrine with their deeds, causing humanity to believe that this doctrine is false, even though it is filled with divine wisdom.

30. All of you swear that you love me and that you will even die for me, but I say to you that you must be vigilant and pray, for Judas had also sworn that he would give his life for me.

31. If my physical torment lasted a day and a night during that time, until death brought an end to the suffering of my material body, now in spirit I experience the pain of all those who suffer. Within each criminal I am judged by the judges of the earth, and in each prison cell I am imprisoned in the hearts of those who are carrying out their sentence. Do not weep only when you recall those painful hours which Jesus lived in the world, knowing that I still have not ended my suffering.

32. Your spirits begin to share my sadness, understanding that they still need to practice deeds of love and charity in order to reach the joy and peace promised by Me to the one who follows me to the end.

33. Elevate your spirits in simple prayer, for prayer is communication and closeness with the Lord.

34. This supper is one of love. Do not forget it. Take the bread from the table and share it with your brothers, and when all of you are in the eternal kingdom you will understand that this manifestation which I now give to you is a symbol of eternal life. Come and join us, multitudes, for if in the Second Era there were only twelve who sat at my table; today there will be 144,000, although my call of love is to all of humanity. I want all of you to accompany me in this time. There are those who tremble before my word while some weep, and others consider themselves unworthy of hearing it. I know each of your identities, and I say to you that among this people, who now come in multitudes to hear my teachings, are those who in the Second Era received miracles in order to believe in me. There are also those who doubted Jesus, and those who cried before Pilate, Crucify him! Crucify him!

35. Many saw me go toward Calvary with my cross on my back without knowing who they were accompanying. They also saw Mary's tears without becoming aware of who it was that wept. You now see me again teaching and converting into my disciples those who did not know how to recognize me in the Second Era.

36. On the cross I asked that you be forgiven, for you did not know what you were doing. That forgiveness gave you a new opportunity granted by the Father to have you open your eyes to the truth, to be saved, and to come closer to me. But in spite of my charity toward you, there are still some who continue to seek imperfections in my word in order to have a reason to not believe and to not follow me. But truly I say to you that there is no stain in the essence of my word, rather, with this humble and simple word, I have come to erase many stains from your heart.

37. You are all under my judgement. Nothing will touch and move you more deeply than the charity of my love toward you, for my judgement is one of love.

38. In the Second Era, Joseph of Arimathea opened the doors to his home so that in it the Master could celebrate the Passover with his disciples; they still did not know that the lamb to be sacrificed at that feast would be Jesus.

39. Now I come to ask you to prepare a room in your hearts where I may enter to remind you with my word of the deeds and the teachings which I sealed with my blood in the past. But do not limit yourselves to observing my passion only during these days of remembrance. You must build a sanctuary in your beings where you will remember eternally the lesson of love which Christ brought to the earth. That sanctuary will be indestructible amid the ordeals which are likely to destroy faith in humanity.

40. Today, I am having my voice heard in many regions, cities and villages in order to summon many individuals. I sow healing balsam, comfort, and peace among the hearts along my path, reviving hope in those who believe themselves to be lost to the life of grace, and offer life to those who are spiritually dead because of vice and sin.

41. In the past I also went from region to region and my presence brought joy among the needy, the sick, and the poor in spirit. They did not all follow my footsteps, but they remained as living testimonies to the miracles I performed in them. Men, women and children came before Jesus; their faces showed affliction and their cries told me of their misery and of their suffering. They had heard rumors and news of my miracles, and they anxiously awaited for the Rabbi of Galilee to come their way to extend their hands to him and to ask him for some proof of his power. Their hearts were simple; but there were others, those among the scribes, the doctors of the law, and the pharisees, who in their dislike toward Jesus went so far as to ask him to show them his hands to see if in them was a visible power with which he cured the sick by simply touching them.

42. My mercy did not distinguish among people. I was the Father who came to save all of my children from their pain. Jesus, the doctor, could heal all beings, and it was not necessary for him to touch the bodies of the sick to return their health to them. Sometimes, in order to give the multitudes some proof of what faith is capable of, I would allow someone sick to approach me and touch my robe in order to be healed.

43. In this era, it is no longer Jesus, the man, who comes to your world to seek out the sinners and the needy; now it is Jesus, the spirit, who manifests himself to humanity to find among the multitudes of this period the new disciples who shall be faithful to the end. At a spiritual table, he has offered them bread and wine which are invisible to human eyes but real to the spirit. Many of those who devotedly hear my word today did not believe me in the Second Era, and I say to you: There are individuals now witnessing this manifestation who still do not believe that it is God who is manifesting himself through human spokesmen. What miracles do they await in order to believe? Are they awaiting a new and different era? They doubt this manifestation because I have chosen to communicate through simple and uneducated men and not through ministers and scholars; but I assure you that you will find me among the humble throughout all eras.

44. Those who come to understand the value of this word and have analyzed it to discover its true divine essence are those who will keep it as the seed of spirituality which they will spread tomorrow among humanity.

45. The voice of the Lord was heard in the tabernacle during the First Era. In the Second Era I taught my lessons of love in the word of Jesus. Now you hear my voice through the human spokesman, while tomorrow it will be my inspiration which will illuminate each spirit through an intimate communication between the Father and his children.

46. In the Second Era I said to you, Man does not live from bread alone but from every word which comes from God. Therefore, the bread with which I represented my body was only a symbol. Today, I say to you, Take the bread of my word, drink the wine of its essence, and you will nourish yourselves eternally.

47. Understand that I come from the kingdom of peace to this valley of tears. I descend from the mansion of the righteous to converse with sinners. I do not bring a crown nor a king’s scepter. I come filled with humility to communicate with you through these illiterate human spokesmen whom I transform with my light, surprising you with the infinite truth of my teaching.

48. I am not ashamed of you, and in spite of your sins and imperfections, I will never deny that you are my children, for I love you. Rather, men are the ones who are ashamed of me, denying me on numerous occasions.

49. Today, I come to manifest myself spiritually among you so that you will learn how to worship me in a spiritual and simple manner, thus eliminating all materialism, traditions, and fanaticism.

50. You who have brought down the false gods which you worshiped in past times will know how to enter the sanctuary which I am now constructing in your spirits with my word.

51. I am aware that you would like for me to continue teaching you through human spokesmen forever. But this must not happen, for if I were to obey your request, you would then make no effort to seek me with your deeds of love and would be satisfied to simply hear my lesson.

52. I have told you previously that my kingdom is not of this world, and truly I say to you that your true home is also not on earth. The kingdom of the Father is in his light, in his perfection, and in his holiness. That is your true home; that is your heritage. Remember that I have told you that you are inheritors of the kingdom of heaven. This planet is like a home which shelters you temporarily; it is a place where your spirit confronts ordeals that help it to become purified and evolve spiritually prior to returning to its true spiritual home. For that reason, you should not ask yourselves, Why have I not found perfect peace and happiness in this world? Truly I say to you that even those beings who are pure have not found true peace in this valley.

53. If this earth were to satisfy all of your desires, and if you did not have to endure any spiritual ordeals, which of you would wish to come to my kingdom? You should not curse your suffering since you have created it with your faults. Endure it patiently, and it will purify you and help you reach me.

54. Do you notice how deeply attached you are to those things that reflect grandeur and are considered earthly pleasures? Nevertheless, the moment will come when you will strongly desire to leave them.

55. Whoever succeeds in fulfilling his restitution with elevation will experience peace in that process. The one who walks on earth glancing toward heaven does not stumble; neither will his feet be harmed by the thorns found along the path of his restitution. You who hear me, endure your ordeals with love so that others will imitate you. Be aware that you are progressing along your path of spiritual perfection, for if that were not the case, why would you have come today? Why have you left your work in order to sit on these humble benches? It is because you come seeking peace, light, strength, and comfort. Among these multitudes are those who are seeking my wisdom and my revelations in order to take this message tomorrow to different regions. There are also those who have sinned greatly, and who have told me with numerous tears on their faces: Father, we are unworthy of hearing your word. But I say to you that it is for you that I have come, for those who have strayed from the path of evolution. I have never come to seek those who are righteous on earth, for they are already safe. I seek those who lack strength to save themselves, and I offer them my blessings and my caress.

56. If anyone has been told that his spirit is lost because of its faults, and he still wishes to correct his errors and be saved, let him come to me, for I will offer him my forgiveness and resurrect him to a new life. He will be like Lazarus who arose when he heard the voice of Jesus saying, Rise up and walk.

57. Likewise, I seek those who are ignorant in order to open before their eyes the book of truth, the Book of True Life. I want those who rejected and insulted me in the past to arise among humanity today and to set an example of spirituality, humility, and charity, offering testimony of my teaching with deeds of love toward their brothers.

58. I see that you are taking advantage of my lessons, but you are still far from attaining spiritual perfection. You are still weak for you are unable to take more than three steps before temptation causes you to fall.

59. Be strong, and if your parents or children reject you because of my doctrine, offer them proof of your strength and faith and do not fear, for my power and your example will convince them of this truth. If any of those who rejected you should depart from earth without your having converted them, do not be discouraged, for they will be carrying in their spirits the seed which you sowed, and it will blossom in other worlds.

60. Analyze the lessons that I gave you through my suffering in the Second Era. I invite you to remember and meditate on those teachings with me. Be aware that these are among the last times in which I will speak to you about them. You do not know what comes after, and you need to prepare yourselves in order to receive the new revelations which I will give you. If you want to have peace in your spirits and please your Lord in those days when you will be remembering this manifestation, act charitably toward the needy, forgive your enemies, and settle anything that you owe to your brethren. But if you feel remorse in your spirits during the moments when I pronounce my seven words, then how bitter and painful will these words seem in your hearts! For your consciences will tell you that when I asked for water to calm my thirst, you gave me bile and vinegar to drink.

61. Pray, for you live in times of dangers and temptations, and you do not know whether those who are at peace in these moments will be fighting or cursing within a few moments. Always remember what I am telling you today so that you remain alert, practicing vigilance and prayer.

62. Observe how my divine essence is able to reach you through the lips of a sinner. Is that not a miracle of power and love? That is because I am the one who is able to make water sprout from a rock and is able to produce light from the darkness.

63. I have come to speak to those who are humble through humble human spokesmen, for if the lords of the earth had transmitted this message to humanity, then truly I say to you that you would have been left without knowledge of your gifts and with no missions to fulfill; you would not have eaten at this banquet and would have had to be satisfied with watching the feast from a distance. However, I have chosen to manifest myself through these spokesmen who have not been influenced in their lives by theories, sciences, and religious issues. I have used them to summon all of humanity without distinguishing anyone because of class, nationality, religion, or language.

64. My voice comes from the spiritual kingdom where I am the King, from that paradise where all of you will be with your Lord. You will enter that paradise when, with humility and faith, you say to me from your cross as did Dimas: Lord, remember me when you are in your kingdom. The cross that I have given you to carry is the mission that I have asked you to fulfill. You will need to heal the sick, comfort your brethren, teach your brothers, and reveal my divine messages to humanity. You feel the weight of this mission because it involves responsibility, because it is delicate and pure, and as you fulfill your mission, you will be ridiculed by those who do not believe. They will ridicule and slander you because they will not be interested in finding the truth in my doctrine.

65. That is the manner in which Jesus traveled his painful path carrying the weight of his cross. However, the weight that he felt from the ingratitude of the multitudes was much greater than the weight of his cross.

66. Behold the Master reminding his children about events of the past and relating them with events that are now occurring in order for you to better understand my teachings. I want this doctrine to be extended throughout the world so that humanity will become enlightened. Thus, mankind will awaken to a life which it previously ignored and will arise to form one single home and one single family in the world. This will be the true people of Israel, the people of God in which all differences between race and classes will disappear. All beings will be similar to branches which proceed from a single trunk, and all beings will obey my law which tells you to love one another.

67. You who have taken this cross upon your shoulders recognize the responsibility which you have of showing humanity the truth of my manifestations and of my miracles. That is why I ask you to have loving emotions and perfect knowledge of who you are with respect to God and humanity. That is why I give you my teaching of spirituality.

68. Prepare yourselves in that way, and you shall be good soldiers in this struggle; you will be the true Israelites in spirit and will also be my faithful disciples. Do all that you can to prove the truth of this word. Do not forget that Christ allowed his body to be torn apart in order to offer testimony of the truth he preached. Why would he defend the life of that body when he had said before that his kingdom was not of this world? In that same manner, be aware that in order to reach the eternal life which awaits your spirit, you can sacrifice many of your ambitions.

69. If you want to remove the stains which your brother carries in his spirit, you must first remove your own stains. If you wish to be forgiven, you must first forgive.

70. How beautiful it will be if when your spirit’s last moment on earth comes, and its conscience, full of peace, can say the following to the Father: Lord, all is finished.

My Peace be with you!


Teaching 49

1. Your prayer rises toward me like the perfume from flowers and I receive it.

2. Allow your spirits to taste the bread of eternal life. This is not the first lesson that my Divine Spirit gives you. I already manifested myself as man in another time in order to teach you to be born into humility, to live helping others, and to die on the cross of love. When you hear my word, you regard it as the first teaching received by your spirits because you did not understand the previous lesson. I come again today, seeking those who are sick, which are all of my children who groan in this valley of restitution. Your tears reach me.

3. When pain becomes intense, then man, no matter how indifferent and cold he has been toward my doctrine, remembers God, turns his eyes to me seeking my charity, and in his desperation prays, Lord, why do you not grant me that for which I am greatly asking? If you are not going to answer my plea, then shorten my days on earth since there is no reason to be here if it is only to suffer. How much ignorance you show when you speak in this manner to your Father, who is total love to his children!

4. For that reason I have come in this period to help you comprehend my teaching so that you will not separate from the path of light even while you are suffering on earth. You will soon know that I have not created you to suffer, because suffering did not originate from me but rather from you. Now it is necessary for you to travel the entire path to recover the light and the purity which you had lost when you confronted obstacles along your path.

5. It is true that your life is like a stormy sea where you momentarily fear you will perish. But since you have already descended so much because of your imperfections, at least believe in my presence and my power during those moments when your ordeals are very difficult. Do not make me repeat the same words that I said to my previous disciples who had accompanied me in a boat. Those disciples saw that the sea was becoming rough and that Jesus slept. They began to feel fear and anguish and awoke Jesus telling him: Master, save us for we are going to perish. Do not make me repeat the same phrase that I told them: "O men of little faith."

6. Beloved people, analyze my teachings. Pattern your lives using the examples of those disciples, for you will be disciples also. Remember, my children, that in 1950 you will cease to hear this word through human spokesmen. Take advantage of it now so that it will purify you and you will no longer follow the path of sin.

7. My sacrifice of love in the Second Era taught you how to cleanse the stains which you carry in your material body and in your spirit, including those stains which Sodom and Gomorrah left you as a legacy. I allowed myself to be sacrificed in order to teach humanity the path of obedience and love that man needs to follow in order to attain salvation.

8. After having given you an infinite number of lessons, you are now prepared to save and purify yourselves on your own. I prophesied to you in the past that I would return among men, and I have come to fulfill my promise.

9. If those who hear this word are unable to feel my presence, it is because their materialism, their sin, and the ideas which they have deeply rooted in their minds separate them from the Master. But one moment of repentance will be sufficient to have them feel me in their spirits. The light of my love will enlighten them as it did Peter when he acknowledged the divinity of Jesus in response to a question that the Divine Master had asked him. They will put a stop to their wickedness. They will look upon their past with horror and will begin a new life which is pure, useful, and worthy. That is why I tell you not to judge your brothers. When they join you with their many sins and vices, do not reject them. If you do, you would be similar to that multitude which surprised a woman in adultery and brought her before Jesus to test my justice. What a severe lesson I gave to those individuals who, in comparison to the adulteress, believed themselves to be free of sin. I told them: "The one who believes he is free of all sin, let him throw the first stone against this woman". They all felt shame and left.

10. How understanding, sincere, and humble you will need to be if you do not wish to be called hypocrites as were the pharisees, whom I described as whitened tombs which were beautiful on the outside but filthy inside.

11. I carefully examine and gaze into the deepest part of your being and the most intimate part of your heart. My charity is willing to record your deeds in the book of your life with which you will be judged. Let that book only record good deeds. The spiritual peace that you will experience on earth, from your good deeds will be a sign of the great rewards that await you in the spiritual kingdom.

12. Today you remember the day when Jesus was viewed as a criminal by mankind, when even the children in their innocence, following the example of their elders, also cried out, Crucify him.

13. I found myself in the presence of judges, including those who wanted me to die and who were happy when I was sentenced to be crucified. Like the lamb on its way to be sacrificed, I humbly bowed my head and accepted my torment as it had been written.

14. Today, I am again present before my judges. I show you my truth in order to have you judge it and scrutinize it. I know that you will discover stains which it does not possess so that you might later condemn it. Judge my work, but do not bother any of the human spokesmen through whom I have given you my word.

15. Among the people of Israel today, there are spirits who have been purifying themselves throughout the eras because of previous faults that they had committed on earth. Thus, they will have attained purity when they live in the spiritual valley. These are the individuals who have believed in my presence in this period and who will ask those who persecute my work: What is the imperfection of which you accuse this doctrine? This question resembles the one that Pilate asked the multitudes in the Second Era: What are the accusations that you are making against this man? My voice will become silent just as the lips of Jesus were also silent on that occasion. I will allow my doctrine to be judged by some and defended by others, for in that struggle light will emerge. I will lovingly behold everyone and offer my forgiveness to them.

16. I was presented to Annas and Caiaphas and was accused in their presence. Then I was taken before Pilate and Herod to be judged. Truly I say to you that in this time my work and my word will go before the new Annas and Caiaphas and then before the new Pilate in order to be judged. There will be officials who will believe in my new manifestation and this message, but who will remain silent because they fear mankind. They will allow my doctrine and my followers to be persecuted while they wash their hands, although they will be unable to cleanse the stains that they have placed upon their spirits.

17. I will be given a new cross in this Third Era. It will not be visible to mortal eyes but from high upon the cross I will send my message of love to humanity; and my blood, which is the essence of my word, will be converted into light for the spirit.

