Three Great Divine Revelations

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Overview and Comparison

(Revelations of Swedenborg)

(Revelations of Lorber)

Mexican Revelations

The Divine Love

The Third Testament

The Book of True Life

The Divine Tenderness

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The Divine Tenderness

The Message of Mary, the Universal Mother

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Chapter 1

Chapter 7

Chapter 2

Chapter 8

Chapter 3

Chapter 9

Chapter 4

Chapter 10

Chapter 5

Chapter 11

Chapter 6

Chapter 12



Who is Mary?

Mary is the Spirit who is so fused with the Divinity that it forms one of Its aspects, as the three forms of revelation represent them: the Father, the Word and the Light of the Holy Spirit. In this sense, Mary is the Spirit of God who reveals and embodies the divine care. (352,76)

The numbers in brackets refer to the teaching and verse number from the 12-volume work "The Book of True Life", where further words about Mary can be found in various teachings.

A very good insight into the life and meaning of the universal Mother Mary can be read in the compendium "The Third Testament" in Chapter 20 — Mary, the maternal love of God. They are original excerpts — thematically arranged and with headlines — from the above-mentioned work "The Book of True Life".

The most tender love of God for his creatures has no shape. Nevertheless, in the Second Era she took on the shape of a woman in Mary, the Mother of Jesus (171,69)

Mary went through the world and concealed her divine being; she knew who she was and who her Son was, but instead of boasting of that grace, she declared herself a servant of the Most High, an instrument of the Lord's counsel. (8,46)

Understand that Mary has always existed, because her essence, her love, her tenderness has always been in the Divinity. (171,70)

The following messages from Mary reflect her own words as a living testimony of her life at the side of Jesus — from the proclamation, birth, childhood and youth to his crucifixion.

In chapter 5, Mary gives a message for women and for the family in this day and age. She emphasizes that our home will be a place of refuge on earth in the midst of adversity and calls us to return to a simple, healthy and pure life, to pray again and to practice virtue.

In Chapter 12, Mary addresses the mothers of this world — the happy, the sad, the unmarried. For all, she has uplifting and comforting words, as only tender-feeling motherly love can have — an aspect of God's universal love.

Mary embodied purity, obedience, faith, tenderness and humility. Each of these virtues is a rung of the ladder on which I (Jesus )came down to the world to become man in the womb of that holy and pure woman (320,70)

The ladder on which I came down to you to become man and to dwell with my children is the same as that which I offer you so that you rise up to me on it by transforming yourselves from men into light-spirits. (320,72)


Chapter 1

1. The spirit of Mary is with you.

The True Presence of Mary, the Mother

2. My invisible presence, felt by those who have known how to prepare themselves spiritually, is true. I am pleased to visit my Marian people, so that they may feel my presence close to their hearts, so that they may listen to my motherly voice with the love and confidence with which the child usually listens to the stories his mother tells him.

Mary, the Maiden of Nazareth

3. Hearken: At that time, hidden among the mountains of Galilee, there was a village called Nazareth, formed of humble houses in which tranquility, simplicity and peace reigned. There, ignored and silent, while waiting for her mission, a maiden lived there who was the treasure of her parents.

4. They called me Mary, which means Lady, and from childhood I knew that my destiny in the world was to serve the Father as the humblest of his maidservants. During my childhood I spent many hours devoted to prayer and meditation, in sweet ecstasy that gave strength to my heart as a woman to resist the difficulties that awaited me. But also, like all children, I knew about children's games, because I have always loved childhood.

Mary's Maternal Tenderness

5. How many times my heart was touched by the innocence of the little ones who sought my company, in order to enjoy the tenderness that my heart kept for them. They were the same creatures that after a while, in an afternoon of infinite bitterness for Me, would hear the Divine Master consecrate Me to the feet of the cross, as the spiritual Mother of Humanity.

6. The knowledge of God and of the superior things that the Lord revealed to me enabled me to prepare many hearts, letting them know that the time of the promised Savior was approaching; but no phrase came from my lips that would reveal that I was chosen among all women so that the incarnation of the Word would be consummated in Me. I was to wait for the moment when the voice of the Father, through the lips of Jesus, would reveal to men my true essence.

Mary's Prayer on Silent Nights of Nazareth

7. On the silent nights of Nazareth, I prayed for mankind. And how much pain seized my heart by the sick of body and spirit. How he suffered for the lonely hearts that were hungry and thirsty for love! My prayers were also raised for all those who endured a cross of ingratitude or injustice.

8. I sensed in the depths of my being the pain that would pierce my mother's heart on Calvary.

Home, Temple where the Spirit Dwells. Jose, the Noble Old Man

9. O Nazareth, flower of Galilee, you were my little earthly homeland! There, humble as all your women, I knew of the human labors, to which I gave myself with love and joy, submissive and obedient, recognizing that the home is a temple where the spirit of the Lord dwells.

10. But another temple awaited me as I became a maiden, and it was the one I would come to to give myself to the service of God, where my Spirit and my flesh would be prepared and strengthened in prayer and in the practice of the Law. From that temple I would one day go out to join in marriage with Joseph, the noble old man who would be my companion on Earth for a short time.

The Annunciation

11. One night, uplifted by prayer, I was conversing with the Most High, when the Angel of the Lord came to me to announce that I would shortly conceive the only begotten Son of the Father. I absorbed the celestial apparition, but without surprise for what the Angel had just announced to myself, since my Spirit knew the mission that I had brought to the world. However, my heart as a woman and as a virgin wife, was overwhelmed by so much grace given to a humble creature, and I prayed to give thanks.

12. Out of my eyes flowed a torrent of tears of happiness, of sorrow also, and I said to the Father: Lord, my Spirit rejoices in You, my Savior, because you have done great things, because you are all-powerful and your name is holy.

13. The months passed and the day when the words of the spiritual messenger were to be fulfilled, and I prepared the humble room where my beloved Jesus, the fruit of my womb, was to be born.

The Grotto of Bethlehem

14. But God had arranged everything in another form, for having had to go out together with Joseph to Bethlehem of Judah, obeying a command of Caesar, the child was to be born far from Nazareth.