18. Today, those who judged me in the Second Era have now repented, and they are practicing charitable and loving deeds with their brethren in order to amend their faults.

19. Before my doctrine triumphs over the evilness of men, it must experience hostility and ridicule, just as Christ suffered on the cross. My light must emerge from every wound to illuminate the darkness of this world that lacks love. My invisible blood must also descend over humanity to once again show it the path of its redemption.

20. The cross which you now offer me is heavier than the one of the Second Era. You did not know Christ then, but now all of you know him; nevertheless, you are going to condemn him. Now you will not see Jesus gasping for breath under the weight of his cross, passing before your house. My spirit will not be burdened by the weight of your sin. However, you will hear my voice saying to you, "I am thirsty, humanity", and my thirst will be for love.

21. Mary, the sweet mother of Jesus will not let her tears fall along the bloody path traveled by her beloved son, but from the heavens the Universal Mother will send you her warmth and tenderness in return for your ingratitude.

22. I will not fall on the road to my new Calvary. Thus, there will be no need for the helper to come to my aid because I am the strongest among the strong; but my eyes will seek my disciples hoping that they are faithful as was my apostle John.

23. Blessed is the one who knows how to interpret what the Master has said on this occasion. The thick darkness formed by the sins of humanity caused the Master to embrace the cross of torment and again walk the path to the Calvary. You are living in the Third Era, and still you offer your Lord the chalice of bitterness; I humbly accept it to give you a lesson of love once again. The blood and tears which I shed in my love for you cover my face, and when you hear my words you also shed fears evoked by your memories and repentance. That weeping cleanses you and brings you close to me.

24. Women who have atoned for your faults be comforted because your sins will be taken from you allowing you to rise up strong on the path. You have imitated Magdalene and have repented from your sins. Be strong; be healed spiritually and physically, and attain salvation.

25. I have come to the sinners not to the righteous; therefore, do not make an uproar. I love all of my children, the healthy and the sick, the pure and the stained; I attend to the needs of each child. One individual asks me for his children to become enlightened; another presents to me his ill mother, yet I grant my charity to all beings.

26. If you have wept a great deal, be comforted. Some of you have asked me to help you to become sensitive so that you may weep for your sins. I say to you: Accept that gift and rest, for tears will offer comfort and bring peace to the individual who is burdened by remorse and regrets.

27. Remember that after I had died on the cross, those who had persecuted me believed that the lamp which had illuminated the path of my disciples had been extinguished. They also believed that when my voice had ceased to speak, everything had ended. However, they saw in the hearts of those who followed me a ray of eternal light that forever enlightens. For while some rejected me, others loved me. Since these knew how to follow me, when I promised them to return, they awaited me, watching and praying, and feeling my presence in all of my manifestations.

28. The same will occur in this time. Those who have understood the essence of my teaching will continue to be vigilant and respectfully await the fulfillment of my words, while others will forget the love which I have shown them along with my desire to save them.

29. I observe the pain present in each heart, and while lips remain silent through their inability to express with words what they feel, the spirit elevates itself to communicate with me. The Spirit of the Father is very near to your heart. It watches over you and blesses you. I also comfort your spirit, dry your tears, and bless all who have come on this day to hear the voice of the Father, which has told you that after the year 1950 you will no longer hear his word through human spokesmen. You are like my apostles from the Second Era because they, too, heard me speak of many things. Carry my word in your hearts so that you can transmit it to those who have not heard me through the spokesman.

30. You who are on earth celebrate dates and days which remind you of the great deeds of your Master in his journey through the world, and I am present with you during those moments when you recall my deeds. Only those on earth have specific days to celebrate the remembrance of my passion with festivities; in the spiritual world such events are not celebrated, for in eternity there are no dates nor days. There, only one day exists which is eternal and never ends. The virtuous beings, who live in that kingdom and who dwell near the Creator, are well aware of the divine deeds that I have fulfilled. Therefore, rather than worshiping the Father only at specific times, they worship Him at all times.

31. O disciples who have nourished yourselves at my banquet and eaten the bread of eternal life for which your spirits yearned, you believe that I die and resurrect from among the dead every year, yet that only happens in your minds, for I live in eternity. You believe that my spirit descends to the low dark places, to the worlds in need of redemption, to give light to those who are lost there. Indeed, I say to you that if you wish it, if you request it of me, I will do it, for I am always offering my charity to help those who are lost to find the path of salvation. I am always with the one who is following his path of restitution and purification. My Spirit is eternally present in all worlds and in all valleys without distinguishing anyone according to his greater or lesser degree of spiritual elevation.

32. Be aware, my new disciples, that you should always honor and offer tribute to the Lord, without awaiting specific dates, in the same manner that the Father always loves you. But if you want to know how to remember my deeds of love on a daily basis without falling into fanaticism, I will tell you how. During your lifetime, you should continually love one another as a tribute to the one who has created everything.

33. Live in that manner, and I will grant you those things that you humbly request in addition to forgiving your faults. I offer you comfort and ease your pain, but I say to you, When your conscience makes you aware of your errors, pray, correct your errors, and with your spiritual gifts attain spiritual strength in order not to commit the same faults again. Thus, you will not have to ask me repeatedly to forgive you. My word is teaching you to evolve and to attain enlightenment and spirituality throughout your life.

34. This teaching is the path which leads you to me. Do you wish to enjoy the blessings of the promised kingdom? I remind you of, and renew, the pact which you have made with me throughout the times so that this alliance is not broken. I ask you, men of Israel, Do you wish to penetrate into eternal life and be close to me? Feel my presence now that I have come to confirm and fulfill the prophecies. Also, I have come to teach you patiently so that, in the future, the words that you speak will be inspired by your spirit. Your spirit will have been prepared by my love beforehand and will be inspired to practice deeds of charity toward your brothers.

35. Begin to practice charity; accept your suffering with patience; work hard for your livelihood. Love one another as I love you, and watch over this nation which I have chosen among all others. I have called this nation a pearl, and I am well pleased with this nation.

36. Do not imitate Thomas in those times when I test you. Do not ask me to allow you to sink your fingers into the wound on my side in order to believe. When I need to give you a lesson that will make your spirit tremble, do not reject me. Do not doubt, for then later you will weep after you have repented. Your life is a path of ordeals and miracles and of pain followed by happiness. Your spirit evolves along that ladder of perfection.

37. Do not be like Peter. Do not deny the one who has delivered his lessons with so much love. Do not be ashamed to belong to this multitude of people and to possess the spiritual gifts which I have entrusted to you. If you were to deny me, you would be denying me many more times than did Peter. You would deny me thousands of times due to the large number of disciples that I now have, and your lack of faith would be felt in other nations.

38. Be vigilant so that my work will not be betrayed and so that the seed of Judas will not germinate in the hearts of men. When those individuals become aware of their mistakes, I do not want them to mistakenly believe, as did Judas, that material death will free them from the guilt of their sins. They would thus later arrive at the spiritual valley without finding any peace for their spirits, which are eternal and never die.

39. Behold how as I come near you and let you feel my presence, I show you the true life. But few of you are interested in knowing it. Most of you are spiritually dying due to your lack of faith, for you did not believe in me when I became man in the Second Era. Today, you again doubt my word and my manifestation and attempt to test me when I have only come to help you attain spirituality in your life and to have you know the truth.

40. My Spirit lives in a state of suffering which never ends. I am constantly being crucified, and the crown of thorns touches my head; my wounds open and I am once again sacrificed so that you might live forever and have in my example a lesson of love toward your brothers.

41. I come to you today in spirit to tell you that I live eternally, whereas, you have weakened and been defeated many times. Though you have me close and have heard my word, you do not know how to receive it in your hearts similar to how the soil receives a seed and allows it to grow. For that reason my seed of love has not produced fruit nor multiplied a hundred per cent as is my will.

42. I am judging the living and the dead in this time. The light of my love pours out in every spirit and physical being. Blessed are those who weep for they will be comforted. Blessed are the humble for they will have honor and glory.

43. When the time comes, beloved people, you will arise and share my holy word with your brothers. You will become scattered throughout the world like good disciples, and you will spread this new gospel which I have brought you. The light from the Sixth Seal will spiritually illuminate humanity in this period, and mysteries will be clarified. My doctrine will become established in different nations and all those things not yet discovered by men will be revealed through the light from the Seven Seals. Then you will speak to humanity about these teachings which you received, and will tell it how to fulfill my law.

44. When my children comprehend the essence of my lessons they will realize that my will has been to communicate from Spirit to spirit with humanity; that I have returned to be among men because my pact can not be broken.

45. Whoever ignores my truth can not consider himself to be truly alive, nor can he consider himself a disciple if he commits evil deeds in spite of having received these teachings. I have come to save those spirits which have lost their way and to free them from ignorance and sin.

46. Live to serve me, and purify yourselves as did Magdalene who was converted by her love and her repentance. Since the world has not awakened to my love, you who have heard me must honor me by obeying the commandment which tells you, Love one another.

47. The nations which today live in war resemble the foolish virgins who did not want to remain alert; they were asleep when the husband arrived and summoned at their door. This nation of people has felt my presence, and for that reason it has been able to maintain peace.

48. I have always been your servant in order to teach you humility. Whenever you have justly requested something, I have granted your request; your will is mine. You ask me for nourishment, to eliminate poverty from your home, and I give you what is necessary. I give you everything without your asking because I am your Father, and I love you. What pain can afflict the child that is not felt by the Father? Which of you has not received bread, or is naked, or is in need of shelter? The pure air nourishes you. The fields offer you their seeds and their fruits to feed you. You have not lacked a fountain that blesses you with water in order to quench your thirst. I have given man intelligence so that he might seek the means to live and have a joyful existence on earth, finding in nature all that is necessary for his well being. Be aware that you are not the ones who have created beings; nor do you maintain their lives. Rather it is I who do so, the one who loves you and sets the destiny for each being.

49. In this era I have manifested myself spiritually to give you my teaching. I say to you, Follow the laws of the Third Testament which I am leaving you. Allow your spirits to quickly come to me. Take my divine blessings so that my light shines in you and the Lord will manifest himself when you speak.

50. Cleanse yourselves with the tears from your restitution and repentance. Elevate your thoughts through prayer so that you may analyze things correctly. Then you will feel my inspiration, and your joy will be great. After you receive this divine inspiration, you will arise to speak to your brothers about my work, and truly I say to you that your word will offer testimony of the truth.

51. I have manifested my doctrine to you through many spokesmen and in many houses of prayer. I have given you this doctrine using only one form, with one single essence, outlining the same path and pointing to the same goal.

52. No one among those who have heard me in this period can truthfully say that he has not understood me, for everyone who has been summoned was previously prepared. My word is a divine treasure that I do not wish you to keep only to yourselves. Do not turn into greedy rich people, for believing that you have much wisdom, you will have none. Truly I say to you that selfishness is darkness and darkness reflects a spirit that is ignorant.

53. My lesson in the Third Era is clear and extensive. It is a lesson which Elijah clarifies with his word and which your spiritual brothers further simplify with their advice to keep you from living in confusion. Which one of my disciples who has received this teaching can consider himself too weak to obey my command to take this message to humanity?

54. I want you to practice all forms of charity, so that you will not tell me: Father, if I possess so little, how do you wish me to share my bread and my money with my fellow beings? If you do not know how to be charitable, then you will not know how to teach these lessons to your brothers.

55. Truly I say to you that if on many occasions you find yourselves empty-handed in the presence of those who are needy, your spirits will always have something to give. When you have nothing material to share with your brothers, allow your spirits to give from the many gifts that they possess. But you must recognize that when it is necessary for your charity to be material, you should not avoid the fulfillment of your duty claiming that your intentions were sufficient. Learn from your Father who gives you everything that you need for your spirit as well as for your material body. Learn from Jesus who taught you how to offer everything that you have as charity toward your brethren.

56. Carry your cross patiently and lovingly so that I can say, Bless you. I observe turmoil in the hearts of some of my children, and I say to them, Be alert and pray for those ordeals will pass and you will see the rainbow of peace shine once again.

57. Tomorrow, when humanity is enduring great suffering, you will be grateful for having strengthened your spirits as a result of the ordeals which you are confronting today. If you were to observe the pain, hunger, and misery which exist among millions of people from nations which are in war, you would not dare to complain. Truly I say to you that many of those individuals, who are your brethren, might not bless me, but at least they do not curse nor speak disrespectfully about me.

58. Be alert and pray. Become worthy of my blessings. Destroy with your prayer all evil things that men seek to do.

59. After the chaos arrives, which is now approaching, men will seek my fatherly love and will find me awaiting all my children. In this Third Era all of humanity will recognize me, and all will unite spiritually in one single worship.

60. Men have imitated the prodigal son, and when they have wasted every last bit of their inheritance, they remember the Father and return to him.

61. I forewarn every one with my prophetic word; listen to it and spread it so that when you see it fulfilled tomorrow, you will understand that it was your Father who had been teaching you.

62. Humanity is not prepared for the spiritual struggle which approaches. How many of my children whose lips have never pronounced my name will be surprised to hear it praised throughout the world!

63. I say to you, only pronounce my name when you consider it necessary in order to teach your brothers respect toward the Father.

64. When you see that the world has rejected all morality, virtue, and justice, you believe that it is impossible for humanity to regenerate, but that is when the greatness of my doctrine will be manifested.

65. Allow my teaching to blossom in your hearts. Treat each other with love, help one another in your spiritual missions, and assist one another in your ordeals.

66. When you have become prepared by fulfilling my law, I will offer signs to humanity announcing your unification.

67. When will you attain enough preparation that will enable your brothers to feel in their hearts the desire to live in the midst of this nation? Be aware that those who heard my teaching through human spokesmen in this era have a very important responsibility and mission.

68. Love one another and you will observe that great multitudes follow you, for humanity is only awaiting an example of true charity and love to rise in the search of truth. When you sow faith in the hearts of your brothers, you will feel my love in your beings. Then there will be no greater reward than peace for your spirits.

My Peace be with you!


Teaching 50

1. Just as the lark spreads its wings to cover her chicks, my love spreads over you.

2. The voice that calls you is that of the Divine Master; this word comes from one who has created all things. The one who is able to do all things will convert your insensitive heart into a sanctuary of love and elevation and light will shine where before there was only darkness.

3. Some of you will be converted and prepared by my doctrine to seek after those who have been lost in the deserts, for that is the way I see human life - like a desert. There are those who feel alone amidst millions of spirits and who die of thirst without anyone to offer them a little water. That is where I will send my new apostles. I want my name once again to be pronounced with love by some and heard with emotion by others. I want it to be known by those who are not aware of it. There are young and old men, women and children who know nothing of my existence. I want everyone to know me and to be aware that they have in me a most loving Father. I want everyone to listen to me and to love me.

4. You must prepare yourselves, for the moment approaches when I will make myself felt in your spirits. I will come to you, calling at the doors of each heart. Blessed is the one who knows how to offer me lodging, for I will ask some for bread and others for water. And just as my disciple John prophesied to you, here I am knocking and calling at your door, and if anyone of you hears my voice and opens the door, I will enter and dine with him and he with me.

5. Be aware that I will not come to ask you for material objects but for deeds of love from your spirits, for I hunger and thirst for you to love one another and live in peace.

6. Allow my love to blossom in your hearts, thus quenching the great thirst that mankind feels.

7. I have not gotten tired of waiting for you; instead, you have become tired of walking so far, having made your path so long. Let no one be afraid of following me, for I will assist you.

8. Work hard to help humanity become spiritualized. If you are able to see the results of that effort, you will rejoice and give thanks to your Father; but if you are not able to observe it, do not fear, leave your seed sown on earth, for if you do not harvest the fruit here, you will harvest it in the life which awaits you. How will that life be? Do not worry but have faith in it, for it is infinitely more beautiful and perfect than this one in which you live today. Your language does not have words to describe those divine things that exist, and if I were to describe them in some form, you would be unable to comprehend it. As you reach each new spiritual dwelling place, I will tell you what you need to know. Nevertheless, I have much to reveal to you in this world today that will help you to elevate toward those dwelling places that await you, without stumbling from obstacles along your path.

9. I want man to possess wisdom while being humble and charitable at the same time. Observe how many individuals become vain with a little knowledge and consider themselves great. They place themselves on a throne and crown themselves before their brothers. Be humble, live simply, and make yourselves accessible to other people, and I will crown you but not with a crown of human vanity. It will not be necessary for humanity to see the reward that I will give you. Do not seek to be rewarded by men on earth, for they have very little to give you. Instead, seek your rewards from me, for I am truly righteous and possess all things.

10. Do not pause along your journey; do not regress in your evolution. Remember the many ordeals and great suffering that you have endured up to now. The fisherman of hearts has rescued you and placed you in a safe place. Do not become stained again. I sent you to earth to amend your faults, not to multiply them. Do not assume that because you see me forgive each of your faults, my justice will never be able to touch you and to awaken you from your dream of greatness. Allow the peace of my love to reveal to you all that I want you to know rather than have the pain from my justice be the one to speak to you.

11. Learn and take advantage of my divine teaching. Practice it, thus, you will be demonstrating that you have learned from me. But when I ask you what you did with my beloved lesson, do not answer that you did not know what you heard and were not aware of anything. If you who heard my words were to contradict my love and my justice with your deeds, what seed would you leave on earth?

12. I want you to pray in this instant for the nations of the world, for your sister humanity, and I promise to descend upon all beings like a lark, just as I have already descended among you.

13. I observe with joy and love that all of you have prepared yourselves to receive me, some with your good deeds, others with your pain, and others with spiritual penance. You have had to journey along paths with thorns in order to come to the tree where the nightingale sings a song of peace to the heart.

14. When you left for the roads of life, experience, and evolution, you carried an inheritance, but now that you come to hear my voice, which has surprised you in the middle of your journey, I find that you have lost all that I had given you.

15. To what inheritance is the Master referring? He is referring to your spiritual heritage, for while some lost it, others exchanged it for the vanities of the world. But the time came when you felt the need for spiritual gifts, and when you did not find them in your beings, you began to anxiously seek them from one path to another. That is why I frequently call you prodigal sons, for you resemble the one to whom I referred in my parable.

16. Engraved upon your heart are signs of the ordeals that you have endured. Your feet still have fresh marks that were left by the thorns along your path, and I observe that your entire being is weary from a life which you now understand can not be the eternal one.