15. The journey was painful and long for those who were about to become mothers, and futile in the search for a place to rest in Bethlehem. No door was opened at my call; but the Lord had prepared all things, for there on the outskirts of the city, a grotto where humble shepherds and their flocks used to take refuge, was the place chosen by God for my beloved Son, the promised Messiah, to be born.

The Birth of the Promised Messiah

16. My children: Truly, I say to you, there are no words in your language that can express what my eyes contemplated in the instant when the Word, made man, was born in the light of the world and rested in my lap. A radiant light illuminated that Being who, when he opened his eyes, wrapped me in a smile of infinite love.

The Manger

17. What great joy my Mother's heart invaded then! But there was so much loneliness and poverty around us that I was distressed. I would have wanted to cover that little body in gowns, knowing that He was King, but I could only tuck him in with my kisses of love, give him the best of the beds and only offered him a manger for crib.

18. An august silence enveloped that blessed night, without the lords of the Earth or the kings of the world sleeping in lethargy and darkness, feeling that the Son of God had arrived among men.

19. The shepherds of Bethlehem, with a simple and humble heart, were the ones who felt the sweet steps of the newcomer in the depths of their being.

20. In the middle of the night, the Angel of the Lord appeared to them and said, "Fear not, for I come to announce to you a very great joy for this people, for today it is born in the city of David, the Saviour, the Christ, the Messiah you expected; and the sign is that you will find him lying in the manger of a stable. That's the Messiah.

Glory be to God in the Highest and Peace on Earth to Men
of Good Will

21. At once the sky was illuminated with a radiant light and an army of angels intoned with a sweet voice: "Glory be to God on high in Heaven and peace on earth to men of good will."

22. Absorbed, enraptured, they received the divine message announced centuries ago by the prophets of the Lord.

23. When the vision had passed, the shepherds, with their hearts full of happiness, went in search of relatives and friends to communicate the good news to them. Then the light of the Lord led their footsteps into the grotto, where the Son of God rested in the straw of a manger.

Adoration of the Humble Shepherds

24. A picture of humility and light was offered in the eyes of the shepherds. That child, whom they worshiped on bended knees, was the God-Man who came into the world to show the way of salvation from the yoke of sin to mankind.

25. O my Father, who in all times have sought simple hearts to reveal to them your high designs, knowing that the wise and the mighty know not and deny you!

The Shepherds of the Third Era

26. You, laborers of my beloved people, who come to hear your Lord, are the simple hearts that my Father seeks in this time, so that you may bring to your brethren the news of his new advent.

27. Men, women, elders and children who in these instants hear the voice of your Heavenly Mother, you are the humble hearts who have known how to listen in this time the voice of the Angel of the Lord announcing the spiritual presence of the Divine Master. I bless your submission to that call of love and I compare you with the shepherds of that time, because you were not shocked to find it in the most complete humility, alien to the pomp of the world. And by the faith that you show before these revelations, the Lord wants to rest on the bed that you have prepared for him in your hearts.

The Loving Mantle of Mary

28. I receive the gifts of love that you offer Me, converting them into peace for all the peoples of the Earth, a caress for childhood and a strength for men who struggle for life. I wrap my mantle of love for women and I wipe away the tears of mothers, wives, widows or abandoned women, who drink their cup of bitterness drop by drop.

29. Humanity: I love you infinitely. I do not reproach anyone who does not recognize Me as a Mother, because I do not only love those who love Me or believe in Me. You are all mine and you will all come to the presence of the Father, where you will see me with my loving arms waiting for you, to make you feel the warmth of my lap from which you will never again turn away.

30. O blessed childhood, beloved orphanage, youth who walk in disorientation and without direction, bear my light! Maidens and young men: Be strong before the storms of life so that you do not lose your fragrance. Blessed childhood: receive my caress and my gifts.

31. Lonely hearts, hungry for love and thirsty for tenderness and understanding: I announce to you that soon you will find the desired treasure.

32 For this I leave a torch of faith in your existence of life.

33. Hands that anoint the sick and relieve sorrows and pains, even when in your heart you carry a wound, I bless you and give you my balm so that you may continue your journey without fainting. Hands that caress children, I bless you.

34. I cover you with my mantle of peace.


Chapter 2

1. Again I am among you to manifest my tenderness and bring you the remembrance of my beloved Son.

2. Welcome you, disciples of the Master, I greet you in the name of my Son who entrusted me on the cross to be your guide and I bless you in the name of the Holy Spirit.

Mary, Intermediary and Advocate

3. My joy is great among you. You call me an intermediary and an advocate, and I do. The Lord receives your works and prayers through my Spirit and through me sends you gifts of charity and love.

4. I do not come to give you a doctrine, I only wish to make you feel my warmth, comfort you and give you courage in your path of life.

5. Whenever the Master gives you his word, I am present, as at that time, when it was given me to be near Jesus when he taught the multitudes.

Mary, Companion of Humanity's Journey

6. Nothing that happens to you goes unnoticed to Me. I'm your traveling companion, your advisor and confidant. There is joy in Me when I see you happy and I weep when you suffer.

7. I want you in the heavenly Kingdom, that is why in my word I come to tell you to follow in the footsteps of Jesus: that those who are far from Him, may come with love, trust and faith.

8. I love the new apostles of the Master and keep watch them not to fall into temptation.

9. Behold, the Lord has not come to ask you for sacrifices or superhuman efforts, only a little humility, simplicity and good will.

10. I want to see you united so that you may enjoy an ineffable peace. Can you imagine my pain when I see you living without harmony? Do you know of my sadness when I find the people engaged in fratricidal wars? This is the same humanity that the Redeemer entrusted to me at the hour of his departure, when he said to me:"Woman, behold your son."

11. Therefore I, as your Mother, ask you to struggle to fraternize with all of us, that you do not cease to pray for the peace of humanity.

Mary Helps the Spirit to Seek Elevation

12. If you feel weak to pray, seek Me and I will make your heart feel tender before the pain of men and I will help you to elevate yourselves to offer the Father your noblest and highest thoughts.

13. I entrust you, disciples of the Lord, so that your works may always be of spirituality and limpidity, and that you may sow charity on the path of the needy, as one of the most beautiful teachings of the Divine Master.

14. I will always be ready to protect you, separating the thorns from the path and helping you in the performance of your mission.

15. This peace and simplicity with which you have received me, always preserve them.

The Priceless Treasure of Peace

16. Let nothing take away from you the priceless treasure of peace.

17. My beloved ones, do not think that when I cease to give you my words, I will leave you. Be confident that my Mother Spirit, like your shadow, will follow you everywhere.


Chapter 3

The Son, Like the Father

1. The Lord has given you the spiritual attributes that make you like Him: wisdom and love, strength and righteousness.

2. Everyone who manifests these faculties represents and honors Him, from the humblest to the most strenuous of his disciples.

3. You, who have been guided by the light of this teaching, love Him and recognize Him, without asking Him to diminish your purification or change the path that He has pointed out to you, because He is wise and just in his determinations and in his laws of love.

4. Happy are you who at birth bring the knowledge of the Divine Law, because otherwise you ignore your mission; you would not be able to penetrate in the sense of life nor would you know where you came from and where you are going. But the light and the gifts that you possess speak to you of your origin and teach you to apply them for your own benefit and that of your brothers.

5. Learn to purify yourselves without despair. The silent, secret prayer in your heart, the conformity with your destiny and the desire to serve others to honor your heavenly Father, will make you worthy to dwell near Him. This is what the Lord wants from you. He wishes you strong in good, as soldiers faithful to his laws, defenders of every noble cause.

Sowers of the Divine Seed

6. Convert yourselves into sowers of the divine seed and do not let it grow among thorns, among weeds: beware of it so that it may multiply in the fields thirsty for love.

7. You have been called because you have yet to travel a stretch of the way.

8. If you encounter obstacles, overcome them, and this will bring you closer and closer to Him who is all perfection.

9. Your longing must be to love Him, to fulfill his will and to love one another.

Give Before You Ask

10. Pray with gentleness and do not ask for yourself, because you do not know what you deserve, what suits you or what is really needed. Let the will of the One who loves you be fulfilled with infinite tenderness and only wants your good, and before you think of your own needs, present that of your brothers. Before you ask, give, for you have received much. Be tireless in shedding light, even as the Master pours out his teaching, that you may merit more.

11. My word is of love and also of rebuke. I speak to you in this way because you are older, as disciples of the divine word. I advise you with the loving severity with which the elder son is spoken, who is to be the guide and example of his brothers. If you practice this teaching, you will have a precious experience in the end, because you will have taken advantage of the grace that the Master has brought you in this time.

Mary, Inspiration for Women.

12. I, your Mother, come to inspire the women so that they may not neglect their mission, their great destiny, and know how to be a beacon and guide for humanity.

13. All the spirits who have been sent with a message to this world have had to endure great battles to triumph in trials. Their merits are legitimate, their efforts are true.

The Luminous Footprint of the Disciples of the Second Era

14. Do you believe that the beings who have left a trace of light on Earth did not have to struggle with themselves in order to overcome the weakness of the flesh? Faced with this fragility, the spirit had to increase its strength in order not to weaken in combat. The greater their height, the greater their trials, but also their knowledge and elevation.

15. These beings have not been saints in principle, as you might suppose; they knew how to forge themselves, inspired by divine love until they were able to rise above human misery. The sufferings were the nails and the cross in which they remained pending in imitation of their Master.

16. I say to you that the Work of Jesus was not understood even by his closest disciples, because the Master's love and his humility, his obedience and compliance with the Father's designs, touched perfection.

Grow in Merit

17. You, grow in merits, so that you may become great spirits, of whom the Father will use them to carry out his Restorative Work in this world. And when you have overcome every weakness and know the spiritual life, you will be in perfect communion with the Spirit.

18. I have come to encourage you, looking with joy at your spiritual growth as I have seen you carry your cross with love. But if you should ever feel that your weight is overwhelming you, remember that now the Master is your Cyrenean. He carries upon Himself the weight of human imperfections like a cross immensely greater than that which He carried on his shoulders on the road to Calvary.

19. The sowing of the Master must be fruitful. His love, as fertile seed, will spread day by day throughout the world, while you, who are holders of it, will be bringing the good news of Christ's spiritual coming to the world at this time.


Chapter 4

The Exemplary Life of Jesus on Earth

1. Mary, your Mother, is going to tell you about how Jesus was on earth.

2. He was humble, all love, understanding and charity; his gaze was sweet, his hands soft. He was like a lily. His voice caressed and his word illuminated like a star. He was like a balm, like a dove's lullaby. He always spoke of the Kingdom of his Father, of beautiful and good things, and men and children listened to him transported to a higher world.

The Joy of Having Been the Mother of Jesus

3. His protection was that of a loving shepherd, and his teaching was that of the best of teachers. The children loved Him, rejoiced when the hand of Jesus rested on their heads, and in His face they let happiness be seen when they were looked upon by Him. How much love for men! How much love for children! When they came to Me, they said to Me, "We are looking for our friend Jesus. How many beautiful things my eyes behold! How much joy my spirit experiences in having been the mother of Jesus!

The Prodigies of the Child Jesus

4. The men beheld his wonders. As a child, an old man came to Him and said, "I know that you possess certain virtues and I come to you for help. My sowing is withered by lack of water. Jesus accompanied the old man to those fields and after raising his eyes to Heaven, he said a few words and the water fell torrentially, fertilizing everything. The old man took much harvest and said to me, "This child has a virtue which the Lord has given him, for my fields have never produced so much, nor have my barns been so full." And the Mother was happy watching the fulfillment of the Father's word and the obedience of the Son.

5. That child, later converted into a Master, spoke in parable to instruct his disciples about the laws of the Father and his perfect plan. And how many times, for speaking to those who followed him, He forgot that He had not brought a piece of bread to his lips!

Jesus Had Nothing to Learn From Men

6. The Master spoke to them about a message that he did not learn from men. He taught them as no one had ever done before, and many times the disciples who lived with Him and knew his language did not understand the meaning of his words. He was speaking to them in a spiritual sense that they sometimes did not understand.

7. After the fascination with which I looked at my Son, watching Him become a teenager as a child, my mother's heart felt the end that awaited Him at the conclusion of his mission on Earth.