17. Your spirit lived a long sleepless night filled with tears, but you were not disappointed when you arose to seek me because a beautiful sunrise surprised you momentarily blinding your spirit.

18. Finally the prodigal son, who is present among all individuals forming this multitude, returned to the Father's home, listened again to his voice, and felt himself embraced by the Father's infinite love. The shame that he felt because of his ragged clothing and his bare feet disappeared when he felt the Father’s kiss upon his forehead, a kiss that proved that everything had been forgiven by the Father who had long awaited the return of his son.

19. That is why I have told you on this day that you have all prepared yourselves to receive me and that you have made yourselves worthy of my embrace. When you have rested and have ceased to cry, then your Father, transforming himself into the Master, has presented his lesson to you in order for you to begin to fulfill the mission for which you have been created and sent to earth.

20. Whoever begins to feel a greater love toward the Father and becomes his disciple can no longer mistake the path. I make everyone enter into my sanctuary so that after observing the purity and the perfection which exists there, they no longer will dare to stain it.

21. The beginning student is overjoyed listening to the teachings of the Divine Master, and as he begins to understand the essence of his teaching, he becomes aware that the inheritance he believed he had lost along the way had always been with him. However, he was not able to perceive nor feel that heritage because he was deaf, blind, and insensitive to his spiritual gifts. Once the student is spiritually strong, secure, and confident, and not only loves his Creator but feels loved by Him, that individual will want to return to the paths that he once journeyed so he can now fill them with purity and light. He wants to remove the obstacles from those paths and to seek lost travelers in order to guide them toward that tree where he himself regained life and faith.

22. Blessed are those who untiringly seek the truth, and furthermore, let those who have found it not reserve it for themselves but offer it to humanity, illuminating with their light the path for their brothers.

23. I have called you laborers and that is what you can truly be. I have given you the time, the seed, the water, the land, and the tools to work.

24. I have spoken to you through a simple figurative meaning so that you can understand all what I want to tell you in these lessons.

25. I leave the dew of my love in your spirits to cultivate and caress you. Neither on the hills, nor in the valleys, nor on the flowers have I poured out as much grace as I have in you. My love will always accompany you, but this word, which I now give you through human spokesmen, will not be eternally with you.

26. Hear my words and keep them in your hearts. If I did not please humanity by returning to earth and becoming man again, as many wish and believe, neither will I grant that you continue to hear me in this form after 1950. Today, however, you do not know what I have arranged for you after that year.

27. I am going to prepare you to heal the sick, to comfort the widows and orphans, to convert sinners with words of power, to cure lepers, and to fill the spiritual path of your brothers with light.

28. I am once again entrusting you with the seed of life, of love, and of spirituality and leaving it to you as an inheritance. Do not lose any more of your inheritance in this life.

29. I leave you my peace because I am the peace that covers the world as do the wings of the lark when she covers her chicks in the nest. When will you become spiritually like larks of peace?

30. It has been my will that you be born in this nest of love where you have never lacked nourishment and where my teaching fills your heart with joy. You are still weak; your wings have not grown; and your feathers are not fully developed. But the day will come when you will feel strong enough to begin to fly, to travel long distances and to challenge the fury of the winds. Do not imitate those who have wished to abandon the nest before their time and have fallen to the ground because they still did not know how to flap their wings. Wait until I designate the path and thus you will not get lost. Like a flock of larks you will scatter, taking with you the olive branch as the symbol of peace and will form new nests among the trees.

31. You ask me why I have come among you in this period and I ask you, Are you not aware of all that happens around you? Do you not know that what has happened in the world recently and what is happening now is an announcement of my coming and of my presence among humanity?

32. Observe how war is occurring among nations that are most advanced and how evil has reached its highest degree; lies are accepted as though they were truth; science has revealed great mysteries to humanity and has permitted man to utilize those discoveries for destructive purposes. The world has proclaimed that many impure activities are good. That is when I present myself before you to enlighten you and to prevent you from falling into the abyss.

33. I speak to you with my eternal truth, and I say to you; If you seek pleasures and science, you will find in me the true science and the true joy.

34. How small in your planet, and yet how distant you live from each other. How much division exists in your world!

35. Man is no longer ignorant. His spiritual and intellectual evolution is great. His responsibility during this hour of trial therefore is also great. Today, man can say that he ignores my laws and my justice but that is not true, for man possesses a spirit of light. What occurs is that the spirit yields to temptations and worldly attractions, thus becoming a slave to them and preventing him from utilizing his spiritual gifts.

36. Humanity, I have descended and materialized myself in this form because I love you. My Spirit lowers itself to the abyss, and through my charity I save the lost sheep. I come in order to teach you to pray and to ask with your spirit rather than with your lips. The spirit, not the body, should pray since it knows what both need, for I gave you human language so that you would communicate with your brothers.

37. The language of the spirit is beyond your language and your mind. How can the material body express what the spirit feels? Those expressions and prayers will lack in their attempt to communicate with the Father. The following are ways one can better communicate with Him: a tear which drops from your eyes, and which often no one sees; a deep sob; suffering which you offer me in silence and endure patiently; or your good deeds, which will elevate their essence to me like that of flowers which emit their fragrance.

38. I am justifying my presence among you with my teaching. Someone will say, Master, it is difficult to practice your teaching. Perhaps it is not an appropriate teaching for our materialistic era. But I say to you that they said the same thing of my word in the Second Era, and, nevertheless, the gentiles and pagans were those who more readily converted to it.

39. Just as I announced these bitter times to you, I also say to you that once this confusion has passed, harmony will come among humanity.

40. Those beings who are proud, vain, and who lack charity and justice will remain for awhile in the spiritual valley in order for goodness, peace, and justice to progress on earth, thus allowing spirituality and science to flourish. For it is not necessary for you to create a mystical life to please me; nor will anyone be forced to follow me, for I will not accept deeds that you offer me if you were obliged to do them. Only your offerings of good will, your sincere impulses, and spontaneous love will reach me. Also, I do not wish you to serve me out of fear of punishment. The time has come for you to know that God does not punish his children. Therefore, do not offend me any longer with your bad judgements.

41. Do not allow self-interest to guide you; nor should you give to others, thinking beforehand of your reward, for that is neither love nor charity. Let not your spirit expect to receive love in the world as a reward for its good deeds, for you have not come to earth to reap love but to sow it; your harvest is not of this world.

42. Those who have fulfilled their mission in this life have departed from earth with peace in their hearts, with a smile on their lips, and filled with satisfaction and humility, blessing everyone without giving thought to all the pain which they reaped in exchange for the love which they sowed. I am the perfect and just reward for your deeds. Do not forget what I told you. Whatever you do unto your brothers, you will be doing unto me.

43. If my divine ray descends upon these human spokesmen because they have briefly repented and become spiritually elevated, and if I place upon their lips the word which interprets my divine teaching and causes you to be moved and tremble with its love, then imagine what the Father will give you when your spirit presents itself filled with merits in the spiritual valley.

44. I have gone so far as to tell you, Ask me for my scepter and I will give it to you. Yes, my children, know how to ask, and everything will be given to you so that if some day you were to become worthy of my scepter, I would not deny it to you. But I want you to analyze this word well in order not to become confused.

45. Many men of recognized wisdom in the world will not be able to recognize me in this form and will deny me, but do not let that surprise you, for I have already announced it to you long ago when among you I said: "Blessed are you, Father, who revealed your truth to the humble and kept it from the wise and knowledgeable." But it is not that I hide my truth from anyone. Rather, those who are poor, undistinguished, and able to see things clearly can feel me better, whereas scholarly men are not able to understand nor feel me because their minds are filled with theories, philosophies, and certain beliefs. But the truth is for everyone, and it will come to each one at the designated time.

46. Many will come to tell you that I am not the one who speaks to you and that this word does not contain my divine essence. Then some of you will doubt and tell me in your anguish, Master, how is it possible for me to lose faith and have to walk without the law and without God? But truly I say to you that whoever has felt me and seen me can no longer doubt me.

47. Men became separated long ago by their state of turmoil and darkness. Today they will become united through my divine light. The Tower of Babel built by men has been destroyed, but throughout all nations and races men have continued to construct that tower of arrogance within their hearts. Only a spiritual storm can bring it down, and that storm is now beginning to shake the foundations and walls of that tower. Once this tower has been destroyed, another one will be raised in its place, one which can not be destroyed because its firm foundation will be based on brotherhood and harmony rather than disharmony.

48. To help you understand my lesson I say to you, Receive me in your hearts so that you might understand the doctrine which I come to reveal to you in this time. This word which I bring to you is the new testament which will lead you to eternal life. Blessed is the one who recognizes the virtues of this word, for in the hereafter he will recognize the virtues which exist there. Do not ask for proof in order to believe, for you would be imitating the pagan people of long ago, and this is a new era. Do not allow your materialism and your doubt to reject and even murder your prophets as you did in the First Era. You have reincarnated in order to progress along your path of evolution and not to detain yourself by having to repeat the same lesson. My new teaching is more profound, thus I, myself, have come to explain it so that you will understand it.

49. All of you are receiving the same teaching; however, you do not all have the same number of reincarnations. You live in the Third Era, and yet there are those who do not know where they are, nor where the truth is, nor where the right path is.

50. This is a time of the light and of the spirit. Yet many still do not know how to truly worship God. While some do not fear my justice in the slightest manner, others fear God in an erroneous and unjustified way. I tell my disciples that man should fear himself, for he is the one who is responsible for his behavior, the one who builds or destroys. How unjustly you act toward your Father when in the midst of the pain which you sow for yourselves, you ask me, Lord, why do you punish me? I do not place a crown of thorns on the heads of my children, nor a heavy cross on their shoulders. They sentence and crown themselves and burden themselves with hardship.

51. Jesus, the righteous Son of God, accepted the crown that you offered him and the cross which you imposed upon him. He did that because only he was worthy of tracing the path, through his own blood and sacrifice, by which man needs to ascend in order to cleanse his sins.

52. lam your Judge, but my judgement, which is unchangeable and unyielding, originates from love. Today, I come to judge the living and the dead, but you need to understand who are the living and who are the dead. I am the resurrection and the life, and I am resurrecting those who have died to the truth. I come as king, but I do not bring a crown of vanity, for mine is the humble kingdom. To many I am the dead one who resurrects, for I have come in spirit to once again tell humanity that my kingdom is not of this world. In order to hear the voice of your King and Lord, you must elevate your spirits and thus come to him.

53. Whoever lives his life on earth yielding to temptations has been a slave to the world and to the weaknesses of the flesh. Thus, when it is time for him to depart from earth, he will lack strength, spiritual elevation, and will essentially be dead spiritually.

54. In the world, people raise altars to evil and worship it in different forms. They ridicule and battle righteousness as though it were harmful or useless. But if from eternity my voice summons you to come to me by following the righteous path, which is the only path that leads to me, it is because I am your Creator and you belong to me. I seek you because I love you, and I do not want anyone to lose the happiness which I have prepared for all of my children. Like a thief, I have come to surprise you, but the only thing that I have come after is your spirit. Having seen that you carry a heavy cross, I have not come to add to its weight with my judgement, rather, I have come to help you carry it.

55. Truly I say to you that I still can not ask you for perfect deeds because you are born in and live in sin. But I assure you that with the power of my word I will convert you into a virtuous being. The gifts that exist in your spirit, and which humanity believes only belonged to the prophets and virtuous individuals from past eras, will manifest themselves in this period even among great sinners. And it is through those gifts that humanity will be saved.

56. I thirst for your love and hunger for your peace; however, if you are also hungry and thirsty, then what can you give me? Your spiritual mission is to attain spiritual peace which you can attain through prayer and being vigilant. Briefly pray each day and use the rest of your time to fulfill your spiritual as well your material duties.

57. Tell humanity that I have illuminated the path for sinners so that they can get away from the abyss. I come for those who are lost since the righteous are with me already.

58. I will teach you to walk through the world with humility and with strength at the same time. When my communication began in this time, who could have told you of all the spiritual blessings which you would enjoy?

59. You analyzed the prophecies of the past eras and confirmed that my new manifestation was announced. When Mary, your celestial mother, manifested herself through human spokesmen there were those who asked themselves: Was Mary's presence also announced? Truly I say to you if you correctly interpreted the prophecies of John the Apostle, you would know that her presence was also announced for this period.

60. Many individuals among this nation of people have not bothered to analyze the scriptures because their intuition and faith are telling them: This is the Divine Master; this is our Spiritual Mother.

61. Truly I say to you that wherever I manifest my Spirit, Mary's tenderness and sweetness will also be present.

62. Why have so many rejected her? Be aware that if her only mission on earth was to give birth to Jesus so that God could manifest Himself through his Son, then I would not have designated her as Mother of humanity at the foot of the cross, nor would my disciples have recognized her as their own mother after the Master departed. In this time part of humanity denies her purity and divinity while another recognizes her as universal mother and worships her with rituals that reflect fanaticism, ignorance, and idolatry. This is when I send you my light and grant you her presence, so that through her word, which is filled with maternal essence, infinite tenderness, and divine comfort, you will arise among humanity carrying in your heart a sanctuary where your most tender offering is the one you dedicate to your celestial mother. Then you will be worthy of being named Marian Trinitarian Spiritualist.

My Peace be with you!


Teaching 51

1. My disciples, You welcome me today with great joy and tenderness in your hearts. The reason for that is that your spiritual mother was with you before, embracing you with her divine essence.

2. Once your spirit separates from the material body which imprisons it, it will feel great joy dwelling in the regions of peace, always hearing the voice of its spiritual mother like a divine song!

3. Your faith and love for your spiritual mother is a seed which I entrust to you so that you will cultivate it in the hearts of your brothers. All who through my charity received the sign on their forehead will go forth producing light along their paths. It has been a long time since I ordered those same spirits to mark the doors of their houses with the blood of the lamb as a symbol of a pact and of purification. Only I know why I have marked you in all times. Only I know your destiny and the nature of your restitution, and that is why my justice always touches you to keep you away from evil.

4. When my voice began to ring in this time, like the echo from a bell, you immediately recognized who was calling; then you arose to hear me in order to later follow me. No one among this multitude should consider himself a king or a lord because of the gifts that he received from me or because of the dignity which I have granted him. Instead, each of you needs to practice great humility and become greatly devoted to my law.

5. This is the time in which you will be spiritually active. The experience which you have acquired along your path will help you. Whenever you have been on earth, you have sought comforts and pleasures, and when you have dwelt in the hereafter, you have limited yourselves to a life of contemplation. Now is the time when you are understanding the purpose of your existence and the essence of your spiritual mission.

6. Every day men open new paths of perversity, and that is where you should allow this seed to fall, O laborers of Jesus, so that the example of your good deeds will testify to the truth of my doctrine and lead your brothers away from their materialism. Allow your lives always to follow along the straight path so that when death opens the doors of eternity to your spirit, your brothers can say: Here is a just man. When you arrive before my presence, the Father will also tell you: Come, for you will live eternally in me.

7. Elijah, who is the Spiritual Shepherd of the Third Era, is the one who has been made responsible for the spirits, who are like sheep in the sheepfold of the Lord. He is the one who will unite the 144,000 whom I am marking with the sign of my divinity. And when they have been marked, my justice will be unleashed on earth. Today, Elijah is lighting a lamp in each spirit so that no one becomes lost at the time of trial.

8. My people, my ray of light becomes word through my spokesmen to teach you my doctrine. This word has touched your hearts and pointed out the path which leads to happiness, lightening the weight of your cross. Strengthen yourselves in my word in order to faithfully endure your trials and to fulfill your work with love and humility. Do not fear what others might say about you nor forget that you will have to be tested a great deal.

9. Humanity will once again rise up against me. Men need to scrutinize my work. Only then will they succeed in discovering the truth and the just law. Only then will they be able to find my presence and perceive my wisdom and my love.

10. You have a very important mission to fulfill in this struggle. But do not believe that you are possessors of my law, for I am the Law and you are only its interpreters.

11. Be happy knowing that you do not possess royal temples which someone could destroy, for you can have your meetings in a simple room as well as in a valley or on a mountain. Wherever my children gather and call me, there I will be with them. I also tell you that no human power will ever be capable of detaining this word, which you will continue to receive uninterrupted until the day set by my will. If before that day arrives, men attempted to prevent my disciples from speaking or murdered them, their cadavers would cry out.

12. The prophecies which I have given to you in my word will be faithfully fulfilled, for I have not come to deceive you nor to give you a stone for your bread or a serpent for your fish. I am the Way, the Truth, and the Light.

13. In the Second Era I only announced to you the Kingdom from which I came and which you will enter. Now I come to reveal to you much of the beauty of that divine mansion. That new life is the beginning of the kingdom of peace which I have promised you.

14. Since the First Era I have marked the divine path that you need to follow; follow that path. Continue in that path without abandoning your cross, for without it you will not be recognized.

15. What men have destroyed, I will rebuild.

16. Penetrate into the light and the essence of the Sixth Seal, the book where your destiny is written.

17. I give you lessons that comfort you, others that teach you, and also others that prepare you, so that you will lack nothing to help you along the path.

18. How many of the prophecies from my prophets are already being fulfilled! As Joel prophesied, I will pour out my Spirit over all flesh. John, the apostle, saw this period in his prophetic visions, and my word will continue to be fulfilled throughout eternity.

19. The divine word is finding an echo in the heart of this people. You have prepared the dwelling, and here you have me with you. The Book of True Life is open before you, and each time you study it, you will receive a new lesson. But I say to those of you who remain in deep sleep: Do not await the year 1950 to arrive, nor await my bell to sound announcing my departure before you decide to arise to listen to my word. You know that my word and that of my spiritual world will cease to be heard after that year which I have designated to you.

20. I redeemed you and my blood was the symbol of the love I have for you. I do not wish for you to return to sin and darkness.

21. A world-wide ordeal approaches, and I want my people to be prepared so that in the midst of the storm they might be the beacon of hope which illuminates the way for those who are lost at sea. Truly, truly, three-fourths of the earth will be affected and pain will cleanse it. Hear me, O people, for you will have to take these words to all of your brothers.