8. Since childhood, He was ecstatic, admiring the things created by his Father. Sometimes He would say to me: "Mother, look at the clearness and transparency of the waters: how much beauty in the flowers that open in spring. Such is the heart of one who loves. Thus He loved humanity. An eternal song of love is within Me."

9. Jesus shone brighter than the rays of the sun, because from Him a light was coming forth that embellished his being. His gaze was not like that of men or other teachers, but penetrated hearts by enlivening them. It seemed that the light of day added to his beauty to caress everything He saw. His eyes, always serene, had a secret, profound message.

10. He spoke to me with great assurance from a very young age and said to me: "My Father spoke to me tonight and I received his message: I felt it in my heart."

11. A great beauty enveloped Him when He lifted his spirit to enter into communion with the Father. Then, when He went in search of the sad and sick, from his lips flowed phrases full of love and light. His language, simple and profound at the same time, reached all hearts.

Life Next to Jesus Was a Poem

12. My life near Jesus was a bright day; far from Him, a dark night without stars. Life next to Jesus was a poem.

13. His whole life was a lesson in spirituality, and I, the happy Mother of that Son whom Heaven had entrusted to me, accompanied Him step by step in his passage through this world. After joy there would come suffering; but the Son and the Mother would abide by the divine will.

Jesus and Magdalene

14. Magdalene, speaking to me about Jesus, said to me,"Only one ray of his gaze was enough for my thought to change. My spirit was moved to awaken from its lethargy. My heart shuddered at the feeling of spiritual love. The light of his gaze was enough to change my life.

The Conversations of Mary and Jesus

15. How many times, at the end of the evening, when He was a child Jesus, I would hold Him in my arms and converse with Him. I spoke to Him about God or about the prophets' announcements and said: "The enlightened ones have taught Him that the Son of God will come to show the way of salvation to men." Then, in order not to reveal his mission, He remained silent and seemed to sleep. I continued speaking: "We know that a prophet will come when the world sleeps spiritually and is devoted to sin, to announce the nearness of the Kingdom of Heaven," and He knew who that prophet was, but He remained inwardly engrossed in deep thoughts. At other times I would tell him about his birth, telling Him that even sages had come to Him to pay the tribute of his love, and He only smiled.

Jesus, the Son of God

16. When He lifted up his eyes to Heaven, they shone brighter than the sun itself. Many times I caught Him talking to someone I didn't see. He knew that He was the Son of God; my Mother's heart too, but little mentioned what we both knew.

17. When someone in need knocked at the door of our home asking for charity, my son received him with gentleness and said to him,"I have come to you to make you the masters of a great kingdom," and He spoke to him at length. Then that needy person forgot his poverty and went away satisfied.

18. He told me that there would come a time when the altars made by the hand of man would disappear, and that God would manifest himself in another way, that He would send rays of light upon men, and that is what He had reserved for this time, in order to raise you up with His word and thus consummate His Work.

The Divine Power of Jesus

19. Jesus had so much power that when He said to men,"Follow me," they did it, abandoning material things without thinking. Because whoever heard him couldn't live without his word anymore. It's just that his message was captivating and truly full. When He talked with me, He told me that the love of the Heavenly Father is the first and the last, that He is the beginning and the end of every creature; that which proceeds from Him will return.

20. He never rested, because He said that He should take advantage of the time to give men what was theirs: the divine message. That is why, when He sensed how much was waiting for him, his eyes full of tenderness seemed to hide that secret. I knew by prophecy that the Son of God would be sacrificed.

The Prayer of Jesus

21. When He was praying, He seemed to be transported to other regions, and then, when He returned from his ecstasy, He said to me: "Mother, I will soon depart, because there are missions that my Father has entrusted to Me and I will fulfill them. Humanity calls Me, needs Me and I must go to them, to give what the Father has commanded Me. I have come to restore, to redeem."

The Crucifixion

22. Jesus, so sweet, so tender, who loved humanity so much, one day was crucified by them. When they took Him to Calvary, I asked: What has He done to men but to give them the fragrance of his exquisite heart? And when his body was placed in my arms, there was nowhere to put a finger on it. How to touch his wounds, when his whole body was a sore?

23. His hands, which caressed so much, were pierced. His feet, which traveled the roads in unceasing sowing of love, were also pierced, everything was wounded. His enemies had finished his work; but in his heart they sensed that Jesus had been righteous. Some of them felt in Him the presence of the Messiah. Jesus knew everything, yet He had no reproach for them. He loved all tenderly, even Judas, who gave Him up.

Mary at the Foot of the Cross

24. His last glance was very sad. Mother, "He said to me, behold, your son," He referred to John, his disciple. I loved John and took him from that hour on as my son, for he had in his virtue a likeness to Jesus; he was a staff in my old age.

25. When the voice of Jesus ceased, I could not with all my love close his wounds.

26. Oh, my Son, the truth of the Father is hidden in you: I remember you as a child, I admire you as a Word and I love you as Envoy! Those who heard you as a man in the Second Era and today hear you as a Spirit will always remember you!

There is a Lack of Prudence on Earth. The Light That Does
Never Extinguish

27. My Beloved: You were a constant surrender to your children by consecrating your life to the poor, to the sick, to sinners. Your lips, speaking of love, closed because of human incomprehension. Your thirst was for love and they could not quench it. There is a lack of prudence on Earth, because man rejects divine enlightenment. The virtues are gradually extinguished and only seek the false light that human science gives. And you come to tell them about the light that never dies out.

28. My breath, cause of my happiness and pain! I bless your children, your disciples, and as their mother, I will continue to instruct them.

29. I bless the human race and may my charity be with the mothers who are on the way of flowers and thorns. I wish you never to hear the cry of a mob calling for your son to die. Can you imagine what happened in Mary's heart in those hours of infinite pain? May you never know these things, oh, mothers! because if you had to endure this ordeal, you wouldn't resist it.


Chapter 5

The Spiritual Manifestation of Mary in the Third Era

1. I now come among clouds, in spirit. If at that time the Eternal ordered my womb to be the sanctuary where the Word took flesh to become man, now I offer to the world my maternal lap, in which he will be safe.