22. You will eliminate the selfishness which you may have held in your heart and make room for charity. Could you possibly preach about love without feeling it? Before you place that mask of hypocrisy over your face, I will teach you and test you until you learn to feel sincerity.

23. The day of my departure will come, and whoever has known how to prepare himself will feel spiritually situated at the left hand of the Lord, but truly I say to you that the number of those who are disobedient, of those who leap over the forbidden wall, will be great. Those will be the ones who, having heard me a great deal, did not know how to take advantage of nor understand the lesson. In their ignorance, they will ask the Father to be with them for a while longer even though I have told them many times that my word is that of King and it never fails. Heaven and earth would pass, and the sun would cease to shine if any one of my words were not fulfilled. For that reason I tell you that it was my will to announce to you the ending date of this manifestation from the first days of my communication so that all of you would know it and be prepared.

24. Elijah announced my arrival to this multitude. Through Roque Rojas he also designated the year 1950 as that of my departure, that is, the final phase of the communication through human spokesmen.

25. In this instant, I say to you that my lessons are moving far ahead of you, and you are remaining behind. If you do not wish to feel weak when confronting ordeals, you must quicken your pace and strive to keep up with my lessons. Only in that way will you feel strong enough to enter the next phase, a phase when man will communicate with God from spirit to Spirit.

26. I have revealed to you the presence of the spiritual world so that you might feel the nearness of your brothers and receive their wise advice. They have come to teach you spirituality. Why have you constantly desired for them to become materialized? Although you will not succeed in doing that, you will cause them to suffer.

27. Those spirits live in harmony with my divinity; they have come to help you resurrect because you are spiritually dead. My voice will be continually telling you: Prepare yourselves, for if you do not, you will be unaware that you live in a time of danger and temptations, and you will see appear before you the false Christs, the false Elijahs, and the false spirits of light.

28. Do you want pain, the world, or men to be the ones that will free you from your mistakes? Remember that I have told you, The tree is known by its fruit. You should realize that phrase means you will be judged according to your deeds. Blessed are those who carry their cross with patience and obedience. But there will always exist among my apostles a disciple who is a traitor and deceitful and who, given another chance, would lead me to be sacrificed again. However, you need not possess a physical body in order to crucify me or spit in my face.

29. I want all of you to be obedient. I want no one to deserve these harsh words so that when your brothers come to ask you about me, you will not hide nor deny having heard me. Let no one turn his back on me during the moment of trial nor should anyone hide his heritage.

30. My lesson is extensive in each of my teachings because I want your heart to become a spiritual sanctuary for your brothers where I may dwell.

31. Take advantage of this time in which my word caresses your spirits through the spokesman. Open your heart and cherish this book. For the moment will come when you will awaken from your profound sleep to seek this book for spiritual enlightenment.

32. I speak to you from my cross of love, but it is not blood that is now flowing from my body, but spiritual enlightenment, released in rays which descend over men. I have given you the gift of words and divine inspiration. From your mouths will come the explanation of the mystery of the Seven Seals so that humanity might know my truth. This word which I give you today will remove the veil of darkness from men's eyes. The bad weed will be cut and the good seed will be sown in its place.

33. You are following a path that contains footprints covered with blood, vice, and sin, and you renounce those individuals who left those footprints, unaware that those footprints were left by you in your previous life. Therefore, you should not feel that you are without responsibility in this period; you will soon come to understand that my justice, though it seems harsh and relentless to you, is filled with love. Although I have given you a wealth of wisdom during this era through my spokesman, it will not be until after my departure in 1950, when my nightingales have ceased to sing these divine songs, that you will value this word.

34. My words are those of a king; my will is supreme, and when that moment comes, nothing nor on one, will cause a change in the order of my mandates and plans. There are those who say that 1950 is far away, and there is still time to enjoy their free will, and that later there will be time to convert and obey my law. How small and ignorant are those who think and feel in that manner! Who knows how many days one will still live on earth? Who has the authority to extend his existence on earth according to his own will?

35. When your material body is no longer alive, do not wish to leave your spirit in a deprived state. Do not convert your spirit into a suffering shadow which goes from door to door and from heart to heart begging for rays of spiritual enlightenment when my Spirit has poured an abundance of light over it.

36. Listen, beginning students: Once this word ceases to be heard, the Master wants you to become the spiritual teachers of your children, of the new generations which I will entrust to you. You will teach spirituality and morality, and your seed will be received in my granary.

37. The hypocritical pharisees of the Second Era constantly crossed my path, hoping to find a stain in my word or a lie among my words; they were never able to find one.

38. You will be scrutinized in this time, as was Jesus. But since you do not have the strength and the wisdom of the Master, I at least want you always to remain on the true path. After all that I have told you and the time that I have granted to you, your form of prayer should be very close to reflecting true spirituality, but you still have not triumphed over the world; the spirit still has not gained control over the physical body.

39. In the Second Era I sought disciples along the shore of the Sea of Galilee. When I found those who were to follow me, I told them, Come, and they came after me; they left everything to follow me. To the crowds who believed in my word, I would say, Whoever wishes to hear me, let him distribute his belongings among the needy and follow me. I come to show you the path that will guide you to my kingdom. Those disciples, who were later converted into apostles who practiced the love and the truth which Christ had preached, knew how to move the spiritual and moral foundations of the people of that time. They fulfilled the mission assigned to them by their Father through their loving deeds and even by shedding their blood. From those multitudes who listened to my disciples, arose those who were faithful to my teaching which were the martyrs.

40. Today, I do not come to ask for your life or your blood for you now live in a different period. Nevertheless, could you not do something similar to what those people did with their love, unselfishness, and faith?

41. There are those who say to me, Father, I am willing to give my life for you. And I answer them. No, child, do not give up your life without knowing why. You would do better preserving your life and being useful to your brothers. Then when you have finished your mission, do offer it to me humbly.

42. Today you tell me, Lord, we do not live by bread alone; come to us and give us your word.

43. You remember me in the midst of your ordeals. You are the strong people, and in those moments when you are greatly suffering, you remember the one who was crucified to ask him for strength.

44. You have been strong to seek me and follow me. It is your intuition that has led you to me since men have sought to hide the light from the path as well as my promises to return, my prophecies of the Second Era, and the revelation of my apostle John.

45. In spite of all that, you have known how to stay away from idolatry and fanaticism, defending your spirit’s faith. And when you heard that Christ had returned and was teaching the multitudes, you answered the call and recognized that he was the Master, by the humble form in which he manifested himself, by the simplicity of the place, and by the humility of those who followed him. If you had been told that he was manifesting himself in the palaces of men, you would not have believed it, because the memory of the Rabbi of Galilee is not yet erased from your spirits. Neither would you have believed that he incarnated again as man. Seeing him come again to the world in spiritual form, you felt that that light was coming from the Holy Spirit, for you know that I do not come twice in the same form. My disciples, humanity will judge you and talk about you but you need to disregard that. Be aware that they are innocent, but always be prepared so that they are not able to extinguish your faith.

46. I come to reveal the secret to you so that you will never separate from the path of true life since there is no one in the world in this period who knows how to guide you along the path of truth. The secret is to allow yourselves to be guided by your conscience because that is where I am.

47. All men and all people have guides, but if I were to ask them, Where have you been led? They would answer, To suffering, to the abyss, and to destruction.

48. I am giving you a full explanation of the path which leads to me, teaching you to live with purity on earth so that your spiritual worship is pleasant and pure. I come to tell you to be human in order to be spiritual, obeying Caesar and knowing how to fulfill your obligation to your God.

49. Human life has laws which you must obey to be in harmony with it. Nature demands a tribute from you. Fulfill each law according to how it needs to be fulfilled, but never become confused and offer me the tribute which belongs to the world. Also, do not offer to the world those tributes which you should offer to me.

Be aware that whoever obeys both laws, the spiritual as well as the material, will be glorifying me and will come to me.

50. For that reason my teaching does not limit itself solely to the spirit, but also to human life, to the moral values which man should practice on earth. For if you carefully analyze these lessons, you will see that there is only one life and only one path. Do not be surprised to hear me tell you to honor the family and to love your parents. Spouses need to love one another; the man needs to behold the woman not as a servant but as a worthy companion; the woman needs to behold the man as her defender and her protector; and parents need to bring healthy children into the world and guide them along the path of goodness.

51. Also, do not be surprised if I tell you to obey Caesar if he asks you to work for him, for that is also a law that man needs to fulfill. Use your tools of labor so that you may gather the fruits of love and treasures offered by the earth.

52. Seek to advance in human life, but never allow yourselves to be dominated by excessive ambitions, for then you would lose your freedom and become enslaved by materialism.

53. Guide each one of your deeds according to what your conscience tells you to do so that each of your deeds reflects justice. Respect your leaders, answer their calls, and work with them for the good of all. Respect the religious beliefs of your brothers, and when you enter their churches, do so with sincere humility and respect, knowing that I am present in all worship. Do not reject the world in order to follow me nor should you depart from me pretending to have too many other responsibilities on earth. Learn to combine both laws into one.

54. I come to free your spirit only from those things that are needless and false, thus enabling your spirit to rise above all misery, enslavement, and humiliation during its difficult ordeals on earth. Listen to my voice saying to you, There is no one on earth who has power over your spirit.

55. I must speak to you in this manner to destroy the erroneous interpretations which have been given to my doctrine. Today, I do so through these men through whom I communicate, men who are not righteous but whom, nevertheless, I have chosen through my will.

56. They know that the greater their preparation and purity, the greater will be the inspiration which comes to their minds. That is the reason these children of mine, who sinned yesterday, are struggling to amend and regenerate themselves. They want become worthy of manifesting my word.

57. If you want to seek perfection, you will not find it in the spokesmen. Seek it in the essence of my word; there you will find my presence.

58. My people, learn to practice all forms of charity. But do not publicize your deeds, seeking admiration or compliments, for that reward is small, and you will miss the great reward that I have reserved for you.

59. I do not tell you to purify only your spirits, but also to strengthen your physical body so that the new generations which come from you might be healthy, and their spirits will be able to fulfill their delicate missions.

60. Pray, but make your prayers brief so that you may apply the rest of your time to practicing the law. I ask you for five minutes of prayers, but surrender yourselves to me in those moments so that you can listen to my voice in your conscience. Truly I say to you that you are not all watching and praying, for my keen vision has penetrated your hearts, where even you sometimes can not enter, and has discovered all that you hide in them.

61. This is the time of judgement for humanity. My Divinity judges men, villages and nations, one by one; nevertheless, men have not become aware of that, nor do they know the time in which they live. That is why I have come in spirit, manifesting myself through human spokesmen; through them I have revealed to you who it is that speaks, the time in which you live, and what your mission is.

62. I have come to place the contents of my three testaments in the heart of this people; nevertheless, even though you know that you possess the truth and the law, you still rise up rejecting one another. This is because the influence of the war which flourishes over all nations has also seized you.

63. Speaking to you is the only God who exists, the one whom you called Jehovah when he showed you his strength and revealed the law to you on Mount Sinai, the one whom you called Jesus because the Divine Word was in him, and the one whom you called the Holy Spirit, because I am the Spirit of Truth.

64. How could you see three gods where only one exists? You are all children of this God. Being brothers, why is it that you do not know how to love each other here on earth? You know that men kill other men, that blood flows abundantly, and the pain which invades the earth does not move your hearts. I have told you, Pray, and if you obey my mandates, you will not fear wars, hunger, plagues, or unknown diseases. But you are only exempt from these hardships so that you will pray and watch on behalf of your fellow beings. Do not doubt the power of prayer because it is the spirit's greatest weapon.

65. The unwise hand of man has opened the doors which were detaining the purifying forces and elements which have fallen upon humanity.

66. Nations of the earth, you are enduring great bitterness and you feel the pain deep in your hearts. Since you have wanted it so, endure that bitterness with patience so that your spirits will benefit from this experience and become enlightened once you arise to seek the true path. As you start seeking you will find the ruins of the temple which you had destroyed within yourselves. Yo will need to rebuild that temple so that my voice may speak to you again there, and you will once again possess my law.

67. Pray and perform good deeds, my people, because war threatens your nation. Your spiritual mission awaits you; do not allow hunger, disease, and death to penetrate among you. If your faith lacks strength, you will find yourselves tearing out your hair in desperation on seeing your brothers killing each other and your children suffering from hunger. The water which you drink will be bitter; your mountains and your valleys will become dry, and the trees will not bear fruit. And this land, which is seen by many as the promised land because of its wealth and abundance, will have nothing to offer the foreigner who approaches it seeking freedom or bread.

68. My secret sanctuary is filled with revelations and mercy. I only await the moment when mankind begins to seek the Father, and when man has become pure and humble, so that I may give mankind all the things that I have reserved for them. Verily I say to you that you have always defied my justice and that I have accepted your challenge in this time. I come ready for war; my power is great; my armies are numerous and my weapons invincible. I will triumph at the end; however, it will be a victory for those who are spiritually enlightened but not for those who are spiritually asleep.

I will not rise up against the dead, but before the living. I will humiliate no one; all will raise their heads to praise my name. My people, that is why I want to observe unity, charity, respect, and love among all of my spiritual followers and houses of prayer.

69. I am granting you this period so that you will eliminate all idolatry and fanaticism from your hearts. Also, I want you to eliminate all superfluous and evil practices in your worship. Be aware of how the divine word descends over humanity; but in the midst of my justice, feel my spiritual peace.

70. O valley of tears and of blood, where men erect their throne to worship themselves and afterward dig their own graves with their own hands! I come to free them from sin and from death because they have chained themselves and have become enslaved. Truly I say to you that this world no longer belongs to this humanity, that is why, at every moment it rejects it.

71. The earth is like an unselfish and tolerant mother which has sheltered mankind. Starting now, earth will signal a new path and a new home for mankind, a path that will guide men toward the Divine Father. Another mother, the Celestial Mother, awaits the arrival of her children to wrap them in her mantle, which is an eternal promise of happiness.

My Peace be with you!


Teaching 52

1. Nourish yourselves from my divine essence. Be firm in your obedience to my law; and you will find peace and comfort in your deeds as a reward. Truly intercede on behalf of your brothers, and with your prayers and your good deeds allow them to feel the peace of my Spirit. Do not discard my divine charity in these times of dangers; strengthen your spirits so that you will emerge victoriously from your ordeals.

2. Intercede and act kindly even toward those who do not love you. Imitate Mary, your heavenly mother, the divine intercessor, who intercedes on behalf of those who place their hope in her, as well as those who have closed their hearts to her and those who deny her purity and divine essence.

3. Your mission is delicate and your destiny is noble. My people, you should no longer separate from the path which I have traced for you. I have built a sanctuary in your hearts, but do not allow your faith to weaken and disappear nor stop striving to attain spirituality. Do not keep your temple in darkness, for if someone were to knock at its doors, he would not find the light he seeks, nor could he hear the echo of my voice. Carry my presence and my word in your hearts, and truly I say to you that no one will be able to destroy your sanctuary nor make you regress along your path. Who can keep you from loving me?

4. My spiritual wisdom is within your understanding and my voice is heard in every conscience; nevertheless, men do not want to recognize the time in which they are living. A multitude of people will need to prepare itself to offer the good news to humanity, and I want it to be these same people who I have selected to hear my divine word. If I am always telling you to prepare yourselves, it is because you will have to offer testimony of my manifestation through the human spokesmen. Your testimony will not be limited to repeating the phrases which you will have learned from me; you will need to offer proof of your spiritual strength by converting stubborn sinners, by healing the terminally ill, or by any other deed which I have taught you. Be aware that if you arise to preach love and charity without first practicing spirituality and regenerating your own lives, you will be imitating the hypocritical pharisees who advertised their false virtue and hid their perversity. I do not want anyone who is false or deceitful among my disciples.

5. If you yearn for my doctrine to flourish on earth, sow it as purely as I have delivered it to you, watering that divine seed with the water of your good deeds. Walk trusting in my protection.

6. Who will be able to stop you or silence you when you arise inspired by my divine light? No one, my people, just as no one was able to silence Jesus in the past. If he became silent in the presence of some sinners, it was to give you a lesson in humility since with his deeds he offered testimony to the truth of his word.

7. Consider the number of years that have gone by in which I have manifested myself through these spokesmen, yet no one has succeeded in silencing the divine word which sprouts from their lips. Truly I say to you that the year 1950 will arrive without this word ever having been interrupted. But once that year comes to an end, my nightingales will cease to transmit my teaching, for I will have concluded all of the revelations that I needed to give you during this manifestation.

8. You will offer testimony of my doctrine with your deeds, words, and thoughts, and nothing will hold back the abundance of spiritual enlightenment that your spirit will emit. But the time for you to stop speaking will also arrive. I will close your lips, for all that I needed to say through you will have been said.

9. I want all of you to unite without discriminating against each other because you attend different houses of prayer, for the teaching that everyone has received is the same; the light which illuminates each of you is the same.

10. I have given you the means to defend your faith and to watch over the doctrine which I have entrusted to you, but I have never given you weapons to hurt one another. I want this multitude to be soldiers of my spiritual cause but never its enemies.

11 My secret sanctuary was opened in this time to convert the spiritual outcasts, those who are hungry and thirsty for justice, into possessors of a spiritual treasure. Are you not content with that? Do your hearts not tremble with gratitude, O my people? Yes, you tell me inside, but I want that yes not to be a word, or a thought, but rather to be expressed in deeds of love toward your brothers.

12. Now I say to you, rest for a few moments from your weariness on earth; you have traveled a long distance carrying a burden of pain. Come to the fountain of grace to drink from this water which offers redemption. Although you are now weak, soon you will become strong enabling you to fight for my cause and confront the trials.

13. Prepare your sandals, for a new path awaits you. You will find endless opportunities to sow love and charity along that path. You are still fearful, and for that reason you have not wanted to announce that a new era has arrived. You must understand that what the Father has given you also belongs to your brothers and that you must tell them about it.

14. I have not come to give you new gifts or attributes in this period; your spirit has always possessed the gifts that you are aware of now. But the time goes by and I ask you, What do you await in order to begin to fulfill your mission? Do you await unbelievers to ridicule my word, my new manifestation, and to publish lies everywhere?