Message for the Women

2. Women who weep for the path of life: your prayers are flowers that you water with tears to offer me. Do you not feel my hand caressing you, drying up your tears and turning off the thorns from your path?

3. Mothers: How do you remember me when you see your children suffering, how you seek Me when they cause you pain!

4. Wives: When your cup of honey turns into a cup of bitterness, you also seek my company, and there, in the corner of your bedroom, witness of your confidences, you say to me: Mother, who better than You to understand my pain and extend your hand over my home? Yes, little ones, no one like me to understand you. Speak to me with the spirit, you need not open your lips.

Message for the Families

5. Families: Although you do not feel my presence in your home, I visit you and bless your table and your dream; my Spirit is recreated when it sees righteousness in the father and virtue in the mother. I suck in the fragrance of virgins and I rejoice with the innocence of children, because in all this I see the Work of the Lord. Can you imagine my pain when instead of finding peace, virtue and order, I only see men who suffer or lack the Law of the Father, mothers who weep, abandoned wives and children without warmth, without love and without bread?

6. I well know that at the end of the road you will rise from this valley of tears to inhabit the perfect home, but while your pilgrimage lasts, my eyes will not cease to weep over men: tears of piety, but also of life and intercession.

7. You have heard Jesus say unto you, He will save many through you. He wants to form a people strong through fraternity, where man is all dignity and zeal within his spiritual and human duties; where woman is the depository of all virtues; where the institution of marriage shines; a people in which your heart enjoys warmth, light, peace and love, as a reflection of the spiritual life.

Home, a Refuge in the Midst of Tribulations

8. Soon will come the time of the struggle announced by the Lord, but in the midst of the tribulations your home will continue to be a refuge on Earth.

9. I will cover you with my mantle, and I will go always before you.

10. I give my love to nations at war, where innocent blood is shed, where life is torn from men and desolation, mourning and misery is scattered. It is my voice that is holding back the spirit of war that has seized nations and peoples.

The Virtues of a Simple Life.

11. Return to a simple, helthy and pure life; pray again and practice virtue; when you live in this way, you will find lost peace and you will never regret having turned away from the false glow of life that you now know.

12. Beloved children, my word is the heavenly counsel with which I come to give proof of my presence among you.

13. Pray and watch with me, I long for feeling your spiritual companionship.


Chapter 6

1. My maternal voice caresses you. Follow in my footsteps, come into my footprint and you will reach the spiritual bosom of your Father.

The Love of Mary and the Divine Master, One Being

2. I stood by the Master's side from his birth as a man until he died on the cross. His love and mine, united, form a single Being who watches over you. Be with me and you will be with Him, like John, the beloved disciple who accompanied the Mother to the foot of the cross, where he took a last glance and His last word from the Master. Come with me and I will bring you closer to the presence of the Lord so that you too may receive his precious gifts.

3. I ask nothing for me, but for you. My joy is that there may be joy and peace in your spirit.

In the Second Era the Heavenly Tenderness Took Shape in the Creature of Mary

4. The Father sent me at that time to Earth to bring you the essence of His heavenly tenderness; He granted my Spirit to incarnate in a creature full of grace as Mary was, to deliver my maternal message through Him. The heart of the woman in whom I took human form, always subject to the will of the Lord, never wavered before the trials for which she had to go through.

5. Jesus was the fruit that the Father placed in me to take on human form; the Incarnate Word who was to pass from my womb to the world, to give himself in love for humanity.

6. As great was my joy as a woman, for having conceived and lulled Him into my arms, so also was my pain when I received him in my lap, when his mission in this world was consummated.

7. After a short time, having fulfilled his mission, my Spirit united with his in eternity, from where I always keep watch over all creatures, on which I have spread my mantle of love.

8. I bless those who seek me, those who believe in my existence and have faith in my protection, in my charity and intercession. In the same way I bless those who deny my existence, I forgive those who blaspheme against me and I enlighten those who have a confused idea of me.

Mother's Forgiveness

9. I tell you these things so that you may learn to forgive those who do not recognize me. Yes, forgive them and don't take into account that they don't love me or deny me. You will see how in the great trials, my presence will be with them, illuminating them, offering them protection and support in the instant of danger, when their lips involuntarily exclaim anguished: "Mother, protect me!"

10. Those hearts will feel me and they will never forget that in the moments of affliction it was enough to invoke the Mother, so that she could be present.

11. Pray to the Lord, but begin with me that I may help you in your elevation. Trust everything to me, put your burden of tribulations and labors on me and you will be saved.


Chapter 7

1. Behold your Spiritual Mother. You have called me and I have made you feel my warmth and my peace.

2. You have borne the sufferings of life and in spite of them you remain faithful to my love.

3. I am with all of you, no one I exclude from my protection, but those who seek me see their path without stumbling, for the light of faith illuminates their path.

Where the Father's Presence is, there is the Presence of the Mother

4. Where the Lord's presence is, there am I, for I am in Him. His Spirit and Mine are one.

5. Jesus and Mary passed through the world together, as in this time of spiritual manifestations. Next to the Spirit of the Master, there is the Mother's Spirit; and just as on Earth, from the village of Nazareth I covered Humanity with the mantle of my prayers and I went to help and console the poor, today I make you feel my spiritual presence as a mantle that descends from the infinite to protect you in your walk.

6. My motherly Spirit has always been in the Father. Jesus consecrated me in his agony as the spiritual Mother of Humanity. In John, the disciple, I loved you and welcomed you into my lap; since then humanity feels my presence and knows that I exist.

7. At that time I gave the disciples of Jesus phrases of encouragement. Now I come to tell you to receive in your heart the lessons of Christ and be faithful to them to the end.

8. The Law and Doctrine is given to you by the Lord, I alone give you advice; but I am also confidant, intercessor, nurse and friend. Tell me your sorrows, entrust your desires to me, tell me your defects and faults. I will strengthen you, comfort you and lead you, holding your hand, on the right path.


Chapter 8

1. I bless you and prepare you to receive my words as fertile dew. Do not fail in your faith, do not be discouraged. If a great sorrow afflicts your spirit, accept your cup of bitterness, which will always bring you a benefit. How many times has pain saved you from great danger or solved a problem in your life!