15. Practice and live according to my teachings, and truly I say to you that those who speak with insulting words will cease to speak. Those who were reluctant to believe will approach you, interested in finding out about my doctrine. If your deeds reflect love and charity, then they will be witnessing great and eloquent testimonies of my truth. When they see how you heal the sick, many of them will bring you close to their loved ones filled with hope that their illnesses will be cured.

16. Deliver my teaching with purity and you will not have to hide in order to heal the sick. For truly I say to you that you will not seek the catacombs in this time in order to practice my teachings; rather, you will do so in the light of day. Do not fear if in your own land your brethren do not believe you; you will soon go to other lands where you will find individuals whose hearts will be greatly touched.

17. You should be the first to be convinced of the truth which you are going to preach in order to demonstrate that faith to your brothers. If doubt penetrates into your spirit, it will be like a dagger slowly killing your aspirations.

18. You have lived through three eras. Be aware that you must arise to fulfill the most evolved mission of your destiny. Awaken from your deep spiritual sleep and advance with a firm step along the path of your evolution.

19. Do not ask me why you are still surprised by temptations even though you are following the path of the Lord. Be aware that it is then that you are most tested. That is why I always say to you, Be alert and pray in order not to fall into temptation.

20. The day approaches when your brothers will come to ask you questions. Will you then hide that which I have revealed to you with so much love? I have not given you anything in my lesson that would embarrass you.

21. Do not wait for the weeping on earth to multiply and for the rumors of war to increase before you arise. Pray and perform deeds of charity every day, for in that way you will counteract the force of evil.

22. If any one of you does not arise to fulfill your mission, it is because you are unaware of the gifts that I have given to your spirit.

23. Blessed are those who know how to find the essence of my word, for this heritage will be theirs. The seekers of divine truth are those who have always sought their Creator; those individuals will discover the presence of the Divine Master within this humble manifestation.

24. Outwardly, my manifestation in this time will seem poor, but truly I say to you that I have come to erect a sanctuary in the heart of the man who listens to my word. Do not assume that there are hierarchies among those beings whom I have selected in this era; I love all beings in the same manner. Do not assume that the human spokesmen of this manifestation earned this privilege through their own merits. It is such a great privilege, that only my love made it possible for those beings to receive that mission.

25. This mission is delicate for those who have received it; the weight of this cross is great, for without abandoning his material responsibilities on earth, the spokesman must reach a level of spirituality which permits him to receive the divine ray of my inspiration.

26. There are moments when you are surprised that God can be with you and manifest himself with so much love. You are surprised because you are well aware of your own stains and imperfections, thus, you feel unworthy of the great love that the Father shows you. Since you judge me as you are used to judging yourselves, my love has always surprised you. Why do you believe that within me there is anger, vengeance, or selfishness? I say to you that when you allow yourself to be judged by your conscience, humbly and sincerely confessing your faults, then you become worthy of having me descend from my kingdom to speak to you, for your sadness over having offended me helps you to become purified.

27. Do not be surprised that my love follows you everywhere in spite of your sins. You are all my children. In this world you have a reflection of God's divine love in the love of your parents. You can turn your backs to them, reject their authority, disobey their orders, and ignore their advice; with your bad deeds, you can inflict a wound in their hearts, cause their eyes to dry up from so much weeping, cause their hair to become white, and their faces to become wrinkled with the marks of suffering, but they will never cease to love you and will have only blessings and forgiveness for you. And if those parents who you have on earth, and who are not perfect, have offered you so much evidence of a pure and elevated love, why are you surprised that the one who created those individuals and gave them the mission of being parents loves you with a perfect love? Love is the supreme truth. Through truth I became man, and for truth I died while I was a man.

28. In this time I do not come to ask you for a sacrifice of blood. Nevertheless, there are those who have given their lives in my name, momentarily blinded by their fanaticism after having lived an impure life on earth. These acts can not produce a true seed, but only continue to encourage fanaticism.

29. That is why I tell you to speak truly believing the words that you are saying and to live your life according to what you are teaching. Nothing will speak better than your own life.

30. Do not be surprised by my love, nor should you doubt my love when you are experiencing very difficult and bitter moments on earth. Man may greatly descend, fill himself with darkness, or delay in returning to me; but the moment will arrive when each individual will feel my presence and no longer feel that I am distant nor perceive me as a stranger. Then that individual will no longer be able to deny my existence, my love, and my justice.

31. Just as man on earth can create a spiritual peace for himself similar to the peace of my kingdom, he can also, with his perversity, surround himself with an existence which is filled with vice, evil, and remorse.

32. In the hereafter, the spirit can also find worlds of darkness, of perversity, of hatred and vengeance, according to the spirit’s degree of confusion, low passions, and desires. But truly I say to you that the heaven as well as the hell, which men visualize only through earthly figures and images, are no more than different stages of the spirit's evolution; one stage is the highest level of perfection achieved by a spirit through its evolution and virtue, and the other is a stage where the spirit lives in a state of darkness, vices, and confusion.

33. To the virtuous spirit, it makes no difference where it finds itself, for wherever it may be, it will carry within the peace and the love of the Creator. On the other hand, the impure and disturbed spirit can find itself in the best of worlds but will continue to feel itself burning with remorse until it becomes purified.

34. Do you believe that I, your Father, have created places specifically for the purpose of punishing you and thus eternally avenging your sins?

35. How foolish are the men who continue to teach those theories!

36. How is it possible for you to believe that eternal darkness and pain are the destiny awaiting spirits which, though having sinned, will always be children of God? If they need be taught, here is the Teacher. If they need love, here is the Father. If they yearn for forgiveness, here is the perfect Judge.

37. The one who neglects to seek me and correct his faults will be unable to reach me. But no one will be able to resist my justice nor my trials; you can only reach me when you are pure.

38. Disciples, if you do not immediately understand my word when you hear it, keep it in your memories, and during moments of rest remember it and analyze it; then you will come to understand much of what I have taught you. If you do not retain it, what will you deliver to the multitudes who will soon arrive?

39. Without distinguishing any being, I allow all of you to come before my presence to receive my lessons. Before I assign you a mission, I dry up your tears, close your wounds, satisfy your spiritual hunger and thirst, and after I have given you proof of my love and have helped you to develop faith and hope in your hearts, then I tell you: "You have all been summoned. Do you want to be among the chosen?" But some individuals ask; "Where do you take us and along which path?" These are the individuals who are deeply attached to the material things of earth and to its pleasures. Others tell me: "Lord, we are not worthy of being called your chosen ones, but help us to do your will." These are the individuals who are ready to become spiritually elevated.

40. I ask those who follow me to pray for world peace and to watch over the peace on earth. Nations will soon elevate their prayers to ask me for the peace which I have always proposed to them. I have permitted mankind to first taste the fruit of what they have sowed. I want them to observe the human suffering that exists on earth, the rivers of human blood that has been shed, the mountains of cadavers that exist, and the cities that have been destroyed. I have wanted men with hardened hearts to see the desolation in homes, the desperation among the innocent, and mothers who, driven mad by pain, kiss the dismantled bodies of their children. I want those individuals to become fully aware of the anguish, sorrow, and desperation that exists among humanity so they might feel humiliation due to their arrogance. I want them to hear their consciences so they can become aware that their grandeur, power, and wisdom is a lie, and what is truly great only comes from the Divine Spirit. When these men open their eyes to the truth, they will become horrified, not of the scenes they observed with their eyes, but of themselves. And unable to run away from the stare and the voice of their conscience, they will feel that they are in a state of darkness, burning with remorse, for they will have to account for each life, every bit of pain, and every last drop of blood which was shed because of them.

41. I will not only have them account for what they have done to other lives but also for what they have done to their own lives and to their bodies. Who can say that he has come to me in spirit at the exact instant when the clock of eternity called him? No one, for you often shorten your existence by aging prematurely, consumed at times by causes which are not worthy of one of your tears or one of your white hairs.

42. My justice is perfect and unyielding, and it originates from the pure love of your Creator, who only asks you to leave the pleasures of the world to come to hear my word. The Master gladly opens his book of perfect teachings to delight you with a new lesson. How often one of my laws alone has been capable of saving you. Here your spirit has awakened and become aware of the mission which it received from the beginning.

43. I have found your hearts guarding useless seeds gathered on earth, but your heart will now be converted into a granary where you will keep the good fruit of your deeds of charity.

44. Among the multitudes of great sinners come those who have greatly stained their spirits with their sensuous desires, who have dishonored their brethren, who have disrespected the elderly, who have robbed others, who have stained the innocence of a child, and murdered a fellow human being either physically or morally.

45. Coming to hear me are those who disrespect the home, who ridicule divine and human laws, and who take away the faith from the human heart. When they hear my word, which touches the most sensitive part of their hearts, they say: It is the Judge who speaks, but how gently he makes us understand our errors and how tenderly he teaches and corrects us. And when those individuals have left the house of prayer where they heard this voice, they seem to see life and everything around them not only illuminated by the natural light, but bathed in a divine light, which speaks to man through all of creation. The individual who previously lead a materialistic life filled with physical pleasures and sin, but who now has become purified, then witnesses a marvelous life appear before his presence. His spirit witnesses the appearance of a new life never seen before, a life filled with revelations, promises, and inspirations. This is a miracle of love, not only of words, because frequently men are able to speak much more eloquently and perfectly that these humble and illiterate spokesmen through who I have communicated; however, the essence that is contained in these words could only have come from the Divine Love.

46. Few have listened to my word in this form. But truly I say to you that all of humanity is listening to my voice within the spiritual sanctuary which exists in every spirit, even though the human mind is unaware of these inspirations or the person is unable to verbally express all that he is continually receiving through his spiritual gifts. Once you are spiritually prepared, you will confirm this truth.

47. In this Third Era, Elijah is the Shepherd who daily rescues you from dangers. He is the one who enters into your bedroom when you pray, the one who accompanies you in the lonely desert, and the one who follows you on long journeys. Wherever you need someone to defend you, or a voice to give you courage, there is Elijah, the Spiritual Shepherd of the Third Era.

48. If you want to know where Elijah dwells, I will tell you that he dwells in the spiritual mansion. Which one of you could elevate yourself to perceive him in that mansion? No one yet; that is why he comes to you to prepare the ways which lead to your hearts, so that the Divine Master will arrive to illuminate your entire being. You should not believe that I only descend toward those who seek me in a pure or perfect manner. No, I come seeking everyone who seeks me, including those who kneel in front of idols as well as the one who visualizes me through forms and ideas which are far from the truth. Each one seeks me according to the capacity of his spirit, and I am not going to extinguish any faith which he might have concerning the existence of God.

49. It is my will that humanity communicate with me from spirit to Spirit in this era; thus, men can erect a true sanctuary in their hearts where they can hear the voice of the Father.

50. To attain that level of spirituality, men will have to engage in great religious battles, which will cause the backward spirits to awaken, and help them to perceive the divine truth.

51. Do you not believe that the time has come for men to offer true worship and tribute to God, a worship that is worthy of the one who receives it and the one who offers it? If you study or observe the different kingdoms of nature, you will find in them an infinite number of examples, lessons, and parables worthy for you to imitate. I do not mean to imply that inferior beings are your masters, but I do say to you that nature, and life as a whole, is a book whose author is God. I have opened that book before men so that in it they will observe my perfection, my love, and my justice, not through words but through deeds.

52. Do not seek me in books that contain false knowledge, nor in your theories, which generally contain errors due to the materialism in which man lives. You have been allowed to walk along every path fully enjoying your free will. Today, I come to ask you to pause along the way and meditate for a few moments on the things that you have learned in life, on all that you have seen, felt, and suffered along the long road which you have traveled. Truly, truly, I say to you that whoever takes advantage of that light will discover the truth which will lead him to his own origin. I am the Way; I am the Alpha and the Omega.

53. I am the Master of simplicity, the one who comes to speak to you as an intimate friend, in the most familiar of languages, in order to clarify mysteries and reveal secrets to you which until now had been hidden from your human knowledge.

54. Give your spirit the opportunity to rejoice in those things that are divine and in the practice of those laws which govern it. Do not consider this life as the only one, nor material work as the only means to achieve satisfaction. Do not enclose yourself within the love of your family, for your family extends beyond that. Selfishness is not a seed of God.

55. Men have loved this life so much that when the time comes to depart from earth, they rebel against my will and ignore that I am calling them. They reject the peace of my kingdom and ask the Father for more time on earth in order to continue possessing their temporary possessions.

56. Learn to be sensitive so that you will intuitively become aware of the spiritual life; do not be satisfied with your life on earth which marks the beginning of your spiritual evolution because beyond this world there are superior things created by God.

57. Do not try to reject death when it is my will for you to depart from earth. Also, you should not seek the man of science attempting to miraculously prolong your existence, thus opposing my will, for you will both weep bitterly over that error. Prepare yourself in this life, and you will have no reason to fear your entry into the hereafter.

58. When one of your loved ones departs for the spiritual valley, you weep instead of being filled with peace, failing to realize that he is getting one step closer toward his Lord. On the other hand, you celebrate when a new baby comes to your home without realizing at that moment that the spirit has come to fulfill a restitution in this valley of tears. It is then when you should weep for that spirit.

59. When will you begin to feel for strangers what you feel toward your own immediate family? From only one matrimony there emerged numerous beings that make up this humanity, which soon divided itself into families, tribes, towns, and nations, and from which emerged the differences in customs, languages and religions. These differences created hatred and separated people from each other; wars and jealousies arose. The seed of Cain has produced much fruit. But now that the spirit has evolved and your knowledge has increased, why do you continue to see each other as strangers, hating and killing one another? Today, you know that all spirits were born from my Divine Spirit, and that all human beings descended from one pair of human beings, which makes you brothers in spirit and also in blood.

60. When you do not feel the pain of your fellow man, who is a part of you, you are indeed far from the true path! You see someone go by whom you have never seen before, and considering him a stranger, you do not greet him. Yet, if you see a funeral procession go by, you remove your hats. Why do you not dedicate your attention, love, and charity toward those who are alive? Although I have wanted for mankind to eliminate the boundaries and differences that exist on earth through their love for one another, men have not wanted to do that. Do you want those boundaries to be erased through the shedding of human blood so that humanity will become united? Do you want war to unite the races? From the beginning of time, I prepared a nation of people to recognize and love me so that it would be like a torch among humanity. Those people has been strong at times but weak in others. Today, I have had those people return to earth to have the prophecies fulfilled. Those are the people who have spiritually received the three testaments. When they discovered that I was communicating through human spokesmen in this period, they did not dare deny me publicly since they spiritually remembered that in the Second Era they cried out, Crucify the impostor, after which they had to weep bitterly. Today, many of them have believed in my return while others have not; but these will also believe after my departure in 1950, because they will observe my prophecies being fulfilled. Then they will say to me, Lord, when you spoke to me I doubted, but now that you have departed and I observe your word fulfilled, I believe in you.

61. Before this manifestation ceases, those whom you call foreigners will arrive. Without clearly understanding this word, due to the differences in languages, they will feel that their spirits are filled with peace and nourished by my divine essence, for it will be my love that they will feel in their hearts, and you already know that love is the spiritual language. Those individuals will also arise to follow me, for my people are scattered throughout the world.

62. I have come to you in this period in the midst of a storm. The rainbow of peace has not yet appeared; the dove has not arrived with its olive branch. But the time will come when I, the true Love among all loves, can say to all men, Here I am. Then all individuals will see me and become united. Today, I am still judging the living and the dead.

63. In the Third Era I have left the tomb of the forgotten in which humanity has held me in order to resurrect humanity, for I am life. No one can die; even the one who suddenly takes his life by his own hand will hear his conscience ask him to account for his lack of faith.

64. I want you to form a family, a nation of people who are healthy spiritually and physically.

65. When will the elevation of Abel, the obedience of Abraham, the strength of Jacob, the patience of Job, and spirituality of John appear among you? Recognize your responsibilities in the world.

66. Men: Stay away from the vices of the world so that you will be able to produce fertile seeds that will produce good fruit in the future.

67. Women: I am preparing you to give to the world children that carry with their spirit peace and good will. To those of you who are sterile I say, Pray; do not be embarrassed by your restitution. Be accepting, and I will surprise you by having you feel the beat of a new being in your wombs.

68. Give birth to perfect children imitating your Creator who has only formed perfect beings, and obey the divine mandate which asks you to love one another.

My Peace be with you!


Teaching 53

1. Why is it that in such a short time from the day that I communicate with you to the next in which I give you a new lesson I find that you have lost the peace that I gave to you? Do not lose the blessings I give you along your path. You come frightened by the trials and ordeals that you find on your way; you come with deeply repentant hearts; that is the way I usually see you even though I have given you my peace to have you journey with serenity and faith along your path of evolution in life.

2. I have taught you to pray in order to free yourself from dangers and stumbling blocks, from temptations and darkness. I have told you that even the elements of nature will listen to your prayers when they are unleashed by my justice; they will pass over you without touching you because you know how to pray with faith and purity.

3. I will help your spirit to free itself from its sinfulness and from the abyss in this period so that not only will you recognize God but also yourself, as well as your spiritual gifts. But before that, you will need to become purified through pain, otherwise, you will be unable to truly manifest your spiritual gifts if you do not regenerate yourself.

4. Human passions are like a storm lashing against your inner sanctuary, and only the one who prays is strong enough to resist the trials, and only the one who watches is alert to protect himself.

5. When I talk to you of temples and sanctuaries, I am not referring to the material places which you build but to your hearts, for wherever you go there will be the temple, and in it you will always find my love.

6. Humanity has created religions similar to the paths which lead to me; but I say to you, Do not guide yourself according to the different interpretations man has given to my law. The time has come for each of you to know how to receive my inspiration and to be guided by that divine enlightenment.

7. You sometimes ask yourselves, Why has the Lord only spoken to this multitude of people when there are so many nations that need him? To which I reply that in the Second Era only one crowd witnessed my crucifixion and my death; nevertheless, the blood of the Lamb fell over all of humanity to show it the path of restitution. Thus in this time I will speak to these congregations, but the light of my spirit is shining throughout the world.

8. I have already given you everything that you need to learn and to practice my doctrine. I do not wish you to arrive spiritually before me without a harvest, claiming that the harshness and stubbornness of your material body did not allow you to fulfill your mission; for the one who does not overcome the temptations of the world will not have earned merits to present himself before the Lord. Although the material body is very strong in its passions, tendencies, and weaknesses, the spirit is gifted with a superior power which it can use to triumph over evil.

9. What merit would your spirit achieve if the material body that it were given lacked free will and sensuous tendencies? The struggle of the spirit with its material body is one of power against power. In that painful struggle, the spirit must test its superiority and its elevation. That is the trial where the spirit has often succumbed momentarily to the temptations of the flesh. The power exerted over the spirit is so strong that it seems that a supernatural and evil power was dragging you toward the abyss causing you to be lost in your low passions.

10. How great is the responsibility of the spirit before God! The flesh is not bound by this responsibility; notice how once dead, the flesh will forever rest on earth. When will you achieve enough merits that will make your spirit worthy of living in dwellings which are more perfect than the one in which you now live?

11. The world offers you crowns that only speak of vanity, of arrogance, and of false greatness. The spirits that know how to disregard those vanities have reserved in the hereafter another crown, that of my wisdom.

12. In the Second Era I sought the valleys, the mountains, the sea, and the desert to speak to you. Today, I also find that there are hearts which, because of their peace, resemble valleys; others are like a stormy sea, similar to the one that became turbulent when Jesus sailed with his disciples in the boat; some, because of their elevation, resemble a mountain when they hear me; and others, because of their solitude and aridity, resemble the desert.

13. You who hear my word, love it, study it, and put it into practice. Although there are many individuals who would like to hear it, they will not be able to because they were not granted that grace in this period! But truly I say to you that its echo will reach everyone, and they will receive it with greater purity, since they will receive its divine essence and will not receive my teaching by hearing the human spokesmen.

14. Today, I am preparing your heart with my word. I am teaching you to feel the pain of others because the one who does not practice charity cannot become my apostle. Do not ignore needy individuals who summon at your door. I do not want those individuals to come to me weeping and asking if you are the chosen people whom I have prepared to help those who have worries and sorrows. O disciples, be alert so that you can hear when someone is knocking at your door even in the middle of the night when you are asleep. This needy individual who seeks you today may be the one who, deeply touched by your charity, will be converted into my worker tomorrow and will make your mission easier to fulfill. Many of those who come today asking for a little love, understanding, or justice will tomorrow be the shield that will defend you or the witness who will save you. But what can you expect of the individual who summoned at your door asking charity due to his pain, yet you ignored him? Allow the one who is living a highly immoral life to come to you; if you know how to deeply touch his heart, he will repent. Allow the one dressed in rags to feel worthy of being in your house and at your table, and do not feel disgust toward his poverty. Spiritually he may be more pure and more finely dressed than you. Do not reserve your best attentions and smiles for those individuals who are wealthy or who present themselves dressed with expensive clothes. Allow your hearts not to observe those differences; use your spiritual gifts to help all beings equally. Suffering exists everywhere. How much good can you do each day and at every moment?

15. If you observe young children you will see that there are many of them without love, without law, and without bread. If you walk among the youth, you will find them struggling with low passions and mistaken paths. And if you walk among men and women who have reached maturity in life, you will find among them tragedies, bitter difficulties, widowhood at times, a lack of hope and faith, as well as a lack of a true spiritual inspiration to comfort and sustain them.

16. Only my word can deeply touch and sensitize the human heart that has been hardened by pain. Many of you have suffered so much that you do not feel nor care about the pain of others. I speak to you often of love and also tell you that you need to practice charity with your brethren, for there is as much suffering in the world as there are human beings, and human pain has just begun in this period. That is why I am preparing you to once again comfort your brothers with your love.

17. While the great nations of the earth like to raise a toast throughout the world, lifting up a cup filled with bitterness and pouring it out over humanity, I, from this humble table, offer a toast with you, using a spiritual cup filled with tenderness and life so that you might take this message to those who carry death in their hearts and bitterness in their words.

18. Walk step by step along this path of love. Allow the stormy winds to blow over you without weakening. You will hear people telling you that you are following the path of destruction. But become strong remembering my words, for I say to you that my mantle will cover everyone who journeys in the world following the path of blood which I have traced through my sacrifice on earth.

19. I want your face to reflect the gentleness of your spirit but not hypocrisy, for I will be judging what your brothers are not able to perceive. After the storms lash against these people, only a few will be left surrounding me, for many will weaken because of the trials. But those who are left will be the ones who will help my doctrine flourish. Everything will be pure materially as well as spiritually, for with my word I have come to open the path for you which was closed by men's evilness and disobedience. The eyes of your spirit will also open enabling you to perceive the future; I tell you once again that every being will perceive me. I have asked you to truly repent for your sins so that you will begin to regenerate your life; that is why I tell you that I do not want you to be a hypocrite. I want you righteous and sincere, offering testimony to the truth of my doctrine with your deeds.

20. You will acquire great wisdom without needing the books written by men, since your only book will be this word in which you will have no influence from strange doctrines, or erroneous interpretations, or the theories of men; this word will only contain my law which traces the path of your evolution.

21. The dense veil of your materialism has caused you to become spiritually ignorant and to remain spiritually asleep. Thus, you feel that you are distant from the divine and are unable to perceive the light which should be illuminating your spiritual life. In this period my voice has torn that veil and shown you my sanctuary, revealing to you new lessons from my secret mysteries. Due to my spiritual manifestation, some individuals have developed faith while others have preferred to continue perceiving life with their limited spiritual knowledge. When will you understand everything that you should treasure for your spirit?

22. I do not forbid you to scrutinize nature nor to accumulate knowledge if these contribute to your well-being and the advancement of your human lives. But I also want you to become interested in gaining light for your spirit because that is the only thing which you will take from earth to the hereafter and which will allow you to progress along your spiritual path. I am so close to each one of you that you only have to ask me something with your thoughts to have my answer at the moment. No one will be able to accuse the Father saying that he left his children since I have always watched over all my sheep like a loving shepherd, and I can truly say to you that not one has been lost nor will be lost, for I am everywhere. My light and life exist everywhere. The love of your Father exists throughout creation.

23. Man is not fulfilling my law. Today, I tell you that with my lessons of love I am returning many of the strayed sheep to the path of evolution. When these have returned to the sheepfold, I will bring others until they are all present in the sheepfold of my love.

24. Today, you know that pain purifies the spirit and the heart and that it is not the first time that you have had to remove stains from your spirit left by your sins. The cup of bitterness has poured out its contents over the world like a new flood except it is more painful, more bitter, and longer lasting. The time will come when pain will not be the one to subdue and detain man but, rather, his conscience. If you still need pain to restrain you, that will be the clearest signal that you have not evolved spiritually.

25. Consider, my children, that you will have to climb the mountain carrying the cross of pain on your backs; but be aware that the cross which is to elevate you will not be that of restitution for your sins but that of your sacrifices on behalf of others. To men I say that they should be guides, defenders, and guardians of humanity. To women, to the mothers, I say, Pray for the great multitudes of children without parents, without a home and without bread. Your prayers will be like the wings of the lark that spread to shelter her chicks. But in this instant do not only think about your loved ones since they have your tenderness; rather think of those on earth who are lonely and who hunger for affection. Pray for them. Who better than you understands the coldness, the emptiness, and the thirst of those tender hearts? Pray, and soon bread, shelter and love will come. This is the right time to be charitable.

26. You have been confined to earth, to this planet which man has transformed into a valley of tears, when it once was a marvelous garden where the Creator poured out his blessings. But humanity will soon realize that it has been allowed to return to earth to restitute and to transform this desert of sadness and pain into an Eden of light, into a dwelling of brotherhood and peace where my law is fulfilled which says, Love one another.

27. Among those who hear me are the unbelievers who would like to touch, as Thomas did, in order to believe. To them I say that they will come to communicate with me from spirit to Spirit. First, they will wash their cup inside and outside so that my word might fall into it like a shower of blessings and of life for the spirit.

28. The sick would like to touch my tunic as they did in the Second Era to have their faith heal them. I ask you, Why do you not touch my Divine Spirit with your pure thoughts and with your sincere prayers? You would obtain everything that your spirit and material body need.

29. This is the lesson I give you, allowing you to look at this book that I have opened before you throughout the eras. It is the book of my eternal wisdom, which I am showing you today, and I have opened it in the Sixth Seal. I am using human spokesman, whom I have prepared, as my interpreters.

30. Throughout the times you have wanted to study my manifestations in order to know my will and my mandates. I have answered your questions, for everyone who seeks me out of love and who hopes to find the truth, finds me, sees me before him, feels me, and is nourished by my love. What great joy I feel when my children present to me the fruit which they have harvested with their deeds of love and charity, and with which they have relieved their brothers’ pain.

31. This book which I have come to open one more time before you contains all of my teachings. You will get to know what is written in it, and it will bring you happiness, for it will guide you along the path of your evolution.

32. You are anxious to receive the inspirations that I abundantly given to humanity throughout the eras, but you have not taken advantage of them. Today that I am communicating through human spokesmen, will you continue doubting my lessons and my presence among you? I have not come to speak to the dead, nor to beings who lack the ability to reason, but to you who are human, who have a conscience and who know me. If I spoke to the dead, if I spoke to the rocks or to the elements of nature, they would already be offering testimony of me. But my children's disbelief will not detain my teaching, and this book will continue to speak of the truth, of the life of grace, and of the hereafter.

33. What do you seek in my doctrine, and what do you want to know, my children? Some say, spiritual enlightenment; I hear others tell me, We are anxious to find peace. I say to you that if you prepare yourselves, you will find in my word everything that your spirit desires. I have prepared this nation to be a prosperous and blessed land where you can see the mount of the new Zion, the land which awaits you. Tomorrow, after having passed through the world fulfilling with your mission, your spirit will find itself in the hereafter, and all of you will be united in one single valley forming with me a single Spirit.

34. It is necessary that you study in order to know the reason for the events of this era, including the reason for Elijah's coming in this period, as well as why I am giving you my word. Elijah has come as my forerunner in all times to prepare the spirits of all men. In the First Era Elijah came to earth and found that humanity was practicing idolatry and did not believe in God. The world was being governed by kings and priests, and both had departed from the obedience to divine laws and were guiding their people along paths of confusion and falsehood. They had erected altars to different gods which they worshiped. Elijah appeared in that time and spoke to them with words of justice, telling mankind: Open your eyes and see that you have disrespected the law of the Lord. You have forgotten the example of his messengers and have fallen into a worship which is unworthy of the living and powerful God. It is necessary that you awaken, that you see and recognize him. Eliminate your idolatry and lift your eyes above every figure with which you have represented him.

35. Elijah heard my voice which said to him, Depart from the wicked people of that nation. Tell them that rain will not fall for a long time, not until you order it so in my name. And Elijah said, It will not rain until my Lord appoints the hour and my voice orders it. And thus saying, he departed. From that day forth the land was dry; many normally rainy seasons passed without rain. There were no signs of water in the sky; the fields felt the drought; the cattle began to perish; men unsuccessfully dug into the earth looking for water to quench their thirst; rivers dried up; overcome by the rays of the red hot sun, the grass withered; and men cried out to their gods asking for rain to return to them in order to sow and harvest the seed which fed them.

36. Elijah had departed by divine mandate. He prayed and awaited the will of his Lord. Men and women began to leave their lands in search of new places which did not lack water. Wherever one looked there were caravans, and all the land was dry.

37. Years went by, and one day when Elijah elevated his spirit to the Father, he heard His voice saying, Seek out the king, and when I give you the sign, the waters once again will fall over the land.

38. Filled with obedience, Elijah humbly went before the king of that nation and showed his power before the worshipers of the false gods; after that, he spoke about the Father and of his power; then the signs appeared; lightning, thunder, and fire were seen in the sky, followed by an abundance of rain. Once again the fields became green and the trees were filled with fruit, and there was abundance of many things on earth.

39. Faced with this proof, the people awakened and remembered their Father who called and warned them through Elijah.

40. Elijah performed many great miracles in that time in order to deeply touch humanity.

41. In the Second Era, John the Baptist appeared to advise people to repent and to prepare hearts to receive the Messiah. That blessed forerunner spoke to the multitudes because the time for the preaching of Jesus approached, and it was necessary for them to recognize him. He baptized with water and he even poured it over Jesus saying to him, Master, how will I baptize you if there is no blemish on you? To which Jesus answered, It is necessary for you to do this so that I may begin my journey teaching humility, so that when those who follow me are ready to begin fulfilling their mission, they will know how to purify and prepare themselves.

42. Elijah, a spirit of great power who has not been recognized by humanity, has always been my forerunner. Today, he has come once again to prepare the chosen, those who have served me as spokesmen and all of humanity.

43. If you prepare yourselves and study my teaching in order to come to know my will, Elijah will come to your aid and will be your helper and friend.

44. Elijah is a divine ray who illuminates and guides all beings and leads them to me. Love him and honor him as a forerunner and your mediator.

45. Disciples, if you want to enter the kingdom of heaven, perform righteous deeds, obey my law, and my work will be recognized by all, distinguishing itself among religions and doctrines as the only way that I have traced for man.

46. To help you in your preparation, come to me and sit at my table, where I have reserved a place for each one of my disciples, and where you will be present at my teaching. Do not worry whether the person through whom I communicate is a man or a woman, old, young, or a child. Analyze my lessons until you find the divine essence of this word, and you will feel my presence through any of my spokesmen. Take advantage of these moments for later you might weep if you do not do so.

47. Allow this multitude of people to grow just as the trees grow by multiplying their branches, just as rivers extend themselves forming new rivers and streams. Notice how from one congregation new ones emerge in the communities and cities.

48. It is my Spirit that has sent you to different regions to take the message of spirituality. Why do some individuals separate themselves from the principles of spirituality that I have shown them? Although I have taught them to practice deeds of love and charity without expecting anything in return, they are using their spiritual gifts for monetary gain even though they received their gifts without cost. Do you not recall that from the first lessons which you heard, I told you to be alert and pray, for temptation would threaten you along your path? Recall and remember that I also told you that I have much more to give you than what you request so that you will prepare yourself to receive things that are righteous from me.

49. Be aware that in the book of your destiny I have designated the day and the hour when the doors of the hereafter will open allowing your spirit to enter. Once you have entered, you will see all of your work on earth and all of your past. You should not want, at that time, to hear complaints and accusations against you stating that you are responsible for their troubles.

50. The spirit feels great sorrow and pain when, after having arrived to that mansion of light and peace, it hears the cries of its victims! If you do not wish to experience that traumatic moment, begin now to prepare the fields which I have entrusted to you, sowing in them the seed of my teaching in its pure form. Do not consider yourselves incapable of fulfilling deeds that are worthy of me. Do not abandon your work when it is half finished, thus forgetting your mission and once again yielding to the temptations of the world.

51. Hurry to listen to my word; remember that the day approaches when you will no longer hear me in this form. You no longer need for the prophets to appear before you, as they did in the past, when they called upon you to repent and threatened you with the justice of God if you ignored their warning. Today I want you to be the prophets who will awaken humanity and communicate this divine message to it. I will perform miracles on your path and give you weapons of truth with which to fight, for others will battle against you.

52. I will straighten out many crooked paths using the righteousness of my good disciples. The spiritual presence of the people of God, called "Israel" on earth, will be felt among humanity, and many will come to understand that what had been interpreted in material form had an elevated spiritual meaning.

53. If in order to fulfill a restitution, the spiritual beings which form this multitude were scattered throughout the world and spiritual valley. Now, united by my love and with the light of the Holy Spirit illuminating their path of evolution, they will gather along their path all who are hungry for freedom, peace, truth, justice, love, and redemption.

54. Truly I say to you that the family of God is infinite and that all of you belong to it spiritually; therefore, this multitude could not limit itself to a nation or a race. The people of Israel, called the people of God by the prophets and patriarchs of the first times, is a symbol of the universal family. It is a people formed by beings who were wisely chosen according to my plans, which I have used as an instrument to bring my lessons to humanity, like a book opened before men, a book that speaks of spiritual and material evolution, of divine revelations, of prophecies, of human interpretations, of the rights and wrongs of this people, of splendor and downfall, of liberty and slavery, of light and darkness. This people will no longer have a promised land in the world; its mission is to seek the lost and the weak, to show them the path in the desert that will lead them to the new Jerusalem, the spiritual city where you will dwell eternally with your Master.

55. The chosen 144,000 have the mission of devotedly guarding the law, of encouraging those on the journey, and defending the faith. They will be soldiers of peace, teachers of my wisdom, physicians of all illnesses, prophets, and will offer comfort to their brethren.

56. The generations of this time have observed great events. Without knowing it, you are going through a great battle which is not only waged in your fields or nations in war but also in many other areas. The true battle is in the spiritual where your eyes are unable to perceive; it is in the human mind and heart, in men of science and religions, and in all human institutions. That is because a new era has arrived, an era in which the Seventh Seal must be opened, and justice and light will triumph among all spiritual beings. First, I will have to send enlightened spirits to the earth who will lead humanity like a child to reach its salvation.

57. Pray and be aware of how Elijah travels spiritually throughout the world, shedding light on darkened paths, redeeming those who have been lost, unifying those who are stained, awakening those who sleep in ignorance, and putting everything in order, for this is his time. Do not fear him; love him, for he has come as a Shepherd to lead you to the Father, to the heavenly sheepfold that awaits you.

58. My word and all its prophecies will be fulfilled.

59. In the Second Era you nailed my hands to the timber, the same ones that healed the sick and caressed the young and the old. Today, I have freed my right hand but not to reject the cross on which you have crucified me. No, my beloved children, today, I lovingly extend it to give you my blessing.

My Peace be with you!


Teaching 54

1. Blessed are those who leave their material benefits to hear me.

2. Those who have taken advantage of my lessons have become strong. When they find themselves surprised by an ordeal, they have meditated and prayed, instead of becoming desperate. During those moments they feel divinely inspired by a ray of light that illuminates the path of their spiritual evolution.