Do Not Fear Pain

2. Everything has been arranged by the Father who direct and governs destiny. So do not fear pain, receive it with love, just as you receive joy or peace.

3. Pray and meditate, that you may walk confidently and safely. I do not want you to seek the fictitious pleasures, confusing them with true spiritual enjoyment. Know the value of each other so that you can take what is beneficial to you.

4. Do not do that which causes you remorse or distress. Forge noble thoughts and harbor pure feelings so that you do not stain your existence.

The Example for Generations to Come.

5. Who will set an example at this time to be known by the generations to come? Will it be a few or the people as a whole who make their presence and strength felt? I tell you that these times are propitious to work and the struggle for spiritual upliftment. At every step you will find the opportunity to practice the Doctrine of love and you will be able to attend the same way the request of a being who inhabits this Earth, as the request of one who lives in the spiritual world. Love them all equally, for in spirit there is no difference.

To Take from this Life how much Good it Contains

6. Take from this life all that is good in it, for it has been created by the Father for the recreation and perfection of his children.

7. Be virtuous men and women of high sentiment. Love, bless your fellowmen. May love extend beyond that which you feel for your parents, children, wife or brothers. There are many helpless beings without affection or shelter, who deserve to be loved too.

Protection of the Orphans

8. How many men and women have empty hearts, because they are left alone in the world. They no longer give love because their loved ones left Earth, but have they not thought of the children without parents, whom they could protect as if they were flesh of their flesh? Take these creatures as spiritual children and watch over them, for their innocence is worthy of respect. How many spirits of great upliftment hide in them! They are beings who have not been cultivated in the bosom of a home, but who sense a great destiny. Do not feel only pity for them, elevate them from that level in which they live. Love them like your children! Anyone can become the father of these beings and give them tenderness, caress and comfort in their existence.

9. Hear my Mother's voice and feel the strength that my presence gives you.


Chapter 9

The Garden of the Spirits

1. I have come to cultivate the garden which your spirits form: my care will not permit it to wither. When you bear the fruits of love, you will nourish those who now feel far from the source of life.

2. For you, who have prepared yourselves to hear the concert that the Lord has come to give you, the coming generations, as well as the present world, will attain grace.

3. Take the Master's teachings and let his essence nourish you; penetrate into his word and comprehend its meaning, so that later you will form the purpose of practicing, obeying and honoring this Doctrine.

4. Remain in grace, recognizing that the Lord comes in all his splendor, so that you may look at him as his disciples saw him in the Transfiguration on Mount Tabor.

Elijah is the One Who Has Prepared the Course

5. Everything has been arranged by the Father so that humanity may attain spirituality. The way has been paved by Elijah, the forerunner spirit, lest you stumble. Everything is propitious for you to mature and give fulfillment to the laws that were given to you from the beginning of time.

6. Oh. women who listen to me, pray and your tribulations will become peace!

7. Unite yourselves with Mary, with the desire to love and protect humanity. I bless you and sow peace on your way!


Chapter 10

1. Men and women who form the new people of the Lord: I am the Mother who comes to you to comfort you and to give you strength in the vicissitudes of life.

Nostalgia for the Spiritual Homeland. The Great City

2. My children: You are already beginning to feel nostalgia for your spiritual homeland, after searching in vain for the perfect peace on this earth. You carry the cross of pain and wonder why you have not yet reached the Promised Land. I tell you that the hour when you see the first lights of the Great City appear is not far off. For now you have the message of your Master, who comes to teach you to recover the gifts that form your inheritance, so that you may return to Him, after having put his lessons into practice.

The Times Have Come to an End. Everything Will Be Judged

3. All of creation has been arranged with warnings and signs to awaken men and women to spirituality. The times have come to an end and the Lord comes to his people to ask it for an account of the missions He has entrusted to it, for everything will be judged according to what was prophesied.

4. All things are arranged wisely by the Lord. The innumerable trials that you go through are scales that bring you closer to Him. It is true that you carry a cross on your shoulders, but think that everything obeys just and irrevocable laws and you must be willing to pay your debt, with obedience and love.

5. Rise up to the spiritual struggle. Enter into the human heart and you will discover that not all men are insensitive, many have known how to bear their sorrows with resignation, blessing their Lord and humbly receiving suffering as well as joy.

The Pain of Others

6. Feel the pain of others, pour out the balm that heals and pacifies the heart. That balm is the spiritual light, the truth revealed in the Master's teachings and in the counsels of your Mother.

7. Fill yourselves with hope, for the Lord has come to save you. Learn from Him, and when you feel that you are his disciples, take the paths, follow his footsteps and you will find the Way, the Truth and the Life.


Chapter 11

1. My blessing be upon you.

2. You prepare yourselves to receive the maternal word and I descend filled with love to listen to the voice of your heart and to console you in your tribulations.

3. You are already in the Third Era and the light of the Divine Spirit shines upon each one of you; you have read in the Great Book of Teaching and tasted the sweetest fruits of the Father's love. There are still few who possess this privilege, but then will come great multitudes in search of his word. He invites you to pray and practice his teachings without imposing his Law, so that the son, by his own merits, may rise seeking his perfection.

4. My Spirit is in the Father and my will is his. What secret can there be between the Father and the Servant? I have come in the Third Era in his name to console and advise mankind.

The Marian People

5. You have been Marian and therefore this nation has been chosen. He has found grace and merit and has arranged everything to bring His teaching to you.

6. Blessed is he who knows how to open his heart and understanding to receive inspiration, for he will be filled with the Holy Spirit, his lips will speak with truth, and when the thirsty approach to ask for charity, he will have a fountain to quench his thirst for love.

7. You have risen as the humble and obedient people who waited for the revelations of this time. Everything was prophesied and you already have among you the events announced and the fulfillment of the divine promise.

Man, the Lord's Beloved Creature

8. The hour has come, and you are recreating yourselves with the gifts that the Lord has granted you in this time. He has taken your understanding and prepared it to give you his teaching; he has not used other elements to manifest himself in this time, he has used man, the beloved creature, made in his image and likeness, to speak through him and you have believed and tasted the essence of that word.

9. Beloved children, a small portion of humanity that you hear the word of the Mother, recreate yourselves in the depths of your heart and think that I have not descended to the Earth, but have invited you to the spiritual valley from where I send my word. Each one of you has risen to Me to converse with my spirit. You have opened your heart like a book and in it I have read your petitions and hopes and I grant you according to the will of the Lord.

Mary, the Servant of the Lord

10. I am the Servant, but He has granted me great gifts for humanity and these are poured out among you.

Message to the Wives. The Gift of Motherhood

11. Beloved daughters, who have come to fulfill a delicate mission, I invite you to prayer, to the practice of virtues, patience and humility. Each one of you carries a cross of sufferings, by which you will perfect yourselves. Be patient in pain and persevering in the struggle for your spiritual elevation. Do your duty as daughters, as disciples and then as companions of man. Carry out your mission as wives, cultivate the heart that is entrusted to you, watch over it and guide it on the best way and then, when you have reached the gift of motherhood, watch over your children. They, as part of you, will take whatever virtues you want them to possess; those spirits will be filled with gifts to fulfill the mission the Father entrusts to them. Some will work in silence and others will manifest themselves before multitudes; some will be prophets and other advisers and instructors; all will bring universal peace and the keys of regeneration to this world as a mission. Take care of your actions, your steps and thoughts.

12. I am the Mother who watches over the human race and all the worlds. Women: be strong before temptation and sin; reject all impure things, make your home a temple where you worship peace, love and brotherhood. Only advise the good, never give place to division. You are collaborators in the Divine Work. Arise with virtue as your banner. Always speak with prudence and inspiration and your voice will be heard.

13. Make your work grow and the gifts that are in you will not be exhausted: the more you practice, the more abundant they will be. If you do not contemplate it in this world, then, on your spiritual journey, the Master will show you the fruits of your labor and fulfillment in the world. Earth.

Message to the Boys

14. And to you, men, representatives of the Lord on earth, who bear in your heart strength, love and justice, watch over the world, pray for the weak and helpless; each one of you be an apostle of truth. Prepare yourselves so that you may later remain as preachers among humanity.

15. The world will seek you and test your gifts. Blessed be the strong, those who walk the way full of faith. The Master's lessons have not been for you alone, for you must bring them tomorrow to your brethren, to those who are waiting for the fulfillment of the prophecies. You will bring your voice to those who sleep, for the hour is approaching when humanity wakes up and knows how to interpret the events of his present life and the trials that the Lord is giving him to rise and give ear to the voice of the Master, who invites him to be his follower, his disciple.

The Acts, the Best Testimony

16. Your acts will be the best testimony; it will not always be necessary to speak, it will be enough for the needy to penetrate your home so that they will feel the beneficial influence and peace that reigns in it. Go in search of humanity that has fallen into deep abysses, that has suffered for lack of help. The strong arm of the Lord has stopped men from falling any further and from the abyss to recover what they have lost spiritually.

17. Rejoice, for the Father has looked upon you and granted you great gifts. Love with all the strength of your being. Love the Creator, serve Him and He will come to you to tell you: "Lift up your face, you are my beloved son, my disciple."

Clean the Glass Inside and Outside

18. The time of this manifestation comes to an end and many men will not be able to receive the living word: you must prepare yourselves to make this teaching known to them and bring them peace. Cleanse your heart as the vessel is cleansed inside and outside so that in the end you will receive in that vessel all the essence of these teachings.

19. Pray that you may be a beacon of light and a book open to humanity. Learn to purify yourselves and penetrate the conscience, so that you may know your faults and have repentance, and so that you may value your spiritual work.

The New Opportunity for Redemption

20. The Mother has spoken to you to tell you: I only want your salvation. Today you have a new opportunity for redemption. Seek no more abysses, do not take the Master to a new Calvary. His word has come in this time to redeem you, put all your faith in it and you will be saved.

21. I bless you and give you my peace.


Chapter 12

1. Here I am in spirit. I come to bring you the message of love that you expect from me.

Message for the Mothers

2. The hearts of mothers weep, moved by Mary's presence.

3. Welcome, mothers who experience satisfaction for having formed a family. Mothers who mourn the absence of some son, sometimes searching for him in space, in silent nights, ascending to the heights by means of thought; to another in the darkness of the abyss where you descend, calling him. You have the secret of redemption for love. You are the guide and luminous beacon for your children; you are the messengers and intermediaries between Heaven and Earth. God has put tenderness in your heart, so that you may pour it out on all those around you.

4. Happy mothers, sad mothers, I dedicate these words to you; the same goes for those who accompany the child in the bed of sorrow, for those who weep because the child suffers morally, and also for women who suffer for the child in prison. My consolation descends on all the mothers of the world.

5. In all of them there is a petition on the lips for those loved ones, a tear to manifest their sorrow for them; but their heart always filled with hope in Me, they present it to Me full of ideals, like flowers that are always being renewed. You are the promise of human redemption and the hope of a better life in this world.

6. Divine wisdom has deposited in your heart the secret of the regeneration of man, because your heart, which is the source of self-denial and tenderness, knows the most hidden fibers of the human being. This is why the father entrusted you with the mission of morally forming man, teaching him to take the first step, to babble the first word and to lift up the first prayer.

7. You are the faithful and constant companion of the son's journey. Nature sings to you in multiple manifestations.

8. How can I not listen to your supplications, if I know that, forgetting yourselves, you ask only for those who are part of your being? How can you not receive your spiritual flowers, if they are prayers, supplications and tears?

9. In the Beyond, my maternal love that fills the Universe awaits you.

10. Behold, my beloved, the mother of Jesus, who became a woman in the Second Era to manifest her tenderness, that mother who gave you her son, knowing the destiny that awaited Him in the world.

Mothers, Apostles of Good. The Real Home is the Heart

11. I am Mary, the sweet Mother who comforts you when you are sad, the one who visits you when you are alone and heals you when you are sick. You are the ones who love and understand me most, because suffering brings you closer to me. I want you to be apostles of goodness, good disciples of Christ; may the gifts of your spirit be manifested and developed. Realize that the Father gave you the gift of motherhood to teach to love. The world needs your understanding and charity. Be sweet and serve as much as you can before you leave this world, for in that way you will have made the happiness of those around you, and in your heart, which is the true home, there will always be joy and peace.