3. Truly I say to you that whoever knows how to prepare and strengthen himself, utilizing my divine law, can go forth through storms or across fire. Once again I say to those who have faithfully triumphed over the ordeals which they have confronted: Do not fall spiritually asleep because other ordeals will arrive and you will need to be prepared. There many individuals who at the end of a great trial, when the journey is close to its end, have been close to falling under the weight of the cross; but in those moments I have spoken to them encouraging them to reach the end which is near.

4. If you believe that the trials of life occur by chance, it will be difficult for you to become spiritually strong. However, if you understand the true meaning of restitution, justice, and atonement, then your faith will help you to evolve spiritually and to develop patience so that you will triumph over your ordeals.

5. I am pleased to test your spirits in different ways because I am forming, molding, and perfecting them. Therefore, I use everything and everyone in that process. I use the righteous as well as the wicked as instruments; I use those who are enlightened as well as those who lack enlightenment as my servants. That is why I say to you that when you find yourselves in a difficult situation, think of me, of your Divine Master, who will lovingly explain the reason for that ordeal.

6. There are chalices from which everyone must drink, some later, some before, so that everyone comes to understand and love me. Misery, illness, slander, and dishonor are very bitter chalices from which many individuals must drink, not only sinners. Remember that in the Second Era Jesus, the most righteous of all human beings, drank the most bitter chalice of which you can conceive. The obedience, the humility, and the love with which one drinks the chalice of pain will lighten the cross and shorten the trial.

7. The world is a school for spirits; your body is only an instrument. On earth you ascend the different steps of the ladder of spiritual perfection through which spirits elevate themselves to reach me.

They ascend that ladder through their merits on earth, through their determination to reach the Father, and by the love they have shed on their brothers. The one who does not travel that path of struggle will not only not know who his Creator is but will not even know himself.

8. Whoever denies his destiny is rejecting the title of Child of my Divinity; if he does not believe in my existence, he can not have faith in my love.

9. If life has been excessively bitter and painful for some individuals, be aware that this existence is not the only one. Although your life on earth appears to be long, in reality it is not. I am the only one who knows the destiny of each of my children.

10. I have not told you that you must obey this word. I have only told you: Seek the truth; search for love; pursue peace; and if you find this in my teaching which you now hear, then remain. But if you do not find it here, continue to seek elsewhere.

11. I am manifesting myself before each one of you, sometimes through your hearts and at other times in your spirits.

12. Hearing my voice of forgiveness, those who were dead to the life of grace will resurrect and arise from their spiritual confusion to fulfill my law which says, Love one another. Forgiveness comes from love, and if forgiveness does not exist, there will be no repentance nor good works; therefore, there will be no redemption.

13. Many of those who are spiritually dead must wander throughout the world awaiting physical death to arrive before my presence. They will then hear the voice of the Lord that will caress them and help them to arise to the true life! What hope for salvation could they have had on earth if they believed that their sins were unforgivable and that they would be eternally lost, even though they felt that they could truly repent and make restitution for their sins?

14. Spiritual beings who had lost all hope for salvation have arrived before my presence, as well as other beings who have been sentenced to death on earth by men of science. I, who posses life, have saved those beings from their physical death. There are individuals on earth to whom I have entrusted the spiritual and physical well-being of all people. What are those individuals doing? Are they simply ignoring the high destiny that the Lord has entrusted to them to fulfill? Must I, who sent them with a message of health and life to earth, continually receive their victims?

15. Now that you come to lay your sorrow before me and ask me for strength, I say to you, Trust in me and you will be comforted. Not everyone is hearing my word as you do, but all spirits are endowed with my strength and my light. You are the ones who weaken and allow yourselves to be overcome by trials.

16. Only I, your Father, hear and understand your hearts. You have not yet found true love among one another. I also ask you not to seek images or symbols to grant you relief. Learn to pray with the spirit; awaken the sensitive fibers of your beings in order to feel my presence and enjoy my love. Do not feel that you are a stranger in the presence of your Father. Have you, perhaps, separated so far from me that you no longer recognize me?

17. I observe in this time that men are accustomed to an unvirtuous life, to low passions that are present everywhere, and that from a very early age children lose their innocence and eat from forbidden fruits. Humanity has walked toward the path of evil and proceeds to weaken and descend from generation to generation. That is why I have come again to manifest myself among you.

18. Pray and understand my word. Do not pray only for yourself but also for your brothers. Pray for those who you know and those who you do not know, including those on earth and those in the spiritually valley.

19. You do not know the spiritual poverty in which humanity lives today. It is necessary for this multitude to intercede and battle on behalf of humanity so that all beings will become spiritually enlightened.

20. Cleanse those who have become stained; make them aware of their spiritual gifts and lead them as small children, bringing them to me. You will find many who are ill along your path and who will not be cured by science. On the other hand, you will find among yourselves the manner in which to heal them. You will heal them with your love and with your good influence. Also, encourage them to renew their lives and inform them of my doctrine. Thus, they will discover that spiritual peace is the true healing balsam. They will then come to realize that healing occurs when one fulfills his duties on earth and learns to love his brethren.

21. I do not want my children to miss the opportunity of becoming saved. If the great sinners seek me with humility and repentance, I will forgive their faults and offer them the opportunity to amend their lives. I am summoning those who greatly sin to help them attain salvation.

22. I have inspired the hearts of young men and women to form new generations, for which I am purifying them. If they know how to fulfill the mission which I have entrusted to them with their children, and if they prepare and lead those spirits along the path of righteousness, I will communicate with them. And you will support those new generations and they will continue with this work.

23. Preserve the divine charity which I leave among you. In a short time there will be those who wish to keep my work from advancing, but there will be others who, having requested my help, will receive a miracle, and although not being my disciples they will offer testimony of me and will say, The Lord has healed me. Others will say, I had lost what was dearest to me and He has returned it.

24. Do not wish to defend my work with false testimonies, neither lie at any time, for I have not taught you to lie. My deeds are always clear, and if you know how to interpret them, you will find in them my love and charity for all of humanity.

25. When you hear foolish words, be silent just as Jesus was silent before the pharisees. But do not fear if your clothes are torn into shreds; I will defend you and dignify you in the presence of your brothers. This humanity that judges you will know that you have not mistaken the path but that you have come closer to me. Be careful of your deeds and fear only the Eternal Judge that always watches you.

26. With humility and spirituality you will tell your brethren that you have heard me, and many of those individuals will be converted. If your brethren fail to understand your words, be silent and forgive them. If you attain harmony between your physical body and your spirit and fulfill my law, you will achieve grace for all of humanity.

27. Remember, my blessed people, that I have told you in all houses of prayer that the times of pain, of trial, and of justice for humanity is approaching. These events will help to purify humanity. I also announce to you that after that time there will be joy on earth.

28. You have heard these messages for years. They are lessons with which I prepare you as my disciples, so that tomorrow you might know how to shed light in the lives of your brothers, those who are on earth as well as those in the spiritual valley, to guide them toward the righteous path. My will is that your good example becomes a seed for future generations. May the revelations that I have given you strengthen your spirits in my wisdom and also help you to become more virtuous by removing all evil which has been a part of your being for so long. Nevertheless, with sadness I tell you that you do not feel my word, that you are spiritually asleep with regard to these manifestations and that your deeds do not offer testimony of my teaching.

29. I have wanted you to all form one single heart, one single will, but I see that you persist in not being united.

30. I have told you that I manifest myself in all of your houses of prayer as one God who loves you all in the same way. Nevertheless, some among this multitude continue to deny that others possess the truth and gifts. How can you believe that you honor my doctrine in that way?

31. You should seek to please and serve me not only with the attitudes that you maintain in these houses of prayer but with all your deeds in life. Up to now you have not followed my spiritual law nor the material law and you continue to be the small children who do not want to grow. Do you not want Christ, the one who said, I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life, to continue to guide you? Do you not want love to save you, to make you strong, serene, and firm so that during the times of difficulties and trials it might lift you and protect you?

32. Be aware that I have given you the knowledge to dominate the elements of nature , a knowledge which surpasses all human science, but you have not known how to respond like meek sheep to my voice. Do you assume that with your disobedience those elements will obey you like submissive servants?

33. Do you see why it is necessary that you listen to my teachings and truly analyze them, feel them, and practice them? I have told you to be alert and pray so that pain does not surprise you, but you have not wanted to be alert or pray. When you have endured ordeals, you have believed that I have punished you or abandoned you. It is only then that you remember to pray, to ask me not to leave you. O people, if you only understood that I do not abandon you and that you are the ones who forget me! You should know that there is not one single second in which I am not giving you something and that, on the other hand, you often live an entire lifetime without giving me anything.

34. I am giving you these lessons to let you know that I am always with you, that I hear everything, that I know everything, so that you do not reject my gifts nor feel alone and sad in your ordeals.

35. Many of you on earth behave like ungrateful children who ignore the advice of their parents. You foolishly follow the uncertain paths of life, but later, having stumbled a great deal and becoming disillusioned, you weep and repent. Then you say, "Oh, if I had only listened to my parents, I would not have known so much pain nor departed so far from the path!"

36. Sometimes it is already too late when they recognize their error. They find themselves surprised by death, which does not permit them to return to their parent's home, and fall on their knees before those whose authority they had rejected.

37. Those who depart in that manner experience great sorrow because they are unable to go weeping to their parents asking for forgiveness and to hear their parents offering them words of forgiveness.

38. At times when you think about these trials, you say, How is it possible for God in his perfect justice to not allow that individual, who has truly repented and recognized his mistake, to experience that moment of happiness? And I answer that it is not the body that should receive that grace but the spirit, for whom there will always be time to cleanse those stains as well as to harvest the fruit of its repentance.

39. In order for your spirits not to become lost during their difficult journey on earth, they have been endowed with a superior light, which is a conscience. Furthermore, the world has always been illuminated with the light of my doctrine and my revelations, from the first days of your existence on earth to eternity.

40. I have always enlightened you, so that when your spirits depart from earth to return to the spiritual valley they can live in elevated mansions.

41. My beloved people, whom I have utilized as instruments for my manifestation in this period, spiritualize yourselves so that when you come to be true interpreters of my word, you may do so with your thoughts, your lives, and your words. Be aware that you will need to set examples so that humanity will believe in me.

42. Who among you will be the great spirits who will lead the multitudes toward true spirituality? Spirituality, which means elevation, must manifest itself through the mind and feelings in order for humanity to attain salvation.

43. Disciples, great deeds require individuals with elevated minds and pure hearts; develop your spiritual gifts and be great. Why do I ask unity of you, my people? Because I know that, due to a lack of brotherhood among men, a destructive war is approaching. Therefore, I want you to be vigilant, forming a nation of peace, an army of soldiers at the service of goodness. If you rise up to fulfill this mission, carry me into your hearts, for without me you will not be able to accomplish nothing. Who am I? Christ. And who is Christ? The love of God. For the reason I say, Take me with you and you will not die; rather you will triumph over all difficulties and will conquer eternity.

44. Do not forget that only those who are humble will manifest divine powers; those powers will never manifest themselves in order to flatter human vanities.

45. It is true that many continue to stain their spirits, but do not judge them, for they do not know what they do. I will also save those individuals. It does not matter that they have now forgotten me or replaced me with false gods that they have created in the world. I will also take them to my kingdom, even if they have presently forgotten about the gentle Christ who offered his life to teach humanity his doctrine of love; those individuals have forgotten about Christ because they are now following false prophets.

46. To the Father no one is evil; no one can be evil because all beings were born from me. I granted my children the gift of free will, thus many of them have chosen to be rebellious, violent, blind, and commit mistakes. However, all of them will become spiritually enlightened, and my charity will guide them along the path of salvation.

47. Today the power of the material body and the influence of the world have made you selfish. But the material body is not eternal, neither is the world nor its influence. I am the patient judge whose justice reigns over life and time. Do not judge those who deny me, for I will find you guiltier than I find them.

48. Did I ever lift my voice to judge my executioners? Did I not bless them with love and humility? If only you knew that many of those who were temporarily lost in the world because of that fault are purified in spirit today!

49. Be aware of how my word comes to guide and lead you. I give it to you because I love and seek all of you. Do not wait for the ordeals to surprise you when you are spiritually asleep and confused because then you will experience great suffering. You still do not know my plan of salvation; therefore, you simply must trust and obey me.

50. Do you see how humble my word is, how insignificant are the servants through whom I transmit my voice, and how poor is the environment where I manifest myself? Do not be surprised to know that in this era this doctrine will be the one to rule and guide the destiny of all humanity.

51. I have manifested my divine thoughts through human spokesmen. They have translated my thoughts into human words and phrases to create a spiritual doctrine filled with revelations and perfect teachings.

52. This is the promised Comforter, this is that Spirit of Truth that was announced as coming to tell you everything. The preparation is about to begin; the time is coming when you will need guidance from those who are spiritually strong; those beings with noble and simple hearts will use their wisdom and charity to guide you.

53. The multitudes need those who know how to be strong during ordeals, those who are accustomed to the great battles of the world and of the spirit. They are the ones who will be able to guide and lead humanity, for in their hearts there will be no desire to control or dominate anyone. There will be no selfishness in their hearts, for when they elevate themselves to communicate with the Lord they will feel his charity and love, so that they might offer that same charity to their brothers.

54. If you do not unite, you will not know how to reply to humanity. If you do not unite, you will not know how to defend yourselves from their attacks. The battle will soon come, and it is necessary for you to prepare and protect yourself by strengthening your faith and becoming spiritually enlightened. By then you will know how to forgive those who offend you, knowing that those wounds are caused by your brothers through sheer ignorance.

55. When the battle comes, I want you to respond to the offenses of your brothers with your forgiveness and your love.

56. Take your cross also, or do you perhaps believe that the cross of Christ is not heavy? The missions of those who follow me will not be small nor easy; the easy deeds are for those who are weak in spirit, for hearts empty of love.

57. There is no time left to waste because the time approaches in which the strong will arise from among this multitude. They will arise to prepare the paths that will guide you to attain peace and serenity, thus enabling you to feel my spirit more closely.

58. Among the multitudes I see those who, happy to experience and understand my inspiration, prepare for that battle. They know that only truth, spirituality, and love can be the weapons used to triumph.

59. Come to me. Answer the loving call made by your Father so that you may distance yourself from the dark paths of pain or ignorance and be filled with my peace and my light. Thus, you may do the same for your fellow beings.

60. I have not only come to give you duties and responsibilities; I have also come to dry your tears and listen to your grievances.

61. Today, you seek your Savior, and I come to help you with the cross. But before you complete your journey in this world, you will have taken the good news to all regions.

62. Man does not live by bread alone, and this world is spiritually hungry. Therefore, you can offer your brothers this nourishment which I have given you.

63. My doctrine is the path which teaches you to live in peace on earth, and which will bring you close to the Father when you live in spirit. Where is the brotherhood I have taught men? It does not exist on earth because from the beginning you have allowed the weeds to grow among the wheat; a lack of love and disharmony flourishes among men; they have not recognized one another as brothers in God, but nevertheless, they claim to recognize me and even love me.

64. There are lords and servants, judges and criminals, executioners and victims, and all are brothers. The commotion caused by my word in this period will be great because it will come as a judge among all spirits.

65. Be alert and pray, disciples, so that you will feel my presence, for if you are spiritually asleep, your spirit will suffer greatly when you awaken. Listen to my word so that nothing surprises you, and when the paths are prepared and different countries open their doors, you will be ready to fulfill your mission. Then you will be ready to offer words of nourishment and life to those who anxiously seek them. Likewise, the multitudes who are suffering and who pass by your front door should always find it open.

66. It is no longer the time for you to continue to participate in the pleasures of the world. It is time for you to live with all of your senses and powers fully awakened; you need to be attentive to everything which is said to you and all things that surround you. The time that you have to remain on earth is very short, and you must take advantage of the remaining moments that you have. To those who prepare themselves, nothing will go by unnoticed, whether they are human events, signs in nature, or spiritual manifestations. The one who is prepared will perceive great wonders so that he can explain, teach, and foretell events to those individuals who do not see, nor feel, nor understand.

67. Beloved people, be aware what great joy a spirit will experience knowing that it served as a guide, counselor, or helper to its brothers during its journey on earth. This is your mission: be strong, righteous, and obedient to my law in order to serve as a guiding light to your fellow beings.

68. When will this humanity become similar to an immense flower whose petals are your hearts and whose fragrance is your love for me?

69. When you observe the things that are happening on earth during this time of hardship, in which human ambitions and hatred are being fully manifested, you will think these words that I say to you are no more than a divine dream. But I warn you that if I accepted the cross you offered me in the Second Era, and now have come to you in a cloud, it is because I know that the seed of my love will triumph over human imperfection. Why do you doubt that I can save you? Do you believe that Christ has uselessly shed his blood on Calvary and that he taught you nothing? Do you believe my new manifestation has no purpose? Truly I say to you, God can not make mistakes, nor can he fail in his mission of love.

70. You observe that human perversity is very great, and the power of evil practiced by men seems terrible to you. Nevertheless, I say to you that those things are very weak when compared to the power of my justice and when placed before my Divinity which is master of all destiny, life, death, and all of creation.

71. Men have made a hell out of this blessed and generous earth, for they have taken all of the forces and elements which I surrounded them for life and used them to cause death. In spite of that, I can tell you that whoever repents and, understanding his error, dedicates himself to repairing it will soon come to the spiritual doors of the true paradise; there the Angel of the Lord will lay down his sword and have him pass into the eternal mansion of peace where the love of the Father will give him the reward promised to all men of good will.

My Peace be with you!


Teaching 55

1. The light of the Holy Spirit surrounds all spirits.

2. Blessed are you who are willing to obey my mandates, for you will always feel helped by me. But I also say to you, Do not silence the voice of your conscience when it points out your errors. Listen to it, for it is my voice. If you wish to please me, once you have corrected your faults, elevate your spirit in prayer, and you will always find me awaiting you to give you peace.

3. As you develop a greater awareness of my forgiveness, dedicate yourselves more to the fulfillment of your duties. Never abuse that forgiveness.

4. All who arise with the commitment of elevating themselves spiritually by fulfilling the divine law along my path will find themselves surrounded by great multitudes that will follow them. And should I place you before a multitude of individuals, do not view yourself as their master and lord. Observe that even the kings of this time have stepped down from their thrones to become servants of their people, for an era of equality and brotherhood approaches for men. Remember that when I called you, you answered with humility and told me that you would be submissive and take your cross with love to follow the footsteps with which I marked the path of your spiritual evolution in the Second Era.