12. I want to make an apostolate of maternal love with you, for you are certainly angels whom God has placed on earth to watch over men.

13. Come to me, o mothers of the world, to heal your wounds that your own children do to you. I am also a mother and my heart receives all the pain of humanity; but I tell you that it is not pain but the prayer of the spirit, the best incense that reaches me.

14. There is a time in the life of man in which he feels happy, when he is in the prime of his life; he is healthy and possesses all that he aspires to, he is surrounded by affections and the world offers him everything. But then, when everything seems to be against him and he feels like a failure, sadness takes hold of him and he cries out for help. My Spirit, who is ready to help him, comes to his call to close his wounds, to wipe away his tears and to restore his strength and faith. There is the presence of the Mother who does not leave his side until she sees him standing again.

Motherly Love, a Divine Gift

15. Motherly love is one of the greatest gifts that Heaven has bestowed upon humans.

Message for the Mother Abandoned by the Companion

16. To the one who today suffers the abandonment of the companion of his life, I say to him:"Always wait for him, love him, even if he has forgotten you, bless him, do not hold a grudge against him. Faith is a powerful force that accomplishes what is humanly impossible, consuming what you call a miracle. If the prayers touch the stars and the heavens, how can they not touch hearts?

Message for Single Mothers

17. You, woman, who try to hide your son, thinking that it is not legitimate because it is the fruit of the deceit of which you were a victim: Do not be ashamed to be a mother, nor put that cup of bitterness on the lips of your son. Come close to me, heal your wound and console yourselves with the healthy joy of being a Mother.

18. Do not want to confuse the divine laws with human laws, because pure love, the elevated feeling, is never stained with the miseries of the world. You still do not know how to judge, nor do you know where the true sin is. Being a mother, redeems. Why are there those who are ashamed of it?

19. Who is to blame here? The one who betrays noble sentiments or the one who confidently loves? Guilty is the one who violates the laws of God, who profanes the spiritual temple and commits a crime before the altar of love.

20. Do not be afraid, woman, sorrow has purified you, your flower, which you believed to be withered, adorns my sanctuary again. The Mother says to you: sin is in the lower passions, in the vices. What weakness are you talking about? Behold, your love has redeemed you: He who betrayed you is far below and distant from you.

21. Keep shining like a star, so that you may illuminate the path of that being who has entrusted you and may overflow in him your maternal tenderness. That son will be the strength in your life, but you'll have to channel it. Suffer no more, for nothing will be able to stain the garments of your spirit.

All Children are Legitimate

22. Do you believe that those creatures whom you call illegitimate children are not legitimate children of God, and for this reason do not love them like others? Who makes these differences in the world? Men who are sinners, who condemn others who are like them. This is what Mary, your Mother, tells you.

23. As heavenly music are your prayers for humanity. May your heart be the place where the echo of my Mother's voice is heard.

Holy is the Time of Birth

24. Oh, mother women! Holy is the instant of the birth, because in it the veil of mystery is opened and God's wisdom is manifested in the power of Nature. Your eyes are clouded in that instant, the world revolves around you and the body is abandoned; while the spirit, rising, foresees the glory, which it does not penetrate. for the object of your love, the beloved son, draws you into the world; then you bless your sorrow.

25. Mary, the Servant of the Lord, blesses the instant of the birth, which is fire that purifies and dignifies, water that washes and pain that redeems. The prodigy is realized and raises the woman before the eyes of God. What mother does not feel in that trance how her heart is filled with light and beauty?

Not all Women Know How to be Mothers

26. But I know how to tell you that not all of them know how to be mothers. There are women who have not been dignified by motherhood or redeemed by pain. They are wilted flowers, unscented, lost in uncertain paths. They did not sense motherly love, but one day my words will reach their hearts and they will be moved by Mary's voice, tears of repentance overflowing. They will feel the inner peace when they come to the recognition of their mission.

27. Beloved Daughters: Be like stars, so that you may shine like your Mother in infinity. Love and pain turn you into stars that illuminate the path of humanity. Let tenderness be poured into your heart, so that its heartbeat may be that of a true mother. Take away from your face the expression of sorrow that you bear in it and convert yourselves into lyres whose notes sweeten the hearts of your children.

28. Mary tells you, that not even the ministers before the altar have attained what a mother's pleading voice, therefore, be in the universal temple of Christ, priests and apostles of her love. Love that apostolate, caress your destiny with your heart. In exchange for pain sow love: but concentrate on shedding tenderness not only on those who have been trusted to you as children, make your mantle reach many more, either by word or example, with works and prayers.

29. That love of which you have been endowed by the Father performs miracles. because to say love, that is to say God, Christ, Redeemer, Martyr, Guide, Master.

The Divine Master, an Example to be Followed by Men on Earth

30. Like the Master, they must be men on Earth: as He, must be their apostles, similar to those who accepted martyrdom for the salvation of mankind.

31. On this day, my spiritual essence has been your delicacy. I'll help you get ahead of the tests. Learn to receive according to His will. Give me your heart and you will see my maternal light shine in it. Be peaceful and simple.

32. Mothers who form this beautiful group of flowers, who are listening to me and do not dare to speak: your mind understands the figurative meaning of these phrases and your spirit reveals to you the truth that is granted to it. I am always with you, for my love there are no distances. I am the Mother, the one you seek, the one children dream of, the one men invoke, the one the elderly seek. I am Mary, the one who inspires tenderness and beauty.

The Mothers' Prayer

33. Raise your prayer in silence, so that the thoughts, expressions, tributes and graces that you give me may be transformed into lights that will then separate the darkness from the world. The union of your prayers will be the bouquet of spiritual flowers that I make present before the Lord.

34. Come and listen to the word of the Master, continue to gather yourselves to pray and drink from this source of wisdom: continue forming the strong family of this new people of Israel, so that the field that the Lord has entrusted to you may not cease to bear fruit in the wheat of love, which is bread of eternal life for the spirit.

35. Farewell, people, may the peace of your spiritual Mother be among you!