5. If you prepare yourself, the great trials which approach humanity, as well as the hurricane winds, will feel like a light breeze that comes to caress you. Then the light of a new dawn will shine, and the sun will offer its gifts. But if you are not vigilant, and allow hypocrisy to develop in your hearts, and cover yourselves with sheepskin although you are like a hungry wolf, then you will find stumbling blocks, and the thorns on the path will hurt your feet.

6. Woe unto you if your evil tendencies are stronger than the virtues possessed by your spirit or if my teaching does not bear fruit! If you do not meditate or analyze my word, believing you are doing my will, my light will awaken you. And when you know all truth, you will remember that I have sent you to the world to do good works.

7. Even if you wished to flee from your destiny, you could not do it. As often as you depart from the path, my charity will continue to return you to it. My law is written in each spirit and you must obey it.

8. I have observed your dissatisfaction with the leaders of nations because you have not understood that they are instruments that I use to subdue and reform the people. You have not known how to unite in thought to help those whom I appointed to lead nations. You object and cause disharmony while I have advised unity and obedience to my will. Love one another, and may your prayers prepare and help them spiritually.

9. Become unified, Israel, and hear me. I am going to submit you to great trials, and I do not want to see you weep. Pray for those who do not know how to pray and for those who feel weak. No one should rejoice when others experience failure; for you do not know if you will all go through the same trials, and if you will also weaken when you endure those ordeals.

10. Reject temptation, for this is the period when that force will attempt to multiply its harvest. Only prayer and good deeds will help you reject all temptation.

11. On seeing your lack of unity, many doctrines will ask you to become unified. I want you all to be united in me and to practice the same form of worship that I have taught you.

12. To help you attain spiritual elevation, I have prepared the best place for my children because I want to bring you close to me and give you my peace. Let whoever feels tired come to me and he will have rest and strength.

13. Disciples, be charitable to those who disregard the law, to those who have rebelled, for they are the beings who need your help and your charity the most. Why does man sin, if he is aware of righteousness and knows that he can only attain happiness by practicing virtuous deeds? Because he does not hear the voice of his conscience, and the shepherds have allowed their sheep to scatter along different roads. The word of those shepherds no longer transmits any divine essence nor does it have the power to bring the sheep back to the sheepfold. Where are my disciples, successors of those apostles of the Second Era?

14. To you who are now my young followers I say, Do not call yourselves pastors or priests; allow me to guide humanity for I am its Father, its Judge, its best friend and counselor. Limit yourselves to being messengers of the good news and witnesses of my manifestation. Once humanity is able to communicate with my Spirit through its spiritual gifts, it will proceed with a firm step along its path of evolution, and I will inspire it to practice deeds according to my law. This will occur after the period of restitution in which you are now living.

15. If you had not failed to fulfill my law, you would not have had to follow the strict law of restitution and would have proceeded in your evolution. Truly I say to you that if you, who are charged with taking this message to your brothers, do not fulfill that mission, you will be judged by humanity and will experience that harsh judgement which lacks compassion and love.

16. When I have given you an ordeal to help you elevate spiritually, I have accompanied you so that you do not weaken. And when you have accepted my will, taking advantage of that lesson, you have felt closer to me. Then you have thanked me and I have given you my peace.

17. I have asked humanity to unite and return to spirituality and the simple life, for I want spirits to unite into one faith, recognizing and loving me. The different doctrines will disappear, and only my law and my word will prevail.

18. I have always manifested my love to you, but you have not understood me. Do you not know that when I give you a new responsibility to fulfill, it is so that you will attain salvation? I have chosen you because I love you and want you to be my disciples; you must practice humility and meekness in each of your deeds to truly call yourself my disciple.

19. This is the period in which you will harvest all that you have sown. But if in this period you sow again to gather your harvest later, take the good seed and cultivate it, for I am still giving you time to sow.

20. Be aware that it is I who have followed you, more than you have followed me, throughout the eras. I have done that to inform you of your mission and to teach you to obey my law so that your spirit will not separate from my path. Thus, as your spirit follows my path it will summon the multitudes similar to a bell.

21. Your spirit has had to endure many ordeals to become meek and humble and to truly dedicate yourself to follow the path of the law! Yesterday, you would curse whenever you encountered an ordeal along your path. Today, when you feel that you are enduring a hard lesson in life, you pray. That is because your spirit is becoming spiritually enlightened.

22. When I say to you that "you and they are the same", I want you to realize that you have been spiritually evolving through your reincarnations on earth. From the moment in which the Father said to you, Grow and multiply, to the present time, your evolution has not stopped for one moment. But how slowly you have walked!

23. You have multiplied, and by doing so you have obeyed that divine mandate. But soon it became necessary to give you a new commandment so that you would practice deeds which were worthy of God and, therefore, I said to you, Love one another. In the Second Era, I brought you that phrase as a summary of all the law, and I continue to wait for it to produce fruits in your hearts. Now I have come with new lessons and new revelations; nevertheless, I have not come to eliminate that divine mandate which tells you to love one another nor the other which tells you to multiply.

24. Yes, humanity, you need to grow in virtues and wisdom, and to multiply through spirituality. Love one another without regard to race, class, beliefs, and worlds.

25. I want to see the wheat grow in the fields where so many bad weeds have been produced and where evil has greatly multiplied. The day of justice has come, and the fire of war burns and destroys the bad seed from which even ashes will not be left, for the winds will scatter them, and then the waters and the snows will wash and purify humanity. When pain becomes very intense among men, they will raise altars to me, burn incense, and say they love me. But I will tell them that that is not the way to please my Spirit, and although they believe they love the Lord, in reality, they are more afraid of his justice and death. Men need to understand that the only incense that reaches me is the incense produced by your deeds of love and charity for one another, which are inspired by the love of your Father.

26. I ask those who are hearing this word to rise up imitating me and to follow the path of love that I traced for you in the Second Era. Thus, when this manifestation ceases you will know how to gather the multitudes in these houses of prayer and retain them with the truth and the essence of your words and examples. Not only will you know how to offer my teaching in these places but also wherever it is needed. Do not forget that I have told you that in the desert, on the road, on the sea, and in the valleys you will be surprised by ordeals and also by my inspiration.

27. To fulfill this mission I want this people that I have brought together to listen to my teaching to be the one to honor my law and offer testimony of its Master through deeds and examples. May there be peace in your homes so that family members are not against one another, so there are no quarrels between brothers, nor disharmony between parents and children. When you begin to live in peace, and your homes are no longer a battlefield, you will witness that wars will begin to disappear on earth, for whoever feels peace in his heart will take it wherever he goes. Think of your children and be aware that you have not known how to inscribe my law in their hearts through your deeds and that those are the new generations destined to spiritually enlighten humanity.

28. Their spirits are great, but be aware that when they are young they need your support and your guidance. Begin to fulfill that mission with those young individuals; be understanding and patient. Learn from me, the one who knows how to wait for centuries, millenniums, or eternity for the evolution and perfection of the spirit. You are all similar to a diamond in your origin, one which must be polished carefully to give forth beautiful rays. Do you, perhaps, believe that you are unworthy of being compared to the diamond?

29. Flowers are one of the most beautiful and marvelous creations that I have put on this earth; they bring you joy and inspiration, and they create a pleasing atmosphere. Truly I say to you that you are more perfect and beautiful than the flowers.

30. If you already possessed the spirituality that you should attain, you would know the language of everything created, and I would speak to you through that language. Then you would not demand that your Father come in material form before you, as he did in the Second Era when he bled on the cross, or give my divine word in this time through the lips of impure men. But it is necessary that you know your Father, and that is why I have never hidden from you or refused to come among you in spite of your sins. If men have always created false gods, even when I have shown myself to them, what would happen if I were not to appear to you because of my dislike for your sins?

31. O disciples who rejoice on hearing me and say, Master, we regret that there is not enough freedom to allow us to speak directly to our brethren about your word. But I say to you, Do not fear your brothers. Of what are you ashamed? Wait; wait a few moments, for humanity will soon overcome the barriers and obstacles that it has created with its fanaticism and ignorance. Those barriers and obstacles have prevented humanity from discovering the truth, which it has only known superficially.

32. Nourish yourself with the spiritual nourishment which I offer you today and you will feel my peace; do not allow anything to take away the peace that I have given you.

33. I call you disciples of the Third Era because you have made a new pact with my Divinity.

34. I have given you new lands where the tribes of Israel will multiply; but on discovering that you are part of my people, do not become vain, for if you analyze your mission you will realize that you have a great responsibility.

35. I have returned among you and I ask you, Will you once again crucify your Lord? Do you believe that the blood I shed in the Second Era was not enough?

36. Behold that your spirit is now carrying a cross of restitution, and it has been given many fields to cultivate. Furthermore, it will only sow my seed. The harvest which you gather in this period will be the key that will open the door to your salvation.

37. I have come to exchange the weight of your sins for the tender weight of my cross so that you might rest from the sin that has overburdened you for centuries.

38. May your lips only glorify my name and never speak disrespectfully of me. The gift of speech that I have given you is not designed to stain the honor of your fellow beings.

39. . Now that you know that I have called you to become my beloved disciples, and you know you are going to hear my word, allow your conscience to examine you daily.

40. Do not practice penance in a wrongful manner; do not deprive your body of what it needs. On the other hand, avoid those things which might harm your body even if it requires a sacrifice on your behalf. That type of penance benefits your spirit and also pleases the Father.

41. You are slowly learning to elevate your thoughts to the infinite without needing images portrayed on canvas or created by your minds. Little by little the obstacles that your spirit always encountered when it attempted to pray are beginning to disappear. Now it is following the true path that will enable it to communicate spiritually with the Lord.

42. Do not forget that in order for you to feel true peace and deep satisfaction when you pray, you must first cleanse your heart before you begin to pray to the Lord.

43. Tomorrow, you will see great multitudes following you. It is necessary that they discover a lighted path that is illuminated by your good deeds to guide them to the truth.

44. You must offer testimony that you are the people that the Lord sent on a pilgrimage to earth to shed spiritual enlightenment among humanity. The wisdom emitted by your spirit will be the light of the Sixth Seal unleashed in this period.

45. If you love me, you can fulfill my commandments; if you love me, you will know how to love your brothers.

46. Some individuals tell me: Lord, if we are listening to your word, is it not because we love you? And I say to you, Few are the ones that come to hear me out of love; the majority who come to hear me are consumed with pain and suffering.

47. I am not criticizing the fact that pain has brought you to my presence. Once that pain has completed its mission, it will depart;that pain will have prepared those individuals who will later be my disciples.

48. You can not say that I have never felt human pain and consequently do not understand you. That is why I became man and suffered, to give you an example with each trial and in each crisis. If I now ask you to shed light and good examples on the path through which your children will journey, it is because I, in Jesus, was always an obedient child to his Father. I know and feel your suffering and am not far from you, simply because I am in the spirit. Truly I say to you that my manifestation in the Third Era is the best proof that I love and understand you.

49. In your moments of tranquility meditate on my word. Understand that I am the peace that descends when the ordeals arrive. Preserve this peace in spite of all trials and do not allow it to flee from your hearts and return to me.

50. Do not rebel when there is illness in your homes, for they purify the spirit. Nevertheless, I do not prevent you from seeking a cure. I only ask you to seek me as a divine doctor and lovingly accept what I choose to grant you.

51. There are many who have returned to my path only because of life's sufferings. Some cursed while experiencing pain, but when they realized that the pain helped to detain them on their path of destruction, they blessed their bitter hardship. I allow these individuals to sit at my table and to savor the Lamb which has been converted into a delicious feast of love and charity.

52. Truly I say to you that if men were to do the same with those who have been ungrateful to them, great peace would exist among humanity!

53. Live in peace; that will be the best testimony you can give that you are my disciples. Do not forget that many individuals are always observing you to confirm or disprove the truth of what you practice.

54. Be my faithful soldiers; never be the cause for your brothers to reject me. Each time that I have given you my teaching through human spokesmen, there has always been at least one individual present who has come to scrutinize my work. During those moments, my words, my entire manifestation, and the deeds of my servants have been analyzed. Those individuals have used all of their senses and abilities to scrutinize my manifestation. There have being more individuals hoping that this manifestation is false than there are individuals truly hoping that this manifestation is true. Who would be able to tell them that while they observe and judge everything, my eyes penetrate into their hearts, and my voice is calling them through their conscience? That is the instant when many who doubted this manifestation have developed faith and others, who already had faith, have developed a much stronger faith. This is how the number of my disciples have increased among this multitude. I am asking those disciples to treasure my peace so that it might become their greatest treasure, for that will be the greatest testimony that they can offer of my doctrine to all the nations on earth.

55. I want you to understand that this multitude of people has a high destiny to fulfill, and that each one of you has a delicate mission. This multitude will be a fountain of peace and of love where men of other races will come to drink. That time is not far, but you must first become weary of fighting so much among brothers, and you must also become aware of all the falsehood and lies which humanity has come to worship. Then humanity will come to me and find that Christ, the one who died on the cross, lives and comes filled with the same glory and majesty that he had when he ascended in the Second Era.

56. Today, you feel that the atmosphere is not favorable for speaking of my doctrine, but the day approaches when you will not become weary speaking about my doctrine although pain, poverty, anguish, and confusion will want to take away all that I have given you.

57. I prepare you and teach you from this day so that you will know how to transmit my teaching with your words and deeds, for humanity is already tired of lies. Create an obedient family; unite your thoughts, your intentions, and your destinies with a bond of spirituality, thus, you will attain strength and immortality.

58. Great trials await humanity. Be vigilant and pray through each catastrophe and every pain; much pain will be diminished and some of it will never arrive at all, for it will be detained by those who pray.

59. When other religions and sects observe that the multitudes are hurrying to follow this nation of people, there will be some from those religions who will arise and persecute you. Do not be afraid, for if you know how to remain tranquil, the Holy Spirit will place words upon your lips that will silence those who insult you.

60. I do not leave you the murderous sword with which to defend yourselves; I leave you the sword of love. Each one of its rays of light will be a virtue which emerges from it.

61. You will greatly please the Father if you are able to convert those multitudes, who are persecuting my work, with your words and deeds of love!

62. This is the lesson that I gave you in the Second Era which you had already forgotten.

63. The human mind will suffer confusion trying to understand the Marian Trinitarian Spiritualist teaching because the human being who is highly materialistic is unable to comprehend those things that are spiritual.

64. I have come to manifest myself to humanity one more time to make man understand that he can spiritually elevate himself to reach me. I come to teach you the way to elevate your spirits through prayer. If you pray and live a virtuous life, you will be able to feel my presence and be near me. Only the individual who follows my law truly knows that I am present within man and that it is not a metaphor.

65. You who hear me, do not keep yourselves from learning these spiritual teachings. Do not allow your spiritual understanding and love to become stagnant nor allow your noble and sensitive heart to become indifferent and cold while hearing my word. You have already tried the pleasures that the world offers; you have already tasted their sweetness; now come nourish yourself with the fruit of the tree that I have cultivated. But once you have satisfied your hunger, be careful not to return to those paths that you previously followed. Be aware that it is not right for you to stain those gifts that you have received through my divine charity.

66. Hear my word which eliminates all darkness and enlightens every spirit so that in the future you can journey through the righteous path. Thus, you will be able to recognize those things that are forbidden and attain enough strength to resist temptations. Whoever has received this teaching can not call himself ignorant. Disciples, today that I am still giving you these teachings, listen to me and comprehend those things that I am telling you.

67. Whoever has been a servant in the world will not be surprised when I command him to do certain things. Whoever has acted as a master and lord needs to forget his vanity and become my servant. Then you will become aware of the tender manner Jesus used to order his disciples.

68. If you use your free will to follow your conscience and my law, you will feel you have attained true freedom and not feel like a slave.

69. Now that bad weeds are growing throughout the world, I come to tell you to prepare yourself to become my worker in order to sow my seed of peace. Each of those whom I have chosen in this period can ask himself if before hearing this word, he was not purified and prepared through painful experiences, a pain that often involved individuals who were most dearest to him.

70. Develop faith and persuasion by my teachings. Do not become weary of listening to my word nor take this manifestation for granted. Be alert, for I do not want to surprise you sleeping on the day of my departure. Today, you are witnessing the end of this year and the arrival of a new year, but you continue to receive my word. However, after the year 1950, you will no longer hear me in this form. By then I want you to become strong and fully nourished with my teaching.

71. Study my work through all of my spokesmen, and do not discriminate among them. Be aware that I descend upon each of them and speak the truth through each spokesman. Do you want the year 1950 to come without you having taken advantage of my presence nor having learned my teachings and lessons? Are you waiting for the world, which does not believe in my manifestation as the Holy Spirit, to hurl itself upon you, and finding you weak, cast you out? Do you wish the governments of the earth, on finding disharmony and confusion among you, to dictate laws that will detain you along your path? I say to the present generations that you would greatly weep, if you contributed to the fulfillment of these prophecies! You would experience great hardship and sorrow during your present existence on earth, and you would leave behind many thorns on the path of those who will later follow this same path. Arise, filled with love and hope; I still have much to reveal and confide to you.

72. If you undergo a trial, do not doubt. Be watchful so that you can see how the Divine Master frees from you from all evil at each crisis, and you will feel your spirit developing its abilities and gaining strength. Be aware that no one is immune to pain; that those who have loved me the most and followed me the closest are those who have felt their hearts bleeding the most. Let whoever wishes to follow me take his cross. Why have many ceased to follow my path? Because the love they thought they felt was not real love.

73. Spiritualize yourselves. Run away from those things that are useless and insignificant. No longer seek the vanities of the world. Also, do not seek spiritual virtues as a simple decoration for your spirits in order to be admired. Beautify your spirits with the virtues that I have taught you in my lessons of love.

74. I await you at the top of the mountain where I will give you your reward. Do not look back to observe the tracks from your past. Continue to journey forward with serenity without feeling the thorns, thorns which you yourselves have sown, and reach the peak of your perfection where my light shines. When you are there at last, you will bless my law of love.

My Peace be with you!
